He waited as long as he could, too long in the opinion of many.
He was obviously hoping that peaceful negotiation could bring down the rail barricades, in the best Canadian tradition.
But at last Justin Trudeau's patience was exhausted.
And it was the day of decision.
PM Trudeau: "The barricades must now come down. The injunctions must be obeyed. The law must be upheld." PMJT goes on to say the gov't is committed to reconciliation "but hurting Canadian families from coast to coast to coast does nothing to advance the cause of reconciliation." pic.twitter.com/yrYzABzxyg— Power & Politics (@PnPCBC) February 21, 2020
And yes, it was about time.
"Canadians who are feeling the very real impact of these blockades are running out of patience."
The negotiations were going nowhere, because there were none.
"We can’t have dialogue when only one party is coming to the table. For this reason, we have no choice but to stop making the same overtures.
And for that the blame must go to these old men, the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs...

Who were too busy thanking the Mohawks in Ontario for their support, and feasting and dancing, to talk to the prime minister.
Even as millions of Canadians were severely inconvenienced, more than a thousand lost their jobs, and many others were deprived of such basics as food and medicine.
Those patriarchal chiefs didn't seem to understand that no prime minister of Canada could allow this to happen...

Not if the reconciliation process was to be saved...

For quite apart from the political heat, and the abuse hurled at him by the diseased and desperate Andrew Scheer.
Dialogue has its limits. We are now in the third week of illegal blockades and Justin Trudeau’s weak leadership is costing Canadians. When will the Prime Minister enforce the law and put an end to these illegal blockades? #cdnpoli— Andrew Scheer (@AndrewScheer) February 21, 2020
I believe that it was that threat to reconciliation that bothered Justin Trudeau the most.
For unlike the Ugly American and his fascist Cons, he believes in it like a real Canadian leader should.

In the last few months Justin Trudeau has had to deal with one crisis after the other, and there are many more ahead. But he has handled himself well.
And all who believe in this country and its values, should be thankful that he's our prime minister...
I'm going to call them Wexit'wet'en from now on. The chiefs are a shit-disturbing separatist group bordering on a cult who are hurting their own people and the cause of indigenous rights, just like the Buffalo bullshit brigade is hurting decent progressive Albertans who want no part of Rempel's Bloc Sommelier manifesto. And just like the ungrateful drillbillies who threaten to kill him despite how he goes above and beyond for their perpetually whining province, the chiefs and their "allies" have spat in the face of the only prime minister who gave them a chance. Well, no more Mr. Nice Guy. Now you get jail time and a Fuddle Duddle Salute.
PMJT's conscience is clear, and when the police finally do move in it won't be for lack of trying on his part. It'll be because of abdication of responsibility by the CGL company itself, the premiers, the shit-flinging partners in slime Singh and Scheer, academics and activists who hijacked the protests for their own purposes, and now, the troublemaking chiefs and their "brothers" themselves. They've exhausted what little sympathy they had by moving the goalposts, gaslighting the public, digging in their heels, and lying through their teeth. They could have shored up some good will by coming to the table, but they didn't. They sabotaged two weeks of round-the-clock, good-faith negotiations and continue to hold 37 million people hostage because their untenable and steadily expanding demands aren't being met. While ignoring calls from their own people to stop already. I get the issues involved but this is not the way to win people over to your side. It's a sick and vengeful power trip guaranteed to backfire and potentially escalate into something far worse. Especially if they do end up using this as a "dress rehearsal" for anarchist sabotage in the future.
Justin Trudeau may lose support for his stance, but salvaging the country is a risk he's willing to sacrifice the votes of alt-left absolutists to take. He's fed up and rightly so, and I don't blame him. Apparently they forgot who they're dealing with and whose son he is. Because if they think he's going to let them continue this abusive exercise in futility ad infinitum? Nuh-uh. Just watch him.
A sad day. Yes, I could not believe how lackadaisical and disrespectful the chiefs were being in their lack of response to Trudeau's obvious respect. They didn't seem to realize that the time to make progress was NOW, when they had Canada's attention and a great deal of support. This support evaporated when they could not articulate what they wanted to achieve - no pipeline? moved pipeline? more negotiations? They were not making themselves clear.
JT will be smeared no matter what he does! A sad day in Canada! What would SH have done?
The arrogance of those hereditary chiefs is disgusting. Who do they think they are keeping a prime minister waiting so they could party with the Mohawks? They are not only hurting millions of innocent Canadians, they are hurting their own people most of whom want the natural gas pipeline. Unbelievable..
