I wonder how Kellie Leitch, our sad Trump impersonator, is feeling today. Not so good I imagine. Or should I say, I hope.
For on Saturday as I told you yesterday, she attacked a private member's bill designed to crack down on violent Islamophobia.

Only to look like an idiot or a beast the very next day.

When this horror happened.
Quebec provincial police say six people are dead and eight were wounded after shots were fired inside a mosque on Sunday night during evening prayers. Sûreté du Québec Sgt. Christine Coulombe says the victims range in age from 35 to 70.
And while I'm not holding Leitch responsible for the brutal actions of those cowardly gunmen. I do find this statement puny indeed...

Considering all the Islamophobia she has blasted out of every orifice.
And I do blame her for stirring up the violent bigots in this country, with her ugly xenophobic campaign designed to pit Canadians against each other.
Which as any sane person should know can lead to acts of violence, or acts of depravity like this one.
Or this kind of Nazi vandalism...

And what I've been warning about for over a year, is that the level of violent hatred in this country which I monitor closely, has been escalating dangerously.
The internet is full of crazy old Cons spewing their venom in every direction. And never in my life have I seen so many death threats.
Murderous threats aimed at everyone from Muslims and LGBT Canadians, to Rachel Notley and Justin Trudeau...

They come from every dark clammy corner of the Con internet.
But like the two above, many of the vile comments I have saved and archived come from the readers of this evil site.
Which exists only to turn hatred into profit. But is still increasingly normalized by our shabby Con media.
Even though as I've said before, if its monstrous owner Ezra Levant lived in Britain he would have been driven out of business and jailed long ago...

Which is where him and all those other monstrous hate mongers belong.
And as I said last night on Twitter, enough is enough...

Its time to strengthen our hate laws.
It's time the police did more to crack down on the violent hate mongers in our midst before they poison our country further.
And as for Kellie Leitch she should be ashamed of herself for violating our Canadian values so grossly, while pretending only she can save them.
She should probably restrain or fire her campaign manager Nick Kouvalis.

Before he makes her look even more like a Trumpanzee, or a bigot, or an idiot. If that's possible.
Justin Trudeau represents our precious Canadian values...

