I know the Mike Duffy trial seems like ancient history now, and I can hardly remember the details of the case.
Except that the wrong man was put on trial. The Harper PMO, and its morally depraved leader, were able to elude the
And although Duffy won, he also lost, and almost had to be carried out feet first.
But despite my disappointment that Boss Harper wasn't jailed, I almost never doubted that Ol' Duff would rise again.

And sure enough he's back!!!
Sen. Mike Duffy is taking legal action against the Senate and the federal government, seeking nearly $8 million in damages. The suit seeks $6.5 million in general damages, $300,000 for loss of income and benefits and $1 million in punitive damages relating to the treatment Duffy faced during the Senate expenses scandal.
And I don't think Stephen Harper is going to be very happy.
"The Harper Conservatives have left me with no choice but to go back to the courts for justice," Duffy said.
For it seems to me that Duffy is out for REVENGE!!

And I'm pretty sure the RCMP isn't happy either.
"The message to the RCMP is: the guy you charged should have never been charged ... and you ruined his life. It's time to try and make Mike Duffy whole," Lawrence Greenspon, Duffy's lawyer, told reporters Thursday.
Because making Mikey whole sounds REALLY expensive eh?
And we're paying for it dammnit !!#@!
As for Nigel Wright, who picked up the tab the last time, he can't be too happy either...

For the proceedings will only have people wondering again how DID that old religious fanatic escape prosecution?
And what did "good to go" REALLY mean?

But the good news is that although Harper isn't named in the lawsuit, it will serve to remind Canadians of what his monstrous regime did to this country, during the so-called Decade of Darkness...

For it sometimes seems to me that too many Canadians have forgotten what a nightmare it was.
They need to be reminded about how it almost killed our Canada.
And that if you let things slide down the memory hole....

Those who don't learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.
But the best news is that all of the above is really BAD news for Andrew Scheer.
Because the last thing The Creeper needs is more bad publicity...

And I can't imagine how he's going to be able to whip up hatred against Justin Trudeau for giving Omar Khadr $10 million, while complaining about Trudeau giving the Con Senator Mike Duffy $8 million.
When in both cases the Harper regime, the one Scheer served so faithfully, was entirely to blame.
So good luck with that one.
Yup, stay tuned folks, it's going to be fun.
Ol' Duff is back.
And the Con soap opera continues...

