It was without a doubt the worst day in Andrew Scheer's political career. A day that should seal his fate as Con leader.
It ended with Scheer travelling to Quebec to listen to what some of his many defeated candidates had to say to him, which couldn't have been pleasant.
But long before that meeting, he was hit by a series of blows that left him little more than a dead man walking, or stumbling...

First there was the shocking revelation that explained why Scheer hasn't resigned.
Two Canadian anti-abortion organizations, both of which aim to influence legislation on abortion, collectively supported more than 60 candidates from parties on the political right, with one group alleging many of these individuals would vote to restrict access to abortion, and for the promotion of conscience rights for doctors.
Now 45 of those candidates — all members of the Conservative Party — are MPs.
He is counting on the support of the anti-abortion candidates he recruited to save him at the Con's leadership review in April.
And sure enough he's still celebrating those candidates like Lianne Rood.

Who according to the Campaign Life website is opposed to abortion under ANY circumstances.
But if that exposure was a shock to Scheer, the next thing that happened to him yesterday must have sent him spinning.
When the faithful Harper flunky Kory Teneycke suggested that if Scheer wants to keep his job, he should resign immediately.

Stephen Harper's former communications director said Monday that if Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer wants to keep his job, he should step down and run for the position again.
"I think he should resign and run again for his job. If he's confident that the party membership backs him, that's the way to test that," Teneycke told host Vassy Kapelos.
And compared the state of the Cons to the state of the Titanic, after it hit the iceberg.
"There was a framing of the election campaign around the prime minister, around him not being as advertised, and then I think the campaign went on to do a bunch of unforced errors," Teneycke said. He cited the controversy over Scheer's dual Canadian/American citizenship, the perception that he wasn't offering "full and frank" answers to questions about same-sex marriage and abortion, and the confusion over "was he an insurance broker or wasn't he."
But if that was a blow Scheer might have seen coming, the next one must have hit him like a tsunami or the Day of Judgement.

When some of his beloved religious fanatics stabbed him in the back.
Some social conservative groups say Andrew Scheer can’t stay on as Conservative Party leader because he failed to defend their beliefs during the federal election campaign and are rallying their members to help ensure his ouster.
So now Scheer who infamously compared gay people to dogs, has people like the bloated anti-gay bigot Charles MacVety calling for his resignation.

Mr. McVety said Mr. Scheer was hostile towards social conservatives. He said the leader should resign because he lost a winnable election.
And is now truly caught between a rock and a hard place.
Will he resign or will he hang on to his big house and his many servants?
Answer: it doesn't really matter.
For as Rob Silver points out, the Cons are now a far-right party.

They do not reflect the views of most Canadians on women's rights,, gay rights, and climate change.
Scheer has taken the party to the point of no return.
And they're all going down together...

