Only Andrew Scheer knows why he is refusing to resign. Is he a glutton for punishment like his buddies at Opus Dei?
Does he believe that his Godzilla has commanded him alone to destroy Justin Trudeau?
Or is it the big house, the limo, and all those servants?
Who knows, but one thing is for sure, they're going to need a SWAT squad to evict him from Stornoway.
For he's not going anywhere, even though the calls for his resignation keep growing, even in the Con heartland of Alberta.
Two Conservative caucus sources told the Star that anger in Alberta’s business community at Scheer for failing to defeat the weakened Liberal party Leader Justin Trudeau is so strong that it exceeds frustrations expressed in the party’s Quebec and Ontario ranks.
The sources told the Star the clear message that influential donors within the business community have conveyed to Scheer’s Alberta caucus members — and which has been passed on directly to Scheer — is that “the wallets are closed until he’s gone.”
Some caucus members don't even want to work with him.
Ed Fast, a former trade minister under Stephen Harper, has turned down an offer to serve in Andrew Scheer's "shadow cabinet," citing concerns about his leadership.
Stephen Harper's former campaign director thinks Scheer should resign.
"It looks like Andrew right now would like to remain as leader. I do not think, though, it is in his best interests or the best interests of the party," Jenni Byrne told CBC News Wednesday.
"Myself as well as other Conservatives would rather spend the time focusing on the Liberals ... and not having internal discussions about Andrew's leadership, because it's just consuming the party right now."
And Jeff Ballingall one of the founders of the ghastly Canada Proud and Ontario Proud websites is even more blunt:
.@JeffBallingall is one of the prominent Conservatives mobilizing against @AndrewScheer's leadership.— CTV Power Play (@CTV_PowerPlay) November 28, 2019
"It's the same Andrew Scheer we got in the election, which is a lifeless, monotone speaker that's not connecting to Canadians."#ctvpp #cdnpoli
More: https://t.co/uCQmGSHoEL. pic.twitter.com/X4DVnjQqdr
But despite the stench of death.
— Rob Silver (@RobSilver) November 28, 2019
And the strong feeling that it can only get worse.
— Memeditorialist (@ajhtweeting) November 28, 2019Scheer must think that he can still win.
Party sources say that if Scheer can hang on until April, his odds of staying in the leadership are pretty good. If he gets a bare majority of party members at the convention to vote for his continued leadership, nothing in the party's constitution says he can't stay on.
And I can only wish him good luck with that one.
For let's face it, a narrow win which leaves the Cons bitterly divided would be the best possible outcome...

Not for the Ugly American and his party.
But definitely for Justin Trudeau and his Liberals...

Who should probably start looking forward to an early election and a super majority.
The signs could be more favourable.
The Cons are consuming themselves.
And the future has never looked brighter...

