Last Monday night Justin Trudeau attended a memorial ceremony for the victims of the Quebec City mosque massacre.
And during his speech he criticized one of Quebec's largest far-right groups, La Meute or Wolf Pack.
Calling them "nonos" which roughly translates as dummies or bozos.
It's easy to condemn racism, intolerance and discrimination against the Muslim community. We know who is who. It's the racists, it's the other, it's the ‘nonos’ who walk with a dog paw on the t-shirt.”
Only to have Sylvain Brouillete, a former leader of the group, take aim at him.

By releasing this statement on his Facebook page:
“A Nono is someone who thinks that those who criticize an ideology are racists and xénophobes while criticism of ideas is a fundamental right in a democratic society. A Nono is someone who sees a dog's foot instead of seeing the emblem of Quebec with its values of democracy, secularism, freedom and equality.”
Which of course is complete nonsense. La Meute, like other bigot groups in this country, has nothing to do with freedom and equality.
And Trudeau to his credit refused to back down.
Asked by a reporter whether he was unwittingly giving far-right groups free publicity, Mr. Trudeau said he prefers to take on extremists rather than pretend that they do not exist.
"I will always be there to denounce those who don't want to build a better and more open society," Mr. Trudeau said at a news conference on Tuesday. "It is my responsibility as a leader and as Prime Minister … to make it clear when there is hate speech, when there are statements or acts that are unacceptable."
Only to have a Con MP Pierre Paul-Hus attack him...

Conservative MP Pierre Paul-Hus said the attack on La Meute was unbecoming of a Prime Minister, saying groups should not be targeted because of their vision of the country.
"Canada's Prime Minister must speak in a way that is respectful of people. Calling people bozos, those are not words that should come out of the Prime Minister's mouth," Mr. Paul-Hus said after Mr. Trudeau defended his comments.
As only a Con could.
Even though as the Globe editorial board points out, groups like La Meute deserve to be denounced and ridiculed

Mr. Trudeau wasn't wrong to call out a group that trades in anti-Islamic fearmongering. More than that, he was right to be dismissive of them.
Poking fun at extremists acknowledges they exist, an essential step in combatting their insidious ideas, while also robbing them of the power to intimidate and to dominate the public discourse.
So now what I want to know, is why hasn't Andrew Scheer condemned what Pierre Paul-Hus had to say?
And I'm afraid the answer is only too obvious.
Scheer is also a stealthy right-wing extremist who took forever to disassociate himself from Ezra Levant and his bigot gang.

Even after the horror in Charlottesville.
He is a man who is turning his party into an alt-right front.
A man who must be condemned by all decent Canadians.
And a nono himself....

If Scheer doesn't think La Meute are bozos, he should let Canadians know.
Because if he doesn't condemn what his MP said, we'll know he's one of them.
So we can make sure that him and his Rebel Party are destroyed in the next election.
And never ever govern this country...
I think they're just upset that they're losing their homeland and identity (Quebecois are quite proud of their heritage) to immigrants. Ah well... with their declining birth rates and all the newcomers, Quebec will be majority non white within a few generations. Then we have have TRUE equality.
Canada is a collective of dreams of every colour. As long as people colour within the lines its a great book. It will not only be a rainbow country it will be a country of Pastiafarians.
So I'm Québecois myself and I have no such fear. Our "identity" was achieved through killing and torturing natives, force-coverting them to Xtianity and taking their land for pennies on the beaver skin. If we were to have more non-Caucasians in QC, perhaps it will help rid us of this vile exceptionalism; no matter though, our historical heritage will remain, as a francophone base province and so on.
What we don't need though are groups like "La Meute" and their friends at the Journal de MTL defending them. Groups that secretly applaud Islamophobia and its hatred ilk...as the dirty CONs do...
Aw . The poor sensitive little guys; their fee fees are hurt.
Ya! How dare those racist Quebecers speak out against their own replacement.
Trudeau has the right to speak freely, and he has also been elected to represent Canadian values. One should consider asking the Honorable Pierre Paul-Hus whether hate is an acceptable Canadian value in his opinion. It would also be a good question for Snidely Shneer. The difference between freedom of speech and support for inciting terrorism is enough for people to make a judgement call, and I think they passed that point long ago.
Do not ask what can I do for my country, ask what the Conservative-Reform party has ever done for it.
Wow. This was his "just watch me" moment. Papa would be proud. I like that word, "nono." It perfectly fits the Nazi nono we have to contend with south of the border, who also wants the country to be white as the pure-driven snow. Every instance of "Donald Trump" on the Internet and elsewhere should be replaced with "Nono Dotard." It'd be nice if the press actually started referring to him as such.
But as for Trudeau, I still think he needs to beef up the security bigly, because now that he's called the dickwolf brigade out directly, they've no doubt taken out a contract of their own on him. You should see (or maybe not) the vulgar responses their ideological cohorts sent him on Twitter for the #BellLetsTalk campaign when he expressed how proud he is of his mom. That's just the tip of the iceberg. They're out for blood. It's not 1970 anymore; the Internet didn't exist when the October Crisis was going on, and even Nixon didn't openly court violent skinheads the way Trump has practically invited them in for "the best chocolate cake."
All these nonos need to be exiled to their white ethnostate paradise in Siberia. Speaking of which, just so you know: the Russian phrase I ran through Google translate for that wannabe communist nono yesterday reads as:
Thank you, comrade. Vladimir Putin highly appreciates your contribution to the party. Make Canada Great Again!
I'm sure Dmitri Sonovabich or whatever his name is got the point.
Thanks Simon for this. Scheer along with his Rebel team of Hamich, Georganne and Stephen Taylor are what we Canadians fear. When oh when will the MSM say anything, god forbid they are not waiting until there is an attack on PMJT.
It seems that Scheer is an even bigger coward that Stephen "closet" Harper. He likes insulting Justin at a safe distance, but he doesn't dare criticize his friendly bigots. When Canadians finally realize who he is they are going to laugh him out of a job.
Scheer is definitely a nono Simon. A dummy bozo who'll only take a stand when forced to or is politically convenient for him.
That's okay though because on election night in 2019 the only thing Scheer will be saying is no! No!! No!!! No!!!!
The only problem here is I can sense some francophobic anti-Québécois sentiment in some of the comments. There is a long history of anglo chauvinism against Québec - often it combined with anti-Indigenous sentiments, in particular in relation with Riel and his movement, but not only.
And many progressive Québécois (who utterly loathe La Meute) are very attached to the principle of national self-determination.
All the other Latin-speaking countries south of the US also at the least displaced the Indigenous people, and some behaved far worse than the Québécois did (we needed Indigenous technology to survive). But that does not mean that the anglosphere should consider themselves superior, or deny the existence and right to self-determination for other nations of the Americas.
Nowadays many people here understand that we can't build a new society without forging an equal partnership with the Indigenous nations of our territory.
La Meute are a pretty pathetic bunch, but as we've learnt from the Mosque massacre, such basement dwellers can inspire actual killers.
With a birth ratio of .85 per adult and an overall founder population density around 50% and in decline the identity dogs have some challenges ahead. In today's world, economic well being and growth (through immigration if necessary) are tightly bound together. Stopping immigration and accepting increased poverty including moving back to the bush can preserve the status quo but it is an option few people agree with. Therefore increased immigration the only viable option. The old guard can try and buy time by throwing up a sorts of barriers to keep the immigrants away from the levers of power but that weakens society making it vulnerable to a whole host of deadly diseases in the long run. Trudeau understands its much better to recognize the future and shape it to everyone's advantage. The identity ponies have great disdain for what they call shole countries but are perfectly willing to lead us down the same path.
