I always knew Rona Ambrose's claim that her Cons would be different and better than Stephen Harper's Cons was a hollow boast.
And that she would not be able to resist the tempting target of Justin Trudeau's children.
I knew that a woman who would allow heroin addicts to die, and would jail those who smoke marijuana, is capable of anything.
But who knew she would have the nerve to call herself a feminist, and declare that child care was a luxury?
Interim Conservative Leader Rona Ambrose says Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a rich man who should pay for his own nannies and not saddle taxpayers with the cost of raising his three young children.
Ambrose said that the public expects some perks for their political leaders, but they draw the line at luxuries like nannies.
"There are a lot of things that are provided to leaders of the opposition, to members of Parliament, ministers, to prime ministers, to support them in their public role, but I do think people believe far and wide that he should pay for his own nannies."
But then of course she would. The Harper Cons did make child care a luxury, by killing plans for a national daycare system, and replacing it with a monthly payment that doesn't cover even a week of quality daycare.
And the main reason they did that was to pleasure their rabid base who believe that a woman's place is in the home raising her children.
So this latest manufactured controversy is aimed not only Justin Trudeau, but also at Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau...

With the unspoken message being that she's not a good mother.
Just four weeks after her husband took office, it is becoming clear Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau will take an unusually active hold on the often staid role of Prime Ministerial spouse. Her high profile has already brought criticism, after she replaced the prime ministerial chef, was featured in unauthorized jewelry marketing, and, it emerged this week, was granted the aid of two taxpayer-funded nannies.
When in fact both Justin and Sophie seem to be great parents, a prime minister should have the right to make his or her own household arrangements.
It is as Thomas Walkom points out a scandal about nothing.
Within the crazed world of politics, some scandals should matter and some should not. The scandal surrounding Justin Trudeau’s nannies falls firmly in the latter camp. That the new prime minister’s publicly paid domestic staff includes two nannies does not, in any real sense, matter to anyone outside the Trudeau family.
And funding a special assistant for Laureen Harper, but not a child care worker for the Trudeaus, is an ideological position. And an assault on women's rights.
But then again what do we expect? When Rona Ambrose is just as much of an extreme right-wing ideologue, as her fallen leader.
And is still channeling her inner Harper.

Conservative Interim Leader Rona Ambrose addressed the national caucus Wednesday morning, saying the Tories “we will be a voice for taxpayers, a voice for families, and a voice for freedom.”
Switching focus to terrorism, Ambrose attacked the Liberals for ending Canada’s combat role in the fight against ISIS, a movement she says is motivated by “a hatred of our values, a hatred of our freedom, a hatred of my rights, as a woman and my ability to live freely.
Still claiming to be a feminist. A feminist who believes that child care is a luxury.
And still having the nerve to claim that the Cons stand for freedom, after having been a member of the most freedom hating repressive regime in Canadian history.
And after having served her depraved leader so slavishly.

Which must surely earn her a medal.
The only one she deserves...

And the best news? Postmedia which has been trying to pump the nanny story into a major scandal will probably be dead long before the next election.
Standard & Poor’s has downgraded Postmedia Network Inc.’s credit rating to the same grade assigned to ailing Greece, warning that the newspaper company could struggle to refinance its high-interest debt and calling its capital structure “unsustainable.”
And if we bring in electoral reform so will the Cons. So neither Ambrose nor any member of the Harperite cult will come anywhere near power again.
Their day is over, it was madness.
And it's our Canada now...
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As usual,Raw-nah has it all wrong.ISIS is motivated by all those millions of stolen oil,and those countries supplying it with weapons.Russia is doing a fine job of unmotivating them.
I think the MSM should investigate and see if Raw-nah and George Bush didn't have a brain transplant.
Since when did the Harper Cons concern themselves with the rights of women (OR ANYONE ELSE?) The only voices Rona represents are the ones she hears in her head.
Nah no brain transplant, they both just like to swim in the primordial swamp.
