A strange thing happened last night. I wrote a post that was published on Progressive Bloggers, but had disappeared early today.
So I'm repeating it under another name in the hope that it won't happen again.
And what I wanted to say was that although I have always known that Andrew Scheer was a racist, he was able to hide that racism from most Canadians.
Until suddenly he couldn't.
When one of his Con MPs attacked Canada's top doctor in the most disgusting manner.
Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, has failed Canadians.— Derek Sloan (@DerekSloanCPC) April 21, 2020
Dr. Tam must go! Canada must remain sovereign over decisions. The UN, the WHO, and Chinese Communist propaganda must never again have a say over Canada's public health!#cdnpolihttps://t.co/2u1JxCAdIV
Scheer refused to condemn Derek Sloan's racist remarks.
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer refused Thursday to address controversial comments by a member of his caucus who is also seeking to replace him as leader.
While there were calls for Scheer to denounce Sloan's earlier remarks, in a tense back-and-forth with reporters Thursday the outgoing party leader refused to discuss them at all.
And never looked more cowardly...
But this time even the Con media couldn't pretend it didn't happen, and even the Con fluffer John Ivison suggested that maybe it was time that Scheer resigned.
In a multi-ethnic country where visible minorities make up a quarter of the population, no party tainted by racism can win power. Yet when Scheer was asked to denounce Sloan’s statement, he turtled, saying he did not want to comment on the behaviour of a leadership candidate.
If Scheer doesn’t see the need to decry comments from a sitting member of caucus that tars all Conservative MPs and the party with the brush of intolerance, he should go now.
But what Ivison and other members of the Con media seemingly failed to understand was the reason Scheer didn't want to condemn Sloan.
And that's because to condemn him would be to condemn HIMSELF.
For he personally selected Sloan, who like him is a religious fanatic who gets a green light from the ghastly bigots at Campaign Life.
Both get their inspiration from Ezra Levant's hate mongering Rebel.

And what the Cons are really trying to do is whip up hate against all Chinese-Canadians to pleasure their bloodthirsty base.
It's happening all over the United States.
And it's also happening here.

It's cowardly, it's despicable, but at least it makes one thing clear.
The Cons are now officially the Bigot Party.
And no decent person in Canada should ever vote for them...
What the fuck is Sloan talking about? Social distancing is pretty much the only thing that is keeping the hospital system from being overwhelmed.
Tam might have dissenting opinions, but she's trying to do her best for Canadians.
What solutions does Sloan suggest? Inject bleach and fry your lungs with UV light like his dear leader Trump suggested? Or emulate the ammo humpers down south and attempt to lead a phony ass insurrection against "the tyranny of being forced to stay home"? Or so what a psychopathic moron like Governor Kemp of Georgia is trying to do by reopening too soon?
"Or emulate the ammo humpers down south and attempt to lead a phony ass insurrection against "the tyranny of being forced to stay home"?"
A great name I heard for the ammo humpers. The Flu Klux Klan.
There was a reason why Stephen Harper muzzled his caucus and senior members of the CPC. These "bozo eruptions" were always just under the surface and he knew they would hurt the election chances of the Party.
Stephen Harper managed to hide the racism, etc from Canadians by doing so but he began to unravel that during the election of 2015 in a desperate attempt to win that election and it has been unraveling ever since as the party contracts ever tighter around it Reform Party core.
"I do not want to comment on the behaviour of a leadership candidate."
As lame excuses go, this one is as crippled as Scheer's leadership skills. It wasn't that long ago that acting leader Rona Ambrose gave Kelly Leitch a smackdown for her intolerant actions and remarks so I guess just as Scheer didn't finish his brokers course, he must have slept through his "Leading By Example" classes though when it comes to decency, one doesn't need classes on that. Common decency is either inherent or non-existent, as is the case with Scheer. I hate to use a worn out Trump phrase but in this case, it's actually fitting. Both Scheer and his hand picked bigot Sloan need to resign in disgrace. They've both brought nothing but shame upon a now unrecognizable Conservative party that panders to society's most disgusting groups and individuals. Why? Because they are voters and a growing number of Cons embrace these "ideals". Further, these groups and individuals feel they have a home with the Cons and that alone is all the encouragement they need to keep spreading their hate and harming our most vulnerable citizens.
One needs to only look at the few Con MPs who denounced Sloan to see where this party is headed. In this case, to be silent is to condone and for that alone the Cons are deserving of a thoroughly humiliating defeat in the next election.