Not just arrogant but grossly misogynistic. The old men banished a group of women who wanted to sign onto the project. One has recently spoken out about how this awful ordeal has brought shame upon her people. No sympathy from "feminist matriarch" Jody, what a surprise.
You know, I didn't have a very good upbringing either but I was raised not to wish bad upon or cause harm to others just because my life sucked. Apparently that lesson in "honor" is missing among these swaggering old geezers. Shame.
My disapointment in this post knows no bounds .
Wasting time feasting and dancing; nice little racist bit there Simon. What's your next post gonna be called ' Lazy Indians '?
This is supposed to be a Progressive Blog and is no pace for racist insults. I have deployed this kind of bullying my whole life and will continue to do so.
By the way, the Hereditary Chiefs offered to accept an alternate route some time ago. The pipeliners never replied. Some respect.
The Hereditary Chiefs were organising a meeting but that won't happen now. Trudeau has cancelled that with no notice to the Chiefs. Some respect.
Now we have all 5 Canadian political parties , heads firmly in the sand ( or up their own asses ) whistling past the graveyard of the Supreme Court decisions. Hard day to be a Canadian.
I missed the part about the 'old men ' insult; how enlightened Thanks, I'm 72.
Why the racist poison ? This is supposed to be a Progressive place.
.. Perhaps inform yourself, Simon, as should Mainstream Media et al on several matters. The most important FACT being ignored is that the Coastal GasLink Pipeline runs from The Montney Formation gas fields in Northwest BC to Kitimaat..'tidwater' as most political animals prefer to call British Columbia's coast
Then what ? Does it seem something is missing from your picture, from your picture puzzle, Trudeau's ? What could possibly be in Kitimaat that a natural gas pipeline must cut right through the Aboriginal Title and Territory of the Wet'suwet'en Peoples.. right through that bunch of 'old men' who are Hereditary Chiefs ? What or who are the RCMP actually defending. Do you think the natural gas on arriving in Kitimaat will evaporate or fly away somewhere via Tinkerbell ? Will bears eat it ?
Why not figure it out for yourself ? Like Andrew Scheer or Mainstream Media should ? Justin Trudeau knows.. so does BC's John Horgan, I know.. because I was curious enough to look, to discover. Picking sides is dirt easy, lazy.. even dangerous, so is piling on without a clue why you're piling on.
Why not wonder about the mystery in Kitimaat ? Why not wonder about the mysterious Benefits Agreements signed by 20 Tribal Chiefs and Band Councils ? Why not ask what entity actually did the Informing, Consulting, and Agreements as directed by The Supreme Court of Canada ? Why not ask who owns the gas rights in those gas fields and is already sending most of it south for domestic use and in the Alberta tar sands to increase Bitumen production (to lower emissions.. huh?) via pipelines. Why not ask where the electicity will come from via transmission lines to expand the gas fields ? Why not ask who will receive all the taxpayer paid subsidies involved and promised by our governments ? Why not ask why the original route of the pipeline changed and was approved to cut south of Houston and dead center through the Territory ? Why why why indeed.. and for whose Benefit.. ie Profit ? And why not ask why the price of LNG in Asia has crashed ?
Please tell me that you have heard of a 100% Foreign owned and controlled Consortium with the patriotic name - LNG Canada ? Ot TC Energy ? Surely Trudeau mentioned them last night ? Were any of the Consortium or TC's principals at the news conference ? Come come, Simon.. has anyone you know mentioned LNG Canada or TC Energy ? Have you heard the name on Mainstream Media ? From Andrew Scheer ? I have not.. nor have I read it anywhere in regard to this current travesty and conundrum. Its not mentioned either, in the Benefits Agreement that was leaked.. yes the agreement specifying the Tribal Chiefs and Band Councils should prevent ANY BAND MEMBERS from protesting, complaining in public or to the MEDIA re the terms of the deal or the pipeline. Your taxpayer dollars and mine, and all Canadian's is subsidizing those corporations.
