Oh. My. Goggy. I understand it was quite a scene on Parliament Hill today. Bystanders were gagging. Babies were screaming. Birds were dropping out of the trees. When the homophobic
To demand that religious fanatics like HIMSELF be appointed to the Supreme Court.
Speaking on behalf of an alliance of evangelical Christian and family-values groups, he called for Harper to “restore democracy” by filling any vacancies that might open up on the country’s top court with judges who won’t insist on writing their own laws.
And of course to continue his never ending crusade against the pleasures of the flesh. With which he seems
Although in the case of the homophobic Jabba it's hard to tell which end of him that would involve.
But of course he does wield enormous influence in the PMO. He claims he can get Stephen Harper on the phone quicker than a cabinet minister.

He got Diane Ablonczy demoted for funding the gay parade. His views on Israel and the battle of Armageddon are influencing our foreign policy.
And you can be sure he is also behind the all-out attacks on women's groups because his views on abortion are disgusting.
When Evan Solomon asks him about countries like the Congo where rape is used as a tool of war (per Bob Rae yesterday), McVety responds "how many of those happen?" and says that rape in the Congo is an "aberration", "One in a million".
Oh really?
Which of the Jabba's orifices did that one come from?
And can you believe his callousness? Or the cruelty of Stephen Harper who is willing to put his extremist ideology before the lives of poor women. Because both of them believe women should be subordinate. And both are waging an American-style culture war against our precious Canadian values:
He calls for a full debate on judicial "philosophy" and how judges are appointed. In other words, he calls for a battle - some people might use the word war - based on important social, maybe even cultural values. Damn,that sounds like a call for a full-blown culture war to me.
And the really scary part is that the threat to the Supreme Court is very real.
Because can you imagine what might happen to Canada if Harper got to appoint all those judges? The last bastion of Canadian values would be brought to its knees. And we would live in a dark theocratic nightmare for years, no matter what government was in power.
Even a new minority won't stop him from seizing control of the Court like his ideological thugs did with Rights and Democracy.
Which is why I believe that now more than ever progressives must unite, and form a coalition like they probably will in Britain, to make sure this doesn't happen. The stakes are just too high to play politics as usual.
At this point it's really this simple: Either we win this culture war and crush these theocratic monsters.
Or sooner or later we will wake up in a Canada we don't recognize...

A Christian homophobe, head of a Christian family group and has an obsession with sex. Now who does this remind me of? Oh yea, I remember now http://www.boingboing.net/2010/05/04/christian-right-lead.html
Hi Simon,
Let's match him with this prude:
A match made in heaven...hell? aarrgh! I don't know! I'll leave that open to interpretation
We really need him caught in a sting of some kind - rent boys, use of "college" tuitions for other things, etc. He has not realized how pathetic he is.
Charles McVety is a bit of an ignoramous.
But as to whether or not his views on Israel and Armageddon are influencing Canada's foreign policy, I just don't see it.
Probably because it isn't really there.
hi Brian...good guess, and you may be right. But personally I like to believe that even a hooker wouldn't go with him... :)
hi CK...Not a match oh great now I'm going to have nightmares about their offspring...Chucky Bow Wow.
Or should that be Chucky Yucky?
Oh well... who knows... but definitely a marriage made in HELL... :)
hi Kenn...don't worry I've got a plan. Heh.heh.heh. I plan to lure him into a whorehouse...by dragging a sausage on a STRING... :)
hi Vindicator...I have an active imagination, but even I could't have dreamed up that one.
For all you need to know on the subject just read Marci MacDonald's definite piece in Walrus magazine
"Stephen Harper and the Theo-cons."
It's all about a marriage of convenience between right-wingers in Israel and the Christian Right.
It's bizarre, it's scary, and it's happening right here in our own backyard...
I am an atheist, pro choice, pro gay marriage straight white small C conservative. Not everyone who is a fiscal conservative supports asshats like McVety or those who attempt to regulate us with their morals. You do have supporters on the right.
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