It's hard to believe, it couldn't be more ugly, or less Canadian.
But just two weeks after a white supremacist killed six Muslims in a Quebec City mosque, and wounded eight others.
A group of Con leadership candidates attended a foul rally in Toronto last night to denounce a government motion aimed at doing more to fight Islamophobia.

At a rally organized by the grotesque bigot Ezra Levant.
As most members of Parliament debated a Liberal MP’s motion denouncing Islamophobia in the House of Commons Wednesday evening, four Conservative leadership contenders took their opposition on the road to Toronto.
The event, hosted by Conservative pundit Ezra Levant and his right-wing website The Rebel, gave the Conservative MPs a chance to rail against motion M-103 among like-minded supporters.
Where even though M-103 is just a motion, with no force of law, an expression of support for a grieving and frightened community, Cons like Kellie Leitch and Chris Alexander disgraced themselves again.
As they did during the last election...

Even though these people are not normal, they are Canada's would be Trumpanzees...

Levant's filthy Rebel is nothing but a hate mongering site.
And to make matters even more disgusting, the rally was held at the Canada Christian College, the home of one of Canada's most vile homophobes Charles McVety...

Seen here last night yukking it up with the loathsome Leitch...

And so much for her Canadian values, which aren't worth the toilet paper they are written on.
Now I'd like to believe that this explosion of hatred is just an aberration in the Canada I love.
But I can't any longer.
Not after the Quebec City shooting, or the way the decent Rachel Notley has been deluged with violent threats.

Many of them featured prominently in the comment pages of The Rebel.

Not when this cowardly scumbag is still running around loose...

Instead of languishing in jail, for threatening the life of Justin Trudeau.
A Saskatchewan man has been found guilty of uttering threats against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Facebook. Christopher Hayes, 41, has been fined $500 and given nine months of probation.
And not when Trudeau hate is even being fanned by dirty old men in the pages of so-called progressive blogs, or in the pages of the NDP-friendly Rabble.
And Con is just another word for bigot.
Conservative senators are deliberately stalling debate on the government's gender identity bill, putting transgender people at risk of further abuse and discrimination, a prominent Independent senator says.
And all I can say is enough is enough. Hatred is not a Canadian value...

