Thanks to this blockade I had to rent a car and drive to Montreal, instead of taking the train.
But Seb and I got to play our favourite songs all the way there and back, which we hadn't done for a long time. So we had a blast.
And for a while at least I didn't have to listen to the howls of the bestial Cons.
For they are out of control.

With the absurd Harper tool Erin "True Blue" O'Toole playing fake Mussolini again.
The blockades are getting worse. Communities are at risk of running out of heating fuel and chlorine to clean municipal water. Even our international border crossings have been illegally blocked.— Erin O'Toole (@ErinOTooleMP) February 17, 2020
How much worse will it get before Trudeau shows leadership? pic.twitter.com/LpvA7phWrN
While his buddies at Canada Proud try to amplify his hysterical tweets.
— Canada Proud (@WeAreCanProud) February 17, 2020
And other low life Cons all but call for the native protesters to be exterminated.

While their hapless loser leader Andrew Scheer makes an absolute fool of himself by calling on protesters to "check their privilege."
Only to look even more like a racist buffoon...

And be laughed at by decent people from coast, to coast, to coast.
But sadly, the Ugly American wasn't done.
For when Justin Trudeau spoke to the House of Commons this morning, and appealed to the decency of Canadians.
“There are those who would want us to act in haste, who want us to boil this down to slogans and ignore the complexities, who think that using force is helpful. It is not,” says PM @JustinTrudeau about the protests and blockades. “We need to find a solution." #cdnpoli pic.twitter.com/5jNLZm8Pub— Power & Politics (@PnPCBC) February 18, 2020
Like a real Canadian leader should.
Scheer's RepubliCons heckled him like hyenas in heat, as only Cons could.
And their loser leader all but called for the native protesters to be massacred.
Which couldn't be more disgusting:
You know, it's not that I don't recognize that a lot of people in this country are angry and frustrated or just worried.If Andrew Scheer had his way there would be blood all over the tracks. The Ugly American has no respect for our Canadian values, and is once again using naked bigotry for crass political purposes. Thank goodness Justin Trudeau made sure he'll never be PM. https://t.co/F8kTuLqnsr— đ¨đŚ Simon đ´ó §ó ˘ó łó Łó ´ó ż đđ (@montrealsimon) February 18, 2020
I'm worried that those who threaten to "shut Canada down" could lead to a racist backlash, that could cripple the reconciliation process for at least a generation.
And I freely admit that noisy demonstrations like this one give me a headache.
Even though it couldn't be more polite and Canadian.WATCH: A huge group of anti-pipeline protestors swarm the Toronto subway.#ShutDownCanada #topoli #cdnpoli pic.twitter.com/eAsV4jMtkK— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) February 15, 2020
But I also need to say that history shows the defence of First Nation rights demands an uprising now and then, to keep pushing us all towards reconciliation.
The noisy protests and barricades are part of the price of choosing compromise over confrontation, and favouring our Canadian values over American ones.
So it's a price all who love this country, should be more than willing to pay...
Chopper called them thugs, which is totally not racist at all. G.I. Gladu wants to send in the military, and Scheer... has absolutely shit the bed. Does this look like a mature politician offering intelligent solutions to a national crisis? Twirling, twirling, twirling towards irrelevance! No wonder weak Andy got excluded from the adults' table. And now JWR is making noises again trying to extend her 15 minutes. Enough of these clowns already, they're not helping matters and they're only making things worse. Deescalate and negotiate, then put the Cons on reservations or an ice floe and send them away.
Its more apparent than ever we totally dodged a bullet this last election. The conservatives never offer a solution for anything. Even listening to them in the slightest contaminates law making like it did with MAID and legalization. Like another commenter said a said a while back " conservatives look foolish just focusing attacks on Trudeau while the liberal team finds the solution."
I can only imagine how uppity the natives will get in the decades to come. This is just the beginning. Get used to mob rule.
When it comes to exploiting resources native rights have always been a thorn in the side of the Con machine. A collection of people that seem to put the past,present and future flow of nature above short term $$ gain and too diverse to know which levers to pull in order to bring them in line. Why couldn't they be more like white folks where all that's necessary is to create some division, wave some $$ at select decision makers/politicians,tell some lies, pass some laws, confiscate some land and presto its done! With that in mind the Harper Cons with the help of Con establishments like the Fraser institute set out to do just that. So far they have been partially successful with the reservation chiefs but lost patience with hereditary representative so decided to resort to rule of law instead. The irony is that as they feverishly work to make natives more like white folks by giving them land that the Cons can buy and expropriate the white folks are adopting native values in the belief that society cannot continue to indiscriminately exploit nature for short term $$.
The game:
The propaganda that for good or bad JWR and hubby are mixed up in:
When I see the cowardly Andrew Scheer calling Justin Trudeau weak for not ordering the RCMP to attack native protesters, I can't help but think what he might have done to this country if the Cons had won the election. And in my humble opinion this country would never have recovered.
