Ok...ok....so maybe the Third World War won't start on Good Friday.....after all.
On the thirteenth day of the crisis, President Ahmadinejad kept a global audience in suspense for nearly two hours with a rambling monologue about religion and Britain’s history of meddling in his country’s affairs. Then without explanation he announced that his 15 British captives would be set free as a “gift” to mark the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, Easter and for good measure the Jewish festival of Passover.
Maybe the demented dwarf Ahmadinejad has bought himself some time.
.....it arguably strengthens the hand of the diplomats in the ceaseless debate with the hawks over what to do about Iran. After all, the doves can say, patient negotiation won the day. After scoring an own goal, Iran can claim to have come out of the game with at least a draw.
But I'm still worried about Chimp Bush's weird state of mind. And so is the New York Times.
Mr. Bush’s comments about Mr. Dowd are a reflection of the otherworldliness that permeates his public appearances these days. Mr. Bush seems increasingly isolated, clinging to a fantasy version of Iraq that is more and more disconnected from reality.
He gives a frightening impression that he has never heard any voice from any quarter that gave him pause, much less led him to rethink a position.
Except of course for Jesus' voice....and the commands of the ape in the shrubs....
Isn't that spooky? But it gets worse. There are more and more signs that Dick Cheney is running the show....even more than he usually does. And has taken personal control of the secret war on Iran.
A Pakistani tribal militant group responsible for a series of deadly guerrilla raids inside Iran has been secretly encouraged and advised by American officials since 2005.....Pakistani government sources say the secret campaign against Iran by Jundullah was on the agenda when Vice President Dick Cheney met with Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf in February.
Hmmm .... let's see....the Americans are supporting a Contra-like war against Iran, paid for by Saudi Arabia...just like they did in Nicaragua. They have two carrier forces sailing close to its waters. The Israelis are urging them to bomb Iran so they don't have to. The religious fanatics in Iran are trying to make people think that their ratty nuclear program is more impressive than it is. Chimp Bush is in a world of his own. And Ape Cheney, driven crazy by the disaster in Iraq, is in charge.
And if that's not disturbing enough....Operation Bite has already made it to Wikipedia. Isn't that wicked?
With all these strange things happening...how do you think this story is going to end? I mean REALLY. With a handshake and a gift from Mohammed....
Or a very loud bang?
More and more signs that Dick Cheney is running the show? How many more signs could there be already? He’s the Stewie Griffin of American politics fer gawds sake.
The whole idea that even a dingbat like Bush would start a war on Good Friday is nothing more than a Russian fantasy.
The British sailor episode is an Iranian pre-emptive attempt (that worked by the way) at taking the wind out of Bush’s sails. If those sailors were American we would all be watching the new war on TV while we eat our Easter dinners.
The whole thing was orchestrated to ridicule Bush’s Yosemite Sam approach to diplomacy, it was a smart move.
Ewww... the Cheney Thing lurking in the bushes. That was creepy, very creepy.
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