Better than she ever will.
And in the name of human decency, and all those poor Muslims who were slaughtered or wounded in Quebec City last night.
Leitch should definitely end her foul xenophobic campaign as soon as is humanly possible...
No religion should enjoy special privileges. -kkl I agree Kelly. So if elected PM, I take it you'll be rescinding the tax privileges all religions enjoy, right?
I agree with this Simon, but we don't know the motivation behind this attack yet.
So sad and terrible. Begone hate filled conservatives. If that's what's on Ezra Levant's site it should be shut down.
Those two clowns you highlighted in your screenshot are two of the worst offenders there. However, as you well know, there are many regulars that spew their hate and bile many times, every day. I thought Sun Media was bad when it was around but this place is far worse. I thought Levant had jumped the shark, so to speak, when he started featuring Glenn Beck and The Blaze, but since, he's started borrowing stories from Breitbart and even Infowars! Throw in some WND and you've got the recipe for general horribleness. And the site has only gotten worse in attracting the most awful deplorables around. At some point something needs to be done. Levant refuses to take responsibility for the material posted on his site nor does he acknowledge the danger inherit in his readers comments. It only takes one nut job to decide to take matters into his hands and we have a dead PM, Premier, journalist or like last night showed, a mosque full of dead innocents. Enough already!
As to her anodyne statement with the traditional mealy mouthed cliche phrase 'thoughts and prayers' she didn't even write it. She has previously announced that both she and her campaign team post to her twitter account and peope can know when it is specifically her when she signs it kkl. So the statement attacking opposition to islamophobia is hers, she cared enough about that to write and sign it herself, but she couldn't be bothered to write the listless 'thoughts and prayers' tweet herself, that was someone in her campaign staff desperately trying to make her look NOT like a callous monster.
Sad day for all Canadians as we allowed irrational prejudice and fear to grow to the extent that it contributed to the cowardly slaughter of innocents in their place of worship.
We took steps to bridge the gap between the Muslim community and report extremist behavior before it escalated to terrorist acts but did nothing to reciprocate in monitoring and defusing Islamophobic behavior before it became extreme. Its too late for those that lost their lives but not too late to prevent future atrocities regardless of origin. As a society its our choice, we can engage in informed supportive tolerance or embrace uninformed intolerance and be outraged when met with the same.
If anything good comes out of this it would be that our hate laws are strengthened so that the likes of Ezra Levant are shut down permanently. Now is the time to write to your MP and CC it to PMJT expressing your outrage over the hate mongering Rebel Media.
Simon, I'm not much of a writer so perhaps you could provide us with a block of text we could copy and paste into our emails or better yet, an online petition. Who knows, it could start a movement.
.. the murders at a mosque in Quebec City are being dragged into the disgusting Trump 'presidential' saga. A mass murder of innocents at prayer. We have almost no factual information about these murders aside from hospital reports of the dead, the greviously injured, the traumatized including survivors, family members and police & rescue services. Let's ensure orderly process unfolds, attempt to heal the wounded, bury the dead, weep for them if we care. Due process for any perpetrator, following prompt action within the law of the land & our judicial system. This likely has nothing to do with Donald Trump.. rather its a tragedy, a murderous tragedy, an obvious act of hate.. pathological hate with assault weapons, malice & aforthought. Like Sandy Hook.. exactly like Sandy Hook.. mass murder is by nature deranged behavior first and foremost.. and attach it to or enclosing it in a catchall term such as terrorism often seems to me, simplistic. As if 'terrorism' was some sort of 'explanation' or obvious rationale, or lends a 'reason' to murderous actions by an individual who decides to acquire an assault rifle.. then at some point goes over the edge and takes that loaded weapon somewhere.. and uses it on innocent people. That maniac in New Brunswick who shot Mounties was not a terrorist.. he was a normal person who snapped.. who lost it, went postal, insane..Ideology? What he muttered in his last days? Not.. just what fell from his lips.. drivel. Mad dog drivel
Terrible news this hits close to home. Two of the attackers names have been released, only raises more questions.
Although there is no one simple explanation and cure, at least we know that often extreme depression is accompanied by self destructive forces and sometimes even a loving supportive environment cannot save the individual however it can become much more toxic when externalized hate is so readily available. We cannot hide news that acts like a copycat magnet such as Sandy Hook but our politicians and borderline news publications should be more accountable for the hate they spew even if it is only to sit in front of families adversely affected and listen to what the people they victimized have to say.
Depression and other forms of mental illness related to destructive behavior (usually self destructive) is a complex issue with many variables such as genetics,physical and emotional environment,support,illegal and legal pharmaceuticals, etc. but we have to start somewhere and hate literature would seem a good candidate.
.. Truth .. Yes mood disorders to the extreme, certainly must be recognized. They're not an excuse, rather they are a reality... Hearing voices? Odd or strange thoughts? These are not good signposts.. for family, friends or work associates. The young man who murdered mounties in New Brunswick underwent such sudden massive character changes that friends were bewildered.. & his mother warned local police..
One person charged. He's a caucasian male aged 27 years. Well know around Laval University for anti feminist views. Anti- muslim, loves Trump and Le Pen. He's your people MC. You've thrown your lot in with him. Own it. BTW Fake Fox News had on their twitter account that the suspect was a Morrocan male. For seven hours.
mr perfect
It is good to find someone who seems to be aware of the horrifying implications of being in a Canada that allows something like Rebel Media and it's master to operate unconstrained.
