Donald Trump's spy chiefs are telling him the Russians are already meddling in the midterm elections.
Robert Mueller and his FBI posse could come down on him at any moment.
His White House is being accused of covering up cases of domestic abuse even as his lawyer is now claiming he used his own money to pay off the porn star Stormy Daniels.
And many of his staffers are abandoning him in record numbers.
But the NRA is blaming the media for Trump's troubles, and is warning them to stop making fun of Trump.
Or else.
And while some wonder whether the NRA has a vested interest in trying to muzzle the media.
And the reaction on Twitter has been brutal.

I wonder where the story of Trump, the Orange Oaf is going.
And whether if or when he does go down, he'll take America with him...

And all I can do is urge our American neighbours to unite to fight that monster.
Keep making fun of him.
And do all they can to send Trump to hell first...

If the press won't do their job , the satirists will.
You're such a hypocrite. You bash Trump every single day, month after month after month, yet someone so much as CRITICIZES Trudeau, you and your gang of vile commenters viciously attack them.
You're against bullying unless it's to further your agenda. Shameful.
Agreed, gotta love it when leftists get the government they think they want, cries of,"respect the democratic process" and "treason" are heard, but when things don't go their way, the tinfoil hats are donned and it turns to virtue signalling on social media.
Bonne St-Valentin à Séb et à toi.
Anon 1:48, Viciously attack? You mean like making death threats such as your Cons do? I've never seen one here and unlike the rebel, Simon wouldn't allow it.
As for bullying, we only bully the bullies to which your side is full of them so may I suggest you reserve your nonsense for the bizzaro world of Trump.
Simon doesn't agree with everything Trudeau says or does, and neither does everyone on this board. That being said, he doesn't tolerate bullying of any kind, and sharp criticism of criticizers whose criticism consists of ad hominems or distorted fake news is not per se "bullying." All that being said, there is infinitely more to bash Trump for even as a PERSON, let alone a "president" or "politician," than there ever will be of Trudeau.
Trudeau never cheated on Sophie with a porn star, called Mexicans rapists, or said he could move up on a girl and grab her by the, eh, fuddle-duddle. Show me where Trudeau callously threw paper towels at the flood victims in Québec or has threatened to give North Korea a "bloody nose" and undermine the peace process to show off how big his "button" (or "hockey stick") is. Show me where Trudeau is holding a 17-year-old Indigenous girl prisoner in a Kafkaesque trial for slapping a Mountie. Show me where Trudeau cracked a joke about any of his cabinet ministers wanting to execute gay people. Show me where Trudeau published a full-page op-ed in the Toronto Star calling for the instant execution of five wrongfully-accused black men without so much as their right to due process. Show me where Trudeau sabotaged the goal of swapping, on the front face of the currency, a prime minister who genocided First Nations people, in favor of a black female civil rights activist, and called that goal "pure political correctness." Show me where Trudeau said he could shoot someone on Sussex Drive and his fans would still adore him. Show me where he banned Muslims from entering Canada. Show me proof that he's planning to start up nuclear testing in the prairie provinces as a show of "muscle" to North Korea and Iran. Show me where he said that Rona Ambrose got "schlonged" during Question Period. Show me where he said that Rosie Barton or Robyn Urback are tough on him because they're bleeding from their wherever. Show me where he ever called Ella-Grace a hot piece of $&#%@ on Tout Le Monde En Parle or CBC Radio, or had her give daddy a lap dance at a Tragically Hip concert. Show me where he put pressure on Sophie to get back to her "hot body" within a month after giving birth to any of their kids. Show me an interview with Margaret where she holds her head in despair and frets that Justin has become a monster. Show me how many KKK rallies Pierre got arrested at. And so on and so on and so on...
Really? You're seriously going to entertain the thought that there is even a fraction of criticism against Trudeau that matches the overwhelming Trump tower of things to be upset about with Cult 45? Or that, I dunno, the criticism I'm making against your inane comment counts as an "attack" or "bullying"?
The only vile commenters I see are the type of Scheer/Trump supporting cons who sent genital-mutilation memes to Ella-Grace on Twitter and called Hadrien anti-gay slurs because he wore a cute poodle costume on Halloween. That sane and decent people respond by telling those cons to STFU and GTFO is not "bullying." It's checking the record and warding off evil. You sound like another hypocritical con who's projecting more than an IMAX theater showing movies on the surface of the moon.
It seems tha Stormy Daniels story is back with a vengeance. She is now saying that Trump's lawyer broke their agreement and she is ready to talk to the media about the affair that up to now she was denying. That should be interesting considering the affair started as Melania was recovering from giving birth to Barron. I wonder what the Christianists who support him will think about the old whoremonger now.
Trump is and always has been a train wreck that refuses to crash.
However, its pretty clear that the Obama administration went way over the line
post election to bring him down. The whole Russian thing is a Monty Python sketch made by Hillary to shift attention from what a POS she is. The fact that many believe the narrative is very scary. I realize that if the shoe was on the other foot the Repuplicans would be pushing this Narrative just as hard to hurt Hillary, and the other half of the country would be convinced that Russians are out to kill democracy.
Between the Russians and the Chinese if we need allies, I will take the Russkies. Up until the 1930's the Dynasty in China ruled by Eunuch.