Hi anon@9:29... Please spare me from your alt-right/Nazi nonsense. Those La Meute goons don't speak for most Quebecers. The Québécois are indeed proud of their heritage, but they're doing just fine thank you very much. And they certainly don't need any help from racists. Immigration is a fact of life, and diversity makes us stronger not weaker...
free speech does give these "nonos" the right to say what they believe. However, it is up to the rest of us to let them know what we think of them and that is what Trudeau did. That this con went on to critize him simply demonstrates what these cons are all about, not nice people. They may want to defend freedom of speech but they don't seem to want to condemn those who are racists, etc.
As to free speech, it ought to remain free until it preaches hate. Its a very thin line, but its there. The closer the cons come to that line, the clearer view we will all have of them.
The Quebecois may be "frightened" of loosing their identity to new comers just as the Indigenous People lost their identity to the French and English. No country can remain static if it is to grow. the idea is to keep the best of the older society and incorporate the new. Canada has always been a country of immigrants, so we might as welcome everyone and ask them to participate. The nonos need to get with the agenda. Whatever they plan, whatever they do, won't work.
Having looked at the picture of these marching nonos, my opinion: bring in more immigrants. if this is the best they have to offer we are going to need all the help and immigrants we can get. Those guys look like a bunch of not so bright old men
Hi Balbulican... I don't expect anything from those La Meute losers, but seeing them defended by Con and Bloc Québécois members as well as Journal de Montreal columnists is beyond disgusting. And of course seeing those racists accusing people of being nasty to them is simply pathetic....
Hi RT...the Québécois are always going to be concerned at being swamped in an ocean of English-speakers. And there are always the older hardliners who claim they were all told to speak white by the fat lady at Eatons. But all the young Quebecers my French-speaking companion and I know are comfortable in their skins as we say in Quebec. They are proud of their heritage but open to the world. As you say, they do face challenges, but they have no time for bigots...l
Hi Steve...no country is perfect, but we've been doing a pretty good job of welcoming immigrants and refugees and are richer for it. Which is why the last thing we need are those Nazis strutting around all over the place. Now as for the Pastafarians....I'm an atheist, but thanks for giving me an idea for what I want to have for dinner....😉
Hi rumleyfips....yes isn't that pathetic? They look like they've spending a lot of time in a prison gym, but it turns out they're just snowflakes WAAAH...
Hi anon...Gawd not you again. Please stop reading the Journal or the Rebel so much. Nobody is replacing Quebecers, they are just making more of them, or adding to the family. Now stop worrying about our genes, and go and have one of those immigrant smoked meat sandwiches for me...
Hi Filcher....thanks for agreeing with me. These days I sometimes feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone. When did it become acceptable for a Canadian MP to defend a bunch of threatening bigots like the ones from La Meute. Or worse, suggest that the Muslims in Quebec City who have had a wave of hatred directed at them, would not welcome what Trudeau had to say. Personally I thought what Justin said was too polite, but then we are Canadians....😉
Hi Jackie...yes, I too am concerned about Justin Trudeau's security, in a country where the hate mongers are out of control. I guess we have to trust the RCMP, but we need to toughen our hate laws if only to educate more people that hatred has consequences. And thanks for translating the Russian clip for me, for a while I was worried...💂🏻
Hi Yvonne....you're welcome. I was lucky a friend in Quebec tipped me off or I might have missed it completely. I was glad the Globe ran an editorial but it could have been harder on that Con MP. And as you point out, how long will the MSM stand by and do nothing while those crazy hate mongers go after Justin Trudeau. They should all be ashamed of themselves...
Hi anon@5:22pm...I think you may be right. I'm sure the main reason it takes him so long to condemn bigots is because he doesn't wan't to annoy his rabid base. But after after watching him closely since he became leader, I think cowardice does play a role. Honourable people don't act like he does...
