As I'm sure you all know, I have long believed that Andrew Scheer and his Cons are more American than Canadian.
And now we have yet another example of how low they have fallen.
Another example of the strange power the increasingly deranged Donald Trump holds over them.

For when Trump declared war on the World Health Organization to try to blame it for his murderous mistakes, his faithful stooge Andrew Scheer came running.
Trying to use anti-Chinese sentiment to undermine Team Canada's war on Covid-19.
Scheer was soon joined by candidates in the Con leadership race.Is Trudeau worried about upsetting the communist government in China? Why does he continue to put so much faith in the WHO instead of listening to the Canadian experts who warned us to take this threat seriously? https://t.co/hMiYsmX7fe— Andrew Scheer (@AndrewScheer) April 15, 2020
Peter MacKay...

Erin O'Toole...

And Marilyn Gladu...

Who somehow managed to sound like a Trump impersonator.
“In the United States, they’ve been successful with the treatment of hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and zinc sulphate,” said Gladu. “They’ve tried this on thousands of COVID patients, with nearly 100 per cent recovery rate, and so the FDA has approved this as an emergency measure, but Canada has not.”
Promoting dangerous drugs, and demanding that the economy be reopened.
“Every [COVID-19] death is tragic. But, the reality is more people are dying of suicide, more people are dying from cancer and smoking and we don’t shut the economy down for that.
But then of course Gladu has been known for making idiotic statements before...

So nothing she says should surprise anyone. Like the other Cons she is just repeating Trump talking points.
Even though as Nicholas Kristof points out, if Trump had listened to the WHO many American lives could have been saved.
Thousands of Americans would be alive today if President Trump had spent more time listening to the World Health Organization instead of trying to destroy it.
Trump’s announcement that he is halting American funding for the W.H.O. just as the world is facing a raging pandemic is a dangerous attempt to find a scapegoat for his own failings. It is like taking away a fire department’s trucks in the middle of a blaze.
For while the WHO may not be perfect, it still does an amazing job.
The W.H.O. is bureaucratic, frustrating, timid — and indispensable. No other organization can fill its international role overseeing the fight against disease. It has battled an outbreak of Ebola since last year in Congo, and that’s one reason we haven’t had Ebola cases in the United States.
Every day, the W.H.O. saves lives. It has promoted safe childbirth, and the number of women dying in childbirth has been cut almost in half over 25 years. It fights female genital mutilation and helps women with obstetric fistula. It is struggling to eliminate cervical cancer. It is part of the campaign against polio.
And as part of the United Nations that Canada helped found, it deserves to be supported not attacked by our Trump sucking Cons.
Who are just trying to undermine the war on Covid-19.
And the only curve or bar they are desperate to flatten is the big red one...

And are shamelessly playing cheap politics in the middle of a pandemic.
For which they will live in infamy forever.
Thank goodness for a real Canadian leader and his great Team Canada...

