There is something deeply disturbing about Andrew Scheer's grim determination not to surrender his job, after being humiliated by Justin Trudeau, the man he hates more than any other.
For this is pathetic.
“Some people have asked why am I still fighting. Why I don’t just give up?” he said.
“Because I can’t and I won’t.”
And this is desperate.
Do you know the story of how the Conservative party used the 2004 election loss to catapult us to victory and ten years of government?— Sen. Denise Batters (@denisebatters) November 30, 2019
A 60 second history lesson. #cdnpoli pic.twitter.com/lfHNVrxCuW
For having the grotesque Con Senator Denise "Batty" Batters deliver a "history lesson" to try to boost Scheer's chances of surviving is really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Especially since as Stephen Harper's former campaign director Jenni Byrne points out, Batty's "history lesson" is out to lunch.
And Scheer is no Harper.2019 is nothing like 2004 - attached are reasons why not. #cdnpoli pic.twitter.com/aiiv2aYsoE— Jenni Byrne (@Jenni_Byrne) November 30, 2019
But if Batters' attempt to save the Ugly American's job is hilarious, this from the ugly Con Tom Lukiwski is simply ridiculous.
In a Facebook post Friday, Tom Lukiwski says the campaign to get Andrew Scheer to resign is not coming from widespread discontent amongst the grassroots.
“Rather, the entire campaign, played out in both conventional media and social media, has been driven by a small cabal of backroom boys, many of them former supporters of Maxime Bernier and veterans of an assortment of far-right third-party advertisers. Not to put too fine a point on it, they are mercenaries and trolls, trying to manipulate and concoct division and discontent that does not exist.”
As well as disgusting, since Lukiwski like Scheer, also has a record of vile homophobia.
And his claim that division and discontent are not consuming the Cons is frankly delusional.
As is Leona Alleslev's claim that Scheer is a strong leader...

But it doesn't really matter what Alleslev, or any of the others in Scheer's shrinking band of supporters, have to say.
They are just desperate delusions.
The Ugly American is a dead man walking...

No decent Canadian can support him or his bigot Cons.
And with a little bit of luck, he'll take them all down with him...
When Alberta Cons walked out on Scheer's speech at the UCP confab, the message couldn't have been clearer. Scheer's as done as the Thanksgiving turkey he ate on Thursday. He's just a bag of leftovers smelling worse by the day.
What a surprise, another homophobic bigot comes to weak Andy's defense. He may have a point though, except he's got the wrong target in Bernier. A lot of these backroom boys are 26% Dougie's boys, and that fat lout is clearly delusional enough to think he can win a leadership contest. Then again, even the IDU's keynote loudspeaker might be onto something (if he isn't on something): Jason Markusoff's new column about the UCP convention mentions at least a few rank and file Cons who want a strongman, and are willing to settle for one from Ontario. "Strongman" to them just means Trump, so who else do we know that fits that bill? Besides Herrball Harper himself...
I had forgotten that Lukiwski video, and how disgusting it was. It could only have come from a Con and I bet Scheer feels exactly the same way. As you say Simon, no decent Canadians should ever vote for those bigots.
I love the way Jenni Byrne has turned into Scheer's worst nightmare. But since she helped elect Doug Ford I wonder if she wants Scheer deep sixed so Ford can run for Conservative leader? What do you think Simon?
no thats not true, I read he was welcomed as a hero with dates and sweets.
i think she knows a trough when she sees one
being leader is not leading the public, its taking control of the leadership group which numbers in the dozens
Following merger the Cons became a one stop brokerage by adding spiritual salvation to their suite of economic and public security offerings. Seems that there was no real business case developed or board approval it just happened when Weak Andy started offering a no refusal soul saving plan backed by the evangelical Christians as part of the sign up package. At first it was buried in the fine print and the ponzi crowd chasing the ever shifting pot of gold that Trudeau kept moving didn't really notice or care but others did. Those that historically felt secure under the Cons brand of swift punitive justice and nationalistic pride noticed and defected to other brokers with the same coverage minus the mandatory spiritual option. When confronted with the reality of the situation, Andys backers still see it as an essential part of their business model but now that the public is aware others see it as a deal breaker even if they bury it on page 100 in fine print. The only option to rescue the business is bye bye Andy otherwise its obscurity because its not 1950 or even 2004 for that matter.
In politics things are rarely what they seem. Mr. Scheer probably has enough support to hang on and maybe even "win" the leadership review in April. But the media will be damned before they show anything resembling balanced reporting.
As well, the two erstwhile front runners to replace Mr. Scheer are quickly making themselves unelectable at the national level with their mismanagement of Alberta and Ontario and Mr. Mackay will not appeal to the West nor will he appeal to the Social Conservatives.
