The polls suggest that Peter MacKay is the front runner in the Con leadership race.
And he is the only candidate so far to have paid the entrance fee.
Just one week after officially launching his leadership campaign, MacKay has submitted the full $300,000 fee required to officially enter the race to replace Andrew Scheer.
But if anyone thinks that MacKay is the one who can give the Cons a brighter future, they are doomed to be sadly disappointed.
For he seems to want to take the Cons back to the past.
While running for leader of the Liberal Party, Trudeau’s campaign expensed $876.95 in yoga sessions and spa bills for Justin Trudeau.— Peter MacKay (@PeterMacKay) February 1, 2020
Liberals can’t be trusted. pic.twitter.com/Yeyk7laZyJ
And that attack ad, which is a deliberate attempt to try to feminize Justin Trudeau, couldn't be uglier.
But as Alan Freeman points out, it is yet another reason the Cons are losing the culture war.
We didn’t learn much about Peter MacKay’s ideas or policies as he launched his leadership bid for the Conservative Party of Canada last week but we did learn lots about his favourite pastimes.
MacKay says his go-to sports are hockey and bare-knuckle boxing and he can’t wait to challenge Justin Trudeau to a fight under “UFC rules or on the ice, no headgear, no gloves.” At the same time, we now know what MacKay would never be caught doing: Practicing yoga or dancing.
You may wonder why MacKay, a 54-year-old Toronto lawyer and father of three small children, would want to risk severe brain injury as a way of keeping fit, but he clearly had a point to make. If he’s going to become Conservative leader, he has to prove to party stalwarts that he’s no sissy, like that former drama teacher, Justin Trudeau.
Welcome to Canada’s culture wars, brought to you courtesy of the Conservative Party.
For that toxic Trudeau hate may inflame their brutish base, and get them all excited and howling like hyenas...

But it's not popular with most Canadians.
The big problem for the Conservatives is that Canada isn’t the U.S. and the culture wars are just a shadow of what they are south of the border. Canada is more urban, has fewer evangelicals and there’s no Fox News to pound home the right-wing messaging to the exclusion of every other opinion.
So while the Conservative base may despise Trudeau, particularly in Alberta, where the feeling borders on collective psychosis, most Canadians actually don’t mind the guy. In fact, they quite like him.
But then nobody should be surprised, when trying to feminize Trudeau is just another form of misogyny, and MacKay has a long and sordid record of treating women badly.
From the days he called his ex-girlfriend Belinda Stronach a "bitch" in the House of Commons.
To the time he suggested that women were too busy at home to be judges...

Which is when I started calling him Dumbo, for he really is THAT stupid.
But don't let that fool you. For MacKay may be a hopeless and very dumb jock, but he is also a sinister demagogue.
When someone commits an act so heinous to be sentenced to life in prison, they should breathe their last breath behind bars. pic.twitter.com/8alHWUWjEB— Peter MacKay (@PeterMacKay) January 30, 2020
Who as I've warned before, while serving his monstrous master Stephen Harper, tried to turn Canada into a prison state...

And had to be slapped down again and again by the Supreme Court for trying to violate the Charter of Rights.
Which along with all his other flaws, his miserable misogyny, his appalling French...

