Tomorrow, people in Alabama will vote to decide whether they want to make the religious fanatic, homophobic maniac, and alleged pedophile pervert Roy Moore, their newest Senator.
Polls show that Moore has a five point lead over his Democratic opponent Doug Jones. And it being Alabama, a backward state if ever there was one, I fully expect him to win.
But I have to admit that I wouldn't be THAT disappointed.
For then, as Charles Blow writes, progressives could call Trump's Republicans the Roypublicans.
If Alabama voters on Tuesday elect Roy Moore to the Senate, the Donald Trump-diseased party once known as the Republicans may as well call themselves Roypublicans.
There will be no way to shake the stench of this homophobic, Islamophobic, sexist, racist apologist and accused pedophile. He is them, and they are him. Any pretense of tolerance and egalitarianism, already damaged by a Republican history of words and deeds, will be completely obliterated.
They could portray them as depraved zombies...
The pre-Trump Republican Party is dead; The zombie Trump party now lives in its stead, devoid of principle, feasting on fear and rage, foreign to moral framing.
Republicans have surrendered the moral high ground they thought they held, and have dived face-first into the sewer.
And make it a win-win situation for the Democrats.
Alabama's high-stakes Senate election Tuesday perfectly encapsulates how the age of Donald Trump has turned political logic on its head: Republicans may lose by winning and Democrats can win by losing.
By allowing them to seize the high ground.
Having purged their own ranks of lawmakers like Sen. Al Franken and Rep. John Conyers who are facing allegations of sexual misconduct, they can make Moore the poster boy for the Republican party they argue has ditched ethics and morality in the pursuit of power.
Use Moore to smear the Republicans.
That has left an opening for Democrats to argue that the GOP's moral authority is fractured and that the party would turn a blind eye to anything -- even the sexual harassment of minors -- in a quest for power.
And portray them all as grubby perverts.
Starting with Trump himself...
You can't buy that kind of bad publicity.
Trump and Moore are going to destroy the Republican Party for a generation,
And as the Talking Heads might say, this nightmare is only going to happen Once in a Lifetime...
When you think about it, it's really quite elementary.
The worse Trump and his Roypublicans look, the more easily they will be defeated...
The worse Trump and his Roypublicans look, the more easily they will be defeated...
The evidence doesn't support this. It's hard to think of two people less suited for elected office than Trump and Moore. Yet a highly-qualified Dem candidate lost to Trump and another is likely to lose to Moore. America is spiraling down the toilet with voters along for the ride.
Pedophile huh? I don't think trying to kiss a 16 year old justifies that term. Not to mention the whole year book thing has been debunked. Trump was smeared as a pervert and still came out on top. I wonder how much of Roy's opponent's money came from out of state big Democrat losers.
Your tinfoil hat is showing.
Not sure who posted this Simon but it's not your regular JD commenter.
Simon is sometimes guilty of being a little too optimistic, but he was right about Harper and he's right about Trump and his insane clown posse. It's not a sprint it's a marathon, and there is only so far the Roypublicans will be able to carry their bigotry before they collapse.
hi JD...sorry about that. It comes from a notorious homophobe and cyber criminal who is about to get its wings clipped. I have been incredibly busy today so I didn't screen that video. I won't make that mistake again... ;)
Medical definition of Pedophilia refers to sexual attraction to children under 13 years of age, as far as I can find.
The allegations against him are also from a 14 year old, which you seem to have ignored, but even the 16 year old is a minor under the law, and the fact there are a number of various woman who have had similar stories suggests a pattern of sexual perversion by Moore that is unhealthy, if not illegal.
No, the yearbook has not been debunked. The date and location were added by the person who owned the yearbook, as admitted by them, but it does not disprove the signature nor the message that seems to show familiarity to the owner of the yearbook due to an unconfirmed handwriting analysis suggesting it is Moore's signature and message. I say unconfirmed because the name of the expert was not released.
Trump was not only smeared as a pervert, voice recordings actually proved it to any that listened. That there were many allegations against him, along with very questionable recordings of him saying inappropriate things just proves that his voters do not vote on issues or policies, but along a party line. He also did not win the election, he was installed by the Electoral College.
I am not sure how much money was given to Doug jones by out of state people, but there are questions now being asked about the Moore campaign fundings. This argument of yours further highlights my belief that nothing matters to Republican voters beyond party loyalty, because when you have a choice between an accused sexual predator, and a qualified candidate, you will grasp at any dubious arguments to support and vote for the Republican, no matter how odious a human he may be.
Thanks Simon. I'm glad I didn't have the time to follow the link which must have been pretty bad.
In case you haven't seen it, there's a new video from VICE on HBO that features a focus group of likely Moore voters. The pretzel logic they use to justify not only their support of him, but the actual actions that he has been accused of, it's shocking.
