In my last post I wrote that I would try to stay away from the fake scandal as it sinks slowly into the swamp of history. But one thing about that shabby feeding frenzy still bothers me.
And that's the way the Cons and the other toxic Trudeau haters tried to portray him as a "fake feminist."
In a crass attempt to smear him, and damage the cause of women's rights that he has championed since he came to office.
So I'm glad to see someone demolish that fake news argument.

As Janice Kennedy does, by first denouncing those who are trying to smear Trudeau.
Well, that’s it, then. Apparently, Justin Trudeau is a fake feminist.
It’s all over the online commentariat. Conservative MPs Lisa Raitt, Candice Bergen and Michelle Rempel have declared that he is. Daughters of the Vote in Ottawa recently turned their backs on him (or at least 15 per cent did). And conservative columnists Licia Corbella and Margaret Wente have condemned his hypocrisy in expelling from the Liberal caucus what Corbella calls “two strong women … of conscience and conviction.”
The notion is neat and sweet, and it goes down very smoothly. It’s also hogwash.
Then taking aim at the absurd notion that Jody Wilson-Raybauld and Jane Philpott are feminist martyrs.

True, it’s tough to see this when you’re blinded by the light emanating from their halos. Wilson-Raybould and Philpott are self-professed Truth-tellers, whose cause for canonization is difficult to overlook when the story they hammer home repeatedly has been swallowed uncritically across the country. We’ve simply spoken truth to power, they keep saying, adroitly transforming themselves into shining icons.
The real truth here is that there is no single truth and no sainted truth-teller. With a narrative involving shades, nuances, interpretations and bigger-picture considerations, the assumption that Wilson-Raybould and Philpott are the only ones with a lock on truth and principle is irrational.
When they're no martyrs, they are not doing the feminist cause any favours.
Characterizing these two women as victims of big bad male bullying (along with Celina Caesar-Chavannes, when she can grab a bit of their spotlight — because, after all, Trudeau raised his voice at her) is truly anti-feminist. What ever happened to equal treatment?
Justin Trudeau is no villain or closet misogynist.

Try as I might to discern Trudeau’s dark misogynous side — I say this as a lifelong self-declared feminist — what I see is a leader who is probably about as feminist as he’s ever been, despite all the nasty chaos of the Jody Wilson-Raybould/Jane Philpott affair.
Cabinet gender balance remains important to him. His government has maintained its progressive positions on women’s issues. And, for better or for worse, he continues to treat women and men as equal human beings. Ask the remaining women in the Liberal caucus, or the 17 women of conscience and conviction still serving the country in his 35-member cabinet.
And whether you agree or disagree with some of his other policies, his feminist credentials remain intact.
People all over the world know how much he believes in and has helped advance the cause of women's rights.
Which is why so many Cons, and the mostly male toxic Trudeau haters, hate him so much...

Because they loathe the idea of women's equality and the advances of the #MeToo movement with every bone in their bodies.
But will try to use the two Connies to do their dirty work for them.
Which couldn't be more disgusting, but is hardly surprising.
Misogyny played a big role in the U.S. election by demonizing Hillary Clinton. It helped Doug Ford defeat Kathleen Wynne, and Andrea Horwath.
And is now being used to try to destroy Justin Trudeau.
And the good news?
Most women are not fooled, as this Nanos tracking poll shows...

Just like most of them know you can't trust Andrew Scheer...

Nothing in Conservative leader Andrew Scheer’s approach induces me to believe that he and his team would be a fraction as feminist — no matter how outraged Raitt, Bergen and Rempel are by Trudeau. Despite the disappointments, he and his government represent a progressive approach.
Scheer and company look like a return to the Dark Ages. And Jagmeet Singh’s NDP remains Canada’s perennial bronze medallist.
Which is why I firmly believe that women will play a massive role in Justin Trudeau's election victory...

That's why the Cons tried to smear him.
And that's why he will defeat them....
