It's not hard to figure out why Stephen Harper wants to visit the White House. He's been waiting for an invitation for a very long time.
And goodness knows he needs the publicity, since no Canadian Prime Minister has been forgotten by so many, so quickly.
But since we don't know what exactly Harper is going to do in Washington, and we can't trust him as far as we can spit.
Harper's sudden return is like something out of some scary Twilight Zone episode.

For until we know what he plans to say to Trump and/or or his depraved minions, no job in Canada is safe.
I'm not the only one to wonder whose side Harper might favour.
After a previous Washington visit, Harper advised clients that the Trudeau government was fighting the wrong battles over NAFTA and advised making concessions to the Americans.
But Harper should tread carefully lest he be remembered as the prime minister who couldn’t remember what side he was on. He’s not obliged to support everything the Liberal government does, but he should feel obliged to do all he can to keep Canada safe and prosperous.
Nor am I surprised that the treasonous Trumpling Andrew Scheer is
And claiming he sees a role for Harper.
Conservative leader Andrew Scheer says he believes former prime minister Stephen Harper could be helpful as Canada navigates its tumultuous trading relationship with the U.S.
When asked about Harper's upcoming meetings in Washington D.C., Scheer said; any time high-profile Canadians are promoting free trade it's a good thing.
Who he is sure will be promoting free trade, rather than suggesting ways Trump can strike back at Canada and Justin Trudeau.
While Scheer simultaneously claims that he knew nothing, nothing I tell you.
A spokesman in Scheer's office said he wasn't aware of Harper's planned meetings before media reports confirmed the trip.
And behaves like he usually does, in the presence of his master...

And really, what more can one say? Except thank goodness one shabby Con was finally defeated, and the next one will never be prime minister.
Or we would soon find ourselves halfway to becoming an American colony.
Give thanks that in this troubled time this guy is our prime minister

Speaking in Leamington, Ont., this morning, Trudeau thanked residents and Canadians for always standing up for one another and for Canadian values.
"This is who we are, we're there for each other in times of difficulty, in times of opportunity. We lean on each other and we stand strong and that's what we do from coast to coast to coast," Trudeau said.
And that we have a leader who is trying to unite us rather than divide us, unlike the scummy Cons.
One who is standing up to the bully Trump, instead of surrendering to him.
And defending our precious Canadian values, so we can keep working to make this country an even better place to live in...

Right now thanks to the Trumpling Cons, our country is in grave danger.
But I haven't the slightest doubt that we will eventually defeat them.
And that the future belongs to us...
Happy Canada Day, Simon! 🇨🇦
I don't trust Harper either. I think he's going to sell himself to the Trump gang, and suggest ways they can make things even harder for Canada and his mortal enemy Justin Trudeau. He once declared "Canada is a Northern European welfare state in the worst sense of the term, and very proud of it." He never liked this country, and stabbing it and Trudeau in the back I'm sure would be just what the doctor ordered.
I wonder if Benedict Harper was even in Canada for its birthday or maybe he quietly slithered into Washington and is now holed up at Trump's hotel. Either way, the press finding out about his little surreptitious trip must be awkward to say the least. Good. I hope he squirms like the snake that he is.
This trip can only have one intention and that is to cause JT grief for political gain while all of Canada suffers because of it. We all know there's no limit to how low Trump will go and Harper will gleefully tag along if he can sate his sick obsession for revenge against JT for thoroughly kicking his ass in 2015.
As for Scheer not knowing of this trip? Bullshit!
What I can't understand is what Harper thinks he'll get out of this. Doubt Trump, who is utterly uninterested in the world except as real estate, even knew who the former PM was.
Looks like good news from Mexico, by the way.
.. All we need to know about Harper visiting the White House
is if Ray Novak accompanied him.. The toxic twins
Of course, if Harper advises the Americans on international policy it may be to Canada's advantage. As far as I can see, he has an almost perfect record of being wrong on international affairs.
I, also, was wondering if the Trump tariffs might in the long run be a good thing for Canada. Our economy has always been far too intertwined with the US. It has worked well overall but it seems to me that more trading partners would be a good thing.
This could force us to develop a wider range of markets and suppliers. Conversely it could encourage places like the EU to concentrate on other external markets/suppliers including Canada.
VERY good news from Mexico!!!
One word: criminal.
Others? Treason, traitor, scoundrel.
Perhaps Harper will throw another tantrum and lock himself in the bathroom like he did in Brazil, with his handlers screaming "fake news" at the American media reporting it.
Or maybe not, as he only pulls stunts like that in countries governed by brown people.
mr perfect
Steve the Peeve can't lock himself in the bathroom anyway.
