I've always known that Erin O'Toole wasn't the brightest bulb in the universe, but I've always thought of him as a relatively innocuous Con clown.
Unfortunately ever since he set out to win over his party's rabid base, he 's starting to sound like a far-right extremist.
And this is just the latest example.
The CBC is out of control and in need of reform. I’ll slash funding for English TV and CBC News Network, and end funding for digital news. Focus should be on CBC Radio and Radio Canada.— Erin O'Toole (@ErinOTooleMP) February 14, 2020
Add your name: https://t.co/HA2lG4G59d pic.twitter.com/N3gTtP12fA
Can you believe it? The ugly Harper tool who claims he's against "cancel culture," now wants to cancel the CBC.
And if you want more evidence that O'Toole is the one who is out of control, then there's this.
Yes, now he's peddling the same kooky far-right conspiracy Andrew Scheer once did.

The one that claims that the U.N. is taking over this country and/or reading our minds and infiltrating our body fluids.
Which along with his other bizarre right-wing messages has Stephen Maher wondering what O'Toole wouldn't do to win the nomination?
Erin O’Toole put out a Facebook meme this week with a picture of himself gazing firmly into the distance, with this text superimposed: “I’m not the media’s candidate. I’m not going to go Liberal-light to earn the fake approval of the press gallery. Add your name if you’re with me.”
This message is so disconnected from reality—so transparently false—that it made me think of the old H.L. Mencken line: “A professional politician is a professionally dishonorable man. In order to get anywhere near high office he has to make so many compromises and submit to so many humiliations that he becomes indistinguishable from a streetwalker.”
I wouldn’t dream of asking, as Conservative MP Arnold Viersen asked NDP MP Laurel Collins last week, if Mr. O’Toole has ever considered taking up sex work, but I do wonder what he wouldn’t do to gain an edge in his uphill battle for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada.

It is all a sordid farce designed to win the support of the rabid Con base.
O’Toole knows this. What he is doing is bulls–ting dimwitted Conservatives, because that’s the only way he might win.
So who can be surprised when he's now sounding like a fascist demagogue?
Canada used to be a country that enforced the rule of law, but lately we’ve been overrun by illegal blockades.
I’m running for Conservative leader to put an end to Justin Trudeau’s weakness.
And accusing Justin Trudeau of being too weak to govern, even though Trudeau is just standing up for the Canadian values of negotiation and compromise AND the rule of law.
It's beyond belief, but then as I've said before, the Cons are no longer a truly Canadian political party.

