Over the course of the last year Justin Trudeau has had to deal with some of the darkest days of his political career.
The ugly Cons attacked him like a pack of rabid hyenas over one fake scandal after the other.
Their media stooges joined in the attempted lynching. with some of them even claiming that Trudeau was unfit to be a Canadian prime minister.
But not any longer.

In the darkness of a national tragedy he has managed to rise to the occasion, and is helping to heal the shock, the anger, and the pain of so many.
He's enjoying a remarkable political resurrection...

And now many in the media are praising him.
Trudeau retreated to Costa Rica over the holiday season for what seems to have been a period of soul-searching.
And judging by how he has handled the aftermath of the catastrophic shooting down of UIA Flight 752 over Tehran, it has paid off.
Since his return to Canada, newly bearded, the prime minister has displayed more gravitas, a laudable emotional feel for the needs of the moment, and a surer grasp on the demands of leadership.
And even pointing out how he has been able to draw on the shock and the pain he felt, when his younger brother Michel was killed in an avalanche in 1998.

“I discovered that the cliché phrases were all based in reality,” Trudeau wrote in his memoir Common Ground. “I went numb, my heart sank and my blood ran cold all at the same time. Part of me was certain that Michel was still alive. I just couldn’t conceive of a world in which he wasn’t.”
So effective has Trudeau been, that even some Cons are urging their own to learn from the way he has responded to the tragedy.
If the candidates for the Conservative leadership are up for a little homework assignment, they could study Justin Trudeau and his response to the atrocity that claimed 57 Canadian lives in Iran. It would be well worth the time, and boy, do they need the lesson.
For good reason.
Believe it or not, the day of an emotional vigil in Edmonton – home to many of the victims’ friends and family – was not the day to retweet a month-old article on China and use it to clip Trudeau’s ears. And following it up with the party’s 1,300,301st attack on the carbon tax was no better. Is nobody at party HQ sense-checking the scheduled tweets anymore?
Can you believe the Ugly American Andrew Scheer and his Con thugs?
And no wonder they could never understand this story.

As a nation processing emotions of sadness, anger, and uncertainty, we draw on a collective temperament for comfort; relying on values with historical context to guide our actions.
These values define our political culture: an inclination to forge consensus rather than further division, a preference for dignity over bombast, a recognition that reason must come before passion, and a commitment to justice instead of vengeance.
In his public statements since the crisis began, Prime Minister Trudeau has adhered to this ethos. His comments have been thoughtful, measured, empathetic, and clear. In a week of fury and actual fire, this was no minor feat.
For it's about the values I believe in, the humble but precious values that have made us who we are.
And the ones I will defend to the death from the ugly American Cons who would destroy them, and this country.

Far right websites, dark money funded institutes, and, as intelligence experts suggest, foreign interlopers, have aggressively sought to dismiss, undermine, or otherwise attack the Canadian consensus around its political culture, most notably in the last election, and in some cases, going back years.
And that fight against the grubby Cons, dirty old Toxic Trudeau haters, and assorted traitors, just happens to be the main reason I support Justin Trudeau.

