It's an ugly little farce. A Home Alone 2 horror show, starring Donald Trump.
With the increasingly deranged Trump blaming Justin Trudeau and the CBC for allegedly editing this brief cameo role out of the movie.
And revealing his deeply disturbing paranoia. Again.
Even though as our very own Daniel Dale points out, Trudeau had nothing to do with it. The CBC edited out Trump's cameo strictly for time.I guess Justin T doesn’t much like my making him pay up on NATO or Trade! https://t.co/sndS7YvIGR— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 27, 2019
The CBC edited out multiple scenes from "Home Alone 2" to shorten the two-hour movie for television -- eight minutes in all, the CBC says.
That edit had nothing to do with politics for obvious reasons.
CBC says it actually cut the Trump cameo in 2014, before Trump launched his presidential campaign in June 2015.
And the only reason Trump got a cameo is because he demands one, or used to demand one, from anyone filming in one of his properties.
If Donald Trump's cameo in Home Alone 2: Lost in New York never made much sense, there's a good reason for it: it was never originally meant to be in the film.
While speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, Matt Damon revealed the bizarre clause that Trump had whenever film productions sought use of one of his buildings, in which he demanded that a part was written for him.
But that still didn't stop Trump's Canadian MAGA mob from lashing out with their #Defund CBC hashtag.
Which was enough to get other Con Trumplings humming sympathetically.Congratulations @CBC , You made international news, and are trending on social media, for all the wrong reasons! You cut a scene in the movie Home Alone 2 with Donald Trump in it. This petulant, petty, childish hate you have displayed, proves you are not fit to exist! #DefundCBC— Peter T CDN Minister of Short Skirts and Tank Tops (@pt40fathoms) December 26, 2019
You'd have to worry about the subliminal messages. Probably flash, "Diversity is strength" behind Home Alone.— Alan Cane (@AlanCane604) December 27, 2019
Until progressives swamped them with the sarcastic #ThanksTrudeau tweetsThe CBC is making headlines for deleting Trump from Home Alone 2 just another reason to #defundCBC— Canadabuster (@Canadabuster) December 26, 2019
I forgot to take the marrow bones out of the freezer and now the dogs are organizing a union. Thanks, Trudeau. https://t.co/eX8KcJfw7O— Scribulatora (@Scribulatora) December 27, 2019
Which were better and funnier.
Its been cloudy here all week. Thanks Trudeau.— Marcella* (@grg_mc) December 27, 2019
#ThanksTrudeau for not being Andrew Scheer— bob holmes (@bobholmes1947) December 27, 2019
#ThanksTrudeau for living in the heads of those who oppose you and doing such a damn fine job of it. #LPC pic.twitter.com/z6ZtvTCOJs— Cameron Bishop (@Ottawa_Cameron) December 27, 2019
#ThanksTrudeau For all the conservative tears in twitter pic.twitter.com/84xcbzHK1d— Sean Rotter (@rottersd) December 27, 2019
And had me wondering what the loser Andrew Scheer must be thinking about all of this:
The more Andrew Scheer saw the #ThanksTrudeau hashtag trending, the angrier he became, and the more grateful he was to be an Ugly American. #cdnpoli pic.twitter.com/5UE5Dt7nJF— ๐จ๐ฆ Simon ๐ด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ณ๓ ฃ๓ ด๓ ฟ ๐๐ (@montrealsimon) December 27, 2019
Because if I was him I'd be worried eh?
For it should be obvious that his Cons are becoming more of an American or a Trumpling party than a Canadian one.

And also obvious that many of the Cons are now more loyal to Trump, than they are to the pitiful Scheer.
Which may excite their MAGA base, but is no way to win a Canadian election.
For not only is Trump very unpopular with most Canadians, when he goes down, and he will.
He will take them all down with him...

Blame Canada!
Blame Canada!
With all that "Home Alone" hullabaloo,
And Ivanka's heartthrob Justin Tru'!
He can't even spell Trudeau. Guess nobody figured Justin Timberlake to be his diplomatic foil. But for your sake, I hope he doesn't edit himself into Canadian Bacon. Then you'd really be up Schitt's Creek...
The conservative party of Canada really has become the little brother of the Republican Party. Noogie
Thanks Simon for explaining what Trump was doing in that cameo. What an ego maniac, who can be surprised at the kind of president he is? And where are the MAGA Cons going to find a "moderate" leader that they can can even hope can beat Justin Trudeau?
Herr Harper gets the order of Canada, his alleged treason during the NAFTA org alone should disqualify him, can we not find one former member who sends back the medal saying I am not part of any club that has Steve as a member.