I intend to go after all of those hate mongers harder than I ever have before. We all should.
Report them to the police, make them pay a heavy price for their bigotry.
Before they turn us into Trump's America.
And poison this country further...
I also heard that one speaker warned the cons not to get "Rempel'd" and the crowd started shouting "cucks!". This all happening with Rempel's caucus colleagues attending. Now Rempel is pretty foul and is not above using the con dog whistle, but she does occasionally (and probably insincerely) call out the KKKellie Leitch's in her party. Even that is unforgiveable to the crazy lunatic cons.
.. go hard.. go big ..
People who go about daily hating other people are NOT LOVING THEMSELVES!
I'd say willingly attending anything that Ezra Levant organizes is prima facie evidence of appalling bad judgment as well as rampant prejudice.
This needs to be pounded home: these are the Conservative base. Thirty years ago, these people were the base of the Social Credit Parties, but once the Reform Party scooped them up and shoveled them into the ranks of the united Conservative Party, there's no daylight between these paranoid know-nothing conspiracy-mongers and the quote-unquote "serious people" wearing suits the likes of your Chris Alexander. They have to suck up and enable this rabble for the sake of their careers.
The days of the Red Tories are long gone. John Tory is the only one I could charitably apply that label to still kicking around in politics, but your Joe Clark, Bill Davis, Peter Lougheed or David Crombie are either passed on or long retired.
I do believe Trudeau and others when they've indicated that dropping electoral reform is necessary to keep these far right Bannon wannabes out of office. If Trudeau were to allow electoral reform to proceed, and we were to end up with another Harper/Bannon/Leitch government, the NDP would be howling at the moon.
The rest of us would never forgive ourselves for not being vigilant.
As I wrote the other day, I do believe that people keep on underestimating Trudeau. I think that's great;)
Your last image is a testament to how disturbingly sick these bastards are Simon. Not happy with just "Syrians go home", they had to add "and die" to sate their depraved hatred.
A part of me would like to substitute "Syrians" with the names of anyone who subscribes to Ezra or Kellie's campaigns of hate but that would reduce me to their level.
Instead, here's wishing there is a special place in Hell reserved for the lot of them.
Dippers would love it if we had a Harper/Bannon/Leitch government. Non-stop screaming and self-righteous indignation, it's more important to them than the good of Canada.
And then some conservative Mps decided to laugh at Mr Sohi when he mentioned he was formerly a bus driver when he was addressing the recent murder in Winnipeg.
Elitist populism. It only makes sense to a con job. The peons are being taken for a ride by these types.
The problem with this type of rhetoric is it legitimatizes anger and frustration with "the others". I'm all for free speech and it's not against the law to criticize immigration/refugees/Islam etc. however rallies and speeches like this can whip up some of his crazier supporters and then someone can end up hurt or worse.
At first glance the Rebel reminds me of the trash tabloids strategically placed at the supermarket check out counter or the men's equivalent on the top shelves of a magazine stand. By simply perusing their pages (in the name of research) it is easy to determine that their revenue stream comes from the price of the magazine coupled with a solid collection of sucker targeted advertisers pushing products from hair restorer, enhanced sexual prowess,magic cancer cures,love connections etc. The same logic applied to the Rebel leaves a big question. Where does their revenue stream come from? No advertising to speak of combined with a stingy reader base should be a formula for financial disaster. But it manages to survive! There is some suggestion that Big Oil might be providing some support but even with that its a stretch.
We have had Capitalist, Communist, Global elite conspiracy theories but now there seems to be a new one entering the arena tied to people with an authoritarian vision conspiring to limit democracy in order to prevent it from destroying itself. At its early stages it starts with disinformation but then morphs into a democratic totalitarian style of government as political power is achieved and opposing voices are muzzled. Has the Rebel managed to tap into this revenue stream or is it just a financial aberration set to fly up its own rectum?
they went to Ezra's meeting, sort of like Trump telling a Jewish reporter for a Jewish publication to sit down. its all very nasty. its all aimed at people who aren't WASPs.
I disagree that Con is just another word for bigot, because there are Conservatives who are not bigots or did you simply give Con another meaning, not a shortened form for Conservative. Yes, I agree Con is usually a term we use when mentioning Conservatives who aren't all they could be, however we need to be clear we aren't painting all Conservatives with the same brush, even if those senators are acting in a less than admirable manner. Like get on with it and pass the bill, sooner than later. People's lives depend upon this type of leg. if only for the message it send.
hi anon...to be fair to Rempel, she may be enormously irritating on most matters, but she is more socially liberal than most or all the other members of her sordid party. Which sadly for her means that she is probably going to be really miserable serving under a new and reactionary leader. I would send her a Twitter message advising her to change her party or start her own, but she blocked me a long time ago, so !!#@!! her... :0
hi salamander... well I don't know about big, but I do intend to go hard. While most people get depressed by stress I just get more aggressive. In fact the other day I was sparring at the gym with one of my best friends, when Trump came on the TV and I got so angry I almost flattened my poor friend. But yes, I am tired of seeing progressives attacking each other, instead of the real enemy. I saw what happened in the U.S. and if I hear another lefty claiming to own the truth I will show them no mercy...
hi Kathleen...yes the world isn't in very good shape at the present time, and the hate mongers are running wild. But we shouldn't let them get us down, we should just fight them harder than ever...
