I usually hate Easter Sunday because there's so much religious crap on tv...too much stuff about the Amazing Flying Jesus. But I have to admit that this Chocolate Bunny Day that kinda worked for me. I stayed up until five in the morning to watch the Malaysian Grand Prix.
So I only woke up about two in the afternoon. By which time CNN had just about run out of gushy things to say about the unholy holiday. And had resorted to running a documentary on the long, agonizing death of Pope John Paul the Second.
Which, considering his immortal contribution to Polish fascism.... was a great way to start my day!
Which only got better when I read that the Nazi Pope had made a fool of himself. Again. By claiming that he believes that love trumps evil
"In the resurrection of Jesus, love has been shown to be stronger than death, stronger than evil...."
Unless it's gay love of course, then it's evil itself....
Which of course made me laugh and wonder....isn't hypocrisy a sin? Is the Pope wearing diapers? And how many suckers can you cram into St Peter's Square?
But the best thing about this Flying Jesus Day was the Easter Bunny Sebastien gave me....for being so bouncy last night. Boing. Boing. I don't know where he got it from.
But it's definitely MY kind of rabbit....
Yikes! I guess that bunny hates humans like I hate religion...and bullies.
Which reminds me....Don't forget to join the Blog Against Theocracy.
But remember that theocracy is just a symptom. Any faith rooted in ancient times, as most of them are, is bound to be ignorant, brutish, patriarchal, homophobic....and barbarically theocratic as well.
All religious fanatics, especially those who draw their inspiration from the stone tablets of hairy desert dwellers, believe that only they know The Truth...and the rest of us better believe it ....or else. It's the nature of the beast. Or the camel.
And the sad but inevitable fact is that until we kick this hatemongering wacko nonsense back to the 12th Century where it belongs, no rational person will be safe.
Happy Fighting Bunny Day everyone! I hope you enjoyed it like I did.
Now all I need to make it perfect...... is a little lamb of Jesus.
And a lot of mint sauce...
Happy Fighting Bunny Day, Simon. Great vid, LOL. Bunny kicks ass.
Easter? who likes easter? I spent my easter sunday being driven back to my university home. Although saturday I went to toronto (only took 15 minutes to get there since no traffic! crazy!), Canon Theater, to see We will rock you with music by queen. was pretty good.
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