Saturday, December 24, 2011

What Christmas Means To Me. Once Again.

I wrote this post two years ago, and although so much has happened since then, and we now live in the darkness of Harper's Canada, I see no reason to change it. So here we go again.

It's Christmas Eve, and once again I have to explain to my friends, that although I'm an atheist, and believe that our beautiful planet is our heaven and our hell.

And although I hate the shopping and the greed.

And although I know that it can be a lonely time for many, including all those gay people who have been rejected by their families.

I do love this time of the year. The lights, the colours, the snow, the food.

And all those sweet little stories that moved me when I was a child.

Like the one whose happy ending made me cry when I was nine-years-old, and was spending Christmas in hospital recovering from meningitis.

The story of the poor little old donkey and his friend, who was ordered by his father to sell him. But the only one who wanted him was a tanner... for his hide.

Until the kind stranger arrived...

Because even back then I loved animals, and I wanted the humble to inherit the earth.

And now that I know that there are so many of them.

Even in Canada...

I still do, more than ever. And I won't support any government that doesn't put them, and other poor Canadians FIRST.

And then there's the music...and the songs like this one that I used to sing...when I was a budding juvenile delinquent dressed up as an angel.

In a choir like this one...

The words still don't really mean anything to me eh? But isn't the sound of gentle humanity GLORIOUS?

Imagine what kind of beautiful world we could build if there really was peace and justice on Earth.

From me and my wonderful companion Sébastien, who makes me believe that we can build that earthly paradise, if we fight for it hard enough.

From our little old reindeer...

Who is still waiting impatiently for the first real snowfall to arrive.

And this year from my new friend at the Toronto Island's little Far Away Farm...

Who miraculously survived Rob Ford's evil plan to send him off to the glue factory.

To all my friends and readers who encourage me so much. Even when I don't deserve it.

Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noël, Happy Hannukah, Happy Holidays, Happy Festivus everybody !!!


Marie Snyder said...

Merry Christmas!

Simon said...

hi Snyder...thank you and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours...