It was one of the most bizarre actions ever by a Canadian political leader, and definitely the most cowardly.
Andrew Scheer was at a newser yesterday, trying to criticize AND claim the credit for Justin Trudeau's tax changes.
And needless to say was already looking like an idiot.
When just about ten minutes into the newser, a reporter asked a question about Scheer's links to Ezra Levant's racist Rebel.
And he suddenly began to run.

And ran, and ran, and ran, right out of the newser.
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer abruptly ended a news conference and stopped taking questions from reporters on Monday when asked whether he was aware his campaign manager had worked out of the Rebel office during his leadership run.
Hamish Marshall, Mr. Scheer's former campaign manager, told The Globe and Mail in response to an inquiry that he shared Toronto office space with the right-wing website during the Tory leadership race, which ended on May 27, when Mr. Scheer won by a razor-thin margin over Conservative MP Maxime Bernier.
Later, Scheer's attempt to downplay the fact that his campaign was run out the ghastly Rebel's office, was absolutely pathetic.
"I didn't ask Hamish about every client he had," Mr. Scheer told reporters before walking out of his own media availability about the Liberal tax changes in Ottawa. "He has a variety of clients. He's a small-business owner himself, and I asked him to do a job and he helped me out on my campaign."
As was his claim that when he turned up at that racist rag to bounce up and down on Ezra Levant's knee, he didn't see his campaign manager working in the same small building.
Even though Marshall was more than just a client, he was his very good buddy, and what he had to say yesterday only made Scheer look even more foolish, or even more like a liar.
"It was my office. That's where I worked from. That's where my Toronto office was run," Mr. Marshall recently told The Globe. When asked if that meant he did campaign work for Mr. Scheer at the Rebel office, Mr. Marshall said, "Did I take phone calls and stuff? I mean, what's campaign work, right? Did I take a phone call while I was there? Sure."
And despite what the monstrous Con stooge David Akin to say back then in the throes of giddy excitement...

A man who works for a creamy bigot like Levant, and his hate mongering operation, can't be a nice guy.
And what Canadians have a right to know is whether Scheer, who once called the Rebel one of his go-to news sources, is still being influenced by some of the monstrous racists, misogynists, and homophobes who work at that disgusting place.
For if you remember when he was asked why it took so long for him to distance himself from The Rebel, after Charlottesville...

He flipped and flopped all over the place like a fish out of water.
And this is not just good enough...

He needs to denounce Levant as he never has before, even if it costs him half his rabid base.
And if he can't, and it is determined that Levant is still whispering in his ear...
He needs to resign today, or tomorrow at the latest.
For as I have warned many times, Scheer is a stealthy religious fanatic and right-wing extremist.
He never should have been chosen leader of the Harper Party.
And this country won't be safe until the day he is defeated...