Let's do what we can to help them.
Let's flatten the Covid curve.
And then plank the Trump Cons, and bury them forever...
If Canadian journalism was worth a damn, they'd have done a deep dive into the dark money behind Harper and the I.D.U. a long time ago, and blared it on every front page and 24-hour network with the same energy they went ballistic about SNC. Those idiots "protesting" in Michigan are funded by a network connected to Betsy DeVos, whose brother owns the Blackwater mercenary crew that Bushco hired to do wet work and black ops in the Middle East. The same kind of astroturfing that the Koch brothers used to create the Tea Party. What a coincidence there was a similar dry run in Vancouver a week ago, and coordinated messaging among the Canadian offshoot of the GOP. But what do we get from the media? Irrelevant tantrums about Trudeau's Easter holiday, and conspiracy mongering from Fife about the Trudeaus' relationship and, now, the "Wuhan lab". 24 Sussex isn't the only crumbling estate. Canada's fourth estate is in a dire state of disrepair too.
Watch "The Family" documentary on Netflix, about the deep pockets of the Christian right and their literally religious devotion to free-market fascism, the ideology behind this push to "reopen the country" and sacrifice surplus labor to Mammon. Or check out Jane Mayer's "Dark Money" or "Sold Up the Yangtze" by Gus van Harten, about the blood pact FIPA that Harper's hypocrites signed with China and which Trudeau's government is gagged from speaking about or even acknowledging its existence. The only one who has so far is Elizabeth May, because it was due to FIPA that Trudeau had to buy the TMX pipeline. FIPA is the elephant or should I say dragon in the room, left by Harper as a stinking albatross around Trudeau's neck. FIPA is why he can't say boo about the PRC at all.
Shame on Kenney and the whole sorry lot for their hypocrisy and disgusting dog-whistling about the W.H.O. and Dr. Tam. Those Republicons on either side of the border are as crooked, demented and racist as the day is long. They should be investigated and disbanded before they get people killed.
I agree the WHO while despicable is the best solution we have to date, just like the UN and just like democracy. Everything is messy, and no one seems to be able to clean up.
FYI, the last pandemic (1918-1920) originated in the state of Kansas and was spread by US soldiers heading to fight in the Great War because Woodrow Wilson refused to quarantine them.
China hasn't helped themselves (especially suppressing the late doctor who warned the world about this disease) but this is a viral thunderbolt that is smacking us in the face. They had no chance like the US did one hundred years ago.
The one things that Cons and other wingnuts should realize is fewer and fewer people give a fuck what they think. If they want us ordinary people to die for the economy and the 1%ers then let them show us the way and see if we salute.
I know this is petty, but some parliamentarians here in Québec have been scathingly criticised because they weren't dressed like provincial businesspeople, and Mme Gladu's outfit looks more fit for a beach party.
Obviously I'd prefer a steeper drop among the Cons and an increase in NDP and even Green support (although the Greens do have a small-c Con side, they are useful against ecocide). I'm ambiguous about the Bloc; I've voted Bloc in Papineau when the NDP candidate was an absolute unknown, and I was working at a tenant association there, but their hijabi woman = oil well ad infuriated me, though I'm no fan of religious garb.
Latest polling has the LPC at 40%, CPC at 26% and falling, with NDP and Bloc up slightly. Map is showing AB and Prairies only region where they have a realistic foothold, and some parts of southern Ontario, sadly.
The more Scheer talks the more he hurts his party. I'm guessing no one as done comms for them lately? Perhaps if they lose another majority (here's hoping!) to PMJT they will finally grow up...
ahmen, we will have a star trek economy or this world will be a black hole.
Unlike a foreign terrorist a self replicating random piece of genetic code that strikes fear in the hearts of people has no political utility if you are a Con. The obvious solution is to put a face on Covid 19 but it cannot be too complicated as their emotionally challenged supporters have a very short attention span. Preferably it should be only 2 steps such as This is a problem --> its your fault. In this case blaming Trudeau for creating the virus in his kitchen is not very credible so the story line has to be a little more complex. The current shortest route seems to be 1) China the epicenter is communist and hid it from the good guys therefore is a BAD VILLAIN 2) The World Health Organization is dominated by China (false)and hid the severity of the virus form us and therefore is a BAD VILLAIN, Trudeau ( backed by scientists) supports the WHO and therefore is both BAD and WEAK. It doesn't matter that without the WHO or a similar international institution the pandemic would have arrived with no learning history or warning and results would have been far more devastating. Similar to a mindless virus the Cons really don't care who they kill as long as they get to replicate.
That's why he wants Parliament back in the sweaty enclosed chamber with anywhere from a quorum of 50 to all 338 MPs speaking moistly on top of each other, in spite of public health advice. Nobody cares about his press conferences, and a reporter from Quebec even asked him why he's holding them if he has nothing new to say. The answer is he's desperate to get some televised clips for fundraising, data mining and media attention -- in other words, "ratings." (Gee, who does that sound like?)
In a related story, Twitter has been going wild this weekend crushing hard on Justin's fast-growing '80s New Wave hair, which means Flowbee Andy with his Private Pyle buzzcut must be extra salty. All I can say of him is, speaking of '80s hair bands, don't go away mad, just go away.
China hasn't helped themselves (especially suppressing the late doctor who warned the world about this disease Dr. Li Wenliang was reprimanded, a bit too harshly probably, for distributing a WeChat message on 30 Dec 2019 to, IIRC, 7 colleagues warning of a possible SARS outbreak that including confidential patient information on 30 Dec 2019.
