It hasn't yet snowed in the place where I live, and I'm having a hard time believing it's almost Christmas.
Although goodness knows Justin Trudeau is doing his best to get us into the spirit of the holiday season, with this performance at a Montreal food bank...
Challenge accepted and completed, @PKSubban1. Jingle all the way! #CanadaCarols
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) December 18, 2015
And we do have so much to be thankful for, after having crushed Stephen Harper and his foul Con regime.
But even as the light returns to Canada, there is also a threat growing out there in the shadows, and it couldn't be more monstrous.

For that crushing defeat has stirred up the legions of Con zombies, and made them even angrier, and crazier.
And they are spewing their bigot bile, their grotesque misogyny, and even death threats all over the internet.
First they went after the Muslims, then they went after indigenous Canadians, then they went after Rachel Notley...

Threatening her in the most cowardly manner.

Or in the manner of ignorant rednecks.

Going after her because she's a woman like a pack of rabid animals.
Alberta Premier Rachel Notley faces a much higher level of threatened violence and personal attack in posts online in the past week — and since her election — than her male counterparts ever get, says a University of Calgary professor.
In the past week, there have been angry social media posts that Notley should be shot, stabbed, or even thrown into a tree grinder. Some of the posts have referred to her as a b---h and other offensive terms.
Even signing a petition to try to overthrow her NDP government.
And now they're going after Justin Trudeau...

That being just one vile comment among many on Ezra Levant's hate mongering site The Rebel. And there are so many others all over the place.
What makes the situation even more dangerous is the dire economic situation in Alberta. Where many are suffering, are angry, and desperate, and lashing out in every direction.
And so ugly has the mood become in other places, that the Toronto Star has just become the latest media organization to shutdown reader comments.
The Toronto Star has done away with reader comments on its website, as online comment boards at newspapers become increasingly rare. A spokesperson for the Star confirmed the decision was made “partly because of the negative tone of many comments.”
And what all of that tells me, is that the fires Stephen Harper started are now raging out of control...

They are that monster's insane legacy, and they must be put out before somebody gets hurt or killed.
The Cons need to understand that they were defeated, and there's nothing they can do about it, so they should just suck it up. Or swallow their own bigot bile.
The police must crack down on those violent hate mongers and treat them like the terrorists they are. Bust them, jail them, break them.
Crass Cons like Michelle Rempel need to stop encouraging those crazies with incendiary comments like this one...

The Con media needs to stop fuelling the fears of the ignorant with their gotcha games aimed at Justin Trudeau, for no other reason than to pleasure their porky corporate bosses.
We need to examine our hate laws, and see if they need to be toughened.
And above all we need to remember that after fighting so hard to get our Canada back, now we must be prepared to defend it.
Or risk losing it, and seeing triumph turn to tragedy.
Anyway, that's the strange space I, who have also been threatened by some of those Con crazies, find myself in just five days from Christmas...