Good. Time to start talking policies instead of personality plays. I'm tired of and disgusted by this grotesque Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, "Superman sex cult" narrative being pushed about Justin Trudeau. Especially in light of the pussgrabber-in-chief being the epitome of toxic testosterone and base-level vulgarity. Women can be just as toxic and abusive as any male gaslighter. If anything, it's a testament to gender equality to recognize this fact rather than always portray women as helpless damsels in distress. Ever heard of Joan Crawford? Been bullied by a cheerleader? Heck, I have female relatives who act like this. Anyone who's ever been part of a wedding party and encountered bridezillas or hair-pulling among bridesmaids can vouch for that fact. In this case, the three weird sisters have done nothing but play Lucy van Pelt pulling up the football from good old Charlie Brown Trudeau, who himself has done nothing but display the height of class and the patience of Job throughout this abhorrent crucifixion ordeal. Good grief. The homecoming queens and the miserable blockheads in the M$M need to invest a lot more than five cents in some quality psychiatric help. AAUGH!
I never thought I would ever agree with Donald Trump on anything but the press are indeed "The enemy of the people" at least in Canada. I have never seen anything like it.
Justin Trudeau is his fathers son, seeking a just society for everyone in the Alpheratz or color spectrum. We are not free until the last prisinor of unequal justice is free. Why would anyone vote for the con concentration camps for those who do not meet muster.
As I've said previously here, one of the first things that comes to mind are the British tabloids chasing Princess Diana into a tunnel at a high rate of speed. "Hillary's Emails" being the next worst thing.
Don Henley and Paddy Chayefsky are/were both prophets.
It was always ' my truth '. She never said she was speaking ' The truth '.
I had to stop some women the other night who said to me ‘Fake feminist’! Arg:/. I went on to ‘womansplain’ that nothing JT did had anything to do with ‘feminism’ and if these 2 ‘people’ couldn’t handle the pressure of the job of MP and minister as rookies it’s because they just didn’t have the muster nothing to do with them being women. They just make women look bad, weak, vindictive and played right into the sterotype so thanks for nothing! They will never be role models for young women for their sly manipulative behaviour. Trudeau is such a NICE guy he actually tried to make ‘peace’ with JWR but she likely just wanted to crush him. Nothing less than ‘nation to nation’ will suffice for her. She’s a Conservative — a plant — what Jackie Blue brought to light about her husband the ‘Raybould’ and his connection to the Fraser Institute should make everyone pause and start connecting the dots to the grand picture here. I have to hand it to them — they almost pulled it off with the help of the MSM rage machine. Canadians have been ‘had’ by these 2 ‘people’. That they are women is irrelevant. If anything they got preferential kid glove treatment because they were women and she indigenous — vs. being male — cabinet ministers get moved around all the time but the prima Donna expected preferential special treatment because she’s an indigenous woman. So done with all the nonsense. Meanwhile the earth is burning and the media is focused on the inanity. It feels we’re kind of doomed.
Hi Steve,
Yes, he is his father's son. Neither, fighters in actual wars/in the martial sense, but both fiercely passionate warriors when it comes to fighting for their values; fighting for the benefit of Canadians. (as exemplified by the Charter of Rights)
Watch this video (again, in my case).
You really see what I'm saying about his fighting spirit re his deeply-held values, starting around the 13 minute mark. (Jackie, watch the camera pan out several times with takes on Rosie ankle-twirling her stiletto while she's askin' and JT sayin' along with his statement socks.) :) (I know she had to ask hard questions but did she need to be so obviously snarky about it?)
Remember "Truth is not truth"?
She must have had Rudy Giuliani as a law professor. A B.A. in B.S.
Conservatives love #Metoo, it allowed them to get rid of Patrick Brown who wasn't conservative enough, the Republicans have been using it to smack Biden around metaphorically, calling him creepy Uncle Joe, they call Justin Trudeau a groper, they used to it to destroy Al Franken's political career, and more.
So some of the biggest fans of #Metoo are conservatives, especially social conservatives, because its allowed them to push the Mike Pence rule and many are adopting it, and I can't blame them ,even if I don't like it.
It’s great to see how as the fake scandal falls apart, more members of the MSM are starting to criticize the Cons and their two stooges. At this rate they’ll soon be using their halos as hula hoops. 😂😂😂
the Mike Pence Rule was made for HIM. He may have intended to influence other men but he was speaking for himself: Either an admission he has no self-control or the recognition women don't want to be alone with him.