What is not shocking (but no less disgusting) is that this is standard operating procedure among brainwashed religious fundamentalists. The U.N. sent a team to the caliphate of Al-Abama and concluded that the people there are mired in literally third-world conditions, comparable to the Middle East or the most tragic, underdeveloped hellholes in Africa. All the result of their Greedy Old Pedophiles government and their backwards religious culture, where it is not only legal but acceptable to marry off minor-aged girls to adult men because "the Bible told us so."
A controversial new proposal by a progressive psychologist to include something called Religious Trauma Syndrome in the next edition of the DSM is meeting with considerable attention. She makes a very good case for the proposal that religiously-backed abuse leads not only to a form of PTSD in its victims, but for the abusers, is a mental disorder in and of itself that is basically an extreme form of sociopathy and narcissistic personality disorder. It is even more dangerous, however, because it is given a free pass by society on grounds of "religious freedom." She is facing tremendous backlash for intervening on behalf of victims, by using "man-made" science to get between irrational zealots and their untouchable, infallible, but no less "man-made" gods.
I honestly think that Canada will have better success in deprogramming ISIS followers than America ever will with its far-right loony Christian Taliban. Especially since (Ezra and his idiotic conspiracies about "Jihad Justin" notwithstanding), no one from ISIS is anywhere in the halls of Parliament, while the Christian Taliban is about to elect their worst "divinely-ordained" predator to the Senate.
At least ISIS is viewed with near-universal disdain as a savage terrorist group. But the GOP itself is a mainstream political organization -- America's natural governing party -- that has become a full-blown cult in and of itself. All three branches of government are held by a party that once had Lincoln, Ike, and Teddy Roosevelt as its standard bearers, to becoming a combination of the Nazis, Children of God, and the Branch Davidians. (Branch Dotardians?) They make Scientology look like an insignificant Tom Cruise fan club and the Manson Family look like a "Squeaky"-clean Beach Boys cover band.
Take care, Canada, that this madness doesn't spread any further into the increasingly deranged and depraved fundamentalist apologists of the Rebel Party. Your "mainstream" RWNJs are on the precipice of con singularity with ours, and I want to see you remain on the right side of sanity on the right side of the Orange Curtain. Maybe the next Liberal budget should include appropriations to build a wall with America and make only Republicans pay for it -- right out of the collection basket that would otherwise go to purchase windowless vans, puppies, and candy.
Trump was elected because the voters saw him as better than Hillary. Its that simple no Russians needed. Same goes for Moore its all identity politics.
Anon 9:45
If you were in your thirties and tried to kiss my 16 year old daughter I'd confront you and it would end with you pleading "pleash shtop, I'm shorry!"
"Trump was smeared as a pervert and still came out on top."
Scientific research has shown that when it comes to Trump supporters, you cant fix stupid.
And how dare they smear Trump. Especially since he's already a proven pervert.
For years the American public were duped by both political parties into believing that continuous war was the price they had to pay in the moralistic quest of supporting freedom and democracy around the world. Trump just capitalized on the discovery that in return people hated them and some wanted to kill them for the help they gave so freely. It is likely that the general population will view the latest as just more moralistic big party politics. Just another distraction that gives Trump more time to cement in his position.
The elephant in the room is that there simply not enough money to lift the poor out of poverty and continue to spend 20% (possibly more with legacy issues) of GDP on the war machine as well as siphon of another significant percentage into the hands of the crony "free" market capitalists and corrupt politicians. In the Cons world the answer is simple take more from the old/new poor and create a partitioned state by locking them in place with propaganda,patriotism,drug wars,laws, prisons, law enforcement, conscription?, etc. In true fashion the Dems are trying to find an everybody wins solution while continuing to flog the moralistic donkey. A modern version of Nero fiddles while Rome burns.
Hi anon...the latest polls have Trump's approval rating at about 32% which is down by over 12% from the time he was elected. And that after only six months, tells me that the more they see of him, the less they like him. Also, if this situation continues the Democrats might have a chance of seizing control of the Congress which would be the end of Trump as we know him. Nothing is for sure of course, but my guess is that Americans will eventually end up voting for peace, quiet, and sanity....
Hi anon 9:45... Look you can call Moore what you like, but when you're on a no- fly list at the local mall because you're hitting on teenage girls, just probably a pervert. And certainly in no position to go around preaching that gay people should be arrested, or posing as a moral person...
Hi JD...you're welcome, and sorry again for letting somebody impersonate you. I'm glad you didn't see the video, because it was the lowest kind of anti-gay material worthy of a complete pervert. It's the same Con weirdo who has been stalking me forever, and it couldn't be more Con or more pathetic. I hope to publish its name and its picture soon...