As you haven't bothered to point out (and frankly, hate like hell to seem to be defending her) Ambrose is not actually attacking Trudeau's children (getting a bit National Enquirer, are we, Simon?) but pointing out the obvious..Trudeau is rich enough to pay for his own nanny..and he only has himself to blame for pointing out, pre-election, that he had no need of financial help since he was part of the small percentage of wealthy in this country..what did you expect? She hasn't got anything else to rest her political position on...it is laughable, but not exactly child abuse, and shame on you for turning a molehill into a mountain..
Rona, the village idiot, lying again as usual..... Same old, same old....... Morally depleted ReformCON. A feminist she is NOT!!!!! An embarrassment to women in this country....that she is!!!!!! She is a piece of waste of human flesh that makes me want to transgender...... And I love being a woman!!!!!!! Ha ha what's up with all the lipstick on the ReformCON Women puppets these days anyways?????? When you start picking on children being in the care of nanny's whilst their parent run our "new Canada" is as pathetic as a CON can get!!!!! Rona, Lisa, Michelle....... These stepford wifes acting as role models for women....... I think NOT!!!!!!
Conservative Interim Leader Rona Ambrose addressed the national caucus Wednesday morning, saying the Tories "we will be a voice for taxpayers, a voice for families, and a voice for freedom."
"Freedom" is a word the far-right likes to use a lot. In the U.S., remember "freedom fries"?
Nov. 23, 2006: Last week the Canadian Minister of the Enviroment, Rona Ambrose, went to some environmental summit in Africa. She was criticized for spending more time on her hair than on environmental issues, so hence this cartoon...
The real scandal about the nannies is just how poorly they are paid but I suppose those are Public Service Commision standard rates.
It's strange - in the wake of the election, there was much talk in the MSM about the Con's need to "change the tone". Wrongly (at least in my opinion), news coverage seemed to suggest that it was their tone, rather than their policies that cost them the election. And yet it seems they haven't learned a thing.
As you have not noticed Trudeau was saying he was not entitled to child tax credits that Hitler Harper was giving out to his rich friends with families with the mothers having the opportunity to say at home. This nanny business is legit since he is now running our fine country of Canada!!!! We paid for Hitler Harper to have someone clean up his hair piece and slap the paste on his mug to hide his moles ( speaking of molehills) and growths..... Now that my dear is a pure waste of our money!!!!!
hi mizdarlin...actually I have worked for the National Enquirer or a very similar publication when I needed money as a student. I quit after two days after being asked to invent a story about a UFO landing in Nevada. But I'm not inventing the story about Ambrose. It is grotesque to drag the Trudeau kids into a story for no good reason. As I mentioned in my post it is an attempt to conflate a story about tax policy involving hundreds of millions of dollar, and the expenses of a prime minister's household. And it is an attempt to demean child care. Maybe I wasn't clear enough, but if you don't believe me then please read this story by the excellent lawyer Brenda Cossman.
Then ask yourself why are some NDP supporters so bitter and rancid that they hate Justin Trudeau more than the Cons do? Why did you defend Harper's bigotry crusade during the election? Why do I have to defend the rights of women and be insulted by someone like you? And when you've finished reading that story, or thinking about the questions I asked, maybe, just maybe, you might have the decency to apologize...
If you are the leader of a country and you have children, you need people to look after your children. That ought to be part of the Package. The taxpayers pay for cabinet ministers to have limos and they can drive. How does this differ from a P.M. and spouse who need to attend to government business. What would Rona like them to do, leave the kids with a couple of RCMP security officers? lets get real. as the p.m. of this country he is entitled to child care. the argument people are making regarding his comments previously are very different from this issue. This is about a leader and what he needs to do his job. Lets remember Steve took that limo to India. who paid for all that make up and hair express stuff. Who took care of what when Steve and his wife were at the P.M.'s residence?
if this is the best Rona can throw at Trudeau, well I guess she is desperate. As a tax payer I've got no problem with nannies for the kids. What would Rona like? that Trudeau and his wife not attend functions?????? they need to stay home with the kids????
What do you think the Americans pay to keep tabs on the Obama children?