Speaking for myself and as a woman, he's one who creeps me out just seeing his stone-faced affect, his robotic speak. He reminds me of my idea of a mortician, or a character from the TV show The Addams Family.
The Connies and JWR would have us believe that the AG is totally free from any political influence. A position where the invited get to travel to the temple but are not allowed to arrive uninvited. Where the wise one considers only the responses requested and then through some form of all knowing divine intellect renders a decision. If this is reality why is it on the day there is a change in government the all knowing champion of justice is evicted and replaced with another independent all knowing seer. Is it just possible that the position has a political element that needs to be congruent with the party in power. How is this communicated, via special Trump Cohen code language, one on one with the leader, watching the leader on Fox news, quiet self to self conversations between the Justice Minister and the AG? What happens when the AG goes rogue,does the PM wait to loose an election and let the new PM clean the temple or do it themselves. If you believe the hype a few months ago the wimpy naive Trudeau would have grovelled around and waited for the inevitable but now Trudeau the tyrant decided to lop off heads instead. How the story morphed to reach a new audience but thankfully in a Cons world both stories can be equally believed and no one would notice.
"Which is why I firmly believe that women will play a massive role in Justin Trudeau's election victory..."
You're absolutely right, Simon. It's one thing to insult the intelligence of Canadian men where the Con types elicit various levels of grunts, huhs? and butt scratching while someone with a grade 6 diploma explains it to them in good old slack jawed yokel terms, yep, uh-huh, gollee gee. The Lib type men will calmly weigh the facts, shake their heads and bide their time until election day.
It's another thing when they insult the intellingence of women, right or left leaning. I believe that when they are subjected to the narrative the Cons are foisting upon them, calling JT a fake feminist, from of all people, the Hag triplets, Lisa BeRaitt, Michelle Dumbell and Jaundiced Bergen, the backfiring soon begins. They are the actual fake feminists using Jody and Jane to attack JT and J&J are only to happy to further twist the knives in JT's back. What a lovely quintet they make. They should form a band called The Supreme Bullshits, cut a CD and hit the road, literally. Jody can do all the recording and Jane can squelch out Patsy Cline's timeless classic, "Crazy" while the Hagettes perform the backing shrieks.
Decent, intelligent women will see this fake feminist bullshit for what it is and I think will be much more insulted by it than men and they should be. We've come so far in gaining equal treatment for women and they know who and what helped in those gains. To have the feminists of convenience quintet trying to play on their emotions to advance their own agendas will strike a very sour chord that will come at the price of losing a large majority of female voters and it may very well be the catalyst that gives JT another majority government this October.
I think that the Pence experience has an odd and creepy effect on everybody. I suffer from inveterately toxic masculinity and when he speaks my skin begins to crawl and, if it goes on long enough, I have the sensation that some wiggling foreign life forms are either attempting to attach or seeking out fluids. It’s the affected preaching intonation and inflection that does it. I’m not kidding. I can start to scratch and shudder if I can’t find a place to spit and wash out my facial orifices.
Where is Sheer's wife? I would to hear what she has to say......or is she "not allowed" to voice her opinion.......oops, I shouldn`t say this!
If you believe the hype a few months ago the wimpy naive Trudeau would have grovelled around and waited for the inevitable but now Trudeau the tyrant decided to lop off heads instead. How the story morphed to reach a new audience but thankfully in a Cons world both stories can be equally believed and no one would notice.