That cartoon of Scheer looking out of the window of his tax payer funded limo is missing one thing. It should have been parked outside his tax payer funded mansion with all his tax payer funded staff standing at attention. What a a fucking hypocrite.
Scheer being excluded from the leaders meeting looks so good on him. Earth to Andrew, your tough guy rhetoric is meaningless, you are meaningless. You are a failure who is only there as the default turd at the top of the Con pile of shit and speaking of which, why not throw some of your fecal matter at Doug "The Invisible Man" Ford for his total uselessness on this matter.
I hope saner heads prevail and these blockades end peacefully very soon. It cannot continue as it is and I hope they walk away as opposed to being removed by force because asshole Cons like Scheer will be screaming for blood until this is resolved.
Is weak andy entilteted to his entitlements
Nanos just said the Cons are leading in the polls due to backlash over the protests. Scheer floated a trial balloon of bringing down the government, then backed off, but they definitely smell blood in the water. The cops out in Edmonton stood idly by while a bunch of yellow vest goons dismantled a blockade, calling it "cleaning up garbage." Airshow has been cheering on their vigilantism on Twitter and calling indigenous people thugs. So much for rule of law. And this guy was MoJAG. But didn't I say this was Black Lives Matter 2.0, where Trudeau is Barack Obama of the north? A man with a heart bigger than the small minds of the people he governs. Canada tends to be behind the U.S. by a few years and I am feeling sick about what could happen next. Macho Mac or Toolio should just slap on some orange makeup already because that's who they are.
Speaking of which, the Sanders vs. Bloomberg shitshow is likely to get Trump reelected, and elsewhere, Boris has become a despot over Fortress Britannia. Just bring on the fucking meteor already. I'm crying again, I haven't slept well in days, and I can't take all this hate -- this WHITE hot rage -- spilling over and becoming the norm all over the world.
Hi Jackie...The way the Cons are behaving during this very Canadian crisis has only shown them once again to be unfit to govern this country. I suspect that their enlarged fear glands are acting up, and are scared that the indigenous will murder them in their beds. And all of this will in the long run help progressives...
Hi anon....You are absolutely right, we did dodge a bullet, and since the election the Cons have made that even clearer. They claim to be for law and order, but they seem willing to bend the law to deal with the crisis, and are acting like cowardly fascists. It really is pathetic...
Hi anon...Yes, we have got to watch out for those "uppity" natives, or they could soon be running the country, and the poor white people will be living on reserves with boil water advisories. Get a grip on yourself bigot, because you're sounding hysterical...
Hi RT....Yes, I saw the mad professor Flanagan is stumbling around again like some long lost zombie, trying to use the crisis to sell more tarry gold, which is of course responsible for ninety per cent of the bad things that happen in this country. The way I see it this crisis might be inconveniencing a lot of white people, but at least they are getting a refresher course in native rights, which can only be a good thing. Canada will be an even better place to live when the rights of all are respected....
Hi anon....Yes, we didn't call Scheer Weak Andy for nothing. He has been doing his best to stir up the ignorant Con mob, but only proving over and over again why he is unfit to be prime minister....
Hi anon...Hypocrite is the right word. I don't know what led Scheer to use a progressive slogan to put out his racist message, but it only shows how desperate he is becoming. He would so much like to use racism to take on the hated Trudeau in another election, but he knows that his days in his fancy home are numbered so he's just a mess. Throw the man a banana and see how loud he can squeal....��
Hi JD....Yes, I really enjoyed seeing Scheer sulking after not being invited to the meeting with Trudeau and the other leaders. Not just because he was made to pay for his ugly racism, but also because what I saw in that room was the making of a progressive coalition. I'm sure the Ugly American saw that too, and he must be shitting himself.
As for the native protests they will also have to deal with reality, and those in charge will have to understand that damaging the Canadian economy will only end badly for them. Or would they like to have the Cons governing this country and treating them like garbage? It's a challenging time for everyone, but only our Canadian values can save us....
Hi Jackie....I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling down, and you're right we are presently travelling through a veritable shit storm. But cheer up because as bad as it may seem it's just the beginning of the Conacopalypse, the transition point between the end of one era and the beginning of a better one. The Cons all over the world must show us how bad they really are, before they lie down and die, and the new generation washes them away. So stay cool, there are a lot of people who love you, and you are going to be the guest of honour at our victory party. And always remember that old but very valid saying, it's always darkest before the dawn, but we are going to win....
Hi Steve....Weak Andy is looking weaker than ever because he knows his entitlements are coming to an end. No more big house, no more limousine, no more servants, he's about to be humiliated beyond recognition, again. And I'm going to be sitting in the expensive seats laughing my head off...
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