I must admit that for a while the situation looked bleak. The country was in an uproar, convulsing in a spasm of late winter madness.
Mohawk protesters were trying to set fire to trains, Andrew Scheer and other racists were having a field day.
And all over Canada angry old Cons were screaming at Justin Trudeau.
"Arrest them, send in the army, shoot them!!!!"
And looking like maniacs.

Stirring up hatred for crass political purposes.
Radicals are now setting fires underneath trains and trying to derail them.— Erin O'Toole (@ErinOTooleMP) February 27, 2020
Under the criminal code, this is domestic terrorism.
It’s time we restore the rule of law and get Canada working again.
Add your name if you are with me: https://t.co/PEB79TgrHN pic.twitter.com/kSd0IGZEGb
While their stooge media loudly proclaimed that Canada is broken.

In the wake of regional discontent from the western provinces and blockades jamming up the country’s rail network, a towering majority of Canadians agree with the statement, “Right now, Canada is broken.”
The poll spells bad news for Justin Trudeau with a majority of people believing that the country is not headed in the right direction and that the prime minister is not governing well. The Liberals also get most of the blame for the rail blockades.
Which of course is absurd. This is just one more reason Canada is NOT broken.
The Wet’suwet’en Nation has announced a proposed arrangement with the B.C. and federal governments to recognize its hereditary governance system in an important first step toward resolving an ongoing pipeline dispute.
The triumph of compromise over confrontation.
And it is one more reason to add to Scott Gilmore's long list.
This country is not broken. It is arguably among the least broken countries in human history. It seems like a paradox, but we continually fail and falter our way to success. We bumble along, doing everything wrong from military procurement to hockey. Our Premiers will not talk to our Prime Ministers, our economies crash and boom. Our politicians are idiots, corrupt and clueless. The media is fake. The French can’t stand the English. We’re racist and sexist. It’s too cold.
And yet—here we are. Doing pretty damn well. Better than well, actually. Incredibly, we’re doing fantastic. And the most incredible thing of all is that most of us have no idea.
I admit I can't understand why so many Canadians seem to be down on this country. I can only attribute that to the large number of old Con gobblers who infest this country, and can't separate their hatred of Justin Trudeau from their hatred of the New Canada.

But what I do know is that our country and its values have never been stronger, and for that we have to thank Trudeau...