I was just thinking about that last night. They've spent four years calling him a girly man and a "drama teacher" (read: drama queen, emphasis on "queen") who wears fake eyebrows, puts the "Lib" in Liberace, and belly-dances in a Bollywood wedding dress. They came up with any number of immature, homophobic insults for him: Justine, Fruity Trudy, TruPaul, Tinkerbell, Twinkletoes, Shiny Pony, "flaming Christmas fruitcake," etc. etc. "Castrated Castreau," with bonus birtherism for good measure. Rumors and allegations of one-night-stands with Barack Obama, Emmanuel Macron, the young chef from Queer Eye, and any number of Muslim public figures including, who else, Omar Khadr. Add to that Trump's "meek and mild" insults, Jordan Peterson's conspiracy theories about his gender identity and whether his diet consists of soy products, and the all-time low of some Grossmedia hack retweeting a Daily Fail article that grabbed some random drag performer's social media picture and tried to pass it off as a cross-dressing Trudeau. There was a popular meme that he should spell his name in lowercase letters because "Trudeau has low T." (Alternately: "Britain has high tea, Canada has low T.") A Reddit question (or maybe it was Yahoo Answers, another wretched hive of scum and villainy): "if Justin Trudeau tried out for the Blue Jays, would he be a pitcher or a catcher?" (Answer: "Ball handler.")
I remember all the jawing that he was such a "cuck" he lets women push him around and that Sophie is the real PM, or Margaret. The same incessant, tired joke about how Justin discovered he liked Butts in college. It was only a short while ago and even during the fake scandal that Michael De Adder was still running his stupid cartoons depicting Justin as a Disney princess. Then you have Don Martin's vile editorial about the rainbow prince impaled on his own unicorn. Prior to that, Lorrie Goldstein making fun of him for crying at Pierre's funeral and the press conference announcing that Gord Downie had died, complete with juvenile Photoshop reactions from the social media vomitorium of Justin's face morphed into Tammy Faye Baker. Don't let the Toronto Sun catch you crying, eh?
Now all of a sudden he's Don Draper (or Don Trump) and Christian Grey? After four years of relentless gay-bashing, now he's a macho chauvinist pig "because it's 1955"? Gee, what a surprise, it's almost like everything Cons say is projection, Orwellian doublethink and an argument in bad faith!
Hi Jackie....yes, it’s time the Liberals focused on selling their policies, and even more importantly start pointing out that the Cons don’t have any. Scheer is supposed to table some SNC-Lavalin documents later today, so we’ll see whether the Con media goes for it or not...
Scheer has announced the big SNC reveal is scheduled for 2:00 this afternoon. Meanwhile the following Aljazeera article is a good summary of the real big reveal that the news should be covering. Reads like something like you might have written and illustrated Simon. No wonder the Saudi establishment and their global ilk hate this news source.
Hi anon...the attempt to turn this into a gender issue is absolutely absurd, as Janice Kennedy points out in her piece. Trudeau’s commitment to women’s rights is known all over the world so it makes absolutely no sense. But don’t worry there is still lots of time to escape this inanity, and take the lead before the election...
Hi rumleyfips....Every time I hear her say “my truth” I wince since it sounds like she owns the truth, when in fact many of her claims have been highly dubious. But the other thing that irritates me is that it sounds so arrogant, when as you point out, the truth is the truth...
it would seem Con wives let their spouses mansplain.
This post of Simon's is the place for Merriam-Webster's dictionary definition with update:
Update: This word was added in March 2018.
It's everywhere these days and in various forms: mansplain (verb), mansplaining (gerund), mansplainy (adjective). We haven't seen adverbial use yet, but we're keeping our eyes open. :) (Smile, mine)
Mansplaining is, at its core, a very specific thing. It's what occurs when a man talks condescendingly to someone (especially a woman) about something he has incomplete knowledge of, with the mistaken assumption that he knows more about it than the person he's talking to does.
And, there's more: :) (Ditto)
Oh, God, does he ever quit???? What more is there to reveal? That Justin kept a private email server in SNC's basement where they have a secret pizza restaurant??? Give me a break! ENOUGH ALREADY!!!
Oh, is Andy going to form a select committee on Trughazi and compel Justin to testify before a star chamber?
In a September 29, 2015, Fox TV interview with Sean Hannity, Kevin McCarthy, then in the running for Speaker of the House, said, "Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she's untrustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened, had we not fought."
Far from being a fake feminist, Justin Trudeau is the male version of Hillary Clinton. Nevertheless, he persists.
