A few days ago I wrote a post accusing Michelle Rempel of whipping up hatred against asylum seekers for crass political purposes.
And of being totally out of control.
So I'm glad to see that even some of her colleagues now share that view.
Especially the hapless Con clown Erin O'Toole.

Who Rempel is now accusing of sexism.
In a rare public disagreement, a Conservative MP is publicly accusing her colleagues of sexism, saying they left her out of the loop on a key policy decision.
Michelle Rempel tweeted Friday “Guess the boys met without me?” in response to a tweet by her caucus colleague and the Conservative’s foreign affairs critic Erin O’Toole.
O’Toole sent a tweet on Thursday that said the “Conservatives support” the Liberals’ decision to grant refuge to the White Helmets — a group of volunteers in Syria who help victims of attacks in the ongoing civil war.
For apparently being too moderate without her permission.
After a bizarre Twitter volley that ended with this pathetic tweet:

Which sadly for Rempel made absolutely no sense, since her party had made its position abundantly clear FOUR days before:
Her comments surprised some people, said a separate source with close ties to the Conservatives, because caucus and staff were sent an issues scan on July 23 that clearly showed the Tories supported the resettlement of humanitarian workers from Syria.
“Andrew Scheer’s Conservatives are pleased to see Canada working with our allies to provide refuge for members of the White Helmets after their rescue by the Israeli Defence Force,” read the “key messages” sent to caucus.
Which only made Rempel look like an absolute idiot. Again.

Or more looped than out of the loop.
And would normally be hilarious, except that Rempel and her bigot Cons are stirring up racists all over the country.
Like this ghastly thug.
Or this orange bully.

Who confronted that peaceful Muslim family just a few blocks down the street from where I live, and before he was arrested had me scouring the waterfront looking to teach him a lesson.
Like the one this bigot received when he turned up with some deranged anti-Muslim sign at a makeshift memorial to the victims of the Danforth shooting.
And while I can't defend that kind of behaviour, it's clear to me that the situation is spiralling out of control.
And rather than stirring up hate the Cons should be helping to cool things down by emphasizing some of the many positive refugee stories like this one.
Their failure to do so is simply unacceptable.
Attention Andrew Scheer, Michelle Rempel and all you other Con bigots. Please read this great refugee story. And then (if you can swim) please take a flying leap into Lake Ontario. https://t.co/GLfA7WojHB pic.twitter.com/VXvIKwCkV7— Simon (@montrealsimon) July 30, 2018
And this is the bottom line:
The Cons are poisoning this country.

