I realize Kellie Leitch is frustrated. A few weeks ago she had to be told to cool her jets by other Cons.
Because she was apparently getting ready to announce her candidacy for permanent leader of the Harperless party, at least a year before the leadership convention.
And I realize it's hard for her to cool those jets, when her interim leader Rona Ambrose is setting such a bad example...

And is looking more like Canada's Sarah Palin every day.
But there is still no good reason, and no excuse, for what Kellie Leitch said yesterday.

And she should be ashamed of herself, for it was simply despicable.
Conservatives turned up the rhetoric and the heat Thursday, accusing Justin Trudeau’s government of making the country — and members of the military in particular — look weak with their plan to pull CF-18s from combat against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.
“This government would have those Canadian Armed Forces withdraw,” said Conservative Kellie Leitch. “They would put them in the position where they would be seen on the world stage as cowards. But these people are outstanding and they are not cowards and they want to face ISIS and eradicate it so Syrians can return to their homes.”
A slap in the face to all those who have been risking their lives in the skies over Iraq and Syria..
And just more of the same old Con porn...

Which might as well have come from the mouth of Donald Trump himself.
When in fact bombing will not eradicate ISIS. There are enough nations already bombing that region...

Aerial bombing can terrorize civilians....

Or kill them.
Which is against our Canadian values.
And by stepping up its training program for the boots on the ground, who are the only ones who can defeat ISIS, Canada will be making a far more valuable contribution to the fight against that death cult.
But if Leitch wants to talk about cowardly. This is cowardly.

Status of Women Minister Kellie Leitch is blasting the "abhorrent" practices of rape as a weapon of war and the forced marriage of young children in the developing world. But she's defending Canada's refusal to fund any aid projects that might help the victims of such barbaric practices obtain abortions.
Preventing women who have been raped from getting a safe abortion, just to please her rabid Con base, and her deathly ideology.
Even though she is a doctor.
And of course this couldn't be more cowardly or more monstrous...

Whipping up hatred against Muslims in the manner of her Great Bigot Leader...

Who as we all know, couldn't be more of a coward himself.
But then that is who they are. The most cowardly bloodthirsty bullies this country has ever seen.
And that's why they're not going anywhere. Except to the garbage dump of history.
So much for Rona Ambrose's new "tone."
So much for the new /nouveau Cons....

