It was a bizarre sight, like a scene out of a really bad disaster movie.
Donald Trump back in Texas again, handing out food at a Houston shelter.
And complaining that his hands were too big for his plastic gloves.
But then he had to go back, for his first visit four days ago was an absolute disaster.

He seemed to think it was more about him, than about the desperate survivors.
And when he claimed he had witnessed the destruction first hand...

It turned out he was lying...

And yesterday's trip also had its embarrassing moments.
President Trump urged onlookers at a Houston shelter to “have a good time” on Saturday — and appeared to take his own advice during a daylong Gulf Coast tour that blurred the line between bucking up a battered region and taking an early victory lap.
When he sounded more like a cheerleader than a president, and seemed to be enjoying himself too much.
“There’s a lot of love. As tough as it’s been, it’s been a wonderful thing to watch,” Mr. Trump told reporters before heading into a room where he handed out cardboard boxes with hot dogs and potato chips to residents. “I’m going to do a little bit of help over here.”
He added, “Have a good time, everybody!”
But then for Trump what should be even more embarrassing is that he won't link Harvey to climate change...

Even though as Nicholas Kristof points out, that makes absolutely no sense.
We can’t have an intelligent conversation about Harvey without also discussing climate change.
That’s awkward for a president who has tweeted climate change skepticism more than 100 times, even suggesting that climate change is a Chinese hoax, and who has announced he will pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord. Scott Pruitt, President Trump’s head of the Environmental Protection Agency, says it’s “misplaced” to talk about Harvey and climate change.
Really? To me, avoiding the topic is like a group of frogs sitting in a beaker, fretting about the growing warmth of the water but neglecting to jump out.

Not when the facts are so clear, and the trend is so obvious.
Last year was the third in a row to set a record for highest global average surface temperature, according to NASA. The 10 years of greatest loss of sea ice are all in the last decade. And poor Houston has suffered three “500-year floods” in the last three years.
But the good news is that Trump is trapped by his own words, and they will come back to haunt him.
For climate change is not going away, it can only get worse, and should Hurricane Irma slam into the U.S. so soon after Hurricane Harvey.
It will be even more embarrassing for that climate change denier, and can only make it even more obvious that he is unfit to be president.
And I think I've got that one covered...

If the American people can't destroy him.
Then Mother Nature will...
It's going to be a long 8 years Simon. And what's with him hugging and kissing all those black kids?
Hot dogs and potato chips? Is it illegal to serve nutritious food there?
the idea that man can change the planet environment is as absurd as saying a beaver can do it on a mirco scale. God has this file, he never drops anything.
Steve, God has nothing to do with it. Trump may or may not dodge Mother Mueller but he will never dodge Mother Nature.
you may have missed my sarcasm. Climate deniers always say humans can not change climate, it would be thinking they were Gods.
Please hurry, Mueller
I think Trump's presidency will last, at most, 6 months more. As the Mueller investigation pulls the noose tighter and tighter, Trump would rather resign and blame everyone else, then have the impeachment process play out. In Nixon's day, it took about a year for the Republicans to finally grow a spine before they agreed with the Democrats to begin the impeachment process.
Clearl you are thinking of those inept European beaver. We probably could blame 50% of global warming on Canadian beaver.
Tick tick tick tick
Mueller is coordinating the investigation with NY AG Schneiderman and the IRS.
Tick tick tick tick
Mueller has the original letter Trump and mini-me Stephen Miller drafted to fire Comey that was rejected by the government lawyers.
Tick tick tick tick
Manafort testifying in front of a grand jury.
Tick tick tick tick
Junior having to go in front of a congressional hearing.
Tick tick tick tick
All has been silent from Mueller's investigations. No fishing expeditions.
Obama having been cleared by Sessions' staff of bugging Trump.
The frog march is coming. Time's ticking away.
mr perfect
But then, of course ...
And now ...
What sequence in the exposure of shrouded details would be more conducive to the restoration of order in America? But maybe, with the exception of that DPRK commotion, things are more ganz in Ordnung than one would take them to be at a glance. We'll have to wait and see what Mercer and Chuck Koch can resolve (or have already resolved) to agree upon.
hi anon 9:30 am...eight years? You must be deluded. If Trump lasts another eight months I'll be really surprised. And as for kissing those black kids, all I can say is those kids should sue him...
hi lagatta...I agree, that's outrageous. Hot dogs are OK but French fries would definitely be better... ;)
hi Steve...well I must say you fooled me for a moment. I was ready to declare you a lost cause, and come to the defence of the noble beaver, but all's well that ends well...
hi David...yes, six months sounds about right. Unless Trump blows us all up first. Talk about a race against time...
hi Mr Perfect...yes, that's what I think too. Tick tock, time is running out for Trump. I would welcome his end, but I also fear it, for who knows what that fascis maniac might do when they come to take him away in handcuffs. I only hope somebody can tackle him before he reaches for the nuclear codes. This nightmare won't be over until the fat fascist sings...
hi anon...relax, we don't want to rush things. Just a few more weeks could be the difference between ten years in the Big House, and a life sentence...
The whole Russia did it, is a nothing burger. Maybe some shady biz deals, but nothing everyone in Congress does not do daily.
Trump is only going if he quits or is taken out JFK style.
Trumps comments on visit two were inappropriate, but I truly believe he just can't help himself. He sees the world from his tower, the rest of us not so much. His comments don't surprise me at all. He is always repeating the same word over and over.
Who knows whether he believes in climate change or not. He doesn't care about the changing climate. he can go live some where else. he can avoid all the nastiness of it. He doesn't comprehend.
His wealthy supporters dont' care about climate change. they only want to make money. who cares if first responders go to a fire and don't know what is in the air? they aren't part of the club. they are there to facilitate the further enrichment of those who own the chemical plants. Until people find others better suited to run their country, nothing will change.
unfortunately any one convicted by Mueller within Trump's circle will simply be pardoned by Trump. when he pardoned Arpaio he was not only pardoning him but signalling he would pardon the rest of his friends also. This is a long way from being over and that includes his presidency.
you guys ever tried cooking for a mass of people without adequate equipment. The food might not have been nutricious but running a deep fryer for French fries takes an awful lot of electricity or gas.
Steve, there may be no god up there and there may not be an up there.
hi John...I read a piece in the Washington Post that looks at the question of what to do about Trump. And after concluding that impeachment is a very long shot, and that Trump is probably not going to resign, it suggests that enough people in Congress unite in a bipartisan manner to effectively form a Congressional government. Apparently it has happened before after the death of Lincoln, and I'll take anything that works...
hi e.a.f....I have no idea whether he believes that climate change is really a hoax. I strongly suspect that his position was formed when he waged a monumental legal battle to try to prevent Scotland from building a wind turbine farm in the sea off one of his golf courses. The battle dragged on for years and in the end he lost, and since he is such a petty man I can see that influencing his position on climate change. But as I said in my post, anyone who takes on Mother Nature is cruising for a bruising....
Hi e.a.f. That is why Mueller is working with Schneiderman. Trump can't pardon convictions at state level, not even himself.
mr perfect
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