From the moment the Cons and the NDP decided to go after Harjit Sajjan, nobody joined in the gang bang more gleefully than Erin O'Toole.
Taunting the decorated Afghanistan veteran over and over again as only a Con could.

Only to have that big smile wiped off his pudgy face.

After being accused of embellishing his own military record.
A Liberal MP who flew CF-18 fighter jets is taking exception to a Conservative leadership hopeful’s “Top Gun”-inspired promotion of himself.
Stephen Fuhr, who was elected to the B.C. riding of Kelowna-Lake Country in 2015 after completing a 20-year career with the Royal Canadian Air Force, tweeted a screengrab of an image Erin O’Toole posted online Sunday.
“Mind explaining your role as a fighter pilot or even a pilot for that matter?” Fuhr asked O’Toole, noting the Tory MP enjoys “slagging” Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan.
And posing as a fighter pilot instead of what he once was, a navigator on a Sea King helicopter.
Which had others laughing at him...
Erin O'Toole posts a photoshopped "Top Gun" image of himself. Here's O'Toole... in Lego! #CPCldr #cdnpoli cc: @ErinOTooleMP pic.twitter.com/XKsKJfFLJU— Poli Lego (@PoliLego) May 3, 2017
Had O'Toole quickly deleting his taunting tweets, and running for cover.
Which no doubt brought back painful memories of the time he was Stephen Harper's Minister of Veterans Affairs...

But if you thought that was embarrassing, imagine how Postmedia, the Cons, and the Mulcair party must feel about this.
Postmedia has apologized for a political cartoon that sparked outrage among members of Alberta's Sikh community. On Tuesday, the Edmonton Sun and other Postmedia publications portayed Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan stewing in a cauldron with the label "LIES."
Because something tells me that many members of Canada's large Sikh community have also been offended by the way Sajjan has been treated.
So there will be only one winner.
Seen here at the Khalsa parade in Toronto last weekend...

Can you believe that?
It may have been an ugly story.
But if you're a Liberal supporter, it will have a happy ending...
This may be a small thing but it has bothered me for several years now.
Erin O'Toole told of his experience the awful day the shooter invaded Parliament in 2014. He did the best he could to help protect his fellow Parliamentarians in the Government caucus room given his military training. I was pleased to hear he acted bravely, that he was a leader who would with select others, confront the terror at the door and protect the rest of the group.
Bravo. Well Done Erin!
In his telling of the tale he recounted how he gripped his self defense bulldog keychain, a pretty minor weapon, but the only weapon he had, waiting for the gunman.
Sometime later I thought, wait, what is a Member of Parliament doing with a prohibited, restricted weapon in the House? Why hadn't the item been detected and seized by security? Had Erin concealed it? Was he skirting the measures that are supposed to protect everyone in the House? Did he think the rules didn't apply to him? Had he received permission to carry an otherwise illegal weapon? In the aftermath did he tell the commission that he was able to bring a concealed weapon into Parliament everyday without detection?
So many questions. This may be a relatively minor point but does it reveal something about O'Toole's character? As far as I know no one has ever asked him. Maybe, like Dean Del Mastro, he thinks the rules don't apply to him, or that everything is ok if you are a conservative, or that the judicial system is just "opinion".
Glad to see you're back, Simon, even if a bit bruised and shaken.
Keep blogging.
Erin The'Toole must have been chortling amongst his Con scumbags as he posted his totally unacceptable tweets trying to make fun of Mr. Sajjan's stellar military career. Well who's laughing now you big 'Toole?
I guess it's easy to malign someone who risked his life during his tours of duty when the closest you've ever come to combat was vying against other Cons for a chance to lick Harper's boots.
Simon, me thinks the flight of this Navigator has crash landed in the Con sea of hypocrisy but I will credit this "Top Gun" wannabe with one confirmed hit, himself.
hi p2p...that's an interesting story about O'Toole, I had never heard it before. I must admit I find O'Toole better than a lot of the other Cons. But I can't forgive the way he mocked and bullied Sajjan who whether he likes him or not has a very distinguished combat record. I was personally against the Afghan War but bravery should be recognized, and O'Toole as a veteran should know better...
hi JD...yes you're so right. O'Toole has a nerve mocking Sajjan in such a nasty manner, when Sajjan is about three times the soldier O'Toole ever was. There was a nasty edge to the way the Cons treated Sajjan, he is a proud man, and he deserves better...
I think Barry Wilson the executive producer of CTV Montreal sums it up nicely...
Architect of a scandal
What a mess our defence minister has gotten himself into.
Resignation seems to me to be the only way out for his deception on his role in the largest Canadian military operation in years.
Since when did it become okay for a minister of the Crown to lie and then deny until the truth came out?
Is that how it works these days, you lie and then it’s just good enough to say sorry and move on with the Prime Minister’s blessing? No harm no foul?
In the world of fake news, alternative facts, Orwellian discourse, and reckless social media, the truth is more important than ever.
The Prime minster is showing poor judgment by not demanding a letter of resignation.
Harjit Sajjan failed the troops he served with, he failed Canadians, and he failed the truth.
O'Toole is an amiable loser, apparently hoping that being a popular choice will make him a winner.
I should have made clear that O'Toole claimed to be carrying a keychain like the one in this link: http://thewellarmedwoman.com/brutus-keychain
As I read the law, and I'm no expert, it is a prohibited weapon.
You failed in your research, you failed in your analysis, and you failed in your conclusion. Why don't you resign?
Commander David Fraser and General Jonathon Vance both spoke of Sajjan as a key player in the operation. It was a small team that planned the operation. Sajjan apologized for the manner in which he described his role.
He was commended by his superiors for the service he provided in this operation, for his service to the troops and his service to Canada.
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