Rex Murphy has always been a grubby right-wing demagogue, and a ghastly Con if ever there was one.
For years he has recycled Con talking points, and other material dredged from the soggy margins of the right-wing swamp.
He is a shabby climate change denier, and a shameless pimp for Big Oil.
But now he has finally gone over the deep end, and shown his true colours.

The colours of a lowlife Trump supporter.
There is a kernel of real fascism and real hate in North America. And it is the antifa movement, and its organizers, who are that kernel. They deserve no respect, and less tolerance. And trying to make them heroes of a non-existent, fatuous Resistance to a democratic vote only encourages street-violence that may grow to riot and mayhem, and ultimately stimulate the very breakdown of democratic order and respect for it the mob lying professes to be defending.
Antifa is not a friend of democracy. It despises democracy, and equally despises those who believe in democracy. There’s not a spit of difference between them and the neo-Nazis — except, and it’s a big except — they have supporters outside the coven.
For that screeching diatribe by that revolting Con dwarf could only have been written with a Trump hat on his head, and fascist foam pouring out of every orifice.
And while the CBC should have fired Murphy long ago, for debasing The National by pimping or whoring for Big Oil...

Now it must dismiss him immediately for truly exceeding the bounds of decency.
For not only does the Rexecrable Murphy fail to mention who was responsible for the murderous violence in Charlottesville...

That miserable misogynist also fails to mention the name of Heather Heyer, who was killed by a right-wing extremist while peacefully protesting...

And to add insult to injury, Murphy actually makes it sound like the anti fascists are more of a threat to American and Canadian democracy than the fascists.
Which while others in the right-wing media are also playing the same beer hall tune...

The Murphy story in the National Post was only one of three attacking the Antifa, including one from Conrad Black.
As Margaret Sullivan points out, that only plays into the hands of the Nazis and their would be Fuhrer Donald Trump.

“What about the alt-left that came charging at, what you say, the alt-right?” Trump asked a few days after Charlottesville’s confrontation. “What about the fact they came charging with clubs in their hands, swinging clubs, do they have any problem? I think they do.”
Compares things that "aren’t the least bit equal, neither in scale nor in intent."
Right-wing extremists committed 74 percent of the 372 politically motivated murders recorded in the United States between 2007 and 2016. Left-wing extremists committed less than 2 percent.
And ignores what all real journalists, as opposed to fake news artists, should bear in mind:
The best thing journalists can do is to relentlessly explain the beliefs, scope and scale of antifa, and to resist conflating it with liberal groups. And most important, to challenge politically motivated efforts to create a false equivalency between antifa and the rising tide of white supremacy. There is no comparison.
For having failed to do that, and for trying to make us believe that the Nazis are less of a threat than those who oppose them, Rex Murphy has shown himself once again unfit to be on the CBC, which belongs to the Canadian people.
Who honour those who died fighting the fascists.
And for that alone he should be fired immediately...
Yes Yes and YES! Thank you Rex. A true national treasure. A REAL Canadian. What a breath of fresh air after reading a garbage article by champagne socialist Mark Kingwell in The Globe And Mail.
Rex is a real journalist, unlike that Trudeau sock sniffer Peter Mansbridge.
HI anon....trust me, even by the low standards of the right Smurphy is no hero. He lives practically across the street from me, alas. I have to walk around looking down at my feet, in case I step on him by mistake. And believe me he's a nasty little man who should be fired immediately. However, since you think so highly of him, maybe after he's fired you could put in a good word for him at The Rebel. I understand they have some vacancies...
All the ex Rebel talent should go with him.
Peter Mansbridge is a national treasure. Meanwhile, Conman Black is a convicted crook, and Rekt Murphy looks like he could be Richard Simmons' alcoholic brother. Mulroney's kid is a better journalist than both of them, and all he does is follow movie stars around. Any other hacks the National Compost might be willing to dispatch to Deplorebel Media and Ezra's sinking lifeboat?
