When I woke up this morning, it was such a beautiful day I thought it was Friday.
And it wasn't even close !!#@!!
But then neither was this poll.
And it made me feel so much better.

And this was a bonus....

Wowser, wowser, wowser.
Decency really does matter.
And is this a leader or what?

Trudeau is leading, perhaps in majority territory that is no cause for celebration, without the NDP to give him ideas on how to handle things, he'd go back to being useless.
Typical sour grapes Dipper. Besides, you spelled Bloc Québécois wrong. Who's useless again? Jag the nag has proven spectacularly inept at his job and didn't even win the bronze medal last go-around. So all he does is troll on social media in an attempt to be relevant, and lie about jurisdictional matters to gaslight the public into blaming Trudeau for things that are either the responsibility of premiers or blatantly unconstitutional.
I give Trudeau credit for keeping an open mind and an open conference phone, but to suggest that it's the NDP or the even less relevant Greens who've been keeping this government alive is the height of Dipper derangement syndrome. Separatism "notwithstanding," Blanchet is Trudeau's de facto sidekick, and he may very well be even if the Liberals were to win another majority by going through B.C. and Ontario and holding the line in Quebec.
Being a nattering nabob of negativity didn't work for weak Andy or angry Tom, and it will continue to work against the Cons and their mirror-universe Dippers regardless of how many snake emojis the Bernie Bros of the north can sputter out. Run along now kiddo, and go meme some Tik Toks or whatever it is the quaran-teens are doing these days. While you're at it, go apologize to Paul Martin for bringing down his government to open the door for Harper, and killing any hope of universal childcare now that Trudeau and economists have identified "women's work" as having taken the biggest hit in the corona economy. Singh won't even be a footnote or a Jeopardy question any more than Scheer, but St. Jack occupies a memorable spot in the annals of Canadian Faustian bargain history right alongside Peter Judas MacKay.
I too am happy with Trudeau's Lazarus bounce, similar to his father. The numbers will fluctuate here and there, but I don't think the Liberals would risk people's well-being or their own good will by having an election while a pandemic is still active. There will be a second wave in the fall, and regardless of what fever dreams Airshow has of an October surprise, as Trudeau said of the "grand reopening" happening all at once, "it's not happening yet."
Chantal Hébert puts the calendar somewhere in spring or fall 2021, the standard for minority governments, and so does academic strategist Alex Usher. Somehow this is all going to have to be paid for, and the Cons offer nothing but Trumpist arm-flailing in the form of cuts cuts cuts, yellow-peril fearmongering and punitive tariffs on China (as they conveniently neglect to mention their own FIPA written in blood), shooting one's way out of a deficit, and shitposting about homework help. So what will probably happen is Trudeau fils will engineer his own defeat on the budget as Trudeau père did, and make the post-pandemic society the election "omni-issue" of a generation. His greatest strength is something that comes naturally to him and which is anathema to Cons: empathy. The Cons only want to talk about penny pinching, while Trudeau knows how to talk to people. So barring some unforeseen fluke, I'd say he is in a good position to repeat history. Onward and upward, because it's 1974.
Strange why women are no longer deferring to their testosterone driven counterparts where its all about team Con dominating the weak kneed opposition and their mixed bag of supporters. Where did the Con messaging go wrong? Did it fail to convince them that the others would not only destroy their way of life but that of their children as well or did they just tire of listening to the go nowhere childish trash talking bluster their male counterparts were engaged in.
Hi RT, you touched on the female vote and I believe many of the Trudeau deranged males whose wives nullify their votes by choosing JT must be reeling from the crushing blow to their egos. Gone are the days of coercing the better half into doing what they are told and that it's better to listen than be heard. Women under the Trudeau government are treated as equals, as they damn well should be and I believe a lot of the hatred towards JT stems entirely from that. No more bossing around mommy just like daddy used to do and no, daddy doesn't always know what's best so now they're forced to treat their partners as an equal, not a commodity. Sad part is they miss their neanderthal ways and blame JT for it even though their jealousy and hatred would be a thing of the past if they could only muster a shred of common decency among themselves. I wont hold my breath on that one.