Hi RT...I agree, and see two other main problems with the way many Canadians approach the issue of DPAs. One, they think it’s a way to avoid punishment when in fact it is a DEFERRED punishment and sometimes the best way of punishing a company, since you can’t throw a company in jail. And two, it enrages the Harperite faction who enjoy punishing others in a manner that can only be described as perverted. The kind of people who are always demanding sentences of a hundred years or more. And had they lived in the 17th century would have been pushing and shoving to get a better view of a public execution. May the Great Godzilla in the Sky save us from those kind of people...
Hi JD....yes, it has been hideous to see the Con handmaidens accuse Justin Trudeau of being a fake feminist. When in fact his record speaks for itself, and he has been an inspiration for many young women AND men in Canada. However, I have been encouraged by the fact that women in the media or not who have led the charge against this nonsense. And while I am at it, I should say how proud I am to have some very strong and eloquent women contributing to this blog, as well as following me on Twitter. And I am hopeful that many others, when reminded of Scheer’s abominable record on women’s rights will also vote against him and his Cons when the day of judgement finally arrives...
Hi Marmalade...As I understand it, Scheer firmly believes that a woman’s place is in the home, preferably barefoot and pregnant. And since Mrs Scheer has at least five kids and may be working on number six, she doesn’t have much time to do anything else...
Hi Brawnfire...one of the most sickening things about this fake scandal has been seeing the good old boys of the Con media mansplaing feminism to their readers, even though none of them had ever written a thing about women’s rights. Long after this fake scandal is dead and buried, I will never forget that...
the leader who dresses bollywood for his wife, vs the guy who keeps the girl at home barefoot and pregnant. The guy who says 50 50 despite what we now see the obivous pitfalls. To go after JT for his femist credentials, or his inclusive nature is idootcity. Sunny ways beat darkness every day 12 hours a day worldwide.
Mike Pence Handmaidiens tale reality
Hillarys Email are devastating. This is no set up, this is her bad.
Thanks for that great link, RT. The real Andrew Scheer is finally, unabashedly exposed and it comes from another country. Makes our Con MSM look like a bunch of ignorant bufoons(not that they weren't). JT's libel suit against Andy has also turned an otherwise normal day into a joyous occasion. Now I must get busy and share that link wherever I can and urge everyone to do the same.
As far as their appearance goes, I don't criticize people for what they cannot help; what they're born with, or without, physically. BUT automaton Pence surely didn't come out of the womb that way---and I sorely wish the Schmearmonger would wipe that smile off his face. His dimples are inappropriate usually; and become insufferable when he's supposedly being SERIOUS! Sheesh, At some point, I swear, when he's smiling about dead babies or some such heinousness, smiling into the abyss, it will spell his political defeat.
Trudeau is a feminist. He can still be a feminist and expel two women from caucus. (we all know how I feel about that, so...) If the Conservatives want to run with that, that will their problem come election time, because if it comes down to who is a better leader when it comes to women and their rights, its Trudeau.
As an old time feminist, lets remember that paid maternity leave via the U.I.C. now E.I., was instituted by his father, Trudeau Sr. Up to that time, there was no pay if you went on leave to give birth. In 1971, while Pierre Trudeau was P.M. the Liberals passed the 1971, U.I.C. Act, which not only gave us sick leave, but maternity leave--15 weeks. It changed things for women all over this country. It was the start of a real change for women in the work force.
The only legal improvement in women's rights in this country happened while the federal Liberals were in office. Can't remember Diefenbaker, Mulroney, Clark, Harper doing anything to improve the lives of women in this country.
No Justin Trudeau is much better Hillary Clinton every was or ever will be.
when people use the term, "my truth" I don't take it as the truth, just their version of it. Everyone is entitled to their truth or their version of it. However, when the rest of us make a decision, we might want facts and evidence.
Hi JD,
Speaking of music, I use this song to motivate, heal, and ENERGIZE me. There's something 'bout the sound and the beat. (I badly sprained my knee)
There's even a real lovely backup trio.
Pay attention not the words so much, but the title; the refrain--Think of "Home" in this case as the Enemy's: (the second version has the most marvelous spell-binding five-minute guitar interlude/exchange):
Breaking Up Somebody's Home
Wait, what -- what???? Justin filed a LIBEL suit against Andy?????
Holy Maggie, mother of GOD!!!