When I heard this,my immediate reaction was AWESOME! I hope MD gets every cent he is suing for and the real culprits are finally revealed!
"But the good news is that although Harper isn't named in the lawsuit..."
Da fuque? With so much evidence that Senate policy was being dictated by the PMO, why Greenspon let Captain Closet off the hook?
Deep creek of maple slurp
I get a warm feeling when I think that Steven Harper has no parliamentary immunity.
My personal feelings about Duffy is that he was gaming the system a bit but given how loose (non-existent?) Senate guidelines seem to have been, he may well have thought he was acting within the Guidelines. Still, he and Wallen were did not appear to have been appointed as "real" senators but rather as
Conservative fund raisers which is about the ethical level one would expect of Harper.
Ihad the feeling that Nigel Wright damned himself when he called in a Government lawyer to draft the agreement with Duffy. Using Government resources for a putative "private" gift immediately means that the gift was not 'private'.
After that, the behaviour of the PMO, Cons in the Senate and senior Con party officials goes downhill rapidly.
A trial like this could be more fun than theGomery Commission :) Do senators have parliamentary immunity? I hope not.
They're all a bunch of crooks as far as I'm concerned. Politicians, that is.
I agree with Simon, too many Canadians have forgotten what Harper and company did to this country. It's like collective dementia. Justin Trudeau has done a great job of restoring our Canadian values, but when I see what our country is becoming I wonder whether it will be enough.
Another bill that should be sent to Harper & Associates. I've wondered whether the CTF was complicit in a project to smear Duffy, thus making him the focus of public disapproval as details of the "bribe" and cover-up emerged? If he can't go after the party or any of its apparatchiks who in their involvement in the affair were acting as public officials, maybe he should consider targetting that outfit.
If the public is going to end up paying for this, we should at least take the opportunity to put more old dirty CRAP Party laundry on full display.
They have some damn nerve complaining about Khadr and the nothingburger that was Khangate. As usual, just like in the 'States, conservatives screw up and cheat, and liberals have to clean up their mess. Canada, of course, ends up cleaning up the Republicans' messes too. You go back to Vietnam and the draft-resisters and boat people were collateral damage of Nixon's. Khadr was a victim of the Shrub regime as much as he was Harper's, and all the refugees coming in now are victims of the Bush wars and now Trump's persecution. Expect more now that DACA is a dream deferred. But I digress.
If this guy Duffy ends up squealing about all the bad hombres in his party, while at the same time the cards come crashing down at the Kremlin outpost of 1600 Penn, it'd be interesting to see Harper and Trump being the first leaders of their respective countries to do a perp walk. Have a reality show! The Odd Couple: International Edition. "Can two corrupt former heads of government share a prison cell without driving each other crazy...?"
I have always been bothered by the way the RCMP behaved as Harper's political police during this scandal. Where would the U.S be had the brilliant and decent Comey acted similarly to Bob Paulson? They would not have a chance. We need civilian leadership at the RCMP.
Also, we have never come to terms with how terrible Harper was.
I will be surprised if it ever goes to trial. The Cons will pull in whatever markers they have left, promise some sort of accommodation with the Liberals on a key piece of legislation and presto an out of court settlement for an undisclosed amount. Hope I am wrong as the fallout from a public trial combined with the social media anchors being put on the type of "free hate speech" promoted by "news" sources such as the Rebel will result in insurmountable head winds pushing the SS Reform-A-Con into a shark infested watery grave.
Maybe we'll finally get to hear, "Will Stephen Harper please take the stand".
Hi Kathleen...I doubt that Duffy will get his $8 million since there is no precedent for a sum like that to compensate for lost reputation, which in itself is hard to calculate. And unfortunately the real culprits will probably not be revealed because as I understand it Duffy's lawyer doesn't plan to retry the case but simply depend on the trial judge's verdict. But Duffy should get the money he lost back, and something to compensate him for his ordeal. And as I said in my post, it will certainly serve to embarrass Harper and the PMO gang...
hi anon...as I explained above, I believe that Duffy's lawyer is just going to use the trial judge's verdict to sue for damages, rather than try to retry the case, which would be almost impossible since Duffy did win his case. But I am hoping that Duffy and his lawyer will find some way to embarrass Harper and his PMO gang, and who knows there could be some surprises...
hi jrkrideau...Although I'll be rooting for Duffy to embarrass Harper and his PMO gang as much as he can, I find it hard to think of Duffy as anything but an old scoundrel. He was a shameless Con bootlicker and fundraiser, who only escaped retribution because it turned out the Senate had no ethical rules. But of course the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and I can be shameless too... ;)
hi anon...I'm sure there are many Canadians who share that view, but I wouldn't go that far. Politicians after all merely reflect who we are, and only get away with what we allow them to get away with. In the U.S. the political system has been totally corrupted by lobbyists and big business, but while our system is not perfect we're still better than that...
hi anon...collective dementia is a good way to describe it, and in my opinion it's a real threat to the future of this country. Easy living has made many Canadians apathetic about politics, but after being threatened by Harper for so many years, our values are once again under assault by Trump and the Trumplings in this country. And if we are not careful we could still lose everything...
hi John...unfortunately we are going to end up paying for this, and the real villains are probably going to get away again. But as I said in my post, if the lawsuit can remind Canadians of the ghastly Con regime, I will be more than satisfied...
hi anon...I hope I have a nice dream soon of Harper and Trump sharing a cell, but sadly it will only be a dream. I'm still hoping that the orange oaf will do some prison time, but in this country the RCMP made sure that Harper got away with murder, and I don't see him ending up where he belongs. But as I said, the lawsuit will embarrass the Cons and prevent them from using the Khadr case for crass political purposes. And since the lawsuit could drag on all the way to the next election, I'm hoping it will do the Cons some damage, and help keep them out of power for another four years...
hi anon...I too could not help feeling that Harper and his political thugs influenced the way the RCMP approached this case, and ended up charging Duffy instead of Nigel Wright. Or both of them. And although the RCMP promised to explain their decision the little they said made absolutely no sense. I'm hoping they can do a better job of explaining why they charged the guy who accepted the bribe, and not the one but offered it. But as I said in my post, most of all I'm hoping that Canadians are reminded of how awful the Harper regime was, and how we dodged the bullet that could have killed this country..
hi RT...I would be very disappointed if there is an out of court settlement, and frankly astonished if the Liberals gave up a good opportunity to embarrass the Cons. I know progressives in this country have made a habit of turning up with a spoon to a knife fight, but they shouldn't make that mistake again....
hi JD...well that would be music to my ears, and who knows I suppose anything is possible. Duffy must surely know that he isn't going to collect anywhere near $8 million, but I'm sure embarrassing Harper would be as the Visa ad says, priceless...
And next on the list of shit to clean up may be thousands more fleeing from a country whose leaders haven't been motivated to become any more concerned about the welfare of its citizens since Ronald Reagan helped them save it from Communism:
Next up: Honduras and Guatemala.
I find it hard to think of Duffy as anything but an old scoundrel.
Well yes, but I really am not sure that his housing claim in particular was "business as usual" for the time. He and several other senators deserved censure but even Duffy did not deserve the PMO for that. His shameless shilling for money for the Cons strikes me as much more an ethical issue both for Duffy and for Harper.
I disagree strongly. Our politicians range from outstandingly honest and ethical to "would not recognize an ethic if it bit them on the ankle". Overall, I'd guess that most parliamentarians are quite honest with some notable exceptions.
yup painting all politicians as crooks is just brainless, dump-style populism. and then they go and elect the biggest crook of them all just to show us!
For his suffering Duff deserves twice what Kadhr got.
Duffy was shot, tortured and then illegally imprisoned (and tortured some more) for 10 years in Guantanamo, run through a kangaroo court that would have shamed a Stalinist show trial and then got to spend 3 or so years in Canadian prisons due to the irrational and vicious behaviour of Harper and his government?
I must have missed more of the Duffy Saga than I had realized.
Please,please, please, but I'd really like to see Nigel Wright up there also.
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