Andrew Scheer tried so hard to look like a winner, instead of a sad loser.
He vowed to continue as if he hadn't lost the election. He vowed to lead the Cons to victory in the next one. He vowed that this time he would DESTROY Justin Trudeau.
But apparently behind the scenes he was a total wreck, a broken man. He couldn't believe what had happened, and wherever he went he heard the sounds of knives sharpening.
Until he finally surrendered.

"I just informed my colleagues in the Conservative caucus that I will be resigning as the leader of the Conservative Party of Cda...& I will be asking the Conserv. Party natl council to immed. begin the process of organizing a leadership contest," Andrew Scheer announces #cdnpoli pic.twitter.com/hwupolQa6E— CPAC (@CPAC_TV) December 12, 2019
And never did a Con look so beaten and so humiliated.
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer has announced he will step down once a new leader of the Conservative Party of Canada is selected.
Scheer said he had come to a “difficult decision” to “put my family first,” saying it had been an “incredible challenge” to lead the party into the last general election.”
And to make matters even worse, his sudden defenestration was accompanied by the stench of scandal.

For while Scheer claimed he was resigning because he wanted to put his family first.
Others suggested he was getting out in a hurry, after it was revealed that he had been dipping into Con Party funds to pay for private school educations for his many children.
As the news broke, Global News first reported allegations that Scheer used Conservative party money to pay for his children’s private schooling. The Star had received similar allegations and has now independently confirmed that the Conservative Fund “partially covered the costs associated with” Scheer’s children’s schooling, but would not specify any amounts.
Which must have been REALLY embarrassing, especially after what he was saying in October.

And of course REALLY hypocritical.

But then of course nobody could ever believe anything the Ugly American said. He was the most divisive and disgusting political leader in modern Canadian history.
So while I was impressed by the way Justin Trudeau was able to say nice things about the man who tried to smear him every day of the year.

After attacking Scheer every day for years, I couldn't bring myself to be that generous...

And if the new Con leadership race is as corrupt and mediocre as the last one...

I look forward to helping to destroy their next leader.
And the best news?
It will take a long time for the Cons to recover from the damage Andrew Scheer has done to them.
So we should all get a break.
Andrew Scheer can have a blue Christmas...

And Justin Trudeau should be able to enjoy his victory for a long long time...

