It's a strange thing. Although I truly believe that Andrew Scheer is an ugly Con and a danger to this country and its values, he keeps reminding me of the comic character Mr Bean.
So instead of standing there shaking an outraged fist in his general direction, as all decent Canadians should.
I sometimes find myself almost falling out of my chair, or rolling on the carpet, dying of laughter.
But what am I supposed to do when the Cons themselves seem intent on making Weak Andy look bad?

By running some pictures taken outside a hospital in Toronto, which in my opinion made him look even more like Mr Bean.

And had the internet staring in disbelief, and wondering what's with those weird handshakes?
Or wondering what they said about him.

Or wondering about the popularity of the Cons in downtown Toronto.

Just like I did on Twitter.

Knowing what a religious fanatic Scheer is, I really appreciated this one...
— Catsmeat Potter (@OldCatsmeat) August 7, 2019And of course, I thought Justin Trudeau was simply brilliant...

For that that is so Mr Bean, so Andrew Scheer.
You know, polls have shown that the more Canadians know about Scheer the less they like him.
So let's make sure they know a lot more, and he won't be around for much longer...

That explains the deja vu
It is the suit and tie that does it.
The three con "supermen" have the same Republican Party Mike Pence outfits and they are all rather portly compared to the svelte Justin.
All three definitely in need of personal trainers and image consultants.
Jason Kenney looks like a 50's ad for Brylcreem and he is the most dangerous of the lot.
He proved that, by stabbing UPC leadership contender, Brian Jean, in the back with a dirty tricks Alberta United Conservative Party leadership campaign which has cost them over $70000 in internal electoral fraud charges.
What a nasty piece of work!
First thing he did was to pay his piper, probably the Koch Brothers, with a corporate tax cut.
Now all the other Alberta corporate "suits" can buy back their shares,thus increasing their stock options value and give themselves a hefty bonus for being so smart!
Of course, library grants,public sector wages and money for infrastructure will be cut to make up for the corporate tax revenue cut with extra fees and charges for everything else from library cards to licence plates.
But no tax increase.
Cuts to programs just like the Ford cuts.
The Alberta Advantage!
And Albertans will lap it up!
But Jason has his eyes set on bigger things.
It will be interesting to see how he plans to usurp Mr. Scheer if the Cons win. Global Affairs is the tailor made department for him, Harper Tailoring set the style for that department.
A portly guy in a blue suit would be the perfect followup to a woman in a red cocktail dress with a string of pearls. A seamless Foreign Policy Transition!
Then 24 Sussex!
Damn! This is good weed!!
Do you ever catch clips from the NBC Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon? Last week he had a skit with a puppet that someone made of a young French actor, I think his name is Timothy Charlemagne. The puppet doesn't much look like the actor but the actor himself resembles a younger Trudeau. Then last night Jimmy had a skit with a Chucky doll from "Child's Play." That one looks like Andy Doody. If Justin and Andy aren't going to have a live prizefight, I'd pay to watch the handsome young Francophone clobber Chucky. But I guess I'll have to wait for the debates...
Seems Andy is a wee bit out of his comfort zone when meeting real Canadians as opposed to his contrived ads or Conservative stacked "town halls". Perhaps he would get closer if they had a sneeze guard between them or if their heads are shaved and they're wearing a yellow vest.
Scheer stiffness in social settings suggests he is a technocrat but unfortunately it is in a specific brand of theology and of course what Hamish's statistically driven social model tells him to do. More like an empty suit than Mr Bean.
Empty Suited wanna be harper- hopefully never gets too close to holding the country hostage for 4+ years. Comparison is entirely appropriate Simon although biggest difference is Bean is funny, Scheer is definitely not funny.
Speaking of Hamster the evil computer chipmunk, MacLean's needs to fail and fail hard. They crucified Gerry Butts as Canada's version of Roy Cohn and now they publish a puff piece on Nerd Bannon. It's a shame that Trudeau doesn't attack the Con media the way Trump goes after the (still fawning) NYT et. al. because they really are the enemy of the people. If it were up to me, Ruble Media would be shuttered and everyone who's ever been associated with them (Ezra, their "cast" and the whole CPC) or enabled/downplayed them in the Con media would be tried at the Hague. Nazi propagandists fuck off.
