The other day I looked at what might happen if or when the bigot bully Jason Kenney becomes Premier of Alberta.
And I warned that by blockading B.C., and declaring war on the Liberal government, he could end up ripping this country apart.
But while some like Susan Delacourt are predicting that Kenney is going to be Justin Trudeau's biggest problem.
I think she's only half right, and that there is a silver lining in that ugly cloud.
For while he will be a gigantic pain in the ass, as he tries to get back at Trudeau for defeating his Cons and driving him out of Ottawa.
I think the one who is going to be hurt the most by Kenney is the creepy new leader of the Cons Andrew Scheer.
For as Chantal Hébert points out, what works in Alberta won't work in the rest of Canada.
In the past, the presence in Alberta of strong Conservative leaders — liable to overshadow the party’s federal leader nationally — has not been a recipe for success for the conservative movement federally.
And Kenney has already made some powerful enemies in two of the provinces that will determine the result of the next election, British Columbia and Quebec.
Over the past few months Kenney turned his guns on Quebec for allegedly biting the equalization hand that feeds it by not supporting the now-defunct Energy East pipeline. For the same reason, British Columbia whose minority NDP government is against the imminent expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline is in his bad books. And he is itching for a fight against Justin Trudeau’s Liberals — on Alberta terms.
But what may be a popular scorched-earth federal-provincial approach in Alberta risks becoming a bridge-burning one for Scheer’s federal Conservatives.
And since Scheer is as unlikely to criticize Kenney, as he was to criticize Harper for his recent remarks about NAFTA, he could find himself caught between a rock and a hard place.
Between now and the 2019 campaign, it seems Canada’s leader of the official opposition will have his work cut out for him trying to come across as something more than the puppet of the two strong men of the still-recent Conservative federal era.
Scheer was always going to find it hard to try to make Canadians forget his social conservative beliefs, with Jason Kenney in the picture that should prove impossible.
So ironically enough, Kenney and the toxic legacy of Stephen Harper should help re-elect Justin Trudeau.
Who can point to those two Cons and ask Canadians whether they want to relive that nightmare again. And campaign against them as much as he campaigns against Scheer.
Yes indeed, the Lord doth work in mysterious ways.
And this ending couldn't be more perfect...
Your analysis leaves out an important fact. The guy who approved the Trans Mountain pipeline to carry Albertonia's diluted tar is Justin Trudeau. Many BCians hate him for that and may go "A plague o' both your houses!" and vote NDP.
Thought you should know, Simon: Kenney and Scheer's brand of rabid bigots on the Internet have already begun sharpening their troll claws for Trudeau's kids -- this time around, it's little Hadrien. As I'm sure you know, the Trudeau family went out Trick-or-Treating the other night, with Justin dressed as Clark Kent/Superman. Xavier went as a werewolf, Ella as Wonder Woman, and mom Sophie as Wonder Woman's alter ego, Diana Prince. But it was three-year-old Hadrien's outfit that got the haters riled up: He went dressed as a pink poodle character named Skye from a TV-Ontario cartoon show called "The Paw Patrol." He looked adorable, and a number of responders thought it was quite admirable that his parents were fine with him doing so.
But "not everyone was happy" as one Yahoo article put it -- rather mildly, it should be said. The minute this was reported, the troll machine went into overdrive. YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo comment boards, you name it. They all lit up with vitriolic mockery of this beautiful child, saying he is "growing up to be just like dad -- mom -- same thing," posting the phone number for child welfare agencies in Canada so people could call and report "child abuse" with the intent of the kids being removed from the home, and demanding that Trudeau either resign from office or else.
Now, I have no idea how many of these lunatics were Albertans, how many were American Trump fanatics, how many were Russian, or how many were #$?%&@! from anywhere in the world. But ideologically, they are no better than Kenney or Scheer in that they would harass and verbally attack a sweet little boy for wearing a pink dress on Halloween, because he thought it was fun and he probably likes the character on the show. Kids are supposed to be off-limits. Especially at that age. But not for these deplorables.
What I do know is that if either Kenney or Scheer were aware of this (or were informed of it), neither of them would condemn the commenters' words or actions, for the simple reason that 1) they know it gets on their political nemesis' nerves, and 2) if they knew they could get away with it, they'd join right in the troll brigade. As much as I want to see Trudeau be the prime minister for decades if he so chooses, and if Kenney's prospective election, Scheer's tack to the hard right, and the implosion of Trumpmania downstairs helps his chances than so be it, I feel really bad for boys in Alberta schools who do opt to wear a pink poodle outfit for Halloween, or girls who want to be superheroes or do traditionally "male" things or kids of all stripes who otherwise express their individual selves in a manner that the Canadian Roy Moore party doesn't approve of. Kenney, Scheer, Trump, and the modern (I use that word loosely) conservative movement as a whole are a menace to society. They're the manifestation of Internet comment boards made flesh.
I'm only being half-serious when I say this, as I don't want the poor little boy dragged into the public eye for political purposes, but someone needs to send a message to these haters somehow: If this Republican from the riding of Chechnya does end up becoming premier of Alabama North, people should show up and protest outside the provincial government building all dressed as characters from "The Paw Patrol." #JeSuisHadrien.
Ya! We want to keep our progressive values like the Diversity Visa Lottery Program.
Another fact: Alberta's New Democrats led by Rachel Notley are strong supporters of bitumen pipelines, especially the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain expansion. Today they promised legal action against any jurisdiction, such as Burnaby BC which will not grant the necessary permits, because the Alberta ND's perceive the pipeline to be "in Canada's national interest".
Jason and Rachel, strange bedfellows indeed!