Hi JD...thank you for pointing out that just because Trump won doesn't mean that Trump isn't a pervert. All it says is that his supporters have no moral values, or are so damn ignorant they can't tell they are being conned...l
Hi anon...How can you accuse me of being a little too optimistic? In this gloomy world I work very hard to be way too optimistic !!! And believe me that's not easy.😳
But seriously though you're right about the difference between a sprint and a marathon. I do sometimes give the impression that getting rid of the Trump regime will be easy, just to keep people's spirits up. But although it will be a hard struggle, as you point out the Roypublicans can only go so far without collapsing, and when it finally comes our victory will be even sweeter...
Hi Jackie...thanks for the link, and the other info about the Christian Taliban. Despite all the vile hatred I have received from religious fanatics, I have tried to ignore them, and unlike them live and let live. But the behaviour of Trump's evangelicals, and the foulness of our own "messiah" Andrew Scheer have finally exhausted my patience. Those ignorant bigots are actually trying to build a theocracy in North America, and we must fight them and show them no mercy....
HI Steve...you seem to forget that 3 million more voters did not consider him a better candidate than Hillary Clinton. And while the Clinton campaign did make some serious mistakes, the Russians did play a role, and Moore is not a better candidate, he's a disgusting bigot and filthy pervert who should have been jailed long ago, or confined in a mental asylum...
Hi RT...The American wars in Iraq, and Libya were the most colossal mistakes the modern world has ever known. They created ISIS, they sent gazillions of refugees pouring into Europe, they created the conditions for Brexit, and brought the Nazis back to life all over the place, including Canada. And you're right the obscene amount of money spend on new and deadlier weapons means that there isn't enough to declare war on poverty, which is the only war that should be fought. It's going to take a revolution to change our ways, which may be hard to envisage now. But we soon won't have a choice, and as they say, necessity is the mother of invention....
Having followed Alabama politics via a blog, Legal Schnauzzer, none of this surprises me. Moore is typical of many in the state and unless women and minorities get out and vote, he will be elected. He and Trump have given "permission" for people to act like, I won't say animals, because animals have standards, those politicians such as Trump and Moore don't.
Its tribalism at is worst. The Americans are becoming almost everything their country stood against, but I've always had the impression, a lot of their ideology was just below the surface, waiting for the right time and person. Trump is that person.
Alabama is a state where you can be a billionaire, divorce your wife and leave her and your two daughters on food stamps. Yes, it was all documented on the blog I read, Legal Schnauzzer. The writer of the blog, Roger Schuler, a couple of years ago, was the only journalist in the western hemisphere to be incarcerated for his writing. Yes, he spent 5 months in a Alabama jail for writing things about Alabama politicians.
Alabama is the state which sent their former governor to jail for years, for a crime which did not exist on the books. Many believe it was simply a way to get rid of a Democrat. the film has been interesting.
Nothing which comes out of Alabama should surprise anyone. They may the federal Conservatives look like socialists.
A. 9:55: According to Legal Schnauzer's blog, Doug Jones's money came from some Republican state officials. Alabama politics can be very "interesting'
Trump winning doesn't actually prove much about himself, but rather Clinton, who didn't campaign in 5 previously Dem. states. For many, they simply do not believe what the MSM says about Trump et al, if they don't like it. They see the "eastern/California" press as out of touch with their needs, values, etc. Most of this can be put down to tribalism. We saw the results in all sort of countries. They took up killing their neighbours and family because they belonged to a different tribe, just remember Serbia, Bosnia, etc. Americans are no different or for that matter Canadians, "let the Eastern bastards freeze" remind any one of anything.
Much of this can be laid at the door of poverty and lack of a decent medical system and a segregated school system. American farmers are making 50% less than they did a decade or so ago. Their suicide rates are up to what they were during the farm crisis of the 1980s. Then people turn on t.v and see all those "elites" ignoring their problems. Trump was smart, he acknowledged them. He won and he will continue to win until women and minorities go out and vote against him and his.
if we are not optimistic we might as well cash in our cards now. Its a marathon. People like Trump use chaos to get what they want. He creates so much of it people have to actually scramble to keep up and the MSM doesn't report on a lot of things, going on. Friday's Politico has a section titled: 5 things Trump did this week while you weren't looking. Its where the real damage is being done. If CNN spent even half the time looking at those things instead of all the talking heads repeating each other, people might know what is going on. Like who knew what Pruitt had done in Indiana.....
Jackie Blue makes excellent points and I`m not surprised as to the PTSD similarity. Its a cult. Its tribalism. However, those who will vote for Moore don't there is anything wrong with his behaviour, but if you ask them if their 13, 14, 17 yr old neice, daughter, sister, etc. were approached by Moore, they`d tell you they`d shoot the bastard, but because he is a politicians running for the republicans, all sense goes out the window.
by maintaining a high level of poverty it continues to `feed the military`. When you can`t find a job or your family needs medical coverage, you can join the military and they will be only to happy to use you as cannon fodder. The families receive 30 seconds of fame when their member dies and the cycle continues.
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