The con media is pumping Rona Ambrose's tires in expectation of a coronation, and whitewashing her record while ignoring the fact that it's still Harper's party (or pretending like that's not a bad thing). They're desperate for a battle of the sexes narrative to find someone they feel can neutralize Trudeau on feminism or force him to step aside and have Freeland take his place, and because they don't want to just let the "natural alternative to the natural governing party" die the natural death it deserves. This could be a concern not because of any particular acumen on Ambrose's part, but because of how the media did damage to Trudeau's "feminist cred" with the JWR/Jane narrative. In a sane world, an endorsement from Kenney would be the kiss of death. But this stems from his desire to see soccer moms in the 905 be recruited to the side of a pliant muse who would just rubber stamp his ecocidal war room and privatization agenda.
However, Ambrose's French is poor, which makes her a massive hypocrite in that she herself said that party leaders need to be fluently bilingual, in addition to other problems on her record like Phoenix, opposition to safe-injection sites, and Motion 312 on abortion (the very thing that Scheer waffled on -- opening the door to PMBs -- she actually did). You know something is really bad when even Harper himself votes it down.
Then again, if she does decide to run, and/or Trudeau does not head off her prospective candidacy at the pass with something like a Senate seat or other position, there's also the possibility that the other candidates -- Skippy and his growing cult of personality in particular -- may use her participation on the NAFTA council against her to say she is a mole working for Trudeau. Rona who? Equal parts Margaret Thatcher and Tulsi Gabbard, that's who.
Frank Graves has done an in-depth dive into the psychological makeup of the party beyond the mere horse race numbers. It could very well be that their hatred of Trudeau and desire to upend him in bad faith on gender issues they don't really care about outweighs their penchant for Republican-style deplorability and purity tests. Then again, with a little luck, they'll continue down the same path and drive themselves into a ditch.
Go to Wikipedia and look at the list of prospective leadership candidates. Jean Charest? Alberta would riot, and he has more baggage than an airport terminal. Potato Pete? Chopper ride to nowhere. Michael Chong? He'll probably finish behind the Dragon's Den guy, who is the other Dragon's Den guy who is not Kevin "Whose Boat is This Boat?" O'Leary or Wexit Brexit Wilson. Erin O'Fool is going to use the China committee to grandstand as an audition tape, but he is just as abrasive as Skippy Poutine. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? They're praying for a savior without actually having to rethink policy, because their talent pool is as shallow as the tar swamp itself.
Please do not refer to Potato Pete by any other moniker than Airshow. His diversion of the only search and rescue helicopters for his alleged personal use, and his importation of the F35 plywood mockup that would never crash must never be forgotten.
I have to wonder, with Trump utterly consumed with any and all things pertaining to his HUUUGE ego, 24/7, who on earth is running the circus formerly known as the most powerful office on the planet? Besides his china doll ego, he whines about having to flush the toilet 10 or 15 times when he should just get a pump-out whenever a Trump dump is imminent. His deluded rant about wind turbines that go rrrr, rrrrr, rrrrr and chops up more birds than KFC was amusing as well and that they cause more pollution than anything because no one knows more about anything than Trump. Remember, he's a stable genius though I prefer dumb-ass. Those are the utterings of the man-child supposedly running the most powerful country in the world. I pray that those who surround him have a plan B.
Some gossip on a slow news day. Wornout has gone off a cliff with derangement syndrome; he's back to harassing "Patty O'Limerick" on Twitter again, and blames "someone in the PMO" for his divorce. I'm guessing the someone is Katie Telford, because 1) he blamed her along with PMJT for his preferred candidate not winning the 2006 Liberal leadership; 2) he blamed them both for why he got rejected as a candidate in 2015; and 3) she's a woman, 'nuff said. Headline: Daisy Group reveals its war room logo to be a narcissus flower, #ThanksTrudeau.
Some celebrities seem to be capable of manipulating the media to their advantage for extended periods of time whereas other start out in control but eventually the media gains control and owns them. Their news worthy actions become more and more bizarre until they eventually self destruct and enter rehab or are carried off in a straight jacket. The different outcomes are perhaps due to luck, personality, their peeps or a combination of things. Trump seems to be on the cusp where he can still partially control the media to his benefit but at the same time he has become a victim of media manipulated false narratives designed to benefit others. Unlike a celebrity blowup where the damage is localized its difficult to see any winners emerging from this conflict except for perhaps a foreign government or two. But then again trends do not necessarily predict outcomes as there is still room for more twists and turns. Bring on the clowns/Rudy/senate trial/conspiracies as phase 2 of this media circus seems to be just getting well started!