Hi anon...well I suppose anything could happen but I doubt it. Jagmeet is a nice guy but I don't think he's going to be much of a factor in the next election. He's about to lose all his seats in Quebec, and if or when Kenney starts threatening to blockade B.C only Trudeau will be able to put him in his place. What's Jagmeet supposed to do? Ride to the scene on a bicycle and start beating a drum?
I hadn't thought about how Kenney might affect the next election, but you're right Simon. The timing couldn't be more perfect. Kenney is seen as a slimy Harperite in most places outside Alberta. So the more Kenney attacks him the more popular he will become.
Being mean to a cute little kid is really poor strategy no matter what Wee Andy says.
Hi hinofan...how sad, poor decent Rachel Notley forced to threaten B.C. to try to save herself from.Kenney's Big Oil juggernaut. And all for a pipeline that will probably never be built, because the market for that kind of tar is rapidly drying up. As I've said for years, oil corrupts everything it touches...
Hi anon...I saw the picture of the Trudeau family dressed up for Halloween, and I thought little Hadrien looked cute, although I had no idea who he was trying to be. So I am totally disgusted that those scummy Cons should use the occasion to vent their homophobia. But then I wasn't much older than Hadrien when I was forced to start fighting the same kind of bigots, and had to endure the same kind of comments for wearing a kilt. So I know those filthy Cons well, and it's a large part of the reason I'm still fighting them...
Hi anon....I presume you're referring to the Liberal's new immigration plan. And like most Con Trumpkins you can't control your racism. Too bad for you, Canada needs immigrants, They helped build this country and Drumph's America. Most of them in case you hadn't noticed are from the so-called entrepreneur class, which means they they will help create jobs, and make Canada richer for all of us. Lordy, if we had to depend on you white trash we'd really be screwed...
One more thing I forgot to mention. The bestial Cons in Question Period were howling "Superman" every time Trudeau rose to answer one of their questions. While apparently forgetting that their depraved leader Scheer had been dressed up as Star Trek's Captain Kirk. Can you imagine that grotesque bigot as the captain of a crew as diverse as that one? When will the MSM do their job and reveal them all as the monsters they are?
Hi anon....yes the timing is just perfect, the foam will still be running down Kenney's face, as the federal election campaign enters its last laps. The contrast between him and Trudeau will only make Justin look even better, and it will be worth at least twenty more seats...
Hi rumleyfips...that's putting it mildly. It's absolutely disgusting and perverted. Those Cons really are cowardly bullies and the scum of the earth. I feel even stronger about that if I hadn't, in my wild youth, rearranged so many of their ugly faces...;)
He's mirror-universe evil Kirk. More like Captain Jerk if you ask me. Highly illogical. No sign of intelligent life to be found anywhere in that party, Scotty. No minds to meld ether. Just the wrath of cons.
You mean like the US Diversity Visa Lottery Program started in 1987 by that famous "progressive" Ronaldus Magnus as Rush likes to call him? I love it when the meatheads show they haven't a clue.
Hi anon...yes it's pathetic isn't it? The dirt ignorant Con Trumpkin cult even has its own language. They repeat what their depraved leader says word for word. And they are such cowards. I can't even conceive of what it must be like to live in fear all the time and have to rely on some Big Daddy to protect you. Even if he hides in a closet...
Hi anon 8:22 pm...yes Captain Jerk or Captain Jerky would be a good nickname for Schmear. It's incredible how low he has taken his party in such a short time. But he will pay for it, of that he can be sure. And when he looks back he will regret that he could have been a better person, but instead chose to debase himself over and over again...
The NDP in B.C. is quite different than the NDP in Alberta. A number of NDP provincial M.L.A.s were elected, in part because of their opposition to the pipeline. However, should Trudeau O.K. the pipeline, it won't loose him a lot of votes. There are plenty of people in B.C. who want the pipeline.
B.C. has an urban/rural divide. Then there is the small problem for the Cons, that there are a lot of people in B.C. who aren't interested in Harper .20. They'll vote Trudeau. The NEW NDP leader will pick up votes but as many will stay with Trudeau.
B.C. also has the Site C dam issue. If the B.C. NDP cancel Site C. it will make a lot of people happy. They'll withstand the unhappiness they'll see with the pipeline. As long as there are not spill on Trudeau's watch, everything ought to go well. However, one bad spill and he will loose a lot of B.C. votes.
It will be interesting to see where the supporters for Jean and Schweitzer decamp to as well as other to the right of centre who are just plain fed up with the hyper-partisan political games. Kenney underestimates these people at his own peril. He needs to bear in mine that while Alberta may have a history of electing political dynasties, it also has the interesting quirk in its history of never electing the Opposition party in to power. It's ALWAYS been a third party. I'm only one persons but I fully intend to be a bur in Kenney's ass. Its sad and embarrassing to those who actually care about informed discussion to have this ideological jack ass as a potential Premier.
Hi Way Way Up...nice to hear from you, I hope you are well. I am very disappointed that Kenney was able to win the UCP leadership. I was cheering for Brian Jean, because I think he's a better human being. And having lost his house in the Fort Mac fire made me feel for him. But then of course anybody in my opinion would be better than Kenney, who just can't seem to stop trying to bully gay children for crass political purposes. I have a very bad feeling about what he might do if he becomes Premier, which from here seems like a certain thing. And I can't help but feel that both Alberta and Canada could be irreparably damaged. But hard times can be angry times, and that's what happens. I wish you and all the other decent Albertans the best of luck, because I fear you're in for a rough ride...
I had my hopes pinned on Jean as well. While I disagree with him on more than a few issues, he genuinely cares about his community. Kenny just comes across as a robot who is only interesting in stoking fear and hatred.
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