licence plate salesmen tend to cling to the till. You will pry me out of my goverment house with my cold dead hands. How can I support 5 kids on a MP salary, get real.
someone has to ask, how important is it to you losing the house, I dont mean the house of parliament.
Big Daddy Steve-O and big bully brother Jason are going to be at the UCP convention in Alberta where weak Andy is slated to give a pathetic attempt at a TED Talk. Then Dougie is going to play Steve Jerbs at the IDU luncheon in D.C. This is shaping up to be a bloodbath and I hope they all go down like the self-imploding demolition crew they are. As Tasha Kheiriddin said we could be looking at "the death knell for the Conservative Party." That would Scheerly be a Christmas dream come true.
I love the way it's all working out. Just a month ago Scheer was threatening us all with a majority government now he's a punching bag and begging for his life. Karma couldn't be more perfect.
I hope Scheer goes, because Trudeau used him and through him Jason and Doug to blackmail voters into voting Liberal, so the sooner the Tories replace him with someone less scary, the sooner we can get rid of Trudeau.
Scheer put thumper religion before the $$ worshipers. A fatal mistake for his career but while they sort out who should be captain of the SS Apocalypse its a gift the rest of us should not squander on chasing unicorns. Sooner than we think they will be back with a Trumpian like vengeance.
I wonder if the five dipshits of the apocalypse are regretting this moronic cover.
Spoken like a true horseshoe DipperCon. Your hate for one man consumes you so much that you're OK with risking a Con government rather than admit the orange wave was a fluke that sprung out of Layton's betrayal, and your incompetent hero Jagmeet will never fucking become prime minister. Your cousins stuck us with Trump because you wanted to "get rid of Hillary" rather than admit St. Bernard had zero shot of becoming president. I'm getting sick and tired of self-declared progressives sabotaging actual progress and sending good government sliding in reverse.
Oh, believe me, they'll have a chance if sellout saboteurs like our DipperCon friend who hates Trudeau for no good reason have anything to say about it. Far as I'm concerned, he and his fellow Bernie Bros can go stick their red roses right up their noses, and jam their Jacobins and Jagmeet Jumping Jacks where the sunny ways don't shine.
How is it that Cons and Dippers alike are such bitter Grinches so full of bah-humbug they could hate a man who does this? Is he blackmailing these children into voting Liberal too?
Yes Simon, it's a dog eat dog world and the Cons are wearing milk bone underwear. Watching them peck at Scheer's political carcass like a wake of buzzards is a joy to behold. The great "unifier" is in denial to the party fracturing in every direction and this should serve as a lesson to Canadians that these clowns could never hope to have a party as united as the Liberals are and as such, could never put together a coherent and competent government. They are simply too self-serving and are just not ready, nor will they ever be.
What a wonderful holiday gift this is turning out to be. The gently falling snow is transforming the decaying fall colors into a thing of beauty while the Cons humiliating defeat is transforming them into one big, ugly display of division and self-mutilation. Please give your leftover pennies to the soon to be Homeless Andy fund. #Stornoway Castaway, Servants Gone, Rent Has To Be Paid.
Who is better then? Some mythical Red Tory who will be unacceptable to the Fundies and Fordites?
I've been thinking for some time...it's about the salary, the perks and the inevitable come-down that would be necessary for someone who's been operating waaaaaay above his head for a looooong time.
Meanwhile, Leona's doing a fine job as Andy's numéro deux
Hi Steve....Scheer has lived in two big houses for a long time, first as Speaker then as Opposition Leader so the idea of having to pay rent for a smaller place must be deeply disturbing...
Hi Jackie ....Kheiriddin went all out during the campaign to try to elect Scheer, even though she knew that he was a misogynist, and a homophobe, and a tool of the religious right, so she can't claim she's surprised. One of the good things about elections is that the Cons and the Con media are forced to show their true colours....
Hi anon....Yes, what a difference a month makes. Not having Scheer snarling away 24/7 is making winter feel like summer. He is such an ugly Con and dangerous too...
Hi Gyor....Justin Trudeau's popularity is based on a lot more than Scheer's failure to communicate with Canadians. And don't forget that the Cons are not the same party as they once were. Finding someone less scary will not be easy...
Hi RT....I agree that we must not become complacent. The Cons are still a mortal threat, and we cannot relax until we have buried them. Luckily since they have an aging demographic that won't be that hard...
Hi anon....I'm sure that Scheer must be both flattered and remorseful. For while he must like being in the company of those who have been elected to office, with friends like Ford and Kenney who needs enemies?
Hi Jackie...don't be too hard on the Dippers. I realize they are off to a very bad start, but if Justin and Jagmeet can work together, we could get some good bills through Parliament. And hopefully work towards the day when we can unite progressives, for that is the only way we can be sure of burying the Cons once and for all....
Don't feel too bad for Andy. As I recall its 2 terms in office and then a few hunderd thousand dollars of indexed pension that could be significantly more if he made any extra contributions as leverage. The only downside is filling the income gap in the interim to age 55?? but am sure some of his cronies will give him a lucrative job in a mail room or as a preacher somewhere.
Hi Jackie....Those are beautiful photos, but as I said before, the Cons and the Dippers may be feeling Grinchy after the election. Both had such high expectations only to see them shattered. But the Cons are hopelessly evil, while the NDP can still save itself. For if it doesn't it will be rewarded with another Liberal majority...
Hi JD....Thank you for that excellent comment. It will be a while before I can get the image of the Cons running around in milk bone underwear out of my head. And you're right we should take this time to truly enjoy the holiday season. Santa couldn't have brought me a better gift than the sight of all those ugly Cons tearing each other to pieces. And of course I'm only too happy to contribute a penny or two to the Homeless Andy Fund....😇
Hi anon....I think you're right. All those tax payer funded perks haven't just kept the Ugly American cozy comfy, they have made him feel like a winner, when as we all know there is no more pathetic loser...
Hi JD....Thanks for another great video. I may have to rent a speaker truck and drive around outside the Con convention playing those dream on tunes. As well as that old sentimental favourite, Is Andy Done Yet?
Hi anon@9:10AM...If a mythical Red Tory can be found, just one look at that Con convention will have him or her running for the exits...
Andrew Scheer is hanging on for a couple of interrelated reasons.
First the media are up to their old tricks of pushing a narrative instead of reporting the news. We saw it with the SNC Lavalin "scandal", we saw it with the "the West is going to separate" BS immediately after the election and we are seeing it with Mr. Scheer's apparent troubles. I would bet a sizable chunk of money that the media are not just talking to the people they quote in their stories. They are talking to many more Conservatives, more than a few of which support Mr. Scheer, but they are only quoting those that allow them to maintain the narrative they are pushing. Publicly, Mr. Scheer is being raked over the coals but privately he is probably hearing more mixed messages, mixed enough to convince him to hang on for a little while longer.
Which brings me to reason number two. He only needs to hang on until December 5. That is when the House returns and the media will turn from him to the drama of a minority government. They will hype up the threat of a new election being triggered by the Throne Speech. Everybody will ignore politics over the holiday season and then they will go back to hyping the drama of a minority government again through the winter into spring. As well, the Throne Speech and the implementation of it will remind many Conservative commentators on who they really should be focusing their attention.
So, Mr. Scheer really just needs to hang on for one more week and then things will settle down enough for him to really focus on the behind the scenes politicking that he will have to do to win the leadership review in April.
Watch out for Kenny. He is my worst nightmare. Smart and ruthless.
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