I think we can thank someone else for that mountain. Lisa Raitt who went on @pnp demanding Justin pay, Ezra Lavant who has a site dedicated to it etc.... They are all in on this dispicable spectacle. Probably on marching orders from the Tyrant. I think we know where we would be right now if they'd won, there certainly wouldn't be any refugees coming. He'd be cracking down like his tea party pals. Luckily these dinosaur's will soon be extinct and anyone who did his bidding will always have a certain taint.... Yo James how's that new job going. Sunny Ways Simon . Pam
Perhaps we could ask the PMO to issue a statement that the PM will not be able to attend (pick your function) as he has not been able to find a babysitter?
hi anon...yes the ISIS oil story really is a scandal, and Turkey has been revealed as yet another terrorist nation. But I agree with RT. They both share the same lizard brains and like to swim in the same bloody swamps...
hi anon...the Harperite cult has never been concerned with the rights of women. In fact the first thing they did when they came to power was attack them. And yes, Rona is hearing harper's voices in her head, and her position on child care couldn't be more revolting....
hi anon...yes it is the same old nonsense. And she is no friend of women. Whenever she has been called upon to defend their rights she has always let them down. I don't mind it she attacks Justin Trudeau, but dragging his children into it makes me really angry. And thanks for reminding me of the Stepford Wives. I feel that Ambrose and Rempel may soon be joining them... ;)
hi David....yes how Ambrose can use the word "freedom" after the way she and her Cons have behaved is simply beyond belief. Personally I think it's insanity, but you're probably right it is straight out of Amerika....
hi David...that's a good one. Darth Vader to Ambrose: "Rona your hair has distracted the Kyoto Alliance...excellent my young apprentice."
hi jrkrideau....yes that is a scandal, and just another example of how child care is devalued in this country. Then we wonder why it's so hard to find a good nanny, and have to fly them in from other countries. I will always believe that the scrapping of the national daycare program was one of the worst things the Harper regime ever did. To pleasure his rabid misogynist base he was even willing to sacrifice our children...
hi anon...Exactly. It was Jason Kenney who first started spreading the thought that it was just a question of "tone." And soon they were all parroting it. When of course it was their ghastly policies and their shameful behaviour that cost them the election. I have no idea why they can't face the truth, but since that's good for us, I can only encourage them to keep heading down that road, for it can only lead to disaster...
hi e.a.f... you're right it should be part of the package, and the fact that we are debating something so elementary really bothers me. Sometimes people in this big country can be so small. They would want a prime minister to travel around in a Volkswagen beetle or whatever, and they seem to forget that he or she is representing us all. And if they look cheap so do we. Oh boy, it really is infuriating...
hi Pam...yes I saw Lisa Raitt going on ad nauseam on Power and Politics. When in fact her stint as the head of Toronto's Port Authority was marred by allegations of excessive spending. And as for Ezra Levant, he has sunk to previously unknown depths of moral depravity. His site is now so bigoted I can't believe he hasn't been charged with hate mongering. If he lived in Britain he would have been arrested long ago. But as you say they are dinosaurs, time will leave them behind, and sunny days RULE...
I am neither rancid or bitter..but pointing out the obvious to you is, obviously, not on...how did I ever insult you in any way for defending the rights of women? I'm starting to wonder who the paranoid one really is...and 'someone like you"..? What is that supposed to mean...apologize? You are turning into a mini-Harper yourself, Simon...
I wonder when Maid Mona is going to put in an appearance out here on the Left Coast, Simon? She'll have the Conservative apparatchiks in B.C. running for cover lest they get hit by a bolt of Mona lightning. Ambrose is rather infamous out here for her social conservatism. After all she led Harper's charge to close down Insite despite overwhelming support from British Columbians, their provincial legislators of all stripes, the medical community - everybody. Her equally strident views on pot will earn her no friends out here.
Harper's disastrous showing in British Columbia doesn't leave much of a welcome mat waiting for Mona.
Hi mizdarlin....did you read the Cossman story or are facts too much for you to handle? Have you read what others have to say about the subject? You supported the racism of the Cons during the election, and now you're supporting Ambrose, and you're calling me a Mini-Harper? I'm afraid either your rancid bitterness is blinding you to reality, or you are suffering from the first but fairly advanced symptoms of Dementia. Seek help immediately....
I can't help it - every time Ms Ambrose pops up, that tune from 101 Dalmations starts running in the back of my mind - you know the one that goes 'if she doesn't scare you, no evil thing will . . .'
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