As I'm sure you know, I believe that Andrew Scheer is the most morally depraved leader in modern Canadian history. He was already known to be a serial liar, a racist, a misogynist, a vile homophobe, and a climate change denier.
But the pandemic has dragged him into the foul depths where only the cruelest and most dirty beasts roam.
For first he accused the CERB program of encouraging suffering Canadians to be lazy.
Now he's accusing Justin Trudeau of turning a blind eye to fraud.
And is once again smearing Trudeau, and all those who are receiving those CERB payments, as only a Con beast could...Trudeau is turning a blind eye to fraud.— Andrew Scheer (@AndrewScheer) May 14, 2020
He is letting down future generations.
They’ll be on the hook for this $$$. pic.twitter.com/SGxBQYMu1H

For as Trudeau has repeated over and over again, and the Star Editorial Board also points out, the idea is to get help to those who desperately need it, and deal with any fraud artists later.
Everyone knew some people would try and cheat the system. They always do. And no one tried to pretend otherwise. From Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on down, officials openly acknowledged there would be fraud. They said they’d deal with that down the road, once the immediate crisis had eased.
Yet here we are, seven weeks later, and from some quarters the cry is going up: the CERB is rife with fraud! And the Liberals are turning a blind eye! In the pages of the Toronto Sun, Trudeau is accused of treating the public purse like his “personal piggy bank” for partisan gain.
For if the government hadn't done that, those who would have suffered the most would have been the poorest Canadians and their families...

Just imagine if all those people had been thrown out of work with nothing to fall back on. Or if they had to go through a cumbersome qualification process to weed out the cheats.
As Trudeau noted, they’d still be waiting for their money and the government would, quite rightly, stand accused of failing to provide help when it was most needed. By now we’d be in the midst of a humanitarian crisis, with untold numbers of people unable to buy the most basic necessities. And the economy would be in even worse shape than it is.
But of course Andrew Scheer can't or won't get that, because he lives in a rent-free mansion, with cooks, maids, gardeners, and chauffeurs, and all he cares about is "getting"Justin Trudeau.
Even at a time when a monstrous pandemic is killing thousands of Canadians.
It's sickening, it offends every notion of decency my parents taught me. But there is some good news.
A lot of Cons don't like what they're seeing...

And some in the Con establishment, apparently dislike the Ugly American almost as much as I do, and even consider him a zombie leader...
I must admit I like Teneycke's image of Scheer still lurching from one mistake to another.Conservative strategist Kory Teneycke slams Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer.— Power & Politics (@PnPCBC) May 14
"He just won't go away. That's why I refer to him as the zombie leader. He died in December but he is still wandering around the halls of Parliament lurching from one mistake to another." pic.twitter.com/X8lfzhMWVc
Although I must say that I ALWAYS knew Scheer was a zombie...

An alien religious fanatic and right-wing extremist, who if given half a chance would change this country beyond recognition.
Just like I always knew that Justin Trudeau had it in him to be a