They called him weak for refusing to give in to the Con racists and order the army to break up the barricades.
He avoided a bloodbath that would have scarred this country forever.
And for that all decent Canadians should be eternally grateful...
And had he ordered in the army these useless Cons would be screaming he's being too heavy handed. There's no appeasing these assholes, period. If we look at any given move by the Liberals, each and every one gets spun and twisted into a Con-descending attack on JT. The times he does something that benefits them, we hear nothing. They're like inconsiderate children though real children would learn from their mistakes. JT keeps trying to reach out in a bi-partisan fashion but it doesn't work and I wish he'd quit wasting his time. These useless pricks aren't worth the time of day so why bother? The country isn't broken but the Cons are trying their damndest to do so. That is why I found this so refreshing and should serve as a lesson to every divisive Con out there.
Good old Joe. Appointed for his capabilities, not his party affiliation. However, I'm guessing that what Joe is witnessing from today's toxic Conservatives is enough to turn his stomach and lead him to disown this once respected party that he led.
The only real thing that's broken here is the Harper party of ReformaCon rejects disguised as Conservatives and the only fix is to burn it down and start anew.
The barricades angered a lot of Canadians, so the pressure on Justin Trudeau must have been tremendous. Many people wanted him to order the police or the army to clear away those barricades, but didn't seem to understand that would have made the problem ten times worse. The way Scheer accused Trudeau of being weak, when he was was really being strong, should never be forgotten.
Postmedia commissions a poll from a Con-friendly Internet push pollster that had the Cons winning a majority last election cycle. Frank Graves labeled it as bullshit yet the rest of the M$M, including the decrepit Stockholm Syndrome CBC, laps it up like gospel. A self-reinforcing cycle.
Canada may not be broken, but it is suffering, if only because it has been intentionally battered by the Republican wannabe Cons and their propaganda mouthpieces setting Trudeau and the Liberals up to fail. The protesters haven't done themselves any favors in this mess, and some of their most fervent and uncompromising apologists on the far left have themselves gone too far in their condescending righteous sanctimony. If I had to read one more finger-wagging, self-congratulatory hair-shirt screed from David Moscrop I was going to punch a wall.
But even the most obnoxious of fauxgressive agitprop pales in comparison to what the Cons are doing. John Wright of Dart/Maru (formerly of Ipsos-Reid), Paul Godfrey, and every one of the hacks at the Nazionalist Post like Selley and Ivison, should be ashamed of themselves for trying to drum up a race war that could get people killed and tear the country apart. Self-selecting Internet panels have an agenda to promote and are as useless as questionnaires put out to an echo chamber of Twitter followers. Their companies should be dismantled for false advertising and incitement to hatred. What the hell is wrong with these Cons and their moneyball sympathizers? Are they some kind of psychopaths who want to see violence just so they can print headlines that say Justin Trudeau has blood on his hands? I seem to recall "if it bleeds it leads" being the ethos of Joseph Goebbels and Father Coughlin back in the day too! God damn the lying fake news media, they really are the enemy of the people.
Fiat news does not try and compete with real news, it outruns it and delivers its payload of propaganda and moves on before the real news arrives. Something like trying to gauge the intensity of a thunderstorm by listening to the amplified or muted sounds of thunder before the storm. Its insidious as eventually people loose all confidence in being able to forecast/address whats coming and in despair succumb to the ever increasing crowd of emotional crazies caught up in the amplified noise.
#ReleaseTheChretien !!!
I love that man and I wish he was my grandpa. 🙂
Hi JD...I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I once met Joe Clark, and thought he was one of the most decent politicians I have ever met. The man has class, he is a real Canadian, and makes the Cons of today look like the scum they are. Joe will make a fine ambassador, and will hopefully serve to remind the Cons of what they have lost...
Hi anon...I agree that Trudeau has handled the native protests like a real Canadian leader should. And hopefully history will recognize his courage in standing to up to those who were and still are demanding native blood. And as for the Ugly American Scheer accusing Trudeau of being weak, doughboy never looked more ridiculous..l.
Hi Jackie....The Cons are psychopaths, and the Con media couldn't be more sleazy. But all the different calamities engulfing us these days will in the long run only strengthen Trudeau, for most Canadians know the Cons are not fit to govern. Scheer and his religious fanatics are now really on the wrong side of history, and I am starting to wonder whether they will be able to stand another defeat....
Hi RT....All that you say is true. But people are beginning to recognize the dirty game the Cons are playing, and it's not as effective as it once was. Progressives also dominate social media like Twitter, and it can be used to cut the Cons off at the knees....
Hi Jackie...I'm glad to see that Chrétien has lost noe of his feistiness, and can still put the Cons and their bought media in their place. The Liberals of today can learn a lot from him. Enough with being polite, and swing for the head.,..
Hey just wondering what you are saying about the recent polls though? Some have the cons leading by 8 percent, and they're threatening to bring down the government in October?
ARI gave me a heart attack too, but I have to keep reminding myself that they're the Rasmussen of Canada. They oversample Cons by design and called the Liberals for 29 percent in the election, which leaves them down three from a number that was already off. Nanos and Léger have them statistically tied. What Nik was pushing last week on Evan's daily shoutfest was an excuse to appear on CTV and push filler. It was noise, and he's really gone downhill ever since he became a "pundit" and sold out to Conservative Television and Bob Fife's Pravda paper. As for 338, even Fournier takes ARI numbers with a heaping of salt.
BTW, I just saw this from LeanTossup, which is the best kept secret in Canadian moneyball projections. Except for maybe one or two boner calls that everybody got wrong, they have been more accurate than 338 and the (defunct?) CBC Poll Tracker. I must say I feel a lot better when Evan and Robert break down the numbers with a little bit of sanity. Find their latest here.
Yeah I know about Angus Reid but still...even nanos hast the cons at 36 percent... anyway we'll see how it will work out, but the problem IMO is that the cons do have this base of CA. 35% while liberals do not necessarily...
National toplines don't paint a full picture. Particularly when the Cons continue to run up dictatorial numbers in Wexit country and it skews everything else. Nanos does a disservice to the public by paywalling his regional numbers and then going on CTV to offer his misleading "punditry". All for what? $$$. What I have seen however is that Trudeau remains on top as Preferred PM while Scheer trails "I don't know".
338 is wading into that field of speculative "analysis" too unfortunately, and probably because they've gone corporate with Maclean's. (Think 338/538 -- Nate Silver is hit or miss too). LeanTossup cuts through the spin and breaks down the numbers by demographics. (I don't work for them. I just like their site.) Predictions are hard, especially about the future, but there will most likely not be an October election to coincide with the U.S. Not when the minority parties are flat broke and a handful of MPs don't collect their full pensions until 2021.
I have no idea what trajectory Trudeau's career decisions will take vis-a-vis the next election. Only his hairdresser knows for sure. But the rest of us can continue to work hard at debunking the M$M's gaslighting and lies, and hope that the Kenney/O'Toole/MacKay bare-knuckle UFC -- I mean UCP -- fight serves to tear the Cons apart.
Oh and P.S, JSB. A new Campaign Research is out and even they, a Con-friendly pollster, have the Liberals and Cons tied -- and their poll was conducted on February 26, the height of blockade mania. It's already over a week out of date. Online panels also tend to rate the NDP high. They always come down when an actual election occurs as people move to strategic voting habits. An election that, again, is not likely to be in October.
Coronavirus is about to take center stage and the blockades fade from the news. Which means time should heal these wounds.
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