If Scheer keeps clinging to his job he is going to end up looking like even more of a loser. My guess is that he will and hope that he can get the social conservatives behind him again. All those new SoCons he recruited will still support him, so who knows what might happen?
I think Scheer is going to hang on and tell Con supporters that they can't afford to replace him because an election call could come any time and catch them with their pants down. If Trudeau had won a majority Scheer would have been forced to resign the day after the election.
"Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!"
No amount of Hail Mary's will save Andy now. God has spoken. "Repent you douchebag for you have forsaken me and shall forever be banished from leadership and Stornoway."
Having the disgusting homophobe coming after him must have Scheer wondering whether he died and went to hell. It's wonderfully ironic and they both deserve each other.
First budget speech and Andy's day of reckoning both coming early next year. I wonder if the Liberals would roll the dice and engineer their own defeat prematurely so as to watch weak Andy's head go into a tailspin like the male version of Linda Blair he is. Charles McVety, Canada's version of Fred Phelps, as the Exorcist: "the power of God commands you!" Springtime for Schitler or should I say, riding high in April and shot down in May.
First off, Scheer has to go. Secondly, won't matter if they elected a moderate leader, as the Liberals will still use the same tactics they used previously to whip up fear mongering and hysteria. Oh wait, silly me... I forgot, the Liberals are all sunshine and lollipops and it's only the other parties that engage in that type of politics.
Schmear's smear campaign caught on tape.
Are you DipperCons still pissed that Schmearmongering about 20-year-old yearbook photos and Buffalo Chronicle bullshit backfired because Canadians are smart enough to know that the Cons are the real racists and sex-obsessed perverts, and Swingin' Singh is both incompetent and irrelevant? Nobody said anything about sunshine and lollipops. You trolls are the ones living in a fairy tale unreality, because the Trudeau Liberals' real-world accomplishments speak for themselves.
I want a full investigation into his and Lisa's connections to JWR and how he got his hands on the West Point Grey Academy's yearbooks. Bernier is a red herring and the tip of the iceberg. The real target was, of course, Trudeau. Amy McPherson at FreeThePressCanada.org has been doing a great job of investigating Wornout's relentless anti-Trudeau hate campaign. This deranged motherfucker needs to crash and burn.
It's hard to envision a scenario where the Liberals could put forth a budget so odious that nobody supported it. If it was that detestable to the NDP and Bloc and they were headed for certain defeat otherwise, the Conservatives themselves would have to support it.
That said, it certainly is an interesting thought. Arrange another election mere weeks before Scheer can get out of the way, toss his stinking putrid carcass on the carpet in front of Canadian voters, and see if you can get a majority out of it.
The only real problem is it might be hard to persuade people -- myself, really -- who are not faithful Liberals that there would be any reason to vote Liberal when there is no longer a need to fight the Conservatives.
Well since they won't elect a moderate leader we will simply have to accept the answer to your hypothetical will remain forever unknown.
Bible thumpers make a reliable voting block for the free enterprise crowd but the crash test dummies were never meant to get behind the wheel. Suspect that the crony crowd will not be able to regain control by replacing Scheer in the short term so they will back off on the media support and covertly let nature run its course. Simply counting the number of pro Scheer vs alternative opinion pieces that the Post media propaganda machine runs at any point in time will a good indicator where the cronies are putting their money next.
Hi anon....maybe the religious fanatics will vote for him again, but if they help him win they will only help the Liberals get a strong majority in the next election. So the way I see it we can't lose....
Hi anon...I've heard a couple of Scheer supporters make that argument. But I can't see an election being called for at least two years, so I doubt that argument will convince many of the Cons who want Scheer gone tomorrow....
Hi JD...I don't think that anything can save Scheer now, but the Cons are a broken party so I suppose it's conceivable that Scheer might convince them to give him another chance. But who would replace him, Pierre Poilievre or Erin O'Toole, or Michelle Rempel? As Inkeep saying with losers like that how can we lose?
Hi anon...I love it. McVety is indeed a disgusting homophobe, so I like to think that Scheer is getting a dose of his own medicine..l
Hi anon@7:04AM....None of the progressive parties used the kind of smear tactics the Cons used during the last campaign. And all the Liberals did was confront Scheer with his foul homophobia with his own words, question why he lied about his qualifications, and why he tried to conceal that he was an American citizen. All of those questions were legitimate, so you have noting to complain about...
Hi JD...I saw that story, and it only confirmed that Kinsella has gone off the deep end. Some of the things he said sound like something out of a b-movie. The man was paid to damage others, but ended up only damaging himself. Sad....
Hi Jackie...I understand how you feel, but I think people should just ignore Kinsella. I wouldn't be surprised if he arranged to leak the CBC story because he can't get enough publicity and he doesn't care whether it's good or bad. He helped his hated Liberals win the election, and that should be punishment enough...
Hi RT....I admit I have no idea what the bible thumpers are going to do. It depends what other candidates come forward to challenge Scheer. But since Scheer did arrange to have so many of them nominated, and so many won, they could agree to give him another chance. They might feel that making the Cons the Jesus Party is more important than winning an election. Praise the Lord may The Force be with them.....🙄
Not going to happen despite what the Low Taxes crowd believes. The country clubbers don't have the numbers like the bible thumpers do. Like bible thumpers are going to willingly give up their seat(s) at the big kids table after being treated like the ignorant rubes they are for decades.
Same problem that the GOP in the States has (but their situation is worse.) The leadership of the Mayberry Machiavellis got a taste of power and the good life and want to keep it that way. Not even god himself will stop that.
These guys don't care what their leadership does or how they sin as long as women and anyone they don't like gets put in their place and unwanted babies don't get aborted. Considering how they're clinging to Trump, they don't care if he sells out the country to a hostile foreign power for his personal gain (because it's also their gain.)
Enjoy the show
FYI: Dougie is delivering the keynote address at the IDU convention next month in D.C. I think Scumbag Steve is giving his own protege Trump a makeover to be the next reality-TV contestant turned, um, political heavyweight. Otherwise known as putting beer-flavored lipstick on a pig.
The plot thickens. Leona Alleslev (remember her?) the opportunistic floor-crosser replaces climate-denier Lisa Raitt as Andy's no. 2. Seems the Cons are attempting to portray themselves as a "feminist" party by picking this traitor as a copycat Freeland. "She was chosen as a strong woman, with a high profile in the GTA who believes in Andrew Scheer's vision." So, a Stepford handmaid, picked for no other reason than to make a desperate appeal to Ontario, dish more Liberal dirt (probably to Wornout, and he to Fife... here we go again) and troll Trudeau. Another pathetic backstabber cut from the same cloth as Jane and Jody is Andy's last hope to "rebrand" and save his ass.
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