Re: a joyous occasion
Yes indeed.
JT made my day.
He's a fighter, as WE already knew.
Well, technically Clark didn't get to do much of anything. But IIRC when Justin was born, Maggie protested vehemently the rule that husbands weren't allowed in the maternity ward, and Pierre then pushed for reforms to ensure that all husbands would be allowed to do so, not just him personally or VIPs. I like Maggie. She's a survivor. She doesn't get nearly enough credit for her role in raising the young feminist as such; instead she still gets viciously attacked by the lowlife Rebel scum who can't let go of her "free-spirited past." Nevertheless she, too, has persisted, despite the lion's share of tragedies in her life. She has more class and humanity in her pinky fingernail that Andy, Ezra and everyone at the Con M$M put together. For all the playground-bully sniping at Justin by Cons invoking perverse Freudian analysis and calling him a "mama's boy," he wears it as a badge of honor. He couldn't be prouder to be his mother's son.
You mentioned smiling about dead babies, well... Andy Doody appears to be seriously disturbed on the level of an Unsub from "Criminal Minds." I've always had a feeling about him like his audition to be Harper's protégé was how well he could torture the family cats. (Poor Stanley.) You might have missed the discussion here about his Maclean's interview where he says verbatim that he's always been "fascinated" by the assassination of the Ceausescu couple. That would have made him about 10 years old in 1989, and considering the kind of people he's affiliated himself with and what they've been threatening to do to Trudeau, that's a serious red flag if you ask me. If that Maclean's interview was a job interview and I worked for HR, I not only wouldn't hire this guy, I'd probably inform the authorities to keep a lookout on him. Somebody should dig up what's on this guy's hard drive. He probably wanks it to the Zapruder film. Hm, wasn't a certain John Hinckley a fan of a "Jody" once before too? Someone should ask at a town hall leadership debate what his favorite book is. If he says "Catcher in the Rye," call the police.
Now, Justin's eight years older, so would have been a college freshman at the time. While he was counseling victims of rape, stalking, and partner violence in the aftermath of Polytéchnique, Lee Andy Oswald was watching a violent uprising all starry-eyed like a previous generation watched the Beatles on "Ed Sullivan." As Trump says, very fine people. Be best.
Let me clarify, Scheer is under threat of a libel suit and Andy is feeling bullied. How projective of him. Bullies are always the first ones to cry when someone stands up to them. My advice to JT and what I heard at a friends pig farm? SOOOOOOEEE! SOOOOOOEEE!
Jackie, yes I did miss that discussion. Thanks!
Re: "While he was counseling victims of rape, stalking, and partner violence in the aftermath of Polytéchnique..."
In an earlier reply of mine, I mentioned his pedigree.
What's in a name? A double whammy comprised of Justin: JUST. as in Justice
Trudeau: (Thor-ruler) Thor: In Norse mythology, Thor (from Old Norse Þórr) is a hammer-wielding god associated with thunder, lightning, storms, oak trees, strength, the PROTECTION OF mankind ...The Vikings in Normandy: Norman family names of ... Scandinavian origin (Gods ... Thérou(l)de, Thouroude, Troude, Trudeau
Mmmm, his lawsuit strategy is deliciously ironic--He calls upon it, JUSTice, (rooted in his name and innate sense of outrage) to deal with the accusations that he tampered with justice.
speaking of Scheer and Pence's creepy smilies, they both have the creep factor, in my opinion. A friend mentioned it and after some discussion remembered what it reminded us of, back in the 1960s and early 70s, men who played "pocket pool" at the office, had a similar "smile". Those smiles also remind me, especially Scheer, of cartoons back in the day, of evil people pulling wings off of flies. Now I'm saying either of them do any of it, its just what springs to mind, about back in the day. They remind me weird religions idiots in old time movies sending people off to their deaths for an infraction which had no grounds in reality. If you go and look at old film footage of those evangelists, they had the same sort of weird smile on. Anyone remember Jim Baker and his weird smile?
Thor, eh? Well, how about that. About time he started channeling Chris Hemsworth. And/or Vincent D'Onofrio. The righteous hammer of Law & Order. *donk donk*
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