First he'll lead us to victory over the murderous virus.
Then he'll lead us to victory over the beastly Cons.
And hopefully bury them forever...
There's one caveat in describing Scheer as a zombie: most zombies are hungry for brains, whereas if you're a Con, you're allergic to anything resembling gray matter. Easily remedied, of course, by injecting bleach, chugging down chocolate milk, and taking in a hearty whiff of one's own bullshit. But I digress.
Kory's Korona Klan is stuck with this undead Chucky doll until the fall, which gives him three more months to damage their brand before Dumbo or the Tool takes the wheel of the malfunctioning blue clown car and veers it off a proverbial political cliff. If not a zombie, maybe he's the headless (or brainless) horseman, a pale (and bass-ackwards) rider on one of the mythical equine mammals committing fraud that the Canadian Tax Evaders Foundation guy was tweeting about. Which begs the question, shouldn't he be masking up with a feed bag like the braying jackass he Scheerly is?
A simple thought game if Scheer were PM.
1. Constant denials of reality as the crisis grows.
2. Sophie Trudeau gets sick with CoVID. Scheer shrugs and smirks.
3. Many more people get sick in Que and Ontario. Scheer sends thoughts and prayers, but refuses to call emergency. Proclaims in private that this is god's punishment for these provinces voting Liberal, but his comments leak out to the press.
4. The healthcare system in Ontario and Que are on the verge of collapse.
5. With heavy pressure from Andy, Doug Ford refuses to listen to his health experts.
6. The energy sector collapses. Scheer starts massive aid program to save Big Oil from itself.
7. Forced by minority parties to do something. Initiates a half assed program designed to give money to people. Safeguards for fraud cause major delays sending money and starts a humanitarian crisis in Ontario and Que. Scheer sends more meaningless thoughts and prayers.
8. The anger and pressure of having an actual job sends Scheer to a nervous breakdown. Goes on rant about Chinese Flu and how Liberals are spreading CoVID19 to make him look stupid/inept/weak.
9. Turns out the money isn't enough. The economy shrinks faster. Unemployment everywhere skyrockets to Albertan levels.
10. Forces a reopening. 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th waves of CoVID19 spread deep into rural areas and other provinces. Healthcare system collapses everywhere. Doctors and nurses also die in waves as PPE shortages and exhaustion take their toll.
11. Andy loses his (small) mind as Canada collapses around him. Screams/shrieks asks "why has god forsaken him?"
Based on the following assumptions:
1. Events happened as is.
2. The public and commented behavior of Andy Scheer and his inner circle of Inepticons.
I trust Andy Scheer to listen to actual experts as I trust his resume. Not all cons are science deniers, but the morons who are would have a much greater voice in his government.
We were damn lucky that didn't happen.
I just can't believe that Scheer could be so cold blooded. He says he's a Christian but he doesn't seem to give a damn about all the Canadians who are sick and scared, or dead. All he cares about is going after Trudeau. Doesn't he realize most Canadians will be disgusted? Is he that stupid?
Hey Simon, off-topic but speaking of zombie creatures back from the undead, have you seen the latest Buffalo bullshit making the rounds lately? It popped up on the tail end of the cons' Trudeau gate copycat of Trump's Obama hashtag. Terry Glavin with his saber-rattling obsession with Beijing is harassing Amy MacPherson of Free the Press Canada, after she accused him of plagiarizing her research on Covid-19. But she is also mentioned in some of these asinine "exposés" from Buffalo Chronicle and I wonder if someone didn't throw in her name as part of the Trudeau gate crap to discredit her. Mediocre white guy syndrome.
Now I thought that website got shut down after the election, but they're back, and their latest QAnonsense is so outrageous and perverse I sometimes wonder if WK or that Disaffected guy you mentioned the other day aren't ghostwriting for them out of boredom with nothing better to do. I admit to having written some Trudeau fan fic of my own, but it'll never see the light of day, while the Buffalo bozo blog is out there in the open presenting themselves as "independent journalism" when their content is so ridiculous it makes Ruble Media seem worthy of a "Noble Prize". 🙄 Who comes up with this stuff anyway and why won't anyone shut them down?
.. take a break Simon..
Scheer was & is just a 'caretaker' .. like a placeholder or bookmark
Step back.. get spring air in your lungs, get on the water, refresh
The hard work is ahead.. the rebuild or reno or remedies
You're far too important a tool or builder to waste on Scheer
& you know that old saying eh..
Never interrupt an adversary when they're self destructing
All the best.. !
It is pretty obvious that neither the Tool or Airshow are going to be picked as leader. I see a Kenney Ford fest to decide who is the heavyweight and who is the most chaste.
The running joke is they cant be zombies! Zombies like brains.
If I were a Zombie I'd be insulted for being compared to Andrewl. I'd eat Teneycke's brains in retaliation but he's a Con and they taste awful. Always bitter and cold with little substance and a reek of righteous indignation. The undead have taste to you know.
that is so true
Hi Jackie .....The headless horseman? I like it, it seems like a good combination. A Con with no brains, and a pile of steaming manure. However I'm not sure whether Kory's Korona Klan will be stuck with their undead chucky doll because the pressure to dump him is growing. The Con bosses can see the damage Schmearmonger is doing and the want him to be replac d by another interim leader. So the next few days could be interesting....
PS. One of my Twitter readers said she liked my blog, especially your comments, and wanted to know whether you had a blog. Do you?
Hi anon....I enjoyed your doomsday scenario but the scary part is that If the Cons were governing us Incan see it all happening. The pandemic is bad enough, but the cruelty of Scheer and his Cons would have made it even worse. As you say, we were damn lucky that didn't happen...l
Hi anon....Every time I see Scheer posing as a Christian I feel like vomiting. I'm an atheist but I feel that I'm a better Christian than he is. He's an absolute fraud, and like you I don't think he's going to get away with it. Canadians appreciate what Justin Trudeau is trying to do, and they will not like what the Cons are doing....
Hi Jackie....I heard that the Buffalo Chronicle was peddling fake news again, and it couldn't be more disgusting. But it's a good warning of what lies ahead. The Cons also have a large amount of bots working for them during Russian daylight hours, and I haven't the slightest doubt that they are planning to try to steal the election. But we wiil be prepared, and with a bit of luck we will not only thrash them, we will send some of those Con porkers to jail...
Hi salamander....I can see how you might feel that way, but I still feel that Scheer is more than just a placeholder. He is the leader of the religious right contingent and will remain their leader after the new Con leader is chosen. Why do you think Scheer would want to stay on even after being so thoroughly humiliated? I do promise to stop writing about him when he is in his political grave with a stake through his black heart... 😉
Hi anon...possibly, but maybe the Cons believe that if they eat the brains of others, they might get some of their own. The desperate will do anything.....
Hi JD....Well that's an interesting point. The poor zombies can't help themselves; but Scheer should know better, so his evil behaviour cannot be forgiven...
No I don't but maybe hunkering down during corona is the perfect time to start :)
I for one approve wholeheartedly of Scheer's actions. Every day he proves I was sadly, horribly wrong when I thought last fall he could not drag the party further into the muck. Every day he is leader, the wrecking ball takes another pass through the debris field. Do it again, Andy! Leave nothing standing!
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