When I see a picture like this one...it breaks my heart.
When I read this story.
The United Nations warned yesterday that it no longer has enough money to keep global malnutrition at bay this year in the face of a dramatic upward surge in world commodity prices, which have created a "new face of hunger".
I wonder why I blog.
Why I don't do more to help feed hungry people.
Instead of just typing....spitting out words into the void of a blogosphere consumed by wingnuttery and petty bickering.
In a fat and greedy country where hope is harder to find than the proverbial pony in a mountain of manure.
And it's so easy to feel like giving up.
Then I read a little story like this one.
And I remember why I'm blogging. Because I have no choice. Because if we don't tell our stories who will?
Who will report on our awesome struggle for freedom and dignity? So gay kids can feel proud of who they are. And know that they are not alone.

Who will write about ordinary gay guys like me and my buddy Sébastien? So straight people can understand that gay love is as complex, as strong, and as beautiful as any other.
If straight people won't tell our stories...because they don't care or they hate us so much... we will.
But even that's not enough.
Because even as we fight the hate.
Gays, lesbians and bisexuals reported higher rates of victimization by violence than heterosexuals in 2004 — including sexual assault, robbery and physical assault.
And show those bigot bastards that we're not afraid.
Despite experiencing higher rates of violence, however, gays, lesbians and bisexuals did not express more fear.
For me ... and Sébastien... being gay also means standing up for ALL oppressed and suffering people.
Being tough enough to beat the bullies and bigots.
But gentle enough to hear the cry of a hungry child.
And angry enough to do what we can to make other people hear it too.
Even if it's just WORDS.
So I guess I'll keep on blogging in the real world until I can figure out a better way to help make that world a better place.
But right now I'm going to be forced to take a break.
I have to go into the hospital to remove an old battle scar from my Bully War days. Kids remember.. when someone throws a brick at your head... DUCK.
And I honestly don't know when I'll be back.
But don't worry about me. It's not a big deal. I'm not the slightest bit afraid. I'm going to get to recover in one of my favourite places on earth.
With my favourite guy.
So I'm laughing.
And all I want to say is bye for now. Thank you for reading this humble little blog.
A kinder gentler world IS worth fighting for.
Hope springs eternal....from under all that manure. Or so they tell me.
And I BELIEVE them.
The great journey that is life continues...