Justin Trudeau was looking very spiffy at his regular briefing this morning.
Maybe it was just the sunny Spring day, or his new jacket.
Or maybe it was this shiny new poll.

For those numbers are truly amazing, and something to celebrate.
Except of course if you're Andrew Scheer, who was about 12 points ahead of Trudeau at this time last year, but now trails him by 19.
But don't feel too bad for the Ugly American, for he still thinks him and his party are WINNERS!!
Outgoing Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer says whomever replaces him will inherit a party in a strong position.
"The next leader is going to inherit a well-functioning party, a strengthened Opposition and a team that is ready to go and put a plan before Canadians to earn their trust in the next election," he said.
As if Canadians could trust the Cons not to claw back that CERB money, and steal the food off their tables.
As if the Cons are going up instead of down...

As if Scheer hasn't been humiliated enough.
Like the last dinner guest who won’t go home, Andrew Scheer has stuck around far too long as Conservative leader.
For Scheer, the party should have ended last Dec. 12 when he said he’d had enough and was quitting as Conservative leader. But instead of leaving right away, Scheer wouldn’t go until a successor was chosen. It was a bad decision!
Now, unlike the oblivious guest who ignores hints that he should leave, Scheer should reconsider his decision and quit immediately for the good of the party.
You know, if Justin Trudeau continues his amazing climb he is going to have to change his new outfit for a space suit.
While the Ugly American Andrew Scheer is going to have to settle for a full clown costume...

He's being defeated, he's being crushed, he's being humiliated.
We finally have the Cons where we want them.
And we are going to DESTROY them...
Weak Andy does his Trump copy and paste and he gets peed on. Love Canada
You're right Simon, PMJT does seem to have a bit of spring in his step. For a number of reasons: It's the polls, the spring weather, the flattening of the curve, the Cons in disarray, and... his hair. Gotta be the hair. He's like Samson, he gets the strength from his hair and it's driving Flowbee Andy, Greaseball Skippy and Cueball O'Toole berserk. Otherwise why would Lego Hitler feel such an impulse to come out of his Fuhrerbunker litterbox and pen an angry pro-austerity screed for WSJ. It's all the cons can think about, all they've ever been able to think about for a dozen years as they shake their fists with pent-up rage. Now PMJT's hair is flowing and so is the money to those in need, therefore the economy needs a buzzcut and off with his head!
When the barber shops open back up, I say Justin should call their bluff and skip the scissors. 2020 sucks as much as 2019, and 2007 looks really good on him. But 2015 at the ballot box in 2021 would look much better. To paraphrase good old Chretien, a pouf is a pouf, and he has a good pouf, his strength is proven!
Unlike Trump, Scheer is not an entertaining liar. No extreme exaggeration, no chants, no pet names.... just timid small minded boring dribble while looking over his shoulder for fear that a lightning bolt from heaven will strike him dead. Kenney has a bit more showmanship but has lead Alberta into a world of hurt. He has managed to undo any good will Notely established in the investment community and has now been forced into China bashing in order to support Trumps reelection as Biden will scrap Keystone along with the 7.5 billion of public money Kenney has promised in loan guarantees. The whole Trump China thing is just another WWE type rumble with Kenney now acting as one of the water boys. Win or lose its a story with an unhappy ending when the game moves on. Why are the Cons so incredibly stupid? Somehow they think that after the rumble China is going to be carried out on a stretcher and Trump is going to gather all of the water boys around him so they can prosper ever after while frolicking under the shadow of the Golden Tower.
It's important not to feel sorry for Scheer, for while he's now little more than a dead man walking, was and still is one of the most evil leaders this country has ever known. Only when he is buried in the garbage can of history can decent Canadians finally be safe from the pernicious influence of the Ugly American...
Hi Jackie...l probably should apologize for gloating, but I have spent more than a decade fighting the Cons, and to see them and their leader in such a pathetic state is something that warms my heart, even in these dark times. I always knew that Justin Trudeau had it in him to be a great leader, but the way he is leading us through this pandemic has impressed even me. But then what I demand for leaders above all things is decency. And Justin has it in spades....
Hi RT...Yes, Scheer and Kenney share Trump's diseased ideology, but are as you say mere water boys. And their China bashing is simply pathetic. China may have an authoritarian government but having our Cons attack it, must be like being bitten by a couple of mosquitoes on a warm Summer's night. The real reason they both hate China is because that country doesn't welcome Christian missionaries, and all they are doing is stirring up racism against Chinese Canadians and other Asians in this country. And of course makes no economic sense. On the one hand they are screaming "China buy our oil!!!" And on the other hand they are screaming "China we hate you!!!" This will not end well....
I was pleased to walk past our local Vietnamese Buddhist temple and see that the lion statues that had been damaged by some racist shithead have been restored.
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