In brighter news from the Sunny Ways department, Canada just epic trolled Trump in NAFTA by "politely" demanding that the U.S. end the Orwellian misnomer of "right-to-work" (precariously and at the whim of the Teflon C-suite) laws as a condition of negotiations. The corporate sock sniffers of the GOP support a Randroid policy that is literally Arbeit Macht Frei, and Trump is their Dumpsterfuhrer. So much for Trudeau being Chamberlain and opting for "appeasement," eh?
Happy Labo(u)r Day America! From your compassionate new found friends in what neocon Nazi patron Pat Buchanan derisively calls "Soviet Canuckistan." Nothing wrong with being anti-fascist. Can't wait until 2018 when legalized cannabis makes the KKKeebler Elf, Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Custard, have a crying baby tantrum over magic trees and munchies.
Merci, Obi-Wan Trudobi. You're our New Hope.
What is sad is that people think he is some kind of straight talking common sense guy. UGH.
I must say, Simon, I'm really disappointed in Rex. I've consistently expected better of him for years for some reason, but he never comes through.
I agree with your conclusion: he should be fired immediately.
Hmmm more like him looking down on you. If you're his neighbor, he's got a very nice place from what I hear. As an obscure blogger you wish you had the platform he had, as opposed to the echo chamber of 3 or 4 regular commenters here.
For all your effort over the years, you havn't changed the political discourse in this country in the slightest. Not a drop in the ocean. Good day.
I don't like conservatives but defunding CBC is the only thing I agree with them on. And Antifa are not my people. Wearing masks and starting shit has no place in political activism. I have a different view and approach on activism then most people. Everyone thinks it's chanting things and physically attacking people for thinking wrong. That is not how you do it.
Is that why Stephen Harper is still PM? Oh wait!
mr perfect
Anon 9:20 If you think that Murphy is a "real" Canadian, and that Mansbridge was not a Con, you must be totally out of it. Murphy only lasted that long because Mansbridge protected him. Now that he's gone it won't be long before Murphy follows him into retirement.
stand up sit down is how you do it
Antifa is nothing than a violent militia the left uses to shut down it's political opponents. You should know better Simon.
Hi anon 11:13...yes Murphy does live in a nice building, albeit a little old. It's the same building Mike Harris used to live in, so not many decent people want to live in it. I on the other hand live in a gleaming modern high rise, so I look down on Murphy. And since Murphy is such a slob, and looks so much like a wino, I doubt my security guards would let him anywhere near my place. As for my humble blog, which is my hobby, unlike the hooker Murphy who only sells himself for money, I admit it's not the National Post, thank goodness. But I guarantee it will still be here long after the Post is just a bad memory. If or should I say when the Post sinks, and the CBC fires him, what will poor Rexy do then?
Hi Steve...I don't know if you've visited The Rubble recently, but there is hardly any "talent" left. It such a sad sight, and Lezra should really reduce his subscription price before somebody accuses him of selling hot air in a paper bag, or fraud...
Hi anon...yes, I was very glad to see that Canada is asking the Trump regime to end the Orwellian "right to work" clauses. If we can improve NAFTA that would be good, but if Trump kills the deal I think we can do very well without it. We'll do business with our many friends in the U.S. and ignore Trump and his gang until they are safely in prison. All hail Obi-Wan Trudobi, and may the Force be with us !!
Hi anon...Like any good demagogue Smurphy poses as a man of the people, when in fact he is a millionaire, and is taking them all for suckers. I also question how popular he is, when nobody I know under thirty has even heard of him, and those who have thinks he's an absolute asshole....
Hi anon...maybe Rex Murphy was better years ago, I don't know. But he's definitely getting worse with every passing month, and the CBC should be ashamed of themselves for continuing to employ him. I've heard that he may not be part of the "New National" so let's keep our fingers crossed...
Hi unknown....I don't believe in defunding the CBC and I'm a strong supporter of public broadcasting, that's why I want Murphy fired. But as for the Antifa, while I don't believe in violence, they are confronting Nazis who as the story I linked to made clear, are far more violent than they are. If there were no Nazis there would be no Antifa...
