And the winner is....OUCH.
Two thugs who attacked what they thought were a pair of transvestites picked on the wrong men - when their intended victims turned out to be cage fighters on a night out in fancy dress.
Bare-chested Gardener was caught on CCTV confronting one of the men in a pink wig, black skirt and boob tube - then seen swinging a punch, a court heard.
But the other cage fighter, wearing a sparkling black dress and matching long wig, sprang to his friend's help, delivering two lightning-quick punches to the two stunned yobs.
Golly. And the video is even more
Oh I know I shouldn't celebrate violence eh? But I do love to see bully thugs get OWNED.
*Sigh* I only wish it was a better quality video so I could see the look on their faces.
Good work
The video was shown on a national newscast this evening.
Gotta love it . . . .
This post reminds me of an incident that happened last year in Digby, NS. A group of off duty Halifax police officers were in town attending a charity golf event. While sitting in their parked van outside a local night club one of the off-duty dorks decided to provoke two young black men with racial taunts. The young men claimed they were called "nigger". When the inevitable confrontation erupted, the local CCTV footage showed Mr Cop throwing the first punch, but for his troubles he received a blazing counter-punch that knocked him unconscious. Yeah, baby! KA-BOOM! Unfortunately this story has a sad ending because when the local Mounties showed on the scene they discounted what their brothers-in-arms had done opting instead to arrest the two black men one of whom was tasered. But for that one fleeting moment, when fist met face, sweet justice prevailed!
Story here.
Reminds ME of this story outta Edmonton:
hi West End Bob...yeah Sebastien told me he had seen it. Of course I can't like it TOO much you realize...not with my fighting past.
But I just found it hilarious... :)
hi Omar...I hadn't heard of that story, and I would hate to condone violence against cops because believe it or not I have a couple of friend in the force. But when racists attack people they deserve what they get.
And please tell me that they were punished for what they did.
But only if it's good news, because these days I can't handle anything else... :)
hi 'berto...that's an interesting story too. You know people shouldn't have to defend themselves from these bigot bitches, but when they do I'm with them.
I've surprised a couple of homophobes too, but I'm not bragging about that anymore. Because I'm afraid of Sebastien... :)
hi 'berto...that's an interesting story too. You know people shouldn't have to defend themselves from these bigot bitches, but when they do I'm with them.
I've surprised a couple of homophobes too, but I'm not bragging about that anymore. Because I'm afraid of Sebastien... :)
Simon sez: Because I'm afraid of Sebastien... :)
To paraphrase the ancient line, Simon:
"Charm has music to soothe a savage breast..."
I'm glad that you and the Saguenay Prince have gotten together. I love it when Prince Charming gets Prince Charming. Call me a sucker for a happy ending. ;)
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