As you know, I've always felt that the Russians had some dirt on Trump, for what else could explain his bizarre behaviour, or his apparent crush on Vladimir Putin?
Or the way he shrugged off an intelligence report about the hacking of the Democratic National Committee.
After cheerfully using hacked material and fake news to smear Hillary Clinton.
Well now the shoe is on the other foot, and Trump is hopping mad.

But then who can blame him?
This is devastating.
The chiefs of America’s intelligence agencies last week presented President Obama and President-elect Donald J. Trump with a summary of unsubstantiated reports that Russia had collected compromising and salacious personal information about Mr. Trump, two officials with knowledge of the briefing said.
The final nail in the coffin of Trump's legitimacy. For who could ever fully trust a president who could be being blackmailed by a foreign nuclear power?
And of course, for a man already known as a pussy grabbing pervert, the last thing Trump needs is a kinky hooker scandal.
The memos describe sex videos involving prostitutes with Mr. Trump in a 2013 visit to a Moscow hotel. The videos were supposedly prepared as “kompromat,” or compromising material, with the possible goal of blackmailing Mr. Trump in the future.

So good luck trying to erase that image from the minds of most Americans.
You know, I read the whole report as you can here.
And while I have no idea whether it's true or not, I have no doubt that a vile and depraved misogynist like Trump is capable of ANYTHING...

And does it really matter whether it's true or not, when it can't be proven or disproven?
And it's all over Twitter.

I am just glad to see Trump get a taste of his own medicine, I can only imagine how his trumpanzees are feeling...
Everyone who has shaken hands with Trump right about now.#TrumpLeaks #TheResistance #GoldenShowers pic.twitter.com/cFc6YcyEfi— The Trump Resistance (@UckfayRumptay) January 11, 2017
And I was really pleased to see that at a certain point last night these two stories were trending together on Twitter...

So Americans can compare this classy president.

To the hog they will soon be getting...

I can't wait to hear what Trump has to say today when he holds his first press conference since last July.
Good timing eh?
And I think I'll leave the last word to Mark Hamill, who took this classless New Year's tweet...

And reprised his role as the voice of the Joker in the animated series Batman, to turn it into this...
Because I'm pretty sure that's how Trump is feeling today. Delegitimized before he's even sworn in, and heading for an early impeachment.
Him and his trumpanzees spent eight years smearing a decent president.
But as I said the other night. The Resistance is rising.
And now it's OUR turn...