Hi anon....I have criticized some Antifa for not being disciplined enough i.e. throwing chairs at police. But when they stand up to Nazis who are trying to intimidate good people, I am with them all the way...
Well, I'm just a wee bit over 30 and remember him from the CBC's Cross Country Checkup where he did a decent job. I now do not listen to or read anything Rex might produce.
Antifa beat up Nazis, this is a bad thing?
Hi jrk...that's interesting. Somebody told me once that Murphy was not so obnoxiously right wing on Cross Country Checkup. But I have never listened to that program so I've never heard him on his best behaviour. And I can't imagine that either... ;)
Hi anon...not if the Nazis are threatening or hurting people. If they're just goose stepping around or healing each other, I'd rather laugh at them. But just as long as they know that if they try to bully people, and the police don't take them down, we will....
Fire the Rex the Nazi sympathizer ASAP. And thank you everyone who supports him for outing your selves as disgusting racist, Nazi sympathizer SCUM! I hope you used your real names so when this is all over your disgusting racist positions will impede your success more than the immigrants you hate!
Take off your hoods and let us hear your hate loud and clear. Out yourselves you disgusting low life, sh** for brains racists!
-Patrick Michael Rogers
Till they turn on people like you.....your nothing but a white devil to many of them.
It's not appropriate for media to be controlled by government. That is not a free press. There's three other national broadcasters City Tv, CTV, and Global. Those three networks have created such Canadian content as Red Green Show, Murdoch Mysteries, Rookie Blue etc. And just because some group of wingnuts claim to be for liberal causes does not mean I have to like them. Every time Antifa acts up right wing schills all over the internet will naysay about how out of control "the left" is. Antifa makes the rest of us look bad and keep in mind Rebel Media still has a large audience.
and many of us would be dead under a fascist government, perhaps even you anon 9:40. It takes a special person to equate the support of fascism as equal in the fight to retain our democracy and freedoms from this evil.
I make it a rule to not watch Rex Murphy. Now I wish I had at least I could comment from an informed position.
if the antif whatevers are engaging in violence which is not provoked they are not better than the other side. Now to say one side is better than another when it comes to violence is splitting fine hair. On the other hand, if the allies hadn't fought in WW II the Nazi's would have won. If people in Germany had met Hitler's brown shirts with base ball bats who knows how the world would have turned out.
It is a very fine line we walk here, when it comes to violence. Everyone has the right to express their opinion until it comes to encouraging violence be perpetrated upon others because they are different or hate speech.
if nothing else there is a segment of the population Rex Murphy attracts and thus viewers and when you get to t.v. its all about the ratings.
I call CBC the Conservative Broadcasting Corporation. It was the Conservatives who created it. Besides that they no longer have hockey and all their shows suck.
Baseball bats are really not a part of German (or Austrian) popular culture. There are many reasons for the rise of Nazism, from the punishing peace terms at Versailles, hyper-inflation, and the fatal division between the Communist and Socialist parties and trade unions. There are some similar scary types in Hungary and Poland now (admittedly without Germany's industrial might now, and military might then). Poland is scary for women and LGBT+ people, and there are actual pogroms against Roma people in Hungary, and neo-Nazis marching around with the Arrow Cross flag (the "ultras" among Hungarian fascists, who did their best to round up Jews, Roma and political opponents). Friends of the late Zündel...
Don't forget Golden Dawn in Greece either...
Simon, look up 43 Group in Britain. What they did to Mosley and his gang of fascists was heroic and would be frowned on today because of false equivalency. Best not to wait for the Nazis to become violent.
There's three other national broadcasters City Tv, CTV, and Global. Those three networks have created such Canadian content as Red Green Show, Murdoch Mysteries, Rookie Blue etc.