That's Trump's "digital strategy" office, where he has Executive Time™ after his morning McMuffin and... does his official business.
He'll just have to bring his own litter box along, and have one of his fawning lackeys lay down a fresh copy of the latest Rex Murphy or Andrew Coyne column to soak up any errant clumps. I'm sure the paper is as absorbent as its editorial staff is self-absorbed.
Holmes, Watson, and the Scooby-Doo kids can relax for awhile, because it's really no mystery at all whose side he's on. Just like Trump, the only thing Stephen Harper cares about is what's good for Stephen Harper. Narcissists, solipsists, egotists, the lot of them. Does anyone in the spineless hack media really think that if Harper or Scheer were in charge, they'd bring on Trudeau or anyone from the "enemy" Liberals to the negotiating team? Whereas Trudeau welcomed Ambrose and even the wobbling warbler Mulroney, and was quick to say that "we" — Canadians, plural, as a country and as a family — wouldn't "get pushed around" by the bully in the White House. Trudeau thinks in terms of quantum multiplicity, while Harper and Trump can only do simple, binary arithmetic. Everything is a zero-sum game, and the only equation that matters is looking out for number 1. So much for omni-dimensional chess.
Ernst Stevero Blowhard probably thinks he's going to sign on Trump as the latest "strongman" for his low-rent version of SPECTRE, just like he's doing "consulting work" for far-right scum like Viktor Orbán and who knows who else. It would indeed make for an interesting and probably very funny Canadian parody of a Bond movie, if there wasn't so much at stake for everyone involved. If and when he gets back, and doesn't seek asylum at Mar-a-Lago or redirect the flight to Moscow, I hope he's greeted by a squad of RCMP waiting to throw him in a traitor's kennel where he belongs. Lock him up.
Oh, and BTW: Kinsella's bullshit "me too" story about Trudeau at the Warped Tour 20 years ago is making the rounds again, just as Harper heads to D.C. and Scheer rattles around that half of a brain cell he has to come up with some other Dijon nothingburger "scandal" to yell about. Once again we have shades of "Bathhouse Barry" and the Bubba eruptions that ultimately played a role in derailing Hillary. Simon reported on the cons wanting to cook up a phony Weinstein narrative via social media back in January. They really are craven and desperate.
Even the reporter herself has said the editorial in the paper she worked for was overexaggerated. And when the National Shitpost says it's hot air, you know it's hot air. But, hm, perfect timing, innit? Just like when Warren and his con army floated it the last time around to wobble JT just before what proved to be a very volatile G7. Coincidence? I think not.
I suppose you're right Jackie B, but the thought of Putin's secret cameras catching these two "real men" having toddler tantrums over who gets the "executive office" and showing it on YouTube would be something not even Monty Python could dream up.
mr perfect
Consider this, its the Canada Day Nationwide holdiday and Harper decides to spend it at the Whitehouse? The media is just yawing. Oh the humanity. My family is all brainwashed by the talking point he is just a private citizen.
Reading this on Monday evening, harper has come and gone from the W.H. What was he doing there? My guess, selling out Canada and the Palestinians or some such thing.
Scheer may want to put a good spin on this, but lets remember Trudeau and the free trade committee have Mulroney with them. They don't need Harper who never was much in favour of anything which benefited Canada. He was the one who signed the trade deal with Communist China, the government of perpetual human rights abuses and selling of organs from those who oppose them.
The W.H. may also want harper to speak to Canadian corporations so they put pressure on Trudeau to cave to the Americans. Harper wasn't there to do any one any good in this country or this country. harper was a nasty piece of business as P.M. Nothing about him will have changed. He may also just want to feel important, like nobody has been interested in him since the federal election. Oh perhaps harper went there to see if they will support him in any political come back.
The W.H. most likely wanted Harper for any insights he might have an what he can do to have the Cons pick up their game in their attack on Trudeau. They may also want some support from the Cons for Trump's visit with Putin. Reports have advised Trump plans to tell Putin, "everything" after the NATO meeting. After that do not be surprised if Putin attacks Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Canada has troops there. If Scheer starts talking about bringing them home, we will know for sure. These 3 countries have a lot of ethnic Russians just as Crimea does.
The W.H. may also want to know how much support they can count on from Canada as they side with Benni the thug in Israel and how far that envelope can be pushed. The evangelical base in the U.S.A. will want Benni to stay in office and continue to destroy the Arabs. Harper who is part of the Friends of Israel or some such thing can be counted on to go along with anything Trump does or doesn't do. (I certainly support Israel, but I don't support Benni the thug or what the armed forces do to Arabs).
nice point there Jackie Blue. Warren needs to stop pretending he is a Liberal and take out his Con membership card. Its been awhile since he went and worked on Clinton's campaign. No one is paying much attention to him these days and he is desperate. Kinsella was once a "young gun" playing with the old big boys. Now he is an old man no one wants to play with, in my opinion.
once some one has been the P.M. of Canada, they may go back to being a private citizen, but they have responsibilities to not harm Canada. it has been a given former P.M.s inform the PMO if they're going to the W.H. and other places such as that.
