It was only a matter of time before Donald Trump started to fall apart, or was driven over the edge by the pressures of being president.
He never thought he'd win, so he wasn't ready. He never thought that running a country could be so difficult.
And all things considered he'd rather play golf.
So as I'm sure you know, when a couple of morning TV hosts mocked him yesterday, for the fake Time magazine covers he hangs in his golf clubs, he went ballistic.
As we all know, Kellie Leitch tried her best during the Con leadership race to make us believe that she was Canada's Donald or Donalda Trump.
Denouncing the One-Percent even though she's one of them. And ranting and raving about immigrants and refugees.
It didn't do her any good of course. She finished in sixth place, behind even Brad Trost. She was humiliated, and as we know is clearly seething with rage.
But since her weak leader Andrew "Smiley" Scheer hasn't even given her a slap on the wrist.
Wouldn't it be ironic if it was Donald Trump who finally finished her off?
I'm sure many of you have read the book, or seen the movie Ship of Fools. Well now get ready for Ezra Levant and his Ship of Bigots.
Because the Rebel gang is setting sail again.
And while the Rebel Commander is probably in desperate need of a sunny vacation.
Most of all he needs the money.
For he is facing a perfect storm.
As you may know, one of the things that drives me wild is to see progressives attacking each other, instead of the real enemy.
Only to end up shooting themselves in the foot.
I've seen what that has done in Canada, and how it gave us ten years of Stephen Harper.
And more recently I've seen how it helped inflict Donald Trump upon us.
So needless to say when I saw this I was not impressed.
The Toronto Pride parade is always an amazing spectacle of joy and defiance, and yesterday's was no exception.
And although the controversial Black Lives Matter-Toronto group did its best to grab the headlines.
The star of the show was once again Justin Trudeau.
It was quite a sight.
Jeremy Corbyn, the much mocked Labour leader, addressing a massive crowd at the Glastonbury music festival.
And getting a rapturous reception.
Calling on young people to rise up, and send a message to Donald Trump.
According to some reports Donald Trump's friends are worried about him. They say he's never sounded so agitated, and never looked so bagged.
Which is of course great news, for it suggests that he could be felled by stroke or a heart attack, even before he's impeached or forced to resign.
But what really worries me is the sad state of his supporters.
For so many of them still believe everything he tells them.
Donald Trump has only been in office for five months, but to me and I'm sure many others all over the world it seems longer than that. Much longer.
So you can imagine how I felt when I heard that the orange oaf is already making plans to occupy the Oval Office for a full EIGHT years.
And that I might have to endure his insane behaviour for what might seem like forever.
For let's face it, this is insanity.
This much we know about Andrew Scheer, the man who likes to call himself Stephen Harper Two, or Harper with a smile.
We know he is a serious religious fanatic, who owes Brad Trost his new job.
We know that his political philosophy is more Republican than Canadian.
But who knew he was such an appalling coward?
You might think that Kellie Leitch had embarrassed herself enough. Done what was left of her reputation enough damage.
During the last election, her cultural barbarism show bombed so bad, the stench alone helped bring down the Harper regime.
And the way her campaign for the Con leadership race went down in flames, after all that effort, and all that money, couldn't have been more humiliating.
But it seems that Leitch just can't control herself, and now she's embarrassing herself and her party again.
Donald Trump made his first visit to Camp David on the weekend, no doubt hoping to escape the madding media, and try to pull himself together, after yet another terrible week in office.
A week where he seemed to confirm that he was under investigation, and was seen yelling at TV sets in the White House.
So he really needed a leafy break.
But Camp David has only a one-hole golf course, so Trump did have time to tweet.
Only to reveal once again his compulsive need to compare himself to Obama, and show how desperate he is becoming.
We already knew that Andrew Scheer is a sinister religious fanatic, who doesn't believe in women's rights, and believes that gay Canadians are "abhorrent."
We knew that he likes to smile a lot, even when he's talking about child rape and other dirty sex stuff in the House of Commons.
Except when he is in his office working on plans to turn Canada into a theocracy.