People don't care anymore about saving democracy and resisting fascism. Remember when Joe Strummer sang, "if Adolf Hitler flew in today, they'd send a limousine anyway"? That's where we at.
He's just not ready!
Follow the money. The press -- not your con rags (who never will, and even if they did, would produce an atrociously biased report that somehow came around to "It's Trudeau's fault") -- but independent outlets, need to start digging into Rebel's finances, Levant's own bank account and that of the party itself, Scheer in particular. Simon, I found this article on Alternet the other day that you may want to share, that talks about a sort of "boot camp" for American Young Republicans, that's equal part religious cult festival and Hitler Youth. (And people get upset that Justin goes to Comic-Con. At least he's not training to be a Sith.) It's funded by a dark-money network that includes the slimy Koch billionaires and countless others. The article mentions that they are an international organization that also boosts youth involvement in Britain's Thatchercons -- and Canada's Harpercons too.
Rebel touts itself as being targeted at young Canadians, just like Breitbart and their Milo character toward young Americans. (Breitbart's funders are the disturbingly Oedipal father-daughter duo of Robert and Rebekah Mercer, but there's Koch money involved there too.) Scheer was marketed as the Cons' answer to youthful and affable Trudeau, even though the running joke up here seems to be that he's "38 going on 83." They're trying to get 'em young.
Canada is only mentioned briefly in this Alternet article, but suffice it to say, the claws are already in there. U.S. money has been pouring into the dying oil patch for years, sabotaging environmental and Indigenous initiatives and making politicians bend the knee. Now the rise of oligarchal backing of the alt-right (let's be honest: they're neo-Nazis) aims to sabotage everything from tax-fairness plans, to refugee resettlement programs, to racial, LGBT, feminist, and other forms of social justice -- all of which are major planks of Trudeau's personal philosophy and the Liberals' platform.
Not to mention, Putin's got his eye on Canada too, because of Freeland, the Magnitsky Act and the resettlement of Chechen LGBT refugees. We've already seen with the U.S. that the Republicans and the billionaires have no qualms about enlisting Russia's help to destabilize and destroy countries so they can quash the "coalition of the ascendant" and pick from what's left of the carcass. The possibility of the same in Canada wouldn't surprise me in the least. Naomi Klein's "Disaster Capitalism."
Follow the money. Always follow the money. Don't forget also that Ezra is in hock bigly over remodeling his well-beyond-his-means château in Toronto. He'll stop at nothing to be Bannon North so he can maintain that lifestyle -- and get revenge on the "shiny pony" he has a bizarre, stalker-ish love-hate "relationship" with.
I see a pattern developing here Simon. When Pastor Scheer gets a question he doesn't like, he gets in a snit and leaves or simply doesn't answer it.
Good for Laura Stone for reporting this and Scheer's top secret fundraisers in which he is also offering no details on the secret deals he's made with the rich and infamous.
Praise the Lord that Father Scheer is a man of the cloth, a cloth with ones and zeros on it. A cloth that's stained with lies and corruption and non-existent morals. What a hypocrite.
Keep digging Simon, keep reporting Laura. We're just scratching the surface of the nefarious Reverend Scheer. He can run but he can no longer hide.
I see the usual Con trolls have also been running for cover after Nenshi's victory in Calgary. They were so sure he was going to lose, they must be so disappointed. Ha ha ha ha.
Nice Herr though. :)
What I wouldn't give to see Alberta turn Red, just like a Florida with Puerto Rican climate refugees would turn Blue overnight. (Our colors are swapped -- blue for the Liberals, red for the Conservatives -- because we do everything backwards.)
Simon the cons and their dipper helpers are now tearing down Bill Morneau. Crazy-eyed bald bobble head Cullen is in his con licking glory
You would be amazed by the Harper team behind brown, including the Hampster.
Scheer is now a hostage of Ezra Levant. Whenever Levant commits some kind of atrocity, Scheer will be asked why he has never condemned the Rebel or called it by the names it deserves. In my opinion, the day he ran away was the beginning of the end of Scheer's political career.
A pox on both their houses... I hope Canadians see through this immature, self-serving charade come election time and put the Crappers and Dippers both in an indefinite playpen timeout. I can't tell you how happy I'd be to see the Liberals end up with a 307 majority, with the one remaining leftover be the Rhino Party candidate who pokes the other parties' brats in their House of Commons "seats."
No, a fed-up snarker in favor of the party that's putting the country first. I'm American, and in favor of the sensible, middle-of-the-road Democrats rather than the fascist Republicans or the purist, radical Bern-it-Down Sanders cult (akin to your NDP) that spent more time attacking Hillary than the far worse monster Trump (like your NDP spends more time attacking Justin than the far worse monster Scheer). Self-serving partisan extremists. Look up "horseshoe theory" and you'll see why.
No, I would not.....
Always Follow the $$$$$$.....Man's Greed will destroy us all!
hi anon...I hope you're wrong, and I don't believe that myself. Too many people are too complacent, and the great Joe Strummer was a prophet in his own time. But if he was alive today I'm sure he'd be storming the White House and encouraging us all to resist...
hi Kathleen...I couldn't agree more. I think I am going to have to make a short video similar to the one the Cons made about Justin. " If you think Sheer is ready, you must be crazy, Freddy..."
hi anon 3:53...I think it's safe to say, Scheer needs a reality check, and a herr cut...
hi anon 11:22 am...excellent comment and thanks for the link to that Hitler Youth camp. I've been wondering whether one of the reasons the Con media is so biased is because it has been getting a helping hand from Big Oil or people like the Mercer family, or the Koch brothers. Their desperate financial state has made them vulnerable. And you're right, progressives do need to follow the money to get a better idea of what's really going on...
hi JD....I must admit I was stunned when I saw Scheer suddenly walk out. I was about to turn off the TV, because Scheer's repetitive criticism of Trudeau and Morneau was making me ill. But you're right, as he does in that video, when he doesn't like a question he tries to dodge it or skate in circles around it. But the good news is that he's not the great politician the Con media would have us believe he is. For by walking out he only looked guilty, and can only have made many Canadians wonder what he is hiding? As it turns out, he has a lot to hide, and when he is exposed as the sneaky Con artist he is, there won't be much left of him...
hi anon 3:02...yes you're right, I was also wondering where they went. Let's hope they're just drinking heavily, and not hanging themselves. I was thinking of running a short post and then running a video of a guy laughing hysterically, but that would be too mean. Maybe tomorrow... ;)
hi anon 4:05pm...yes I saw a horrible shot of Cullen and Poilievre sitting side by side and looking like they just got married. I have no time at all for Cullen and any other NDP members who collaborate with the Cons, and I am going to have to write a post to let them know what i think of them...
hi anon 9:27 greatest dream is to see progressives unite in one party or a great movement. But as long as they are divided, they should focus on the real enemy instead of fighting themselves....
hi anon 12:20 AM...yes I too am a believer in the horseshoe theory. As far as I'm concerned the first duty of progressives to unite to defeat the fascist right. If progressives are to unite they must accept that they will be sharing a tent with groups that don't think exactly like they do. That's what the word coalition means. And I have absolutely no time for those purity priests who would set themselves up as judge jury and executioners, and by so doing only help the fascists win...
hi Steve...yes I read an article about all the Harper Cons now working for Brown. I thought they'd all be in prison by now or working for Trump. I shudder to think what might become of Ontario if Brown should win, and although I normally don't get involved in provincial elections, this time will be different...
hi anon...I think you may be right. By running away Scheer must have made a lot of people wonder what he was afraid of, or what he was trying to hide. I've been trying to warn people that he has a lot to hide, and I think we can use that incident to do him some real damage...
your points are well taken, A. 11:22 a.m. regarding money, Putin, future Canadian elections. We do have one advantage though and that is our elections are much more supervised by Elections Canada than the Americans are by their organizations. We also have restrictions on the amount of money which can be spent.
it is correct the Con trolls were disappointed in the Calgary election results. However, there may be much more at play in the Calgary political arena. developers are not exactly in love with the Mayor. Have a look at Vancouver and developers, money, money laundering, casinos, politicians. yes, Alberta is a little "red" however, they did elect this Mayor some years ago. I doubt if the developers thought it would turn out this way, hence the need to rid themselves of him.
Disappointing to see Cullen in action. Attacking the Finance Minister, in my opinion, is a strategy which is coming from the Cons. Expect more Cabinet ministers to be attacked. the NDP has a chance to become the official opposition. they need to separate themselves from the Cons, not join them.
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