I have no illusions about the NDP doing well right now, and Jag wasn't my choice- Niki Ashton was. However, you really do have that all-American hatred of the left, just in case they might be able to win you some over-the-top luxuries such as healthcare.
Hi Gyor....I realize that the Liberal numbers must be terribly discouraging, but sadly nothing can conceal Jagmeet's Singh's pathetic performance. He isn't offering any good ideas, that's just NDP propaganda. He hasn't offered anything period, but does continue to show that he doesn't even know the difference between federal and provincial jurisdiction. Sad. However to be fair he did make a Tik Tok video where he posed with his wife, and showed how much hair he has, and when I show it to you I'm sure you'll agree that Jaggy is out of his depth, and should resign as soon as possible....
Hi Jackie....You're right, we won't be able to hold an election until the pandemic is under control, but with the kind of leadership candidates the Cons have, whenever it happens the Ugly Americans are going to be flattened. In fact the longer MacKay or O'Toole are able to show how incompetent they are, the worse it will be for the Cons...
Hi RT....Yes, that male/female split is disturbing, but I'm not surprised. Women are smarter and more capable of making survival decisions while many old men in this country are misogynistic, racist, and homophobic, and the degenerate Trump is their hero. It's truly pathetic, and as a guy I'm embarrassed...
Hi JD...Like you I believe that misogyny played a huge role in the rise of Trump, and accounts for much of the support that the Cons get from some men in this country. My consolation is that when you add up the decent men, and most women in this country, we have enough votes to teach the Cons a lesson they will never forget....
Still this could be worrisome. In the 18-34 category for example, there is a distance of 7 between liberals and tories. To close to call if not mistaking.
It's not "the left" I abhor, but populist ideologues who make untenable promises, play upon voter ignorance, shame decent people for not adhering to their purity tests, and/or refuse to compromise when reality meets the road. Biden is already moving to bring the AOC wing into the fold of the Democratic Party -- and as a result, the DSA and affiliated sorts who got her elected are already branding her a sellout and threatening to primary her from the left. We don't need a Red Rose Tea Party. The NDP could stand to meet the Liberals halfway, but are intent upon steamrolling them instead and arching their backs to get a guillotine revolution that's never going to happen. So of course Liberals are going to be on the defensive. Layton's deal with the devil that destroyed any chance of a national childcare program is one of the more egregious examples of this kind of sabotage, and so is the PropRep cult that Simon wrote about during the federal election. Remember them saying they didn't care if Scheer became PM as long as it sent a message to "punish" Trudeau for his "betrayal"? Failing or refusing of course to acknowledge their role in why election reform got spiked. (A CPC MP even bragged about bringing the NDP on board.) But throwing babies out with proverbial bathwater is what this current lot does best.
I will see if I can find the tweet, but David Herle, longtime political strategist and co-host of the Herle Burly podcast, said recently that his experience has been that NDP activists hate Liberals more than they do Cons. That mirrors the experience and behavior of Bernie Bros, who use "centrist" as a slur and clearly hate middle-of-the-road Obamacrats more than they do the MAGA mob. Glenn Greenwald is now an apologist for traitor Mike Flynn and Tom Mulcair writes Trudeau-derangement screeds for the Sun. The common denominator is that these ostensible progressives want to crush the middle where sometimes uneasy compromises have to occur.