PS .. You and some of your commenters insulted all Canadian Seniors of both sexes in your post and comments. If you can't recognize the racism embedded within many of the comments, then you present as Simon the Fool, condoning and publishing racist 'opinion'.. exactly as anyone trying to extinguish Aboriginal Title might. That's my opinion.. So let the insults stand if you choose re Wet'suwet'en 'swaggering old geezers' 'shit disturbing separatist group' 'lying through their teeth' 'grossly mysogenistic' 'Wexit'wet'en' .. to pretend you 'Walk In Beauty' is pitiful
Trudeau didn't cancel the meeting. The chiefs did because they didn't like his "comments" or his "tone." They also lied about the timing and content of the (as yet unconfirmed) phone call with Bennett. Then they went on national television and accused him of criminal behavior. But Trudeau is the one who needs to curb his tongue. Sorry but 5 people don't get to hold 37 million over a barrel because someone hurt their feelings and didn't grovel to them after being repeatedly insulted and spat in the face. It's February and it's cold, and people are running out of food and heat. How is any of this supposed to win sympathy for their cause? Especially if this does turn out to be a dress rehearsal for future sabotage? Didn't you see Suzuki at one of their pressers going on about late-stage capitalism and other academic blather that's only tangentially related to what is basically a territorial dispute? Does "Canada is fake" or "shut down Canada" really sound like a term of "reconciliation" to you?
"Wasting time feasting and dancing" isn't a racist insult. Trudeau gets accused of taking a holiday when he had to cancel his diplomatic visit to Barbados, as this crew of malfeasant cult leaders is doing who knows what at the lodge with their buddies while everyday Canadians are losing their jobs and running out of supplies. "Let the settler bastards freeze in the dark"? What did all those innocent people ever do to deserve this? There's only so much stonewalling and gaslighting one can tolerate. Their own people are begging for this to stop. So enough already. Point taken. They either come to the table or the table gets flipped.
Over the past few years, I've enjoyed reading your defence of Canada, but this is not a good article. I'm disappointed.
Justin Trudeau, the Liberals and the government(s) of Canada have been slammed by the international intellectual community because of our complete failure to protect the environment.
It's sad, really.
We continue to drag our feet with First Nations rights and identity so that we can ram oil projects down their throats while denying the basic necessities of life.
Trudeau's action against First Nations people will be known in the future as a tipping point against ALL voices that want us to turn our backs on resource disasters like pipelines for bitumen and tar and giant pits for oil.
We're now a joke on the international stage. This cannot be defended.
Because bad behavior knows no ethnic boundaries and yes, they are behaving like the intransigent Alberta separatists who Trudeau has also gone above and beyond to appease to no avail. I said nothing racist in that post and neither did Simon. This has gotten out of hand and they are ignoring calls from their own people to stop. I guess you missed the Mohawks expelling one of their own for pleading for the same thing Trudeau did. Or that lady in the G&M article saying how this has brought shame to the community and dissenting voices are being silenced. This is pure sabotage and it's undermining the cause and making people angry, including some indigenous people. Nothing racist about polling data and facts. It wasn't racist to call out JWR for pulling her series of publicity stunts either. They had their chance and they blew it just like she did.
Calling Simon a racist for his feasting and dancing comment is as ridiculous as this whole pathetic situation. If I didn't know better I'd think it was former commenter eaf making these asinine statements. When it came to JWR, she could do no wrong in eaf's eyes and I'm seeing the same pattern here with you. If you expected JT to go crawling on his hands and knees to these chiefs then think again. I was and I believe many Canadians were sympathetic to the indigenous causes but you can thank this unbelievably stupid protest to "shut down Canada" as the day they severed any hope at meaningful reconciliation. What they did ensure was that the majority of Canadians are now opposed to them and any gains made in the past are now gone. Amazing how a handful of disgruntled Chiefs can destroy the great work of so many others. Sadly, the consequences of these illegal blockades will soon be felt and as I've said before, it will not end well.
I saw that Guardian article. I've been disappointed with their increasingly strident coverage of Canada-related issues and their sycophancy for Putin's kamikaze candidate Bernie Sanders. They've turned into a mainstream-circulation version of Jacobin and Chapo Trap House and it's sad to see. The signatories either ignore or are unaware of the national unity issues and the fact that Teck Frontier will probably never get built due to other factors beyond the company's control. This is a formality, not a death warrant, but as usual the clickbait media spirals into hysterics and makes volcanoes out of mole hills to sell advertising and subscriptions. Symbols and "optics" may take an outsized role in today's political discourse, but facts matter. Or at least they should. Don't like Trudeau's decisions? Enjoy Peter MMMKay.