Hey Trump, I hope you're not TOO pissed.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha...
He likes to get peed on haha
I'm going to err on the side of unverified and believe that this is the smoking gun that will make Trump piss his pants and eventually impeach him. Why else would he be playing so nice with Putin?
The irony of Trumpee calling it a witch hunt is poetic justice so rightly deserved for the orange/yellow oaf.
He better be careful not to piss off Putin with more FBI leaks or we could be subjected to Trumpee's first Russian porn movie "Nyet Nyet, The Bed is Wet."
I have managed to read most of the report. The opening sentence of the report seems to damn it.
Russian regime has been cultivating, supporting and assisting TRUMP for at least 5 years. Aim, endorsed by PUTIN, has been to encourage splits and divisions in western alliance.
Five years ago Trump and Bozo the Clown were seen as equally likely presidential candidates. This is a "post hoc, ergo propter hoc" argument at its worst.
Sergai Ivanov was replaced by Putin. Ergo, he was replaced due to the Trump affair and so on. “ergo propter hoc”
I am supposed to believe that the Russian Government and President Vladimir Putin has been grooming a buffoon of a reality show host and crooked, fairly incompetent, businessman for 5 years to encourage splits and divisions in western alliance?
If the claim had been that someone in Russia was cultivating Trump and his associates for help in funnelling funny money to the West or to get Trump to con^^^ persuade Western, especially US, business people to invest in Russia---now that sounds more than believable.
I had actually thought that there might be enough in the report to make me think the hacking (phishing) accusations against Russia had some substance. Nothing.
I really have no problem thinking the sex stories etc might be true. I doubt Trump was smart enough to figure out the FSB might try something as simple as a couple of cameras and a bit of blackmail. On the other hand, why would anyone expect Donald Trump to be bothered all that much?
I believe it was the Duke of Wellington who originally said "Publish and be damned". Trump would probably have asked for copies of the recordings.
Overall, the report seems a load of innuendo and cods-wallop mixed in with what are likely allegations about some extremely dubious business dealings by Trump's associates. Just about what one would expect. The smoking gun report looks a lot like a wet pile of unlit kindling after a thunderstorm.
Why else would he be playing so nice with Putin?
Because there is no reason not to? Trump's attitude towards Putin & Russia is about the only sane thing I have seen about him. Note, I am not saying his reasoning is sane, just the attitude makes sense.
The real issue is why the irrational and very dangerous hostility shown by the Democrats, and especially Hilary Clinton, towards Russia and Putin.
Putin and Russia don't seem to poise any significant threat to the USA or the EU.
It is pretty clear that the Syrian intervention is self-defence/ American policies in the Iraq-Syria area seem aimed at producing a failed state. That is not something that Russia needs that close to its southern border.
The Ukraine is a mess but given that the US seems to have sponsored a coup by a bunch of US-leaning incompetent kleptomaniacs who overthrew a set of Russian-leaning incompetent kleptomaniacs the US reaction is just a bit much.
I tend to put Clinton's attitude down to a mixture of a belief in American Exceptionalism and a failure to realize that the USSR no longer exists. She is basically a dinosaur as it seems most of the Washington foreign affairs establishment. Someone really needs to explain to her that Russia != USSR. And that the world has changed since she graduated from law school.
Now if I could only figure out why everyone else down there is so irrational.
JKR: Trumo didn't threaten to sue.
What the fuck did I just read?
Christopher Steele the former MI6 operative who produced the bulk of the report vacated his home as soon as he realized his name would be made public.Possibly just for effect but the number of anti Putin activists that have been assassinated over the years is significant. A friendly cup of polonium laced tea anyone?
Possibly Steele was fed false information but given his background and ongoing security business it is unlikely that the report is pure fantasy.
Trump Intelligence Allegations (35 pages)
Moby (who is a publicly outspoken libertarian) revealed this news yesterday via an Instagram post, in which he goes on to say if he were to accept the invite, he would play Public Enemy and Stockhausen to “entertain the Republicans.” He also sarcastically offered to consider the gig in lieu of payment if Trump would release his highly anticipated tax returns to the public.
Christopher Steele the former MI6 operative who produced the bulk of the report vacated his home
Faced with the prospect of having Fox News,and possibly Ezra Levant camped on the doorstep, political asylum in North Korea might look good.
Just realized that Steele probably has reason for worry. Trump is a vindictive so-and-so. I'd not worry about the Russians. Steele is not a political threat.
BTW, I got the feeling from reading the report that it was likely not pure fantasy, though a lot looked like a good imagination. However it also looked like a good bit could have been gleaned from media reports and so on.
Who would have believed when Trump promised a new Golden Age he was talking about a micro climate.
His micro climate is already warm hence the lack of concern about the global one! Wonder if this is his answer globally? The man is a true visionary.
hi anon...I'm trying to block out that image from my mind. And of course we don't know if it's true. But as I said in my post, I can imagine Trump doing that, and it is yet another reason he is unfit to be president...
Wonder if outing the former M16 agent was a form of legitimizing the report. Good strategy, I guess. Apparently a neighbour is caring for his cat. : (
hi JD...unfortunately I don't believe the alleged sex scandal will bring Trump down. It's too hard to prove, and by now the prostitutes are probably in cement shoes at the bottom of the Volga. But I do believe the Russians have something on him, and I think it will be his business dealings that will eventually bring him down. Follow the money, jail the hog...
hi jrkrideau...look as I've said before, if the upshot of all this is better relations between the Russians and the U.S. I would be happy. But I think Trump is too unstable to guarantee that result. If the Russians have something on him it's not a good thing. And it's no good replaying the election and imagining that Clinton would have been worse. For when you're dealing with a madman anything would be better...
hi jrkrideau...Steele was the top Russian expert at MI6, and a good friend of Alexander Litvinenko. So considering what happened to him, I don't blame him for being paranoid....
hi David...yes, I've always liked Moby, and I must say this only makes me like him more:
Moby (who is a publicly outspoken libertarian) revealed this news yesterday via an Instagram post, in which he goes on to say if he were to accept the invite, he would play Public Enemy and Stockhausen to “entertain the Republicans.” He also sarcastically offered to consider the gig in lieu of payment if Trump would release his highly anticipated tax returns to the public.
I've seen quite a few articles claiming that artists shouldn't make political statements. But if they didn't they wouldn't be artists, and a president who dismisses what they have to say is making a fatal mistake....
hi Steve...well at least when the planet is burning, we'll know who to call to put out the fires... ;)
hi rumleyfips...the reason Trump isn't suing Buzzfeed and others is the same reason he didn't sue the women who accused him of sexual assault. He needs disclosure like he needs a hole in the head...
hi RT...yes, who says he doesn't know what he's doing? Who says he isn't crazy? God help us all...
Watched Stephen Corbett's Wednesday night show. He couldn't contain himself. the "golden shower" jokes just didn't stop. It was funny, if it hadn't been about the President elect of a major country, i.e. U.S.A.
The Legal Schnauzzer blog in Alabama is reporting Sessions, who runs on a family values type thing, is a closeted gay. Not that people have a problem with that, but he is now ever so black mailable. The blog then goes on to name several other prominent Republicans who are in the closet and how it was used to get on of Obama's nominees appointed to the Supreme Court of America. Some have even suggested Trump nominated Sessions because he can be blackmailed and that is an important thing to be able to do when you want your A.G. to not investigate you or your friends. This is not going to turn out well.
Best those Alabama boys just come out of the closet and get on with life. You can't be blackmailed if you're out of the closet.
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