Are all progressives Bros or absolutists? No. But the ones who are, or who express sour-grapes sentiments or copycat attacks like "Freeland (Hillary) is a war criminal" or "Trudeau (Obama) is useless" and try to take credit where it's unwarranted, are unduly influential and stand to ruin it for everyone else. The NDP has a troubling tendency to sabotage the wrong "enemy" just like the Berniecrats did, and still do. They have morphed into the flip-side of the Con/GOP coin, and that only serves to sabotage themselves. But the Liberals are still in the position of fighting an unnecessary two-front war. The NDP could take a few lessons from the Bloc on how to be a constructive and positive opposition. Instead they just troll on social media, tell lies and feign constitutional ignorance "to own the (neo)Libs". And that's what I find objectionable. Not big-tent left-of-center policymaking in and of itself.
As the Beatles once said, if you say you want a revolution, we'd all love to see the plan. Trudeau has a plan. Biden has a plan. Elizabeth Warren had so many plans it became her de facto slogan. The NDP and the U.S. purity left have nothing but snake emojis, Tik Toks, comic-book fantasies about evil billionaires, heckling from the cheap seats, and sitting out in protest over single-issue myopia. All billionaires are not created equal; look at what Bill Gates is doing for vaccines versus Mark Zuckerberg making bank off promoting hate and anti-science propaganda. Justin Trudeau is childhood friends with Stephen Bronfman. That's a circumstance of his upbringing, and does not make him Donald Trump being bankrolled by Robert Mercer. George Soros vs. Charles Koch, 'nuff said. Progress comes in fits and starts, but the only thing some of these self-declared "progressives" do with their purity testing is throw fits that end up pushing us back. Actual progressives should be calling them out.
Frank Graves said this is due to male millennials gravitating towards MAGA and Mad Max mentality. He calls this the Jordan Peterson audience. Trudeau himself identified it as the Gamergate group shortly after he was elected. The Liberals and U.S. Democrats alike struggle with a less enlightened demographic of angry young white men who see their "importance" waning as women and people of color gaining ground on equality.
This group loathes Trudeau, calls him all kinds of names implying that he is effeminate or gay, and I fear will erupt in the kind of toxic-testosterone rage the U.S. saw with Trump if and when he passes the torch to Chrystia Freeland. I do not see Sophie Grégoire Trudeau having political ambitions of her own any more than Michelle Obama, and it's plain to see why not. But how this group responds to a prospective Freeland candidacy and whoever her opponent may be, will be something concerning to watch.
Derek Sloan is 35 years old. Ben Harper is 24, and has been increasingly active on social media as of late. Take from that what you will, and never let down your guard.
There are a lot of people I dont know and would never want to know living in my head rent free. This is a Frank Lutz original expression. It deflects everything and makes the owner look crazy.
Stephen Harper is still living in my head. He is but a pimple on my butt compared to the damage lyin Byran did.
Nevertheless when Herr Harper goes on the Wall Street Journal in the middle of a crisis I just got to say Jesus Christ you say you are a Christian.
There are these weird ads on talk radio supposedly sponserd by Ontario Grain Farmers, do we grow grain in Ontario? So they make a very good case that Herr Harper should not have dismantled the Canada Wheat Board and sold the best parts to Saudia Arabia. This is a major scandal, please someone look into it and make it real.
Hi Myworld....Yes, I agree that slight gap between the Liberals and the Cons in the 18-34 demographic is troublesome. But as Jackie points out, Frank Graves suggests it's caused by working class millennials getting caught up in the Trump cult. It's a real problem and unless we can win at least some of them back they will become an even greater threat....
Hi Steve....I agree, Stephen Harper was my living nightmare for so many years. I also firmly believe that if Justin Trudeau hadn't defeated him we would be living in a very different Canada. He was the one who weakened the wall that separated Canadian politics from American politics and the Scheer Cons are the result, more American than Canadian....
Speaking of Harper. This is juicy. Looks like Dumbo's thirty pieces of silver could turn out to be a bounced check.
According to this, the Tool might be the sacrificial lamb (or ass) in 2021/22 before Kenney loses to Justin in 2025/26. Or if Harper himself does the unthinkable and jumps back in, Justin will be PM until he's 80. I'm good with that, is he?
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