But who knew that he was more American than Canadian?
It's a modern adaptation of Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar. It's being staged in New York's Central Park.
And it's controversial because its Caesar looks a lot like Donald Trump, and his supporters can't stand the sight of their hero being assassinated.
And neither it seems can Ezra Levant.
I must admit I'm still enjoying the aftermath of the British election.
Seeing the Cons and their media stooges trying to explain why Jeremy Corbyn is so popular with young people.
After all the Corbyn haters did to try to destroy him.
And failing in an epic manner, even though the answer is so simple.
You can see the fear in Donald Trump's piggy eyes. You can smell his desperation.
After somebody shot some Republican congressmen, he tried so hard to look and sound like a president.
But that new found restraint only lasted for about 48-hours.
Before his madness erupted again.
After fighting for years for their human rights, and having to endure the most disgusting discrimination and violence, this was a good week for transgendered Canadians.
A few days ago at a ceremony to mark Pride Month, they saw their flag raised on Parliament Hill for the first time.
And yesterday they finally got their transgender bill of rights.
Transgender Canadians will soon have the same human rights protections as everyone else, after the government's attempt to add gender identity to the Canadian Human Rights Act passed in the Senate Thursday afternoon.
And for both of those things they can thank Justin Trudeau.
It was Donald Trump's 71st birthday yesterday, and I think it's safe to say it wasn't a very happy one.
First he found out that somebody had been shooting Republicans.
Which since he is notoriously cowardly, must have had him wondering whether he might be next, and whether he really needed to be president.
Then came the devastating news that the gunman wasn't a Muslim.
And then came the worst news of all.
As I'm sure you know, Brad Trost is a religious fanatic who likes to think of himself as a holy warrior battling Muslims, women who need an abortion, and gay people.
Not necessarily in that order.
And like most religious fanatics he likes to think that he is better than we are.
So this must be REALLY embarrassing.
Donald Trump is still claiming that he did not try to force James Comey to sign a loyalty oath.
And that Comey is the liar not him.
But yesterday we got an idea of the kind of loyalty Boss Trump demands from those who work for him.
And not only did it reinforce Comey's claim, it couldn't have been more disturbing or more disgusting.
He's desperately trying to restrain himself. His lawyers have warned him that his tweets could be used against him one day.
And could be the difference between the White House and the Big House.
But ever since James Comey called him a liar, in front of a television audience of about 19 million people, Donald Trump has been slowly going crazy, or crazier.
First he declared Comey's devastating testimony to be a big, or a yuuuuuuuge victory for HIMSELF.
And now it seems he actually believes that he can get away with portraying himself as the victim, and Comey as a criminal.
As you know, I've been trying to warn people that Andrew Scheer is not the nice guy he pretends to be.
Warn them that his perma smile conceals the frightening depth of his religious fanaticism, as well as a truly ugly mean streak.
And that far from being a howdy doody farm boy, Scheer is a ruthless Con operative,
and as great a threat to this country as was Stephen Harper.
I must admit that when I saw Donald Trump holding a rare news conference yesterday I was absolutely shocked.
Not just by the way he looked, like a man about to keel over.
But also by the crazy things he was saying.
Or blowing out of his pie hole.
Uh oh. Somebody call a tow truck. It seem that Theresa May isn't going anywhere.
She may have been humiliated by Jeremy Corbyn, she may have lost all those Tory seats.
Some of her Cons are drawing straws to see who gets the honour of stabbing her in the back.
But she seems determined to try to cling to power, with the help of a nasty little gang.
When Theresa May called a snap election, I'm pretty sure she was confident her Cons would be able to destroy Jeremy Corbyn.
Her campaign manager Lynton Crosby, the malignant Aussie known as the Wizard or Lizard of Oz, must have had her dreaming of making meat pies out of the mild-mannered Labour Party leader.
And no doubt also reminding her that even many of Corbyn's own MPs, the lost followers of Tony Blair, thought he was dead man walking.
After the Con media had spent years demonizing him...