Are they all as craven and chickenshit as Scheer is? Wait -- don't answer that.
"Leadership candidate Peter MacKay was unavailable to provide comment and his campaign team said it wouldn’t provide a statement."
Because he wants Sloan's votes, shameless fuck furiously rubbing one out over the thought of grabbing the "brass ring." I hope they go ahead and have a premature erec -- er, election so that Trudeau can throw them in the trash where they belong once and for all. This racist hate group operating under the guise of a political party is absolute steaming garbage and deserves to go down in flames along with their inbred cousins in the GOP.
The solutions that Commander Waterford suggests can be found in his "Earth Day" missive, which says nothing about the environment but goes on bashing LGBT people, the U.N., the Chinese communists, and of course, Trudeau Trudeau Trudeau Trudeau Trudeau, while calling for the repeal of the carbon tax for the 16,777,216th time. I'm sure the longer the "leadership" contest drags on under cover of cabin fever, we'll start seeing QAnon-friendly fundraising newsletters about mole children, adrenochrome vaccines, Bill Gates' satanic microchips, and whether Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau picked up the virus after her husband inappropriately cuddled underage panda bears at Hillary Clinton's pizza restaurant in Beijing. Say it with me now... But his emails!
Herr Hitler?
I do not want to comment on a foreign head of state.
weak Andy has only one play, to bring down the goverment before he can be kicked out of goverment housing.
What was Tam supposed to do? Throw fuel on the fire? These were the days when idiots were starting fights in shopping isles over toilet paper. The risk is still low. The liberals are bad enough. But its the conservatives who constantly lead the charge for privatization and deregulation. They own this more than any party. Were they going to close the border for their precious TFW or their jet setting business elite.
All wonderful comments above....thank you! Anyone concerned about B. Gates and his vaccine mania?
As far as I am concerned he can have as many vaccinations as he wants even if it ghves him the nickname "Pincushion Bill".
Hi anon@8:04 pm....Sloan is a hardcore religious fanatic, who takes his marching orders from the religious right in the US. And the religious right in turn takes its marching orders from the depraved Donald Trump who is trying to blame China for his own mistakes. These Cons are playing games with our lives and they must pay for that....
Hi JD....I agree Flu Klux Klan is a good name for those Coronavirus deniers. In fact when I see pictures of some of them in the U.S. I can't tell the difference between one Klan and the other. I realize you have to be really dumb to be a right-winger, but those Cons make morons look like geniuses...
Hi Jackie....When I read that I am reminded of the ravings of the religious fanatics who would come up with the same kind of deranged nonsense to burn witches. It's insanity and it all comes from the general direction of Trump. That moronic scumbag has dragged us all into his rabbit hole and all I hope is that he will be punished accordingly. He is ruining our lives, killing his own people, and he deserves a long jail sentence..ll
Hi Ottlib.....Yes you're right,mHarpervwascable to contain most of those bozo eruptions until near the end of his depraved regime. The only difference is that while Harper welcomed the support of those religious fanatics, Scheer went out of his way to recruit them. So he is now the leader of about 45 of them, and his influence will continue even after another leader is chosen..ll
Hi JD....You're right, there couldn't be a lamer excuse, But Scheer has always been a bigot, and he knows that anti-Chinese sentiment is running high so he will not let that opportunity get away. But as you point out, Scheer is only shooting himself in both feet., Most Canadians won't go for that kind of racism, and since the Cons have been making inroads in the Chinese Canadian community they can kiss goodbye to that, and that will help humiliate them in the next election...
Hi Jackie....O'Toole is just as bad as MacKay. He's even more anti-Chinese than Dumbo, he's now the front man for the filthy Canada Proud, and my only consolation is that they are both so mediocre no serious person could ever vote for them....
Hi jrkrideau...Scheer's refusal to comment isn't just cowardly it's obscene. But at least we know that any right-wing crackpot can run for leader of the Cons, and that will cost them..l
Hi Steve....I think that sums it up nicely. Except that now there is another twist, according to rumours at least, Scheer has now convinced himself that the pandemic could help him hang on to the Con leadership. I believe he is having a breakdown but only time will tell...
Hi anon...This pandemic has been evolving since it was first detected, so Tam has only reflected that evolving story. In my opinion she has done a great job, and does not deserve to be attacked as she has been. It's racist and totally un-Canadian...
Hi Marmalade....whatever one might think about Gates he is right about vaccines.,Only a working vaccine can deliver us from the Covid Monster....
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