Simon, a tragic news update from the USA pertinent to this article.
At least 2 believed dead in another school shooting in Florida, between 20 and 50 seriously injured.
The National Russian Association plus Republican refusal to do anything about gun laws lest they offend their paymasters, and the continued toxic mixture of "macho" culture plus mental ill health (with a piss-poor healthcare system in America) is a recipe for disaster. They call themselves "pro-life"?
"Thoughts and prayers" mean nothing without action taken to prevent it from ever happening again. Another Valentine's Day Massacre, on a holiday that's supposed to be about love.
Please, don't ever let Canada succumb to the evils of American gun culture. No parent should have to worry that their children will be coming home from school in a black hearse instead of a yellow bus.
NOTE: I've had to delete a number of comments today not just because of the usual vulgar Con nonsense, but also because they were wildly off topic. I try to answer every comment but I don't have time to answer comments that have nothing to do with the post. Thank you for your cooperation.
Everybody Knows He’s In Trouble, Except Trump
“I am totally opposed to domestic violence and everybody here knows that,” the president said, more than a week after the allegations against Rob Porter first became public.
Hi rumleyfips...yes, Trump must be ridiculed beyond recognition. There is nothing he hates more than people laughing at him, and hopefully he'll blow a gasket and be carried out feet first...
Hi anon@1:48...what are you talking about Con? Justin Trudeau is an infinitely better human being than the depraved degenerate misogynist, racist, bully and stinking hog Donald Trump. I don't bully people, I've fought bullies since I was about fourteen years old. And since Trump is also a disgusting bully I intend to fight him until they carry him out in a straitjacket, in handcuffs, or in a body bag...
Hi anon 2:14PM.....and who are you? Tweedle Dum to the above Tweedle Dee? Go virtue signal yourself Con. And stop talking about democracy, you right-wing racist scum have no idea what that word means. I guarantee you that as soon as the new generation takes over we'll have to look for you Cons with a microscope. You're a dying breed and we are going to finish you off...
Hi JD....thank you. Honestly those Cons have a nerve. If there's one thing that defines me is my hatred of bullies, and to have them accuse me of bullying is the absolute limit. But then that's what their cult leader does all the time. Whenever Trump is accused of something he accuses his accusers of doing the same thing. They're all out of their minds, and we can't get rid of them soon enough...
Hi Jackie...thank you for defending me. As I just told JD fighting bullies is the main reason I got politicized. After fighting bullies in high school I thought Stephen Harper was just more of the same, and needless to say Trump has bully written all over him. BTW I looked to see what those disgusting things those Con swine had written about Ella-Grace, but by the time I got there they had been removed. And if only readers could see some of the comments I receive all the time they would also be disgusted. One of them is driven half crazy by your comments, so keep it up, you're doing a great job !!!😎
Hi Lagatta...thanks and same to you. Seb and I had a great feast this evening, and the best is still to come.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Deadly Florida school shooting
These school shootings are happening so often that rather then passing #GunContol laws they should just make them part of the curriculum.
Ya know like right after study hall, you'd have "dying hall".
Just pencil that right in.
Originally the NRA was a nondescript manufacturer's lobby group designed to promote the sale and recreational use of guns but thanks to a mega windfall of dark money it has morphed into a viral agent leaving the host susceptible to infection by the deadly p-murT virus.
Hi anon@ 3:46PM...yes, it should make Trump look even worse, if that's possible. I will never understand how such a scummy man could ever be elected president of the United States. I was raised by my parents to believe that having manners and morals were important, and although I'm not auditioning to be a saint, I've always tried to live my life that way. And the idea of someone carrying on with an escort as his wife recovers from having a baby is repugnant to say the least. Let's hope many of Trump's supporters can finally see the beast for who he is...
Hi Steve...I'm sorry but the Russian scandal had nothing to do with Hillary, and it is a real threat to that country's democracy. I would like to see good relations between the Russians and the Americans. But the Russians played a dirty game, and they will live to regret it, because Trump has no friends he only uses people for his ends...
Hi Jackie...yes, I've seen the horrible pictures, and now the death toll stands at 17. And it sure adds an extra dimension to that NRA video, and it makes Trump's sappy words ring even more hollow. I've always fought for tougher gun control in this country, but we lost a lot of ground during the Harper years. So we have atrocities like the Quebec mosque shooting, and unless more is done to control weapons we too will experience more tragedies...
Hi David...well after what happened in Florida today, Trump' has blood all over his hands. As the picture at the top of this post shows he has been a cheerleader for the NRA. And Inhope that comes back to haunt him....
The idol worshipper
Cartoon: Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims
That NRA guy is exceedingly violent and if that is the type of person who is supporting dtrump and wants to keep others from speaking freely, the Republicans and Americans in general have a problem that man is clearly anti freedom of speech. He is also very violent.
if that is the president of the U.S.A. actually with one of those weapons of mass killings then it sets a very bad e.g. for the rest of the country. Not a good thing.
dtrump's supporters don't care who he is having sex with on the side. remember they supported Roy Moore.
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