Mr. Harper really screwed the Conservative Party by not grooming a successor. That lack of foresight could be coming back to haunt the Conservative Party now.
Andrew Scheer's dream of becoming PM is just that, a dream. He had his chance but the nightmare prevailed. Like much of his teensy weensy bit of life's work, he was a screw-up who couldn't get the job done. Couldn't get his broker's license so he fraudulently claims that he did. I mean, who does that other than a dummy or someone making a conscious effort to deceive. He was the most partisan, incompetent Harper toady to have ever sullied the job as Speaker of the House. His pinnacle of success was losing the election, yes, losing the election. "We're number two! We're number two!" However and off the record, he'd be giddy that he and his clown posse managed to divide this country as its never been before.
Should the Cons be dumb enough to give monotone Andy's Magical Delusional Tour another shot at defeating JT then so be it. I wont debate it with any of them because mother always told me to avoid stupid people. Thanks mom!
He needs fifty-one percent at minimum. Two recent polls from ARI and Léger have him in the low- to mid-forties. The question is, does he get a bump from delegates who might not want him to stick around, but get cold feet about having an unenjoyable leadership contest and the possibility of protracted internecine warfare -- in a minority government when an election could happen at any time. Karmic irony: they were so happy to pump JWR's tires for her failed kudatah against PMJT and now the Cons face the prospect of a Chrétien/Martin crisis of their own.
Just to be clear though, the leadership review takes place before the actual leadership contest, should there be one?
As in Andy would face his judgment in April and if he goes, the Cons would have an interim leader for awhile yet until they find some new bobblehead, possibly not until next fall or even early 2021?
If so, that makes the prospect of an early election all the more enticing, to catch them with nobody in the driver's seat. Not that there's a wealth of talent to pick from anyway.
Hi anon....Scheer has lied so much one can only wonder whether he really understands how many Cons want him gone. Which is fine with me. For the more deluded him and his Cons are, the more easily we shall defeat him...
Hi Jackie....I saw that Abacus poll that suggests that Harper is more popular than any of the other Con losers who might want to replace Scheer. And I can only wish him luck, because he may be popular with Con supporters, but most Canadians haven't forgotten his ghastly regime and if he did become leader Trudeau would reduce the Cons to a rump....
Hi anon....It's such an ugly video I hesitated to run it. But when a homophobe defends another homophobe it tells you all you need to know about the Scheer Cons...
Hi anon....Although Byrne helped elect Ford she resigned soon after after she saw the way he was behaving. So I don't think she is trying to get rid of Scheer so Ford can run for Con leader. On the other hand both she and Kory Teneycke who also wants Ford to go worked for Stephen Harper, so maybe they are paving the way for his return. The Cons are a party in crisis so anything is possible....
HI Steve....there is a leadership group around Scherr, and a lot of other Cons dislike it intensely. But if it does go to a leadership review the grassroot's will get a chance to weigh in and I doubt they will support Scheer. The next six months are almost certainly going to look like a slow motion car crash...
Hi RT....I don't think many Cons realized how much of a religious fanatic Scheer was when they elected him leader after 13 ballots. And Scheer was able to conceal that fanaticism by surrounding himself with a secretive group who focused on nominating other religious fanatics. But eventually of course it all came out, and I'm pretty confident that most Cons will try to overthrow Scheer's inner circle, or as you say, it will be bye bye Andy or bye bye Cons...
Hi ottlib....it's hard to evaluate Scheer's chances of surviving when so many Cons are keeping their views to themselves. But with Trudeau now leading Scheer 35 to 22 on Nanos' preferred prime minister poll, that could change very early in the new year. However, as you point out Harper didn't groom a successor, so unless somebody comes forward from outside the party, they are going to have a real problem, and Scheer might just survive, even if that would almost certainly lead nowhere....
Hi JD....As I said in my post I think Scheer is deluded if he thinks he can continue as leader. But he is no doubt dreaming thati once Parliament returns he can hit Trudeau with another fake scandal, and all will be fine again. I think that when Canadians see him continuing his negative never ending attacks on Trudeau they will be revolted and demand that the Cons get rid of him....
Hi Jackie....Fifty-one percent may technically be all he needs, but it won't be enough for a clear victory and would leave the Cons divided down the middle. As one of Scheer's opponents warned him the other day, it's only going to get worse....
Hi Simon
Just wanted to update, there's a new Nanos out that shows Trudeau leading Scheer as preferred PM by 16 points now. 38-22. He actually polls better than his party, which is ironic considering the Liberals are clearly adopting a less leader-focused approach. But according to some analysis his unexpected second honeymoon might be because he's now seen as more humble and learning from his experiences, versus Scheer who just doesn't seem to take a hint.
Pride (or not marching in it) goeth before a fall. Or a winter...
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