Perhaps if one of these dunderheads had noticed the removed Trump around Christmas 2016, or around Christmas 2017, or around Christmas 2018, CBC might have put him back in by now. I know I would if I were them. As a public figure, why not? I think it would be fun regardless of my opinion of Trump. But re-editing costs money, and couldn't have been done in time for Christmas 2019, since it looks like the triggered ones only tweeted about it on Boxing Day. Plus the Connies would be triggered by them wasting money to do it in time for Christmas 2020, when Donald may be just a former President.
For those who would harrumph that CBC should have noticed the removal and changed it on their own, well, perhaps they're just not that into him.
The narrative of Trudeau's feminist cred being damaged by JWR and Philpott is incorrect. It is based on the belief among the Cons that simply giving women a fair opportunity is actually favouritism. When in fact it is not. JWR was treated like any other cabinet minister who thinks they are above the PM. In our system, the PM chooses and rules the Cabinet. Unlike Harper who could not trust anyone and so was effectively the Cabinet himself with a crew of errand runners, Trudeau appointed people who would implement his policies (based on mandate letters) and otherwise follow his lead in public. JWR would not listen to anyone and chose to use this to further her own attempt to take over the government and party on behalf of the Fraser Institute.
She likely thought Kathleen Roussel would make a plea bargain anyway since their case was known as not that likely to win. So she would not have to preside over SNC getting acquitted in court and making her look bad. This left her free to play the "I'm principled and you're not" card. Trudeau wanted the DPA because it would effectively put SNC on probation for years, ensuring real change would stick, instead of simply paying the Libya profits as a fine.
Happy New Year, Simon......may the force be with you!
Hi Jackie....I look forward to 2020 if only because Americans will have a chance to defeat Trump. So don't you dare let us down. ๐
Hi Steve....Yes, I think that will be the most important legacy of the Scheer years. I am struck by the way many Cons defend Trump as if he was one of them. It's a disgusting spectacle but it will give decent Canadians yet another reason not to vote for the Cons...
IHi anon@1:55PM....I was surprised that to my knowledge the MSM didn't explain why Trump was given that little cameo, especially since most people wouldn't have recognized him. But it does show Trump's monstrous ego, and I'll never be able to fully accept that millions of Americans thought him fit to be president....
Hi Jackie....The Con media can promote all the candidates they want, but they are all Harper hacks, and they will suffer the same fate he did. The Cons are now divided to such an extent that finding someone who can appeal to both camps will be virtually impossible. And let's not forget that all the religious fanatics that Scheer supported and got elected will be like a cancer in the body politic, and the designated leader will have to get their approval which will only play into our hands....
Hi anon@1:35AM....I agree with you, the idea that Trudeau's feminist credentials were damaged in any way by the SNC affair is absurd. Wilson-Raybould was not only out of her depth, she has an authoritarian or punitive streak and the combination caused a completely unnecessary "scandal" that fortunately mostly damaged St Jody. For Trudeau is still PM and she's just an independent MP who all can ignore....
Hi Steve....All prime ministers are eventually given the Order of Canads, so it really doesn't mean anything. Except to make me wonder when am I getting mine !!#@!!
Hi JD....I have always thought that the Trump story has a disturbing resemblance to the story of the The Emperor's New Clothes. For he is clearly either mentally ill or suffering from some kind of brain disorder, but because he is president many refuse to believe that, and those who do can't do anything about it. It's depressing and dangerous, but hopefully a majority of Americans will have had enough by next November and will vote for something better than that never ending freak show....
Hi Jackie....As I've said before, I am avoiding the Kinsella story because I believe the man is suffering from a severe mental breakdown. His latest pathetic attempt to go after one of his critics or blame someone in the Trudeau PMO for his divorce is more evidence of that. Maybe he is enjoying the publicity, but it is only making him look even more pathetic, and he needs to take a good long break from social media before they carry him off in handcuffs or a straitjacket....
Hi RT...As that Home Alone cameo demonstrated Trump needs any kind of ego boost he can get, like a bicycle tire needs a pump. As I've said before, one can only hope that most Americans will tire of his shabby freak show and vote him out in November. But in the meantime the danger is that without any restraining hand in the Oval Office he will start a war to divert attention away from his scandals, which could be catastrophic...
Hi anon@1:13 AM....As that Independent article points out, others have submitted to Trump's blackmail and given him a cameo, only to delete it later. So I think the Home Alone people should have done the same. And the fact is that when you run a movie on TV you need to find time to include commercials, and every second counts....
Hi Marmalade...Thank you, and Happy New Year to you too!!!! And as for the Force, in these troubled times may it be with us all....
Here ya go Simon, just discovered this. For your Happy New Year celebrations tonight, from "Navet Confit". Turn it up.
Ain't no party like a Liberal Party. Justin, merci.
Hi Jackie....Thanks for that video. I didn't get to use it at my New Year's Eve party since it might have caused my NDP friends to leave, or throw me out. ๐
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