Enjoying the light and the freedom of the New Canada, and preparing to surrender to the spirit of the season.
But conscious of the darkness around me.
And getting ready for the battles ahead...
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Crazy stuff for sure Simon.Levant,Remple,and the rest of them are only appealing to a certain base mentality with an IQ of 3...
The majority of people in this country are decent people who are intelligent enough to see this for what it is.BullShit..
I doubt very much Notley or Trudeau are too concerned with people who are to dumb to mark X on a ballot in the first place.
Enjoy your Christmas and All the Best in 2016.
All those decent Albertans better rise up and get rid of this trash.
It has more to do with the fact that she's a social democractic leader in the Tory homeland of Alberta then that she's a women,I think any NDP Premier would face the same fear & hatred.
Former Premier Alison Redford didn't face those kind of death threats and hostility.
It would be too much to ask for I suppose to have someone in the mainstream media to do a story on this very unfortunate situation. I sense we are close to a tipping point where things could take on a life of their own. All we need is for one inflamed jackass to believe he is acting for the greater good to have an extremely negative outcome which could change the course of history.All started by the immaturity and bitterness of the cons.
Don't ever underestimate the power of the crazies. They do much more damage and are much more fearless than sane people because they don't know the difference between sane and crazy. Professional assholes like rimple and levant know this and incite that very character aberration to get the rightwing, fanatical crazies ready to attempt any atrocity to achieve their own desired ends. The whole rightwing msm in this and many other countries know that mayhem and chaos plays to the now-idiot viewership that hangs on every word of seditionists like ambrose, levant, rimple, faux news and the suns as gospel truth so they foment that sick shit at every turn. The old adage "there's no such thing as bad publicity" comes to mind here. Fucking sick but true.
Oh yeah...
There's a new study that shows that people who swear a lot are smarter than the rest of you's-all. Get used to and deal with it, Simon. It's the new fashion accessory this year.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.
"God Bless us, every one...."
We love you Simon. Keep up the good work, and know that you are contributing positively to our lives every time we read your blog.
Have a good Christmas!
The lowest of the low in Harper's base cant contain the rage emanating from their hateful empty souls. These disgusting people had better be monitored and investigated and photos of them made available to the public. Keith Barnes is one sick, twisted individual and Levant even more so for allowing that garbage to be displayed on his garbage website. I can't believe our laws allow this activity in the first place. That is not free speech and should be treated as direct threats and dealt with accordingly.
You do have to wonder how people became that "crazy" that they would suggest we kill our politicians or do them harm. It might be about time the police visited them.
Part of it is people have access to the internet and feel they can write what they please without any repercussions or anyone knowing what they are saying. Most I would suggest are cowards and would not say any of the things they write to anyone. Its being anonymous, which "permits" people to say what they do. Some of these comments may also be "booze induced".
Many who feel disenfranchised use the internet to spew their opinions. It gives them a sense of momentary power. There is the concept of free speech, but we ought to try to remember the difference between free speech and hate speech and free speech and threats to harm someone.
The farm bill in Alberta, its beyond me why it raised so much hatred. When you think about it, there may be some in the industry, but the majority are in other industries. Family farms, don't hire a lot of people. Don't see the Hutterites saying these types of things and they have large farms. Argi business is the only group, in my opinion which as an oar in this and big business, I do hope isn't that crazy to "mouth off" like this.
I suspect this is simply a way for people to blow off steam in a declining economy. They are afraid. They are unsure and they want to say something, even if its stupid. It makes them feel good for a few minutes.
I think that you're right e.a.f., these people are frustrated and may be feeling some liquid courage with their iPads. However, we do have laws that protect the greater society. It would seem to be a good time for law enforcement to make some public noise over this. Maybe take one or two extreme cases and lay some charges. Maybe the media would get busy on researching the topic and educating the general public on responsible (and legal) use of social media under Canadian Law.
I think that they are showing their displeasure in a more vulgar way to the NDP leader because she is a woman. They would still be nasty if the leader was a man, but the mix of a woman with left leaning policies is creating a more volatile situation.
Happy New Year! Sadly, I think you are right.
I'll have to look into that swearing thing, since it's a fashion accessory...