And his toxic Trudeau hate.
Make him unfit to be the leader of any Canadian party.
Just a ridiculous "macho" monster who should be sent back to the era where he belongs...
BREAKING: New @PeterMacKay campaign video drops. Hmmm, what did their internal polling tell them about @AndrewScheer ? #cdnpoli pic.twitter.com/ydCtDFnZN9— Memeditorialist (@ajhtweeting) February 2, 2020
Gawd. To think that I thought that we would have to work really hard to destroy the Con brand before the leadership convention.
But it turns out that if you give them enough rope, they will do a fine job of hanging themselves...
It's quite obvious that Mr. Potatohead has already played too much hockey without a helmet.
I had forgotten about them wimmin judges. Thanks for keeping such good notes,
That must be our Top Bum, O'Toole on the chopper, Simon. Navigating Dumbo right into the brick wall. Whap!! It would be pretty much the same result if he ever got his "wish" for fisticuffs with JT. As expected, Justin hasn't nor will he dignify the utterings of Doofus McDumbo by responding to the grade school threats.
That was a good read from Alan Freeman though I disagree with this, "You may wonder why MacKay, a 54-year-old Toronto lawyer and father of three small children, would want to risk severe brain injury as a way of keeping fit". In McKeh's case, that ship has sailed. I suspect that during one or many of his binge drinking adventures, he fell on his head multiple times and surely his big mouth earned him many clock cleanings in his day. Now that he's older, the effects of all those shots to the head are evident by his ridiculous challenge to JT and pretty much everything else that comes out of his mouth. And it will only get worse. Dumbo's wee potato brain's best before date has long ago passed and is clearly in decline. If he really cared about his family, he would exit the race and seek professional help immediately.
Less than a 1,000$ for yogis and spa treatments? You'd have to compare all expenses but that sounds like peanuts.
They should really just commit to the bit and run ads saying "Justin's a homo."
So a slightly more articulate Trump. Thinks he's a Mac Daddy but he's jealous of Justin because of his own tiny Peter. So much for solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community. Insincere pandering at Pride means SFA if the Cons are just going to double down on misogynistic and homophobic tough guy rhetoric. Do they really think women and minorities are that stupid? Go away Pete, you're drunk!
Sometimes I wish Justin would say to hell with it and show up for QP in drag just to piss them off.
Pete's potato head would explode.
I wonder if court transcripts, court pleadings (e.g. on sentencing), court letters from his time as a crown prosecutor (or even grades transcripts from his law school, or undergrad) could be FOI'd to better understand his red carpet ride. Is it safe to assume his father's name and old PC connections paved the way to every civil service position he's had and now to this leadership coronation? Those transcripts would likely confirm the substance of his character and explain his shallow recourse to macho-unibrow-fakewrestling-doncherryish dog whistles to bring reformers back towards the centre. An even more privileged life and career than JT, harper and sheer, yet purporting to be a benevolent populist strongman (like repubs).
Hi rumleyfips....Yes, Peter MacKay has a long and sordid record, and over the course of almost ten years I recorded it all. I guess he must have thought that record would be forgotten, but no such luck....
Hi JD...Yes, I wouldn't be surprised if Top Bum was too busy trying to improve his own appalling French to see that wall coming. And as for Dumbo MacKay's threats to fight Trudeau whoever came up with one must have also been dropped on his head. The only thing Dumbo has going for him are some Big Money donors, and when they are revealed I suspect they could prove fatal. Still, I am looking forward to the day when Top Bum and Dumbo start attacking each other and trying to prove who is the most manly manly candidate because that should be hilarious...
Hi anon....it is peanuts, and only the monkey Cons could think it isn't. And it will almost certainly backfire. There are a lot of people who do yoga in this country and they won't be amused....
Hi Sixth Estate....That is what the Cons have been implying for years, but they can't come out and say it because remember they're still insisting they're NOT bigoted. It may work with Dumbo's not too bright circle of Neanderthals but it won't work with most Canadians....
Hi Jackie....No, I'm afraid that won't work. Beards and dresses don't go well together. On the other hand , if we could get ape costumes for the Cons, that would work well. If you ever listen to the animal sounds they make during Question Period, I'm sure it would be frighteningly realistic....
Hi Jackie...I have no idea why MacKay decided to go with that absurd attack ad, when he's trying to demonstrate that he's not as bigoted as Scheer. But then I guess they don't call him Dumbo for nothing. A grotesque record of misogyny, while in service to Stephen Harper, and now thie anti-yoga candidate? This isn't going to end well..
Hi anon....I don't think we'll need any transcripts from his school days. I suggest that all we need to do is remind Canadians how many times his bills were rejected by the SCOC for violating the Charter. As well as reminding them how he went after the decent Chief Justice, in what has to be one of the most sordid episodes in modern Canadian history....
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