For you can be for him, or against him.
But his values are our values, nobody can deny his decency.
And in these troubled times, nobody can deny that he's a real Canadian leader...
They just couldn't give him credit for being a formidable campaigner or resist a negative snipe blaming him for SNC, could they. If anyone was an arrogant autocrat who needed their ego swatted down, it was she who dare not be mentioned. I'll never forgive that witch with a capital B. Damn her and the lying press to hell.
But in any event, whatever works to get his numbers back up and repair the unfair damage, I'm all for it. None of us who believed in him ever doubted he would handle this crisis as well as he has. He is going to need plenty of fortitude and "gravitas" (as much as I'm bored of that word) to tackle the war-drumming Cons once Parliament sits and the savagery of the leadership race gets into high gear.
But the additional tragedy is that it took something as awful as this for the traitor media critics to see that he really is the leader Canadians and the world need now more than ever (and I'm sure it won't last). Not Crusader Andy and not Drona the war bride and not Airshow Pete. Justin, the prince of peace. And I hope and, yes, pray that he stays that leader for a very long time.
My wife died in a car crash in India last year. Can I get 25k from Trudeau too?
All Canadians should breathe a huge sigh of relief that Scheer and his Cons lost the election, or we could be at war with Iran. I think that Justin is proving that only a truly Canadian party can govern us in the dangerous world we live in.
Your wife was accidentally killed by Indian security forces in the middle of a full-blown military confrontation with another country; Prime Minister Modi has acknowledged this and apologized?
He has history backing him up
Papa was more forceful in confronting enemies and "frenemies" on the world stage, but Justin's more subdued approach and steady hand is actually what's needed in times like these. Pierre dealt with Nixon and Reagan and the madness of Vietnam and the Cold War. But even they weren't as batshit insane as Trump, and social media didn't exist. #HillaryWarnedUs that the nuclear codes shouldn't be trusted to a man who gets triggered by tweets.
If all countries had a leader like Mr. Trudeau, the world would have peace. -John Lennon
Just a quick glance at Trudeau's approval rating tells me that the way Trudeau's popularity is soaring it won't be that long before we have another election, and another majority. I don't think the Conservatives realize how much damage Scheer has done to the party's brand, so it's going to be a brutal awakening.
I am so happy the Canadian public does not fall for con lies. The biggest being the Harper was respected on the world stage. He fell off the stage everytime the spotlight was on him.
JT is is striking the right tone. I think its great but it has little to do with making Canada great again. He will have to reach into his fathers toolkit for that.
Hi Jackie....Yes, the Cons and their stooge media have always underestimated Justin Trudeau, and have ended up looking like fools, or losers. I'm sure they will be back to their usual games when parliament resumes. But the Cons will be distracted and divided by the leadership race, and with Scheer spewing his usual garbage, it will be hard for the Cons to gain ground. So bring on that gravitas...
Hi anon @6:25 AM....Only a Con could mock the government's attempts to help the relatives of the dead pay for expenses like repatriating the bodies or travelling to India to help identify them. But that's what makes Cons the scum of the earth, and why they will soon be the ones going down in flames....
Hi jrkrideau....Good one. As I told that filthy Con, you have to be a low creature to make fun of payments that are designed to help the loved ones of the dead. It's just one more reason the Cons must never be allowed to govern this country again..l.
Hi Anon@9:19....I shudder to think how Andrew Scheer would have reacted had he won the last election instead of getting squished by Justin Trudeau. He would have been on his knees polishing Trump's boots, or whatever. And cheerleading for war like only a Con could. As I have said before, we really dodged a missile....
Hi anon....I don't think anybody is quite ready for another election, I know I'm not.😳 But the way Justin Trudeau has recovered from the all out assault on him is quite remarkable. And you're right, I don't think the Cons realize him much damage Andrew Scheer has done to their brand. And I believe their decision to keep that pathetic loser as leader will turn out to be a fatal mistake....
Hi Jackie....it's interesting to think what Pierre Trudeau would have done if he had been prime minister at a time like this one. I'm sure he would have had some choice words for Trump and the Con MAGA scum. But it is a very different world, and one where his son is probably better equipped to handle. I try to imagine how Pierre would have handled social media, and I have to admit I can't....
Leave it to the Cons to display their complete lack of class, sense and sensibility by tweeting out their loathsome and petty political garbage on a day when ALL Canadians should have been offering words of comfort to the victims loved ones as they began the healing process. It proves they could care less about this tragedy and more about attacking JT at a time when he's clearly been affected by all of this while also being a pillar to those needing comfort.
Thank God we have a PM like Justin Trudeau. A class act who instills decency in others while trying to steer this country towards a better future. A concept that is non-existent in this pathetic Con party who are so self absorbed it's no wonder they cant muster any compassion among themselves.
Hi Steve....As I told Jackie, although Pierre Trudeau was a great leader who helped differentiate us from the Americans in the Cold War world, it's now a very different world and one his son is probably better able to handle...
Thank you, Simon, for your heartfelt article about PM Justin Trudeau. During the past four years we have watched Justin go from an engaging, optimistic but inexperienced young man who made many mistakes during those years.... and yet even then, there were flashes that showed the mettle of the man under pressure. He persevered, he apologized for his mistakes and took the blame without pointing fingers or shifting blame. He ran again and won again, but this time with a minority. I have been privileged to have lived through the times of PM Pierre Elliott Trudeau and to have seen the mettle of the man under pressure and I was impressed. We saw PET raising the boys with a firm hand and instilling in them the values that we now enjoy under our Constitution and our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We wept with the family at the loss of their son, Michel. We saw the father in the son and his words at the funeral for his father. We watched a brash, optimistic, charming young Justin win the leadership of the Liberal Party and to go on to become Prime Minister and we all saw how he made mistakes but accepted the blame and made changes without ever pointing fingers. Justin came out of those four years a changed man, smarter, less trusting perhaps and more serious. But the deaths of Iranian Canadians has really shown us the true mettle of this man - caring, strong, statesmanlike and capable with an edge he lacked before, a deeply felt gravitas. He has been through fire and come out the other side stronger for it. He has indeed shown what a true statesman and a real leader he is and he is ready.
THIS BLOG is the most amazingly accurate description of the growth of our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the mettle of the man who has grown under pressure. There is no longer any doubt that Justin Trudeau is his father's son, a true and compassionate leader under pressure that only comes from knowing and dealing with tragedy and who is not a politician or a party man but a true statesman and leader.
Hi JD....Yes, it is disgusting to see the Cons still playing their dirty games in the midst of a national tragedy. They are truly evil and the scum of the earth. One of the biggest reasons I decided to support Justin Trudeau was because of the way the Cons were trying to bully him. And I have never regretted it. Trudeau may not be perfect, but he embodies our Canadian values better than any prime minister I have ever known. and we are lucky to have him...
Hi Unknown....Thank you for your kind and very excellent comments. I was raised by my parents to value decency and our precious Canadian values. And Justin Trudeau embodies both virtues better than any prime minister I have ever known. The Trudeau haters are always claims that Justin cannot be compared to Pierre. But I disagree. They are both quite different, but I'm sure the father would be very proud of his son....
Anon 4:13 may be onto something. A new Mainstreet poll has the TruGrits back in majority territory due to Justin's skillful handling of the PS752 tragedy. Semper Gravitas.
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