Andrew Scheer and his filthy racists are unfit to govern Canada.
Michelle Rempel should stop trying to be our Marine Le Pen.
And enough is enough...
Re: the goof with the CBC sign. Did the Westboro Baptists open a Canadian branch? I've never understood the need to proclaim your hate in front of a group of mourners.
I too can’t believe what the Cons are doing to this country. Ever since Scheer became leader it has become the Rebel Party, pumping out hate day after day. I can’t understand how any decent person can support them, when they act more like Americans than Canadians. They make me sick to my stomach.
I know I shouldn’t but I really enjoyed seeing that bigot getting a bath. What on earth did the Little House on the Prairie have to do with Danforth shooting? Why would anyone take a sign like that to a memorial? I find the whole thing disturbing and like you I blame the hate mongering Cons. They should STFU before they cause some horrible tragedy.
So is Erin the tool "Harvey Weinstein" now, Michelle? What a two-bit loonie she is, and I say that with the utmost apologies to Canada's aquatic avian trademark. And perhaps she is a bit drenched in liquids, wink-nudge. If the cons were a decent party, her childish, attention-seeking outbursts ought to get her back-benched or removed from the caucus. But the only reason I could see that ever happening here is if she got more spotlight than the narcissistic altar boy she seems "hell-bent" on proving her worth to.
Just like how the party of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Eisenhower turned into the party of slavery apologists, robber barons and the military-industrial complex, it saddens and sickens me to see the party of Diefenbaker mutate into the party of racist bigots who clearly have their designs on turning Canada into an apartheid state like the U.S. is becoming under Trump. Who, I should add, is a petty enough racist that, according to local press reports, he directed the South African embassy in Pretoria to not extend its hospitality to Barack Obama when he delivered the Mandela Lecture. Makes me wonder if Trump ever had, or tried to have, a casino in Sun City. But I digress.
Thing is, it's not only Trump who's at fault here, although he's certainly emboldened these fascists at home and worldwide. These are all Harper's beasts-in-a-box, as though he were Vincent Price portraying a mad toymaker in a 1950s horror movie. Michelle the screeching banshee inhabiting a haunted doll, Andrew the demonic marionette, Jason the tar-swamp dweller in a hockey mask, Igor Levant running interference to please his master, and of course Dougie the lumbering Frankenstein monster with the abnormal brain. Which I guess makes Faith Goldy, what... the monster's bride?
Hate-mongering, though not by the Cons per se, has already played a part in a horrible tragedy, namely the Québec mosque murders. While it was heartening to see the crowds here in Montréal and in Québec in solidarity with the victims, that sort of hate speech unfortunately can be a trigger for screwed-up people looking for a target.
Poor Michelle, in her own estimation a Con thoroughbred with all the right moves including You Tube videos but fails to even place in the influence race. Whats in her future? A stint in regional politics or a dimly lit wine cellar reminiscing about what might have been. Could tell her what she is missing but why.... perhaps if she spends enough time in the cellar an apparition of Harper will appear and reveal all.
Someone should have a real close look at the White Helments. Like everything in Syria its not clear who if anyone is wearing a white hat.
I think you can expect Rempel to tone down her act a bit, or enter a convent for a while. Scheer has made it clear he doesn't like her, and the day she is demoted the good ol' boys will be guzzling champagne at Conservative headquarters. She's too dumb to understand that she'll always be a Liberal or a Lieberal as far as they are concerned.
hi anon...what do you expect from a guy who would link the Danforth shooting to the Little Mosque on the Prairie, and can't even spell prairie? That's a bigot and a cretin, so we can't expect him to have a moral compass. All you can do is shake your head, and use him as an example of the moronic nature of most Cons...
Hi anon...I have been chronicling the descent of the Cons from moderately right-wing Canadian party to treasonous right-wing extremist tea baggers for over ten years, so nothing surprises me except the complacency of so many Canadians. The Cons are now more American than Canadian and must be treated accordingly...
Hi anon...I don't want to encourage violent behaviour, but I must admit the shot of that ridiculous bigot sitting in a fountain still holding up his ridiculous sign had me howling with laughter. But yes, who would take a sign like that to a memorial? Answer: only a diseased Con. And they should keep their ugliness to themselves before they infect others...
hi Jackie...yes the party of Diefenbaker has fallen a long way. And the main reason is because for so long it was the party of Harper. He made the party in his own vile image, and it's still his party, and as Canadian as a three dollar bill. Harper imported the worst characteristics of the Republicans and Scheer is only following his master and trying to turn us into Trumpland North. Good luck with that one...
Hi lagatta...I find it sickening to see how the massacre of those poor Muslims has been so quickly forgotten at least in the rest of Canada. And hate speech in Canada is out of control. We need to bring in the same laws they have in Britain, where hate mongers who start blubbering bigotry in the streets are quickly arrested. And professional bigots like Ezra Levant and his syphilitic Rebel would have been put out of business long ago. The idea that hate speech is free speech is an American idea, and look at them now...
Hi RT...well I suppose if she sends more time in her dimly lit wine cellar, sampling one bottle after the other, Harper will eventually be revealed to her, and she will become Our Lady of the Boozers, or something like that. She clearly has a drinking problem in my opinion, and she should seek help as soon as she can...
Hi Steve...I'm sorry I don't believe any of that crap. The White Helmets have been the victims of a disinformation campaign by the Assad government and the Putin regime. As I've said many times my heroes are healers not killers. Assad is a genocidal killer, and the only reason he slanders the White Helmets is because the have witnessed his war crimes.
So if our government wants to give some of them refuge, I'm all for it...
Hi anon...it will be interesting to see what happens to Rempel. I don't think Scheer will demote her because it serves his interests to have a blond bimbo stir up racists, rather than just himself. And there are so few women in his party of dirty old white men, he can't afford to lose one of them. But if I was Rempel I'd watch my back...
It matters what leaders say. In Italy, the new Pres. and P.M. have taken the "zero tolerance" line with refugees. The result, continued attacks on people of colour, including a member of their Olympic team. (covered in The Daily Beast).
We have seen an up wards trend in racism in the U.S.A. since Trump and his racists came to office. The Cons need to shut up, especially Rempel because no good will come of it, only violence and death.
Respectfully Simon, its not always our side is right. The White Helmets were created by a former British "Player". They only operated in areas under Al Queda control with a free hand that doctors without borders, the red cross or crescent cross could not do. They received millions of funding the before mentioned could only dream about. The OPCW investigated the Sarin gas attack at Domu and found nothing. Then at the end of the day the Mossad gets them out. Just saying.... OH yeah they won an Oscar just like Leni Riefenstahl.
Simon I try to stay on topic, but today Ford outdid Harper. He made a situation where he could never be questioned in question period and there is no way to question.
This is from the US, but a really terrifying story about how rightwing conspiracy nuts can hurt a family already suffering from the murder of their little boy at Sandy Hook: https://forward.com/fast-forward/407094/family-of-sandy-hook-victim-driven-out-of-7-different-cities/?attribution=blog-article-listing-1-headline
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