His hospital and the local CDC were already investigating the unidentified viral outbreak and this presumably is what prompted the WeChat post. Dr. Zhang Jixian had reported the suspicious cases to hospital leadership on 27 Dec 2019.
On 29 December 2019, the hospital reported the disease to Wuhan CDC. On 31 December 2019 China reported the unknown disease to WHO.
IIRC, Ottawa has/had? a baseball stadium just across from the RCMP HQ. With a bit of scheduling and some megaphones it should be possible to hold a session with good physical separation.
Or isn't there a football stadium somewhere in Ottawa?
The Republi-Cons are on track to award China the Villain of the year award. Once embedded in the minds of their followers every additional death caused by Covid 19 is blamed on China and becomes a rally cry of support for their incompetent China bashing Republi-Con leaders. Thankfully most of our Canadian federal and provincial leaders will reject this ploy but the Canadian Cons will certainly try to piggy back on their American counterparts creating a distraction that will result in additional victims. Although wave 1 of the virus is not complete, the grass roots movement to fuel wave 11 is already in progress in the US. Crazy Cons!
Reading global headlines, it's obvious that the WHO has failings but most agree it's a necessity and they condemn "pass the buck" Trump's accusations and threats of defunding it. Of course it's all about politics with Trump who's every single press briefing is more of a campaign act to shine Trump in a positive light than any semblance of genuine concern or actions to help Americans and to flatten the curve. Some call it political genius, ha! I call it a carny barker appealing to a base of numbskulls who's brain activity would be considered at best flatlining. They believe whatever this oaf utters and in a perfect world they would be denied a vote due to mental incapacitation.
So now Canada's Shithead Scheer and Fuckface MacKay are once again regurgitating Trump's bile in the hopes of what? Are they hoping We'll become more like a Trumper? Hoping we'll jump on the populist bandwagon of delusion and hate? Well I say, "Fuck you Andy, fuck you McKay, fuck you Baldy-Locks and you to Gladu". The last thing Canadians need are these clowns working to divide us while our PM is trying to be fair to all Canadians.
Off topic but I have to say this, I love how JT gave Alberta money to clean up some wells the oil companies abandoned and not directly to the oil companies themselves. And they dont like it. Well boohoo. As well, I hope JT doesn't send anymore aid money to Alberta while they're sitting on billions in their heritage fund. If there was ever a time to dip into their heritage fund it is now. On top of that, why should we be subsiding their 0% provincial tax rate? Oil will take years if ever to recover and I'll be damned if we keep sending them money so they can maintain their rate. Time for Jason to put on his big boy pants and join the real world. Besides, JT could send Alberta 100 billion and they'd still be whining, all the way to the bank.
In America Scheer would be President
the Canadian Cons will certainly try to piggy back on their American counterparts creating a distraction that will result in additional victims.
I think Scheer hates Trudeau so much he wants to cough on him.
Typhoid Andy is a nitwit. More appropriately, a Covidiot.
I believe you mean in the United States. Or in Brazil. America is a continent, or two depending on the reckoning. Please don't be so colonised.
The historic Ottawa football stadium is Lansdowne Park, though alas I think it has been rebranded.
Hi Jackie....Yes, the RepubliCons on both sides of the border are indeed as crooked, demented, and racist as the day is long. But if you look at the polls in both countries, the Cons are floundering and our side is getting stronger by the day. We may mave to hammer a stake into their black hearts before it's over, but let there be no doubt the future belongs to us....
Hi Steve...the WHO is not despicable, it simply reflects that the countries that make it up. Like the U.N. It is too bureaucratic, and doesn't have enough money to do the best job possible. But if you are a poor child in Africa and mass illness strikes they are the only ones who will ride to the rescue.....
Hi Pierre...Yes, the polls are looking good for the Liberals, and both the Cons and the NDP are not going anywhere. If Trudeau is able to call an election in the next six months he stands a very good chance of getting a sizeable majority....
Hi RT....Thanks for the link to that Guardian story, that explains the situation very well. The WHO is caught between China and the U.S. and has very little powers of its own, and even less money. But despite its flaws it is still a force for good in the world and Trump's scapegoating is absolutely disgusting...
Hi RT....another reason the Cons are attacking China is because the religious right in the U.S. Is leading the charge. And the reason they hate China is mainly because the Chinese refuse to give their missionary hordes a free hand. I'm not defending the authoritarian Chinese government but this China bashing is disgusting...
Hi JD....as I told RT I am disgusted by this wave of China bashing, which is also accompanied by sometimes violent anti-Chinese and anti-Asian bigotry which makes me really angry. As for Justin Trudeau's move to provide jobs for Albertans while helping them clean up their messes I think it's absolutely brilliant. Kenney and Big Oil can wail like banshees but I'm laughing my butt off...
WhaT you talking about Willes? America is THE UNTITED STATES OF AMERCIA, no discussion. South America is a geographic term along with central america.
Scheer jumped the shark yesterday, man he is a dirtbag.
Price of oil -$60 a barrel, I blame JT.
Who on earth is Willes? There is LOTS of discussion and debate about the continued use of that imperialist terminology. None of my clients among NGOs or other progressive groups would use "America" to refer to the US (or USA, the actual name of that imperialist power). North America is also a geographic term, a subgroup of America (or sometimes "the Americas" among anglophones, though that use is challenged by progressive people).
Central America takes caps, by the way.
The stats are starting to pour in , and in the USA twice as many people are dying as in Canada so it seems, and they want to open up?
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