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"their plan to pull CF-18s from combat against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant."
Is that the EZRA Levant???
List of places KL showed up during campaign period
over 100 ALL over Canada
Why isn't Trudeau booting all the leftover con appointments the hell out of their jobs? The more of those fucking psychopathic fascists he lets stay around, the harder it will be for him to get anything at all done, let alone his 100 campaign promises. Oh wait...o-bomb-a did the exact same thing with the rethuglicans that the shrub left behind and we all know how much justice those war criminals have faced and the smooth running model of efficiancy the u.s. gubmint shows the world. Hmmmm....maybe a parallel forming here? The term "pretty poison" comes to mind.
Perhaps this Dr.Kellie should work for awhile with Doctors Without Borders in the Middle East.But before she does,she should damn well make sure she calls the Pentagon and gets their word the hospital she's working in won't be bombed and it's poorest of the poor patients burned alive in their beds by US jets.And if she wants to talk about cowards start there..
Saw this quote from John Lennon recently.
Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it.
- John Lennon
Dr. Leech is a big poopy-head.
Did you mean efficacy? Curious minds want to know...
Ambrose, Leach (sic), Raitt et al are suffering from PMS. The Petulance, Morose syndrome
Good quote from Lennon! Here's another along the same lines from Farley Mowat. "The world is run by psychopaths"
I guess the Italians are cowards too. The President of Italy just told NATO that Italy will not participate in the bombing of Syria! The knowledge she has about Western foreign policy in the Middle East and the death and destruction it has caused, could fit in a thimble. A person like Leitch who sits in the HOC and does not want to know the truth about the Middle East is a coward.
Try it takes time, and until you have replacements lined up you essentially have to leave the old ones in place to keep the machinery of government running. Given this is only the beginning of week 6 of the Trudeau government, you might try a little more patience.
this bombing of countries drives me insane. I just wish for one friggin second the cons, and the rah rah military types would stop buying the party lines. Bombing a country to punish a leader, who happens to be a psychopathic lil prick wont get rid of him, it will just harm innocent citizens. It also wont harm the guerrilla warfare types such as isis or whatever they are known this week, as they hide in caves, in bunkers or wherever.
bombing... kills families, children, innocents, the end. It scares a country into mass hysteria so they have to run.
I mean seriously would any of these rah rah military types like it. if suddenly england or america decided to bomb canada to roust out that psychopath Harper?
No, didnt think so.
Bombs and military are a waste of resources, and they are simply a lie, that is sold to average people to make them feel like its about safety
its not, its about corporate contracts paid by tax dollars, its about oil, its about greed:P nothing more, nothing less. the narrative fed to the masses is a big fat lie.
I seriously think these women of the morally depleted, racist, ignorant ReformCON shadow useless government are menopausal!!!!!! And don't anyone start jumping all over me..... I too am a woman that is menopausal!!!!! It does really screw with your head. My solution is to take a long walk and really think before I speak. Seriously, this menopause can convince you to say some stupid things without thinking first!!!!! Maybe these female ReformCONS should take a brisk winter walk around the parliament building prior to question period so they can at least try and use some common sense once they are in question period. Kellie should look in the mirror if she really wants to see a true coward!! Send her off to some hospital in Syria so she can get the real effect of the bombing of innocent people!!!!!! Maybe if she survives she will return with a new outlook!!!!! As for The village idiot, Rona, she most certainly has that menopausal look and is dying to bomb and kill. A good doctor could give her a prescription for these killing urges!!!!! I myself smoke a little Mary Jane to calm my ideas of sometimes wanting to hurt people!!!!!!! Finally some females in the house...... And they are the bottom of the barrel females!!!!!!!! Lipstick Michelle Rumplestein included..... Maybe she is going into early menopause....... It can happen lol lol ... Keep up the good work Simon, you make me laugh every day!!!!!! Laughter is also good for my condition!!!!!!!!!!
I suggest Permanent Moronic Syndrome works better.
Leitch advocates fiercely for the sanctity of life and is very proud to tell us about her pro-life beliefs. But she also advocates to bomb the adults, and children too, as if the bombs that her side is dropping from 30,000 feet can tell the difference between terrorists and the innocent parents of those children she wants born. Just ask those Doctors Without Borders who got bombed by the Americans how smart the NATO bombs were (Obama has already admitted the mistake but has yet to admit fault). Or the wedding parties that Obama's drones have disrupted.
What kind of doctor advocates the taking of civilian lives? Answer: the Cons Evangelical Christian kind like her.
The only thing we can do is to give this woman an AK 47 and drop her into Syria and tell her to make us proud and not run away to hide in the first closet like her leader did and make us look like cowards, eh?
