Well I have to admit it was my strangest Gay Pride Day ever. Hanging with some friends on a pile of rocks sticking out into the Atlantic Ocean. Trying not to talk about Michael Jackson.
Or feel guilty about missing the Gay Pride Parade.
Or celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots..... in a seafood joint with the sign "Happy Birthday Mr President (Bush)" over the doorway.
But then as I explained in my last post I desperately needed a break. So did Sébastien. He needed a break from the real world. I needed a break from the blogosphere.
Because I'm tired of having to waste so much time fighting homophobic wingnuts, who have been bombarding me with the most disturbing creepy messages I've ever seen
Like this gem accusing me of being responsible for the Toronto garbage strike:
Toronto, leftie dominated, garbage collectors refuse to bend over to pick up faggots' trash. They are claiming increased risk of getting sodomised and contracting HIV/AIDS while they are doing their jobs.
Raging faggot Montréal Simon still denies his own involvement in leftie movement that is behind this fiasco and tries to blame Conservatives for this latest development.
Yikes. What do you do with stuff like that? It's so easy to demolish their crazed arguments. But the stench of their twisted bigotry lingers, disturbs and distracts me from writing about other things. Which really pisses me off.
But then I read a story about the gay people who started the Stonewall Riots.

A prominent Stonewall myth holds that the riots were an uprising by the gay community against decades of oppression. This would be true if the “gay community” consisted of Stonewall patrons. The bar’s regulars, though, were mostly teenagers from Queens, Long Island and New Jersey, with a few young drag queens and homeless youths who squatted in abandoned tenements on the Lower East Side.
Although several older activists participated in the riots, most stood on the edges and watched. Many told me they were put off by the way the younger gays were taunting the police.... They believed the younger generation’s behavior would lead to even more oppression.
Which made me laugh and feel better... even a little ashamed. WTF am I complaining about? I should be honoured those crazies are after me. Because when you're gay you only have two choices: fight for or surrender your humanity.
And if those kids could start the gay freedom struggle, then our generation will FINISH it.
Which is a long way of saying I'm back. It was a good break, although I am sorry about missing the Big Parade. Especially since my friends said it was the best one EVER. It actually started and ended on time *gasp* and for once it wasn't too hot. Just my luck eh?
But then for me gay pride day is every day. If my role in the blogosphere is to attract homophobes.... like a light attracts bugs to a zapper.... so be it. The stench of scorched bigotry will be EVERYWHERE.
But I can handle it. As long as you know who covers my back.
And no matter where I go.