And then goes even further.
"Any party that doesn't take the national security of Canadians seriously will never be chosen by Canadians to form the government of Canada," Harper told reporters.
As if the democratic opposition was betraying Canada and its values, like the yankee loving traitor Harper. Instead of defending them, as the New York Times points out.
"Lawmakers have only to look to the Canadian court for easy-to-follow directions back to the high ground on basic human rights and civil liberties."
As well as reminding us that Harper's demagogic and fascist argument about security is exactly the same as the one Chimp Bush used.... to try to turn the U.S. into a police state.
"That is just the sort of argument the Bush administration used to ram the excesses of the Patriot Act and the 2006 Military Commissions Act through Congress, and offered as an excuse for other abusive policies, like President Bush’s illegal wiretapping of international calls and e-mail."
The same criminal Bush administration...the one that Harper and his neocons follow so slavishly.... that in the name of the Great War on Terror is now secretly funding Al Qaeda
"According to investigative reporter Seymour Hersh, the Bush administration, with Saudi Arabia, is secretly funding radical Sunni groups - some with ties to al-Qaeda - to counter Shiite groups backed by Iran. Moreover, this is being done without any Congressional authority or oversight."

So let me get this straight..... First after they are attacked by a group of Saudi Arabian Sunni religious fanatics ....who planned 911 in a Hamburg mosque....they launch the Great War on Terror by attacking Iraq the only secular state in the region. And the one keeping Iran in check.Then they help install a Shiite Islamic republic that is really a puppet of Iran. Then they allow Israel to make heroes out of Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Now they find themselves facing a Shiite conspiracy stretching all the way from Iraq to the West Bank. So together with Saudi Arabia they start funding Sunni extremists ...some of whom have ties to Al Qaeda. The same group that triggered the Great War on Terror by attacking them in the first place.
Huh? Is that crazy or what?
Just as crazy as Harper is when he attacks the integrity of decent Canadians standing up for our precious Canadian values. While he does everything he can to destroy them.
But at least we now know how to destroy him and his ReformCon Party. By linking Great Fat Fascist Leader to Chimp Bush as firmly as these stooges are...

Every time Great Fat Leader opens his dirty fascist mouth .....real Canadians should reply by asking him why is he trying to rape the rights of women and minorities? Why is he trying to destroy the future of our children? Why is he pimping for the oil patch....instead of trying to save the planet.? Why is he trying to rig the courts by stacking them with right-wing crazies? Why is his government crawling with his crazy theocon homophobe friends? What is his hidden agenda? Why oh why does he want a majority so badly?
And above all....why is he trying to destroy our beautiful country and its values and turn us into a stooge version of Chimp Bush's Amerika?
This isn't politics any's war. It's a matter of survival.
Because until Harper and his ReformCons are deposited head first in the garbage can of history. Canada won't be Canada again.
And nobody in this country will be safe....