As you know, Ezra Levant likes to call himself a "Rebel Commander" and portray himself and The Rebel as a champions of free speech.
Even though The Rebel is just a tacky hate mongering rag, which should have been closed down long ago by the vice squad.
And Levant is only in it for the money.
I'm sure Donald Trump's White House minions are doing their best to prepare him for James Comey's Senate hearing today.
But it won't be easy, because it's going to be a big event.
So while Trump is threatening to live tweet the hearing, other Republicans are doing their best to discredit Comey.
By running attack ads like this one.
I can only imagine what kind of state Donald Trump must be in as James Comey, the FBI director he fired, prepares to testify tomorrow.
But it can't be very pretty.
Not when Boss Trump probably thought he had "fixed" the Comey problem...
So now he's hopping mad...
Donald Trump has had many bad Twitter moments, that have demeaned him and his country, and shocked the world.
But that usually end up with Trump staring into a pool of excrement and liking what he sees.
But his trip to Europe and the Middle East exhausted him.
The idea that James Comey is coming back to haunt him, must be giving him bad dreams
And the volley of tweets he released in the last 48 hours may well mark the beginning of the end of his presidency.
As I'm sure you know Andrew Scheer, the smiling religious fanatic is trying to give himself a saintly image.
Or at least portray himself as an aw shucks, gee whiz, Jimmy Stewart version of a priest or a farm boy.
So there he was the other day at the Press Gallery dinner, chugging milk out of a carton, while all the others got drunk.
But sadly for him it's just not working.
I must admit I'd never heard of Ariana Grande before the terror attack in Manchester two weeks ago.
And neither had I heard of many of the young artists who performed at her One Love Manchester benefit show yesterday evening.
Ariana Grande returned to the Manchester stage two weeks after a suicide bombing killed 22 victims at her concert in the city, singing upbeat and motivational pop anthems as the audience cheered loudly for the singer.
But despite feeling a bit old, I quite enjoyed the show, and I have to agree with the Globe's John Doyle.
I could barely watch the coverage of this latest terrorist attack.
It was all so insane and so cowardly, and I felt I'd seen it all before.
And what made it even more disgusting was to see Donald Trump try to turn that tragedy into bigotry, for crass political purposes.
President Donald Trump on Saturday evening said the United States needs "the travel ban as an extra level of safety" following multiple fatal incidents in London.
"We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety," the president tweeted at 7:17 p.m.
When in fact he's the one we need to be protected from.
The greatest would be terrorist on earth.
It was just another dull government statement of the kind they churn out all the time. But it really made my day.
Because what it means is that in another Canadian city, fewer people like those in the picture are going to die from drug overdoses.
Today, Health Canada granted the necessary exemptions from the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act for the operation of three new supervised consumption sites in Toronto.
And not only is that great news because of the thousands of lives that will be saved.
It's also another massive blow to the inhuman legacy of the monstrous Harper regime...
It was such a moving photo. Maxime "Mad Max" Bernier raising the arm of Andrew "Smiley" Scheer, at the end of the Con leadership convention.
And for a moment it looked like that long running Con mob story would have a happy ending.
But sadly for them, and the Harper Party, that good feeling didn't last.
Because now Bernier and his gang are coming after Scheer !!!!
A few months ago the big German magazine Der Spiegel ran this cover of Donald Trump.
With the title "The End of the World, As We Know it."
And yesterday when the flaming orange proclaimed that the U.S. is pulling out of the Paris Accord, it was shared on social media all over the planet.
But while it is a good cover, I think I like this other cover better...
As you may know, today is the day Donald Trump will announce whether he will pull the United States out of the Paris Accord.
Momentous arguments inside the West Wing over the future of the Paris climate accord became a messy public spectacle on Wednesday, with some aides saying that President Trump had decided to abandon the landmark global warming agreement while others insisted that no decision had been made.
With the world watching nervously, the feuding among the president’s aides further exposed the fault lines of a chaotic decision-making process that has swirled around Mr. Trump since he took office.
And it's not surprising that the world is holding its breath, since not only is his government a mess, he's not in great shape either.