While I can't say that I concurred with anything that he stood for, I still wonder how much of what happened to Andrew is really about appearances as well as what some segments of the electorate might perceive as social awkwardness? In CRAP Parties this seems to be a particularly important factor. Think of Hudak and Patrick Brown. I think there are many Trudeau supporters who'd vote for his candidates even if he were a Con. Let's take a look at the guy they pick next. I really don't understand what it is they see in Brad Wall or MacKay. Maybe they'll have to go to one of the Stublocons.
Media are touting Peter MacKay -- PETER MACKAY! -- as a credible leader-in-waiting. MacKay was the guy who, the last time he got the PC leadership, immediately merged his party with Reform after saying he wouldn't do that. So, yeah, I'm sure thousands of loyal Cons would just love him!
"Put family first."
That's exactly why Andy had to go. Oh well, he can use his insurance career as a fallback... oh wait. Probably just milk the wingnut welfare by working at an alleged think tank or some bullshit board seat.
The right wing zealots will take this as a sign that they need to double down more on god, hating gay people, cutting government, low taxes for rich people and more anti-abortion aka better dead than Red Tory.
He was a nice guy except to : womem, LGBTQ people, First Nations, immigrants, vizmins etc. Lets hope the friction between bigot wing and the red wing of the right wing splits them into a few impotent bits.
The merged party won three elections with MacKay winning by bigger margins each time.
But you're a Liberal, therefore though art stupid.
@anon -- against a completely rudderless Liberal Party that didn't have the "big red machine" Trudeau has built up over just four years' time. They also cheated their way to a majority and prorogued Parliament raising fears of the boogeyman coalition. Was Potato Pete in charge? No, it was Scumbag Steve. But you're a Con, and can't even spell your own Biblical pronouns correctly, therefore "thou" art stupid.
A weak CPC opens the door to a stronger NDP who can punish the Liberals for their extortion. You think this helps Trudeau,but facing a B team leader like Scheer who Trudeau could demonize and use against the parties of the left was the only thing that saved Trudeau from defeat. If the NDP & Greens merge or run joint candidates, Trudeau will be doubles screwed.
Anyone happen to notice today is Friday the 13th? Bad luck for Andy. Oh well. Couldn't happen to a nicer asshole. Now for the wild speculation. Much as I can't stand Ambrose, I hope Trudeau does actually give her the rumored U.S. ambassadorship to neutralize a potential threat. Dale Smith has a column at Loonie Politics where he echoes Bob Hepburn and our own Ottlib's contention that the talent pool of potential successors is particularly shallow otherwise. Regardless, I also hope Trudeau calls a snap election sooner rather than later to catch them with their pants down and try to get the majority back. In any event I hope the Scheerless holiday break gives the Tru Grits plenty of time to rest up and strategize for whatever comes next.
I don't know how Justin Trudeau was able to shake Scheer's hand and say such nice things about him, after all the the dirty things Scheer tried to smear him with. If I had been in Trudeau's position I would have bitten my tongue rather than say anything nice about Scheer, and if forced to shake hands I would have worn rubber gloves. As you said Simon, good riddance to bad rubbish.
Dreaming in technicolor. Your Trudeau derangement syndrome is showing yet again. The fringe Dippers are flat broke and Dizzy Lizzy's cult of personality is irrelevant. How did St. Jeremy do last night, comrade? Is St. Bernard setting up another spoiler run to "punish" the Democrats for "extortion"? Just fold the circus tent already. Have yourself a merry little Christmas and listen to some exit music for a film.
Won't matter who is in charge. The Cons could elect the very progressive leader they need and the Liberals and their troll brigade will still employ the same tactics they employ against the other parties, all the while professing to be about positive politics.
Of course Trudeau does not have to engage in dirty politics. He just has his trolls and attack dogs do it for him.
Andy wants to put "Family first"? That's funny. It should read because of family, as in donated money Andy the "average Canadian" used to shield his Scheerlings from the great unwashed(public schools). Even Harper sent his kids to public schools so the irony is rather sweet that Harper's on the board that raised alarm bells over this misuse of donated funds. Couple that with the Kinsella/Bernier case which will lead directly back to Scheer and Andy's CONnundrum is an actual scandal. Oh yeah, let's not forget all the knives that were already out for our monotone dogbone and suddenly everything's coming at him in Dolby Surround Sound Stereo.
After witnessing the vomit inducing tribute to Scheer in the HoC I am left chuckling at the fact this moment in time will soon be forgotten and Andy's truly ugly legacy will return. The lipstick layed on the pig yesterday will wash off quickly and Andy will have much to answer for. Good riddance Andrew. I'll always remember you as the worst Prime Minister we never had.
So pointing out facts like how Ambrose voted to reopen the abortion debate and emasculated Trudeau in a speech is trolling or attacking. Pointing out MacKay's unforgivable betrayal of the PCs only to come crawling back and expect his thirty pieces of silver is trolling or attacking. Huh. Funny how it's only a bad thing when Liberals do what they can to fight back. I guess we have an IOKIYAR Canadian edition now.
"therefore "thou" art stupid."
LOL. That's got to be the zinger of the year, Jackie.
It's a sad state of affairs when the Cons have to resort to using their proofreaders to troll Simon's blog.
Exactly... You were pointed out facts...
NDP under three leaders and green party... Liberal line is you're wasting your vote
Cons... Abortion and same sex marriage will be outlawed, heath care privatized, rights stripped etc. But guess what... Everything is intact.
The best ones have got to be Liberals screaming about austerity when they themselves have used it.
Like I said... Too arrogant to admit it and too stupid to realize it.