Because it’s 2015: A Conversation with the Prime Minister will air on Dec. 25. at 6:00 p.m. on Global Television (6:30 p.m. on Global BC)
Did Dean del Mastro spend more than one night in jail?
Before Harper and his ReformCon bullies arrived on the scene, the only group I can recall that promoted the killing of politicians in Canada was the FLQ. I equate TheRebel.com, Ezra Levant and other Right Wing Nut Jobs to the FLQ, and am truly concerned that some deranged fool will do something awful to someone.
Interesting... I thought that Harper's Canada was totally over, no longer a thing, dustbin of history, etc. etc. etc.
But for some reason, we Harper supporters have all this power, enough to bring down sitting governments through a coup. I'm confused, I thought we were old news, over, finished, gone.
Interesting that the answer to our existence, which, I dunno, may or may not be significant anymore, is, *ahem* "The police must crack down on those violent hate mongers and treat them like the terrorists they are. Bust them, jail them, break them."
So interesting that a guy from a party which *hates* the police, nevertheless wants to use them, and the state's proxy violence to harm people you don't like.
Hmm... I wonder if the leftist sense enlightenment is, oh, how did our PM put it...? "That's not a thing." Turns out, that your virtue signaling isn't actually a thing; you flat-out don't understand who conservatives are, why we believe as we do, and you aren't open to learning. But that's okay, because really we need to be jailed... right?
During the election I was threatened with gun violence by a right wing nutter. This asshat actually ran for city counsel in my city years ago and had run into an election fraud issues because his mother fronted him 5000 dollars, which far exceeded the allowed single contribution. His contention was that he would pay her back when more people donated to his twisted cause. Much to nobodies surprise, there were no other suckers who contributited. During the recent campaign this guy posted a picture of Trudeau on Facebook with gun sights semi imposed on the frame, when I called him out for it, he gave me his actual home address and asked me to drop by his place so he could shoot me, making sure to mention he had a house full of guns. I imagine I will be reading about him in the papers in the near future. These people are about as far removed from reality as Donald Trumps moronic sycophants.
hi anon 7:39 am...well I hope you're right, and you probably are. They are appealing to the dumbest people in Canada. But as I said in my post, I think that madness is reaching a critical level, and at a certain point it can be dangerous. But Merry christmas and happy New Year to you too !!!
hi anon 10:48...I don't underestimate the power of the crazies, and there are a lot of them out there right now, in this country and in the United States. And the combined action of those crazies and our Con media does seem like an attempt to destabilize our new government. And when you add the death threats to the toxic mix I think I could be dangerous. Now as to the relationship between swearing and intelligence, I must admit I'm also shocked. And I will have to do better !!#@!!!!
hi anon 8:27...I've never been able to swear properly, I just fix m,y enemies with a killer stare, and then lunge at their throats ;) But seriously, happy New Year to you and yours....
hi anon....yes, let's hope that sanity prevails. I understand Albertans are going through hard times, and I sympathize with them, But death threats are not the answer...
hi Gyor....well obviously the fact that Notley is an NDP leader in a traditionally Con province has a lot to do with it. But trust me misogyny is also playing a big role. Notley is being victimized but so is the Liberal premier of Ontario Kathleen Wynne. And it helps make what is happening even more disgusting...
hi TS...yes as I told Gyro I haven't the slightest doubt that Notley is also being treated in a foul manner because she is a woman. And the hatred directed at Kathleen Wynne for being a woman and a lesbian is almost beyond belief, and both cowardly and disgusting...
hi anon...I think the MSM should be doing more to denounce the situation. We simply can't let people fire off death threats all over the place, and think they can get away with it. It would be the death of democracy, and as you point out, all it would take is one crazy person with a gun to change the course of history. And do incredible damage to this country...
hi anon...thanks a lot, I appreciate that encouragement. I'm still here, still going, still more or less sane, and heading for the exit of this exhausting year, on all fours. ;)
But all things considered the year couldn't have ended better, so let's celebrate. And a merry Christmas to you and yours !!!!
hi anon....yes that foul stuff comes from the lowest of the low. And people who make those kind of threats really do need to be monitored, and charged if necessary. I can't believe some of the ugly comments I'm reading, it all helps create an atmosphere of violence, and we can't allow that to happen in Canada. As I've said before, the laws in Britain are far harsher on hate mongers than they are here, and if this hatefest continues we may have to tighten them up here....