"Preventing women who have been raped from getting a safe abortion, just to please her rabid Con base, and her deathly ideology."
Er, how can Leitch have a "deathly ideology" if she says she is pro-life?
We hear about being "pro-life", "pro-choice", but rarely "pro-birth".
I think the vast majority of Canadian Cons and US Republicans are actually "pro-birth", not "pro-life".
Sister Joan Chittister commented: "I'm opposed to abortion. But I do not believe that just because you're opposed to abortion that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking. If all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed and why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is."
Why abortion rate is up in Bush years (Oct. 17, 2004)
Doctors who promote death and destruction, e.g. by bombing innocent civilians, remind me of lawyers who knowingly break the law. You wonder what part of healing others/obeying the law they take issue with. In either case, they don't deserve votes or support from decent Canadians. Sawbones Leitch is just playing to the bloodthirty Canada-Should-Be-A-Major-Warmonger ReformaCON base in the (vain, IMO) hope she'll become a viable leadership candidate.
It's no coincidence that the ReformaCON women -- Rona, Quack Leitch, Michelle Rempel, Jason Kenney -- are doing the most mouthing off now. Once the party's leadership race begins in earnest, the wimminfolk will be pushed aside so the menfolk can do the job God wanted them to.
hi David...you mean is it Lezra the Levantine? I don't know but it's sounds a bit like lavatory, so maybe it is...;(
hi car...thanks for that info, and it is quite revealing. Leitch is clearly a simmering cauldron of ambition. She had to be slapped down a few weeks ago, but if Rempel doesn't spear her first, she'll definitely be back...
hi anon 6:36 am...I think the Liberals are setting the stage to do just that. They are offering them a chance to resign, so tat if they don't some of them at least can be fired. especially those who have hijacked the National Energy Board. Sadly some of them depending on the contracts they have will be hard and very expensive to dislodge. But hopefully they can be shamed into doing the right thing...
hi anon...That's one of the things that offends me the most. Leith is a doctor and still apparently more interested in killing people than healing them. And since I know several members of Doctors Without Borders, what I can say for sure is that she is not fit to join them. And yes, with Cons like her running around it is a crazy world...
hi thwap...you know I hadn't thought of calling her Dr Leech, but now that you mention it, she does seem to fit that description... ;)
hi anon...yes the women may be suffering from that, and I have no doubt that many of the men are suffering from Post Power Depression. And one can only hope it's both painful and humiliating...;)
hi anon4:48 pm...yes Permanent Moronic Syndrome would also be a good diagnosis. And that is a very good question: what kind of doctor would advocate dropping bombs on children. She's a practicing orthopaedic surgeon so you would think she would know better. But you know what the Cons believe. When you're in the womb you're a real human, but as soon as you are born you are on your own.
And yes, whenever I hear those chickenhawks screeching for war, my question to them is always the same: So when are YOU planning to enlist?
hi Pamela...yes and the Germans are not planning to bomb anyone either. So I suppose they're cowards too. If Leitch had any decency she would apologize, but since she is a Con of the lowest order, I'm sure she hasn't any....
hi Deb...I feel the same way about those who would rain down bombs on others, knowing that innocent civilians could be terrorized or killed. I read a report recently from a journalist who was actually allowed to visit an ISIS city, and he pointed out that the crazies make absolutely sure that they are never exposed, and mingle with the civilians in the cities and towns they have occupied. Bombing might be useful if accompanied by a force on the ground, but with out that fire it's practically useless, and almost always counter productive. But then the call to bomb is only designed to make people feel good, and all these wars have indeed been about nothing more than oil and greed...
hi anon...I don't know if you can blame the behaviour of those Con women on menopause, my diagnosis would be excessive ambition, combined with a shrinking moral compass. I expect women to be smarter than men, but Con women it seems are as dumb as their male colleagues. And it is striking that Rona Ambrose would be prepared to let thousands of drug addicts die, and that Leitch would be prepared to cause massive suffering in absolute violation of her Hippocratic oath. How any Con can live with him or herself is a mystery to me. However, maybe I'll have a little Mary Jane myself this weekend and see if I can get some insight into this puzzling condition. And yes, keep on laughing, it really is the best medicine...
hi David...yes but those kind of pro-lifers are the same kind of people who also believe in the death penalty, so they aren't true Christians just frauds. In Africa, the problem is compounded by the lack of birth control, and the fact that every extra child means that the other members of the family will have less to eat. And as a result the birth of a child can result in the death of other children. My companion Seb educated me on this matter after working with a medical team in Haiti. So yes, it a moral dilemma...
If these kind of pro-lifers are the same kind of people who also believe in the death penalty, why do you think Harper never introduced a bill once he got his majority in 2011?
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