Ezra "the Deciever" Levant is perhaps the most dangerous man in Canada in terms of capacity to divide and polarize the public unnaturally, along lines that do not match up with any "Canadian values" worthy of the term.
He actively wants a "final showdown" between the major cultural descendants of Abraham's two bickering sons, which is the only motivation that anyone really could have for publishing pictures of Mohammad as Levant's "Western Standard" did in 2006.
Ezra Levant is already at work at spinning this around to ensure that somehow Islam is to blame for the deaths at the Quebec mosque.
(from a Rebel Media emailout)
"But an eyewitness at the mosque said one of the gunmen shouted “Allah Akbar”. That’s what a Muslim terrorist says, not an “Islamophobe”."
It is what they would should out as part of "Allah Akbar, motherf*ckers!", but that is not something Levant would point out, or allow to be even a possible interpretation.
His people have already set up yet another sub-site of their network (http://www.therebel.media/quebec-terror ), devoted to "true" coverage of the aftermath, and the only thing that can be certain about that is that there will be words of sympathy for the victims, but that the survivors will be counted among the attackers, somehow.
This has come out of decades of Islamophobia. Just like white North Americans demonized the First Nations, in order to retroactively justify stealing their lands and trying to drive them into extinction (Think of the "savage Injuns" of Hollywood Westerns), Europeans have done the same to Arabs and Muslims.
Israel really got the ball rolling as they began to expel Palestinians from their lands. OPEC and terrorism in the 1970s. And then, after 9-11, and the need to justify the Great Bullshit War on Terror, it kicked into overdrive.
But these deranged, right-wing swamp people are the worst. They literally stew in their fear and hatred, reading one garbage essay after another, until, eventually, one of these badly-wired brains snaps.
hi anon...good point, I hadn't thought of that one. You know, it's really unfortunate that Leith should sign all her absurd tweets KKL. Because when I see that I think of something else...
hi anon...it's true that at the time I wrote this I didn't know the motivation of what turned out to be only one gunman. But only a man with a fanatical hatred of Muslims could do something so barbarous. And for me that's all I need to know...
hi anon...Ezra Levant's site is so horrible I can't understand why some in the MSM insist on trying to normalize it, as if it was just another media outlet. It's not, it's a hate mongering site which seeks only to inflame people for profit, and it should be boycotted by all decent Canadians...
hi aka Joe....yes. Levant's days on Sun TV now seem almost harmless compared to his filthy Rebel. It's material really is disgusting, and as you point out, the cast of characters he has now assembled is something out of a freak show. And yes, one day he is going to inflame one of his deplorable readers into doing something horrible, and I only hope that if that happens it will be the end of the Rebel and Levant. We need that kind of racist filth in this country like we need a hole in the head...
hi Cliff...thanks for pointing out that, and it only makes Leitch look worse in my eyes. I thought that puny little statement was bad enough, as if the sympathy had been measured out with a dropper. But now it all makes sense. I suppose her campaign can't afford to sound too sympathetic lest it offend their bigoted supporters. Leitch has really ended up in a bad place, and my fond hope is that it haunts her for the rest of her life...
hi JD...I have tried that before and got absolutely nowhere. I keep bouncing off the wall of those who claim that we can't go after Levant and his filthy rag, lest we threaten freedom of speech. But while I agree we have to be careful, it should be clear that the Rebel exists only to stir up hatred against marginalized groups, and at the very least should only be visible to those who pay for it, like the political porn it is. So no, you can't get me to do even MORE work !!!!! ;) But if you submit a draft I'd be happy to offer any suggestions...
hi salamander...having read a bit about the accused gunman, it's hard to say where exactly his murderous rage came from. But it's said he was bullied a lot at school, and that could explain something. But then he also liked to troll feminist sites, so he did seem to have more than one problem. What interests me is what triggered his apparently sudden decision to burst into that mosque. And I can't help thinking that the sight of all those anti-Trump demonstrators standing up for Muslim rights may have been what brought out the beast in him...
hi MC...I know some Rebel readers were hoping that a second gunman with the name of Mohammed would mean it was a Muslim on Muslim crime, which would have given Levant enough material for the next three months. But sadly for Levant who had to quickly delete some of his tweets, there was only one gunman and his name was Alexandre, from the pur laine suburbs of Quebec City...
hi Darryl...I have always detested Levant. And I agree with you, his ability to divide and polarize Canadians is dangerous. And the way him and his foul gang try to find any way to make bigotry pay is absolutely revolting, and thoroughly un-Canadian. And you're so right, they would cry crocodile tears over the victims, and then blame them for what happened. I trust that our values will defend us from him, but if we allow that poison to spread it will have an effect on our body politic, it will diminish us. And one day it could even motivate somebody to kill someone. I know it drives his supporters wild to see him portrayed as a hog in jail, but that's how I really feel...
hi thwap...I'm sure you're right, and of course 9/11 did cause a lot of anti-Muslim feeling. But that was at least a spontaneous reaction, and sadly only too human. What drives me wild is the way bigots like Levant peddle bigotry for profit. Every single story in the Rebel is designed to appeal to some kind of niche group. Those who hate Muslims, those who hate women, and most recently those who hate transgender people. They couldn't be more disgusting, and Levant couldn't be more of a hog...
Knowing what to say to all of this is something I've certainly struggled with since this tragedy. I'd love to see the day when we see people for who they are rather than just the big label society tends to paste over them.
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