The other day I wrote about how Erin O'Toole wants everybody to know that he's a True Blue Con.
Although I wasn't quite sure what exactly he was trying to say.
But now I know, and it couldn't be more ridiculous

Despite the fact that the Cons lost the election because they were perceived to be too right-wing, O'Toole wants everybody to know he has no plans to move the party to the middle.
Conservative leadership candidate Erin O'Toole said he will not try and move to the middle in his campaign to succeed Andrew Scheer and will present a platform that sits well right of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
"We have to be conservative," O'Toole told CBC News Network's Power & Politics Tuesday. "I don't think we go to the middle. I think that's what another opponent in this race will be suggesting: we just go to the slight right of Justin Trudeau.
As well as suggesting that he would be more of a manly man right-wing leader than Peter MacKay.
And the strongman he believes this country needs...
Even though MacKay recently apologized for suggesting that he's more of a manly man than Justin Trudeau.These blockades are illegal. Enough is enough— Erin O'Toole (@ErinOTooleMP) February 12, 2020
I will enforce the law and push back against eco-extremists.
Add your name if you are with me 🇨🇦 👉 https://t.co/4OOhZxaMdW pic.twitter.com/Z8QcbW4rYv
And for all but calling him a yoga pansy...

And he's still leading O'Toole in the polls by more than TWENTY points!!
So yeah, I think you can see where this is going.
With Dumbo MacKay still leading by default.
With nobody to fear but himself...

O'Toole still tanking...

And the Con leadership race still looking like an absolute farce...
Where did those losers ever get the idea that they were fit to govern anyone?
The sooner Trudeau calls an election the sooner we shall destroy them...
Lol he looks like a Smurf. Wait a minute O'Fool, I thought Trudeau got in trouble for coloring his face. But Potatohead is no better. They're all proposing to turn the fire hoses on the indigenous protesters (which would only inflame tensions more) rather than pursue de-escalation and compromise, as Trudeau and cabinet are trying to do. I really think the only reason Macho Mac is leading is because of name recognition. None of them have offered any substantive policy positions, and "Trudeau sucks" is not a platform. Tool can huff and puff until he's blue in the face while Chopper eats beets naked in the dark, an image I really didn't need but thanks anyway, Pete. They all suck and none of them are worth voting for. Killa tofu!!!
The Con colour wars. The Reformer logo was green which became green-blue with the formation of the Alliance. The PC party was blue-red which stayed blue-red after merger in the form of a blue C with a red maple leaf in the center. The symbolism could be interpreted as the C cradling the maple leaf and nurturing it or devouring it. Now the Tool wants to end the debate by painting the maple leaf blue but in reality the original party mixture of Reform-A-Con green and PC blue-red gives white for whitewash. The party of everything but nothing at all.
Here's a more apt description for O'Harp'Tool, "I'm a ding-dong ReformaCon. Are you?". This navigator will never become "Top Gun" with his current flight path though he may still suffer from delusions that he is. I look at the Con talent pool and yawn. Two Harper toadies whose best before dates expired while serving their former Dear Leader, "Harp-Gon-soon". If the Cons look at these clowns as their saviours then so be it. Stupid is not easily fixed. What we'll get is a different face spewing the same old bullshit so barring anymore fake scandals, they will win over their base and that's about it. Meanwhile, Scheer keeps reminding us why he didn't win but keeps doing it anyway. I think the whole fucking Con party is ready for the looney bin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXWCaQPXE_0
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