Money gave in the form of a callable marker with the perception that it would be written off based on good performance and listening to the nudging voices. Scheer failed on both counts so the free tuition marker was called. Its ironic that Scheer worked so hard to ensure that Trudeau did not become saddled with similar conflicts that he forgot to take care of himself.... a totally selfless individual always putting others before his own welfare. With a leader like that its no wonder the Cons are so proud of their party and don't see any real need for a detailed political platform other than bashing the other guy in a totally selfless manner.
NDP's strongest results have produced conservative majorities. Splintering the left-of-center vote is a surefire way to let the Cons come up through the middle. At one point during the campaign, the Conservatives were projected at 140 seats to the Liberals' 135. That's not due to any particular strength on the Conservatives' part. That's due to purity-progressive disinformation cutting the Liberal vote in three. Math is not a partisan bias. The NDP and Greens are useless except as chaos agents of polarization helping the Cons.
Cons are already weakening healthcare and civil rights in the provinces and would have had free rein to ravage the country federally had Scheer been their rubber stamp. Or have you not heard of Doug Ford and Jason Kenney? All pigs gorging on the same trough, while leaving crumbs for everyone else.
For austerity, look elsewhere. The Liberals are making massive investments in infrastructure and healthcare. However, provincial/federal jurisdiction is still a thing. Doug Ford and Jason Kenney's greed can't be blamed on Justin Trudeau. You sound jealous that Trudeau has stolen the NDP's thunder because he actually knows how to operate procedurally, and doesn't just promise gazillion-dollar magic unicorn farts pulled out of his ass. Union leaders have abandoned the NDP in droves because they know the NDP goes nowhere. For this they were called scabs and sellouts. Well, Jerry Dias knows when to back a winner and it ain't Jag or Liz.
Go clap somewhere else, sea lion. Like I said... too arrogant to admit it and too stupid to realize it.
Its hard to believe the public catholic school the Trudeau and Sinclair families send their kids to isnt "elitist" enough for Scheer. Why did he have so many children if he cant afford them? Doesnt sound very "conservative". In BC Cristy Clark had a slush fund from party contributions for whatever she wanted.
The saddest commentary I saw was the Toronto Star pushing a story about family life and why it was a credible reason for weak andy to collapse. I think the moving van will be at Stornoway before Christmas.
air show is a tech expert, he knows that jet engines never fail
Fortunately or unfortunately, I don't think the NDP will ever smarten up enough to go after their potential share of the Stupid Vote. I think the Greens might have a similar problem.
Toronto Star today: "Two sources told the Star Friday night that the Conservative Fund board, which manages the party’s finances and counts former prime minister Stephen Harper as a member, has ordered a forensic audit into the party’s expenditures."
A well written and accurate take of the soon to be Scheerly departed.
Hi John....Scheer's biggest problem was that he was living a lie. He's a hard right political extremist and Opus Dei kind of religious fanatic, and he had to use vast amounts of energy to try to cover that up. A stronger man might have been able to pull it off, but all. The weakling Scheer could do was lie about everything. As for those lining up to replace him Wall has already said he's not interested and MacKay is such a throwback to the past I doubt he'll go anywhere...
Hi Cathie....I think that Peter MacKay is trying to make up for having been fooled by Stephen Harper into killing the Progressive Conservatives. He might do well in Nova Scotia, but that's it. Still I hope he does run, because I have so much dirt on him I would need to get a front loader to dump it all on him....
Hi anon@11:59 AM...I read recently that Scheer is worth more than $3 million so he certainly doesn't need the money. He can set up his own church and attack Justin Trudeau from the pulpit every day of the week, and twice on Sunday....
Hi anon @2:27PM....OMG...not you again. The Con troll that calls me and my readers trolls. I realize you must be sooooooo disappointed by the election result. But it's time to move on loser and for god's sake get a life....
Hi Jackie....Thanks for putting that Con troll in his place, and educating me about the sea lion trolls. I'd never heard of that expression but believe me I'm going to use it.😀
Hi rumleyfips....Andrew Scheer was a truly disgusting man who poisoned out politics every time he opened his mouth. Like you I hope that the Cons will tear themselves to pieces, or as you so admirably put it, mince themselves into a few impotent bits....
Hi Gyor....You are forgetting that Scheer was only the leader of a large contingent of social conservatives who are stronger than ever, and will drag the Cons down until they are purged. I very much doubt that Jiggy Singh will be seen as the best man to fight those religious fanatics, not with the turban he wears on his head. As for the Greens merging with the NDP, I can't see that either. The Greens do have a chance of becoming more powerful, so they don't need the NDP....
HI JD....Well said. I also consider Scheer to be the worst prime minister we never had. And I am really enjoying his righteous humiliation. I hope some Con insider writes a book about their disastrous campaign. I really want to know who came up with the brilliant slogan "not as advertised," which was aimed at Justin Trudeau but worked magnificently against Scheer..I'll be laughing about that one for a long long time....
Hi RT....I believe that Scheer had such an obsessive hatred for Trudeau, that it blinded him to reality. A good example was the English debate when he came barrelling out and instead of introducing himself called Trudeau a phony and a fraud. I think a lot of Canadians took a look at that and decided they didn't want that kind of person as prime minister. I understand that He was told he had to come out strong, but he only hurt himself. As for the reason Scheer hated Trudeau so much, only a psychiatrist can figure that one out....
Hi anon....That's a very good point. I believe that Scheer is such a religious fanatic that he believes that public school is too liberal. Which tells you more about the sins of the father than it does about the poor children...
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