hi jrkrideau...I quite agree, and I can't believe that so many Cons and their stooges in the media are willing to normalize such a ghastly bigot hog. But then I read a recent poll that suggests that a greater percentage of Canadians are opposed to the wearing of the niqab, than are people in Trumpland. So who can be surprised that people like Leitch and Alexander are willing to swim in the gutter?
hi anon...yes, I'm very sorry that the Red Tories have gone the way or the Dodo, because although I could never vote for them, I could trust them with preserving at least most of our Canadian values. I'm hoping however that this grotesque extremism clearly fuelled by what's happening in the U.S., will end up hurting the Cons. If they bet their future on a nag like Trump they'll go to the glue factory along with him...
hi TS...I share your concern, even if I choose to keep my mouth shut rather than attack the NDP, for putting their own interests before the larger interests of the country. And above all, for agreeing to a referendum that would almost certainly have ended up maintaining the status quo, and burying the idea of electoral reform for at least a generation. Justin's mistake was underestimating how hard it would be to get a consensus, and not pushing the idea of a ranked ballot more aggressively. But at least the idea is still alive, and if or when we survive these dark times, it can always be put back on the table....
hi anon... don't be TOO hard on the NDP, after all I voted for them in the last election, and you'll only make me look bad or stupid as well. ;)
But yes, as I told TS, in the era of Trump I have my doubts that a PR system could work in a country as big and as divided as Canada. And anyone who doesn't at least have some doubts in that regard is either a rabid partisan or an absolute idiot...
hi JD...I cannot imagine what kind of human scum would write that on a wall, after all the suffering Syrians have experienced. I can accept that some Canadians think we shouldn't bring in more refugees before we can be sure we can offer them a better life. But such callousness cannot be excused, and must be condemned by all decent people. And yes, there should be a special place in hell reserved for those beasts, or at least a special place reserved for them in the bestial Harper Party. Having seen what happened in Britain and the U.S., there is absolutely no excuse for that kind of un Canadian behaviour...
hi anon...yes I saw that, and it too disgusted me. Driving a bus is an honourable and I should add a very challenging occupation. I don't understand how anyone could laugh at that, and they should be ashamed of themselves. And yes, as you point out, so much for those populist elitists...
hi MC...look I'm an atheist, so I don't particularly want to bless any religion. Not when most of them have no respect for my human rights. But this is a harmless motion, it would not affect freedom of speech. It's just a symbolic thing, that throughout our history has helped bind our nation together. I'm also willing to engage in a serious discussion about immigration and refugees, there is nothing wrong with that. But as you point out, riling up people about a nonexistent threat can lead to no good for all of us...
hi RT...I have also wondered in the past where the Rebel got its money from, and whether Ezra was cashing in his Big Oil chips. But I'm afraid that for a number of reasons prejudice against Muslims has escalated in the past few years, and there are probably enough bigots to keep Levant in business, and out of his parent's basement. I have been shocked by how even some of the people I know, are not immune to that baseless bigotry. Especially since it works against keeping our country safe. The more you alienate young Muslims and make them feel that they are not wanted in their own country, the greater the chance that some of them could be radicalized with tragic consequences. Diversity and inclusion aren't just good and decent things, they are the best weapon we have to fight the the threat of homegrown terrorism...
hi e.a.f....I'm not saying that all Cons are bigots, and I do know some decent Conservatives. But sadly the Harper Party did plant the seeds of hate and now we are living with its poisoned fruit. As you probably know I am an atheist myself, but I also know some good religious people, and I am willing to live and let live, as long as they are willing to treat me the same way. And I have a long history of battling backward bigots like McVety, for whom I have not an ounce of respect. Transexuals are a small group, but are the objects of some of the worst and most violent discrimination, so those who would not grant them them their human rights are in my opinion the scum of the earth...
The ndp literally only exists now to beat up the Liberals and split the vote for the Cons. Wake the fuck up.
Simon: "And to make matters even more disgusting, the rally was held at the Canada Christian College, the home of one of Canada's most vile homophobes Charles McVety..."
Mercyland: Give God The Blues - Shawn Mullins (2012)
Give God the Blues
God don't hate the Muslims
God don't hate the Jews
God don't hate the Christians
But we all give God the blues
God don't hate the atheists,
The Buddhists or the Hindus
God loves everybody
But we all give God the blues
God ain't no Republican
He ain't no Democrat
He ain't even Independent
God's above all that
Bigger than religion
He's got a better plan
The sign says, "God's gone fishing
For the soul of every man"
God don't hate the Muslims
God don't hate the Jews
God don't hate the Christians
But we all give God the blues
And God don't hate the atheists
The Buddhists or the Hindus
God loves everybody
But we all give God the blues
God loves old bartenders
The preachers the whores and fools
And that karaoke singer
Just a-ruining, "Don't be cruel"
The winners and the losers
The prisoners and the free
All the saints and all the sinners
Even you and even me
God don't hate the Muslims
God don't hate the Jews
God don't hate the Christians
But we all give God the blues
And God don't hate the atheists
The Buddhists or the Hindus
God loves everybody
But we all give God the blues
God loves everybody
But we all give God the blues
Yeah, we all give God the blues
Yeah, we all give God the blues
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