Hi JD....good one!!! No!!! No!!! No!!!! Aaaaaaargh!!! With every day that passes Scheer is behaving more like a nono. Asking the same question for almost five months? Accusing Justin Trudeau of taking an "illegal vacation?" That's not the behaviour of a man playing with a full deck. He's making a fool of himself and he doesn't even know it...l
HI Lagatta...I know what you mean, but I think you're being a bit over sensitive. As you can imagine I'm pretty sensitive about anyone you puts down a Québécois. 😉
And while it's true that many of the white settlers treated our native people badly, many French settlers were so enamoured of the native life they had to be forcibly restrained from running off with them. And many Quebecers have aboriginal blood. Still the natural secularity that emerged as a reaction to the dictatorship of the Catholic Church is being used by some to fuel anti-Muslim sentiment. It's a cancer that needs to be removed from the province as it needs to be removed from the rest of Canada....
There was a full-fledged panic on the part of the clergy about the French settlers "Indianizing"! A huge number ran off and took up with Native ladies (and given the far more flexible mores, some with Native lads).
I am most certainly not justifying anti-Muslim sentiment, neither is the very secular lapsed Muslim Amir Khadir. It is racist and disgusting.
Hi Lagatta...no of course you're not justifying anti-Muslim sentiment, it's both disgusting and dangerous. And of course I was shocked to learn about how those wicked coureur de bois ran off into woods to consort with the natives. In fact, since my first serious lover was a Mohawk, I know exactly how they felt... ;)
I am not defending rude behaviour/heckling Trudeau, but methinks Simon does not want to admit that Trudeau has disappointed many who voted Liberal, especially us folks in BC:
He backtracked on proportional representation, would not sign documents to halt Site C dam permits, gave approval to Kinder Morgan pipeline. etc.
Protesters interrupt Justin Trudeau’s last town hall in Nanaimo, B.C.
Critics of Kinder Morgan pipeline shout down Trudeau at B.C. town hall
They did have to speak English to the staff at anglo-run department stores (in Montréal; the Scottish Simons store in Québec City has always respected Québec's unique heritage, moreover Peter Simons is insisting that businesses must pay their taxes). It is because of struggles from the 1960s onwards - many of which had to do with the language of work - that younger generations can feel more confident.
When I attended the spontaneous rally the night of the mosque massacre, there were many middle-aged and older people, many of whom I recognized from union, international solidarity and community stuff, but we were in a veritable sea of young people, from about 15 to about 30. Many had made banners and signs, more than a few were carrying lampions (Candles in a glass or some other thing to prevent them being extinguished by the wind).
Ms Blue, that has nothing to do with the October Crisis. It should be remembered that NORMAL POLICE WORK nabbed the not very sophisticated terror cells.
Trudeau père was using the stupid "propaganda of the deed" actions of the FLQ to wage war on his political enemies, who had nothing to do with above terror cells. I know several people who were arrested then who were trade unionists, poets, the usual suspects.
A 12:41 a.m. Nanaimo is in a league of its own when it comes to politics, just check what goes on at City Hall/City Council meetings. Best gong show in town. Trudeau survived the meeting here and good for him. That boy is tough. Vancouver Island votes either NDP or Green provincially, but federally its all over the map.
We don't want the tankers on the west coast. They have to travel through the Vancouver Harbour and there will spills in the harbour and it won't be pretty. If one cracks up in the Gulf Islands, there goes a lot of the economy also. The pipeline itself is not a great idea, but that isn't the major problem, its the tankers. There is no process in place to deal with the spills. Just even a small spill leaves the harbour lost. it takes forever for things to get going. going under the Lions Gate Bridge is a real job. there are a lot of other ships and planes in the harbour, no real equipment to deal with a spill and certainly insufficient crews to pilot those tankers through our west coast. These tankers are foreign owner, registered in countries which we would not be able to recover compensation from, the crews come from a lot of 2nd and 3rd world countries who are poorly paid and treated. There is nothing in place to protect our waters and our coast line. My prediction, given the shipping and weather history on our coast, a spill within a year
dtrump wants to drill for oil off the American coast, Canada wants to ship oil on the west coast. None of it will end well. Corporations go with the lowest bid, use the least expensive workers and don't care about our ocean and coast.
I understand where Notley is coming from, but our coast is pristine and needs to stay that way. Until corporations can guarantee that, no tankers on our coast.
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