hi e.a.f...I don't understand or tolerate people who make death threats online. I understand that most of them are probably hollow threats from crazy old guys in their basements and in their pyjamas. But it all contributes to creating an atmosphere of violence and it can move disturbed people to do crazy things, so it's got to be nipped in the bud before things get out of control....
It amazes me how far from reality you people are. First off, it was one of your uneducated right wing minions who mentioned a "kudatah" Is it your contention that we should just ignore threats of violence and treason because you guys are now irrelevant? More importantly, is this how you plan on becoming relavent again, because once the new electoral system is implemented, your party will go the way of the dinosaurs. The xenophobic stance of hate and fear implemented by Herr Harper will not work on the younger generation. The jig is up, your game is over. On one hand, you claim to be the ones who are all for the police and that all lefties hate the police, and on the other you seem to be endorsing a violent over throw of a legally elected government. The fact is, its not a matter of using the police to attack your party, it's a matter of having the police arrest violent, disillusioned psychopaths. Do you not see how this is exactly the same as the moderate Muslims your clan hates because they say nothing about the extremists amongst them?
hi David...I don't think he did. I believe he was sprung the very next morning. And so far at least this whole episode seems to have been a legal farce from beginning to end...
P.S. Do we have an extradition treaty with Barbados?
hi ExMTLer...I can't remember any other groups threatening to kill politicians in this country. And just like it wasn't tolerated then it should not be tolerated now. I have no respect for trolls, and I expect those that make death threats to be charged and prosecuted. Period. For as you point out, all it takes is one deranged fool to do something awful....
hi anon....Harper's Canada is indeed over. But there is a hard core of supporters who don't seem to accept the verdict of the voters. Demanding that a duly elected government be overthrown is an assault on our democracy. And making death threats is a crime that needs to be suppressed by whatever legal means necessary. And how can I hate the police, when I have worked with them for many years? I bet I'm like no lefty you have ever met, so you should be careful who you stereotype. I'm not accusing all conservatives of behaving badly, or being bad losers. But there are enough of them out there at this time who must and will be brought under control. Far too many right-wingers see life in black and white, but it's far more complex than that, and when most of the death threats come from one side, your side, you should be concerned about where your side is going. But what I can tell you is this, it will not take you to victory, and from now on defeat will be your only companion...
hi Greazedlitenen... that is a truly disturbing story, and that Con should be behind bars. That isn't Canadian behaviour it's straight out of crazy Amerika. But isn't it amazing how owning guns turns cowards into bullies? Should he ever cause any more trouble, make sure you report him to the police, and if you can sue him for all he owns...
besides the FLQ I can't remember, in modern times, any political group killing others. O.K. that doesn't include the RCMP, they aren't a political group.
Canada has had some fairly good sports riots but that is about as "violent" as we get enmass.
Can't believe how so right you are ;) Just don't forget these people, on that PEGIDA Quebec Facebook link, where you will see a guy who disagrees with Trudeau being an islam sheep, compared to all the majority of profile comments, spreading laughable fear mongering. Good reading ;): https://www.facebook.com/919586301398634/photos/a.919608961396368.1073741828.919586301398634/1058363074187622/?type=3&comment_id=1058379777519285&reply_comment_id=1058454004178529&offset=0&total_comments=37
Well Simon I contemplated perusing a legal solution to this wackjob, but decided against that route and eventually cut off all correspondence with him. As for suing him, I imagine it would be Mommy's money and home, so even though she raised this idiot, I don't think she deserves to pay for his lunacy.
"The Con media needs to stop fuelling the fears of the ignorant..."
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” – Yoda
Pegida were not even able to run their stupid bigoted march in "Le Petit Maghreb", which is a part of Saint-Michel where many Maghrebi merchants and other citizens have done a lot to promote that neigbhourhood and its cultural products. They just ran away.
Simon, I must say how much I loathe food banks. I know they are better for some people than going hungry (they are utterly useless for people with allergies or other specific dietary needs, with their white flour, white sugar, shitty fats and other slow poisons). But they are also a way for the élite to pretend to do something about hunger and poverty instead of calling for raising the rates (minimum wage, welfare rates, guaranteed income supplement, workers' comp etc) and supporting social housing and other measures to support people in dire straits).
No, I'm not saying that to pick on Trudeau. All of them take part in that farce.
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