A former P.M. is not a private person again, in the true sense.
Harper is the party of Harper. Its all about him. any one who believes the bible is inerrant and the end of days is imminent isn't the brightest light on the street.
Reema Faris @rmfaris
The only reason Stephen Harper went to the WH is to reassure the Trump regime that in the event of a @CPC_HQ victory next year, Canada will fall in line with US wants and desires. Stop being so naive! #cdnpoli
Hi UU...thank you, and I hope you had as great a Canada day as I did. Having to fight the treasonous Cons to preserve our country and its values may be a drag, but at least we can't take it for granted...
Hi anon@1:13 AM...The Cons and some in the media are trying to get us to believe that Stephen Harper will put the interests of our country before his hatred for Justin Trudeau. But needless to say I don't believe it. The White House says he asked for the meeting, so I just think he's using the Trump trade war to try to mount some kind of comeback, and needs to be told again that his day is long over...
Hi JD...Like you I don't believe that Harper isn't still seeking with rage over the way Justin Trudeau kicked his ass in 2015. So I can't see him do anything but undermine our country at his White House meeting. He asked for the meeting, they scheduled it right after our sanctions came into effect. At best the Con clown got played, at worst it's treason...
Hi Jackie...I've been trying to ignore that story, lest I give Kinsella even more publicity. But he should be ashamed of himself, he is clearly auditioning for a brand new career as a Con, and all in the media should leave that woman alone. She doesn't want to be disturbed by some clearly minor incident that happened almost twenty years ago, and her wishes should be respected. There is clearly not enough there there, and to pretend otherwise is to be a Con or a pervert...
Hi lagatta...Harper is clearly looking for some publicity to boost sales of his new book. He knows Trump probably doesn't know him from a hole in a wall, but he knows he can get a charge out of Canadians, so that's why he is doing it. Whether he also hopes to make a political comeback remains to be seen. But his ego is so great I wouldn't be surprised. He was always a legend in his own mind...
Hi salamander...yes, I was amazed to see that they are still together. And you can be sure I'll find some way to celebrate this moment... ;)
Hi e.a.f....what I find outrageous is why Kinsella is still listed on Progressive Bloggers. He's been attacking Trudeau, and praising Ford, so I think he'd be far more comfortable writing for the Blogging Tories...
Hi jrkrideau...yes, that's a good point. Before Harper became Prime Minister he had hardly travelled anywhere in the world. His foreign policy was a joke, and now he's styling himself as a veteran statesman? Gimme a break. But yes, you're right, Canada has become far too dependent on the U.S., and we should use this absurd trade war as an incentive to go looking for other markets. That way we could avoid the kind of situation we are in now, and have the last laugh...
Hi lagatta...don't get too carried away. We're talking about an old hoofer who may or may not mean what he says. And since his party has forged an alliance with an Evangelical political party, prudence is in order...
Hi anon...yes, I think you have pretty much summed up the man. Although perhaps asshole should also be considered... ;)
Hi Mr Perfect...please don't raise my hopes at the thought of Harper sitting on a gold toilet seat, and sulking because he only got Larry Kudlow instead of Donald Trump. And the secret service beating on the door. I'm afraid I might die of laughter... ;)
Hi Jackie...now that you mention it,...I wouldn’t be surprised if the White House meeting wasn’t Harper’s revenge for not being asked by the Liberals to join the NAFTA negotiating team like Mulroney. It would of course be petty, but that’s Stephen Harper...
Hi e.a.f...thanks for pointing out what so many in our brilliant media seemed to have trouble understanding. When you have been prime minister for almost ten years you are never truly a private citizen again. How literal can those Con stooges get? As for Harper’s true motives who knows? But you can be sure that all of them put Stevie before Canada...
Hi anon@6:17 AM...thanks for that. That had never crossed my mind. I’ll try to not be so naive next time. 😳
.. am I mistaken, or did the anonymous victim contact Kinsella.. and he met every request with alacrity.. nothing leaked.. her wishes honoured .. 'out her' ? He did the complete opposite. Trudeau has to step up here.. deal with it like a man.. I'm hardly impressed.. anyone who knows me.. knows I am hardcore non partisan yet detest Harper and his Reformertories. I believe 'time' is a vital element to solutions, so grant 'time to Justin Trudeau to sort himself out
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