Ah yes, some of the best public affairs programs in the history of broadcasting.
hi anon 6:30 am...thank you for that. I had never heard of the 43 Group, but I'm really glad I now have. I can't imagine how it must have felt to have fought the Nazis, only to return to Britain and find a bunch of anti-Semites running wild. So good for them for teaching those fascists a painful lesson. For those of you who haven't heard of the 43 Group you can read more about them here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/43_Group
hi Aman...the CBC is not controlled by government and plays a valuable role in a country as big as this one, providing programming to remote places where private broadcasters will not venture. I enjoy the programming of the private broadcasters too, but I prefer true public broadcasters like TV Ontario and PBS, which produce some of the best documentaries on TV and don't have any commercials. As for the Antifa I hope I've made my position clear. I believe we live in a dangerous time, and if Nazis roam our streets they must be confronted. I'm not in favour of attacking them on sight, but they must be made to understand how much we loathe them, and that we will not be intimidated...
Rex has become nothing but a tiresome smoke who reads dictionaries. I don't care how much success he's had doing it. I know that Lord Black does it too, but at least he has the skill and has had the fortune to have gotten the better of his victims in his own right.
That's unfair. Former future-Senator Mansbridge sniffed Harper's socks too, you know. It seems to me that his sniffing has been quite apolitical.
At one time he was more moderate, but at least since 2000 or so (the Québec FTAA summit, and the counter-summit - which saw the founding of Rabble - and demonstrations), he became increasingly outright reactionary. Or it gave him "permission" to express his putrid views.
Have you seen this article about Murphy tacitly expressing fascists' "right" to free speach?
Saying they are no danger as they aren't about to form the government, despite the recent mass murder at a mosque in Québec? Or the neo-Nazi murders of Turkish (and a Greek) small-business owners in Germany? Or Zündel's gang beating up people of colour and other "enemies" and threatening Roma asylum seekers?
In many "democratic" countries they have killed or injured people of colour, LGBT+ people and political "enemies, among other groups.
In decades past, there were also leftwing terrorists, but they are very rare nowadays. Significantly, among the most notorious were in Germany and Italy, where young people were reacting (in this case badly) to the complicity of their parents' generation with fascist evil. But even then, in Italy (I know that country well) far, far more people were murdered by neo-fascists, including the notorious bombing of the Bologna railway station.
hi e.a.f...I have to admit that I can't bear to watch Murphy on TV. I have only one big screen TV and I can't afford to throw something at it. But I question whether he really has a big following. His segment piggy backs on the National, which is one of the CBC's most popular programs, and if it had to stand on its own I doubt it would do well.
From what I hear the only reason he has lasted that long is because Peter Mansbridge, who is far more right-wing than most people know, protected him. So I am hopeful now that he is gone, Murphy will not be part of the so-called New National....
hi lagatta...are you telling me that Mozart didn't play the piano with a baseball bat? Now I'm disillusioned and I want to beat somebody up. ;) Seriously though.. Europe, and that includes Britain, is swarming with fascist groups these days. And they're all getting their fuel from the same place, the "threat" of being swarmed by refugees, especially black and brown ones. When the final history of humanity is written, the wars the U.S. initiated in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya will be seen as some of the most catastrophic wars ever, for their unintended but disastrous consequences...
hi John...you know I hate to admit it, but I would take Conrad Black any day over Rex Murphy. Black is a pompous ass and bourgeois swine, but he has as they say a catholic mind, and I find him quite entertaining. Murphy on the other hand merely regurgitates Con talking points that he finds on places like Breitbart, uses big words to try to impress the ignorant, and is almost always annoying...
What amazes me is the refusal of climate alarmest group to actually debate the numbers/history/and supposed scientific 'facts'.
No ocean rise (or why no change to navigation charts') less hurricanes than predicted. No warming for 20 years according to IPCC. The whole thing is a money making sham but all the alarmest can do is insult and try to censor any other opinions. Rex spoke the truth and your ilk had him removed. If you really believe you would debate but all you do is censor. Sad and pathetic
God forbid an opposing views for you. Free speech until you disagree, right? Pathetic
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