It's amazing how, on such a beautiful day here in Ontario there can be so many snowflakes flying around and having a complete meltdown over this post. Earth to snowflakes, calling Simon a racist displays monumental ignorance for what he has fought for over the years. Given that and the fact that you're okay with our economy being destroyed via illegal blockades has nullified any credibility in your one-sided comments. Of course, if these blockades were a severe detriment to your way of life, perhaps you'd be singing a different tune.
Snowflake rumley here . I got up, read a bit and wondered when Andrew Sheer started writing this blog .
He didn't. But thanks for letting everyone know that you DGAF about cold and hungry people on fixed incomes who don't have baby formula.
I guess the fact that I do, makes me a racist.
Hi Jackie....My concern is that by holding the country hostage the hereditary chiefs are undermining the indigenous cause. Demonstrating is fine, preventing baby food, medicines, and propane from getting to the hungry and the cold is not the way to go, and can only play into the hands of the Cons.
And I'm left to wonder why a supposed 72 year old is acting like a 10 year old. You know, name calling, misinformation, unreasonable, kind of like Donald Trump.
Hi Cathie....Yes, it is a sad day when hereditary Chiefs show such a lack of respect for the prime minister of the country, and undermine the whole cause of reconciliation that Trudeau has done more than any other prime minister to promote. And what's even sadder is that if you point out this obvious truth, you are accused of being a racist by their inflamed supporters....
I thoroughly agree with that. This is not a statement about Justin Trudeau (whom I remember as an MP defending the residential centre for Inuit flown down here, in my neighbourhood, against a rump group of racists who said it was a healing centre for substance abusers and would harm the neighbourhood (false- it was for people with cancer and other serious diseases, and pregnant women at risk in the small regional health centres in the far north of Québec). Moreover the petition against the centre was spearheaded by of all things a local bar owner - well-known in the hood for turning a blind eye to crack etc use in the toilets (as well as obviously selling alcoholic beverages) - no crime but outed him as a hypocrite.
There is no evidence whatsoever that Putin, an authoritarian, has any sympathies whatsoever for Bernie Sanders, and calling the latter his kamikaze candidate is slander and probably libel. US-Americans need healthcare as much as the citizens of any other country that is in a position to provide it.
Jackie, I don't think you are remotely a racist, but it would be nice to check your McCarthyte rants when you are trying to beg for healthcare, eh?
Hi Marmalade....They will try to smear Trudeau, but they won't get anywhere, because no prime minister has done more to advance the indigenous cause. And because he is not Stephen Harper who would have treated the demonstrators like dirt, and no doubt had a few of them shots...Trudeau has shown incredible restraint even though the country is churning with angry people, and those who criticize him are no better than Cons....
Hi anon....I too find it unbelievable. The ones that are supporting the attempt to close the country down seem prepared to inflict great suffering on the poorest Canadians and the most vulnerable, Most of them are not even indigenous so they have no idea how much damage they are doing to the cause of reconciliation....
Suddenly the National Pest, a rightwing publication, discovers the importance of the railways. That piece of shit has championed car-dependency throughout its existence, and laughed at environmentalists like me who want to phase out individual motor vehicles in favour of both urban and intercity trams, rail and light rail. They laugh at us whenever we challenge the deathly hold of carmania. I'm not a young person; I've reached 60, and I've never owned or driven a car. Would do so only if I lived in a rural region, or needed a car for some socially-useful reason (rural vet, organic farmer, driver of a van feeding homeless people or emergency medic etc). If not I'd rather slit my wrists, and no, I'm not suicidal, I just hate life and planet destroying cars.
Hi Rumleyfips ....The hereditary Chiefs were the ones who announced that hey would be "feasting and dancing with the Mohawks instead of negotiating with the prime minister. I have nothing against feasting and dancing but making the prime minister and the country wait is incredibly disrespectful. So don't call me a racist, because I have fought bigotry of all kinds since I was twelve, and have no lessons to learn from you..
Hi Rumleyfips....Oh great, now I'm a racist and an ageist? Kindly think what you are saying and apologize as soon as you can....
Hi Salamander...I've never read such nonsense in my life. I have supported the indigenous cause all my life and plan to continue doing so. And by calling me a racist you only degrade yourself. I admitvI am no fan of hereditary chiefs who disregard the views of most of their people, and are prepared to deny young people jobs in one of the poorest places in Canada.
But that's for their own people to work out. What I object to is holding millions of people hostage and depriving them of food, medicines, and other things like propane that they need to warm their homes and keep their farm animals alive. And what strikes me as simply unbelievable is that in your lengthy diatribe you make not a single mention of the suffering thiose blockades are causing. Unbelievable and unforgivable. But so typical of so many in BC who think they are better than other Canadians, when they are definitely not. And your rancid diatribe is simply disgusting,..
Hi anon @10:45...What absolute nonsense. Justin Trudeau has done more to Adan e the causes of climate change and aboriginal rights than any prime minister before him. Is it enough? No. But people like you would cause a Con government to be elected, and blame that on Trudeau instead of yourself. Trudeau has also done more to advance the rights of women and LGBT Canadians than any other prime minister. But let me guess, you don't care about that, so I don't care about anything you have to say. Have a nice day....
JT gave the nations every chance for a negotiated settlement. He went a thousand meters past any previous goal line. The 5 or six hereditary men can not shut down Canada. Sorry for JT but I worked as a cook in the north woods for a spell, and one day the axe just fell,
thats a Trump like statement
HI JD....yes, I was having a very nice day in the sunshine, until I came to read all these ugly comments from those who should know better. I would normally be offended by people calling me a racist, but my (long) record speaks for itself, so I'm more amused than anything else. Who do these wackadoodles think they are? They seem completely oblivious to the damage they are doing to the indigenous cause. They seem to be totally unaware of the anger of those who once supported that cause but are threatening to turn away from it now. And worse, they don't seem to give a damn about the the millions who are suffering through no fault of their own. They really are the lowest form of human scum, and they should be ashamed of themselves....
Hi rumleyfips....So now I'm a racist, an ageist, and Scheer himself? Good grief, answer me this one for the very last time. Are you drunk, or just senile? And now go and please don't ever come back...
Hi Jackie...Don't worry about those ghastly gobblers. They like to hang out with people like Kinsella and the Disaffected Liberace. They are misogynists and homophobes, and I promise they will never soil these pages again...
You are going to censor people on the left? I am most certainly neither a misogynist nor a homophobe. I've been a committed feminist since at least when I was 12, and supported gay and lesbian friends very soon after. I'm not gay, but was always very averse to being an oppressed an effaced married woman,.
Hi lagatta...That comment was not directed at you. It was directed at those who called me a racist, an ageist, and Scheer himself. Gawd. What is wrong with everyone these days? I freely admit I am not perfect, but I have done my best to defend the left-wing cause and attack our enemies the Cons. It’s also permissible to call me all kinds of names, as I believe you have over the years. But anyone who calls me a racist will never grace these comment pages again. As you may know Scots hold blood grudges for a long long time...
Well, of course I do, having significant doses of at least three Celtic peoples (Scottish, Irish and Bretons) as well as far "darker" peoples. (Afrodescendant, and Indigenous relatives, though I'd never call myself Black or Indigenous). No, I have never thought of you as a racist. Just a bit soft on neoliberals.
Wow 36 comments and counting so here is a belated number 37.
Cons never saw a resource or anything else of potential value they did not want to exploit. When it came to natural resources and natives the old story line was " Hey its your lucky day, we will confiscate the resources as they are ours anyway but thanks to our generosity we will look after you". It worked for years but eventually resistance built up so strategy has changed. The new line is "Hey its your huuugely lucky day, we will develop the shared resources and in exchange give you bags of money so you have the financial independence to build your own national paradise". Its likely the same result in the long term once the party is over and the fast money has moved on ( with our pension investments as well) but it sure sounds attractive for anyone who views $$ as the primary source of power. Cons will never understand people who do not worship the $$ so they view the hereditary chiefs and supporters as enemies that need to be discredited and isolated. As the saying goes the enemy of my enemy is my friend even if they appear ungrateful and seem to sabotage your best effort to help them. Teck tar sands anyone?
Someone please ask our friends in the previous comments as to whether the FNs condemning the blockades are racists who need to be discredited and isolated.
Hi Jackie
Rather than comment on the rightness or wrongness of the blockades,I was attempting to outline the path that lead to the blockades and tried to project where the bags of $$ could lead in the future. The CGL project seems to deliver both upsides and downsides to the native communities but the next Teck project is an ecological disaster suggesting how effective the financial independence meme has become. To some extent the hereditary chiefs and their supporters are like very annoying canaries in a coal mine before the gas seeps in. Hopefully a strong beneficial compromise to the diverging paths can be worked out.