Remember when some charitable angel gave Preston a few Hugo Boss suits ? By the look of Andy's look , he needs to find that guy.
FYI: Epstein's "mysterious" death has brought the Pineapple Pizzagate idiots out of the woodwork again attempting to smear JT. This particular crank happens to be a veteran, and the founder of an organization supporting the party that has been the least friendly to veterans. Seems there really is no limit to the depths that Cons will sink to. If Dante Alighieri was alive he'd have to write another book about their morals in the bargain basement. Lame.
Epstein went from and elite victimiser to having the outward appearance of a broken victim in the space of a few short months. In the high stakes game of authoritarian style political chess death is the final solution, Trump as well as many others must be relieved. Then again perhaps his death was just bad karma helped along by an incompetent penal system.
As an avid Mr. Bean watcher, the comparison is degrading to Mr. Bean and Rowan Atkinson. Though I get why you're comparing the two 😉😂
Speaking of cartoonish buffoons, I'd love to see your take on #PenPalDiplomacy, Simon!
I bet Ivanka was mad that daddy scribbled his chicken scratch all over the magazine, because she was probably going to ask Justin for an autograph of that Bloomberg photo. Maybe she'll tape it to the walls of her prison cell. In any event, I'm guessing WH aides deliberately hid the cover of the Rolling Stone.
Hi Mark....Yes, as Yogi Berra was once accused of saying "It is déjà vu again." The same Con nightmare....
Hi hinofan....you're right about Kenney's ambition. He still is able to delude himself that if he can become Con leader, becoming Prime Minister would be a cinch. He knows he will have to mud wrestle with Doug Ford but he is sure that will be no problem. But then he claims to have been chaste for about forty years and that's what can happen...
Hi Jackie....I don't watch any of the late night talk shows, but I think the actor you're talking about is Timothee Chalamet, who does look a lot like a younger Trudeau and is also a great actor. I saw him in the movie Call Me By Your Name, and he was brilliant. As for the debates I see Scheer has already signed up for the Munk debate, so he obviously thinks he can out debate Justin. But if Trudeau prepares for that debate I think he can make Scheer look even more klutzy than Mr Bean...
Hi JD....Yes, Scheer has spent more than two years attacking Trudeau and claiming that he would embarrass us in the eyes of the world. But all I can say is that if Weak Andy ever becomes PM, Canadians who travel abroad will have to wear paper bags over their heads....
Hi RT....Yes, empty suit is probably a better description of Scheer than Bean impersonator. But if you look at the way he has positioned his body in that encounter with the guy carrying the skateboard there is something very Beanish about him. Sometimes he also reminds me a bit of Joe Clark, but while Clark is a decent Canadian, Scheer is as low as they come...
Hi bcwaterboy...yes, I should have made that clearer. Bean is funny, while Scheer is the stuff of nightmares. The undertaker in a third rate horror movie who creeps around the town at night seeking new customers. If he ever becomes Prime Minister he will make Stephen Harper's foul regime look almost decent...
Hi rumleyfips....I don't notice these things, but one of my friends who is more fashion oriented took one look at what Scheer was wearing and gasped. To me it looks like something a member of the religious right would wear, and that of course is what makes him so scary...
Hi Unknown...yes you're right, I should have made that clear in my post. Rowan Atkinson is talented and funny, while Scheer is neither....
Hi Jackie....I saw that story and I must say I was very impressed with the way he handled Trump. We're lucky to have him dealing with Trump rather than the nerd Scheer. As for Ivanka, I still haven't recovered from the congratulatory tweet she sent Boris Johnson where she called the United Kingdom the "United Kingston." And Trump wants her to replace him? Idiocy has never been so dangerous...
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