Trump is their real leader, they think like him, they even speak his language.
And if the Ugly American Andrew Scheer corrupted this country,
The Con hooker Erin O'Toole would if he could destroy it...
He is a craven loser and not the sharpest Tool in the shed but he's not the one running the show. I'm starting to get a feeling like there's a coordinated effort to unseat Trudeau by weaponizing the climate issue and exploiting polarization over the indigenous protests. I can't help but think of how Trump mustered support as a strongman who would deal with the "lawless shitholes" he accused Black Lives Matter of creating, and Obama of either fostering their alleged chaos or being absent amid the uprising. "Only I can fix it."
Trump had the media on his side too. In Canada they might not be on Tool's side per se but they are united against Trudeau. You must have seen the Nationalist Compost's editorial calling on Trudeau to quit "if he's lost interest in his job." He put his life on hold and his reputation on the line to cultivate negotiations with Canada's most salient and traumatized minority group because he doesn't care? That makes sense. Why don't these "angry old grumps" just move to the U.S. and nibble on Trump's mushroom if they want an authoritarian dictator or dick-taster so much?
I don't get why the cons are always griping about the CBC. They seem like a bunch of spoiled brats perpetually whining over every little thing that gets under their skin. The lefties endured how many years of O'Leary and Mexico Mandy spouting their libertarian bullshit and how many more of Rosie and the Lobbyists (not that the new Rosie and her lobbyists are any more balanced) without going into a crybaby routine. So what is it with the cons?
I'm glad that at least somebody in The MSM has noticed that O'Toole has turned into another version of Ezra Levant, but where all the others. When on of the two main political parties turns into a party of far-right extremists we've got a problem, an existential problem.
The M$M is too busy setting their hair on fire (or lack thereof) about the protesters "holding Canada hostage," and calling for Trudeau to resign because he didn't go full Tienanmen Square on them and, uh, make the trains run on time.
Also, Trudeau didn't deliver a WWE choke slam to the Iranian foreign minister, which is clearly treason requiring an immediate vote of non confidence and, uh, "impeachment". He obviously sold Canada out to the ayatollah and betrayed the PS752 families, so the police need to investigate Sacha for making propaganda films and converting his brother to shariah law. 🤷
Meanwhile, some guy named Clayton Knutzon (emphasis on "nuts") says he's got his 3,000 signatures and $300K... with a little help from the Soldiers of Odin. That's. Not. Good.
But carry on, pundits, nothing to see here folks, move along.
The Tool is just expanding on Scheer's failed propaganda as the route to power. The question is why. Its possible he is so dumb and unimaginative that he is stuck in the past.... a well earned possibility but unlikely. Then perhaps he has concluded that Canadian politics is going to take a HUUUGE step towards Trumpianism within the next few months... although the Con media is devoted to sensationalizing divisive issues its more a constant drip than an imminent wave. Finally that leaves the obvious... self promotion by gathering up the dregs and becoming the go to person that the new leader has to stroke for support. A Con hard at work piling up all the stinking emotional garbage he can find in the hopes that it will drown the competition and buy an influential place at the public trough. The Liberal strategy seems to be quietly wash the garbage into the sewer without validating it through confrontation but it comes with the high price of missed opportunity. Somewhat better than jumping into Schitts creek along with them but less than ideal.
weak andy pouring steven segal like gasoline on the blockade, why is he in Germany anyway?
perhaps he has concluded that Canadian politics is going to take a HUUUGE step towards Trumpianism within the next few months... although the Con media is devoted to sensationalizing divisive issues its more a constant drip than an imminent wave.
Well, start with Chuck Adler whose "Flowers for Algernon" quasi-PC lobotomy has worn off, or should I say Wornout as he is back to bashing Trudeau with Mr. Who Knew himself. Wornout actually said verbatim about the Wet'su'weten situation "only he [Trudeau] can fix it," the classic dictatorial Trumpism. This as he slammed Trudeau for taking a "vacation" instead of working at international diplomacy, thus appealing to the Con rank-and-file's insular conspiracism about "globalism". What was it Trump and/or Fox said about Obama bowing to the Iranians and wanting to be president of the world?
Meanwhile, the Liberals -- plural, that is, the team, rather than party of one -- continue to work quietly behind the scenes at resolving the indigenous protesters' standoff back home, but that doesn't generate ratings the way Trudeau-bashing does. Trudeau is such a global embarrassment that the Munich conference participants want him to take BoJo's place in the EU. Appealing where Harper didn't and issuing a quiet comeuppance to IDU cohorts right in the IDU's backyard, including the fascist wunderkind of Austria? Can't have that, so we get panicked propaganda from fanatical Con media sycophants and blustering buffoons like the Tool.
Hi Jackie....Whatever fake scandal the Cons and the Con media try to whip up, in the end it will come down to Justin Trudeau versus Peter MacKay or Erin 0'Toole and I like those odds. As for the National Post, give it enough rope and it will hang itself. It seems to be competing with the Reben to be the mouthpiece of the Con base, and I say be my guest....
Hi John....The Cons are always targeting the CBC because they believe that if they can undermine some of the institutions that help define this country, it will make it easier to win an election and start disembowelling our Medicare system. Stephen Harper made it clear what he thought of Canada that "third rate welfare state" and the Cons are only carrying his banner forward....
Hi anon@5:21 PM....Unfortunately most of the media in this country is unable to see the big picture, and are little more than right-wing ambulance chasers. It should be obvious that when Trump is making a mockery out of democracy south of the border, his acolytes in this country are a clear and present danger. But they can't or they won't so it's up to social media to try to warn Canadians....
Hi Jackie....I see all this right-wing hysteria as just another sign of desperation. The Con monkeys are throwing their fecal pellets at Trudeau again, but they did that for two years and they still lost the election. And with Jiggy Singh being an epic disappointment, and the Bloc also going nowhere, I'm still looking forward to the next election...
Hi RT....As I said in my post I don't think that O'Toole is the brightest star in the universe. He decided that since Canada Proud helped elect Doug Ford it could help power him to victory too. It might help him with the Con base, but even if he should win which I doubt, it will hurt him rather than help him in a general election. I can't wait until the absurd Tool turns his fire on Peter MacKay,, for that should be hilarious...
Hi Steve....There are a lot of angry people out there, and the Ugly American is hoping that stirring up a little anti-native bigotry will help his Cons gain some traction. Which should last about two weeks after the barricades come down...
Hi Jackie...I was amused to see that Charles Adler has gone back to being an angry old Con man. No doubt he's hoping somebody will send him a native scalp in the mail. If I was his physician I'd recommend doubling his dose of Geritol and an immediate retirement before he embarrasses himself further....🙄
I should add that Jumping Jack Jagmeet is so bad at his job he's actually losing B.C. voters to the Greens, because he won't touch Horgan and comes across as a clueless hypocrite. Greens and Dipper switchers want Manley for leader after his QP video about the CGL alternate route went viral. Blanchet appears to be just a chaos agent and shit disturber eating popcorn and laughing from the cheap seats. His party is using the protests in bad faith to bolster the separatist case that Canada is invalid, particularly after Adler stupidly invoked Pierre and the FLQ as a "template" for how Justin "should" handle this. He kind of reminds me of the Joker. Pourquoi est-ce si sérieux? As usual, no one being an adult here but Trudeau (Batman?) and the Liberals. But that's a given!
Toolio is such a funny looking guy, he should stop trying to play Mussolini. Can you imagine how he would embarrass Canada every time he travelled abroad?
Hi anon....Yes, it's bizarre, he is definitely not cut out to be cast as Ezra Levant. He should be thinking what his Canada Proud act is going to do to his reputation. But I guess his ambition has blinded him and sooner rather than later he is going to be sorry...
Simon, have you seen this? Speaking of Toolio and his Trumpisms, this article offers an excellent scolding to Con finger-waggers and fist-pumpers about the so-called rule of law.
Also, I just read that Peter Kent is making noises about the citizenship oath possibly being changed to incorporate a land acknowledgment. Just like how Scheer refused to stand for the gender-inclusive national anthem and the Cons compared him to Colin Kaepernick. Check your privilege indeed. Trudeau was 100% correct when he said Kyoto Killer Kent was a real piece de merde.
weak andy and airshow see thugs, JT says your disqualified, Cons prove they have no idea how to run a railroad. Oh and Jody wilson entitlement makes an appearance of CTV bad mouthing JT and saying nothing except blather
Painful that Peter is the late skdadl's younger brother... Oh well, we don't choose our relatives.
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