Hi RT....Yes, this post did get a lot of comments, and that's not counting the number of vile Con ones that I deleted. There were so many in fact that answering them took up all the limited blogging time available to me yesterday. I will try to make up for that today, but with another blue sky day out there, that might be difficult. 😉 As for your comment, I have nothing against the hereditary chiefs or anybody else trying to deep six the CGL pipeline. That's BC's problem not mine. I object to the disrespectful way they treated the prime minister, and the callous disregard for the effects the rail blockade is having on millions of innocent Canadians especially the poor and the vulnerable. And of course, I have no time for Jason Kenney's tar sands Teck project. I think the Liberal government should reject it even if it leads to the separation of Alberta or a civil war. Nuance is dead, war is peace!!!!!
Hi Simon
Add one more comment to the pile. You mention "nuance is dead" -- I'm sure you're familiar with Frank Graves' ongoing research into ordered populism and the divergence of the populace into two absolutist hard left/hard right warring camps. Read this thread also. For the Cons it started with Judas Pete's betrayal to Herr Harper but has gotten exponentially worse as Aryan Andy brought in religious extremists and white nationalists to fend off the challenge from an embittered Mad Max. But the progressive side has gotten much more strident in response, Newton's law being what it is after all. This does not bode well for the Liberal party in terms of ideology, but nor does it the NDP whose perpetual state of incoherent rudderlessness under Jagmeet Singh, and dearth of any viable leadership alternatives on the horizon, prevents them from mounting any real challenge either. Instead they play tug of war with the Cons, pulling at the Liberals until the frayed center gets torn to shreds. Meanwhile, Blanchet and crew sit back and laugh from the sidelines, feeling vindicated in a sense of smug superiority as Albertan and indigenous nationalists kick the son of Trudeau some 50 years after the October Crisis. "We told you Quebec is the only place who has our shit together." Just watch him, so to speak.
"Pro-life" Elizabeth May is now leading a teenage hunger strike over Teck Frontier, so she too has become an ideological extremist who is now content to "tar" the onetime schoolteacher and former Youth Minister as a murderer of children if he does not go along with everything the otherwise irrelevant Green party demands. Reportedly, Greta Thunberg is considering getting on board so that's a really nice thing for Liz to hang on Justin's head, that he "murdered" a Nobel Prize nominee to make Jason Kenney shut up. The media, of course, would be all too happy to put the blood on his hands, because no one internationally knows or cares who Jason Kenney is, while "Justin Trudeau made Greta commit suicide! HOW DARE YOU!" is guaranteed to generate zillions of dollars in clickbait advertising and bigly yuge ratings. If it bleeds, it leads.
I had gotten Justin Trudeau's book as a Christmas gift a few years back, and it makes me sad to think of what he envisioned and how it has gone so haywire through no fault of his own. I think Susan Delacourt may be onto something. He seems frustrated and fed up. It's not just these blockades that have worn his patience thin. It's populism itself. By the time the next election rolls around, he will be about fifty years old. Grey whiskers notwithstanding, the prime minister has aged well, but the mere concept of "Common Ground," sadly, has not. See also: "Stronger Together," "I'm With Her," "It Takes a Village"... More like "No, We Can't". Since his political worldview appears to have been shaped by the trauma of his parents' divorce, perhaps his next book will be titled "Irreconcilable Differences".
I would not be surprised nor blame him in the least if he takes off permanently for Costa Rica by this summer and leaves Bill Blair, not Chrystia Freeland, in charge to bang his fist on the desk and throw all of these lunatics in the asylum. The one salve in the making thus far is that I think it's a stretch to expect that Peter MMMKay will have figured out his Twitter lessons from the cartoon paper clip on his Windows '95 computer screen. Schitposting Scheer, for all his incompetence otherwise, was actually quite adept at catering to the Internet troll mob that now comprises the CPC. Sadly, a smiling selfie isn't quite the currency it once was. Because it's not 2015.
FYI: Pete's "Christian" campaign manager just incited violence against the blockaders. But Justin Trudeau is the "colonialist oppressor" and we're the racists for pointing out why this needs to stop and what they'll be faced with if it doesn't. I wash my hands of this absurdity knowing that for whatever trajectory his career takes, Justin Trudeau's conscience is clear.
Terrific news! Jason's Teck ploy blew up in his face and the envisioned 1 - 2 kick below the belt did not materialize. Trudeau is to blame of course but the reality is investors are starting to recognize the inherent risk in tarry projects and Canada is still a country where access to an unlimited supply of laundromat money is difficult.
Someone tell Andy the Paw Patrol is moving in to break up the blockades.
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