About a week ago I ran a picture of Andrew Scheer grinning and chuckling during a debate on the Coronavirus, no doubt thinking that he could use the medical emergency to try to destroy Justin Trudeau.
But of course it's not easy to do that, not when Trudeau and his team are doing such a great job.
But on Sunday after receiving a draft of the government's emergency aid plan, he thought he saw a way to hurt Trudeau, and went for it like a spider goes for a fly.

Blocking passage of the bill by claiming it was just a "power grab."
And trying to whip it, with the help of the sleazy Con media, into yet another fake scandal.
When it was just a draft, which as David Hamer explains, could have been changed with a phone call, and is simply normal procedure.
As anyone who has ever conducted such negotiations knows, it is rare for any party to put forward as their opening position that which they hope to get at the end of the negotiation. One typically asks for more than one expects to get, and bargains backward from there.
Instead Scheer and the grotesque Pierre Poilievre made it sound like Trudeau was trying to destroy our democracy.
And the Cons even put up a #TrudeauDictatorship hashtag, fuelled by a virtual army of bots, to try to smear our decent prime minister further.
It was absolutely disgusting, and yet another crude attempt to divide Canadians.
But nobody should have been surprised, because it's like the Aesop fable of the scorpion who hitched a ride across a river on the back of a frog...

Only to sting it to death and drown with it.
The Cons also can't help themselves, it's also in their nature.
It won’t be lost on any politician in Ottawa that if an election were held tomorrow, Justin Trudeau’s Liberals would be headed for a third term.
And crass as this may sound, the Conservatives’ best hope is that the Trudeau government will fail in its efforts to contain the economic damage from COVID-19.
Andrew Scheer, the Ugly American, couldn't give a damn about the suffering of millions of Canadians, he only cares about destroying Justin Trudeau.

As he always has, and always will, even in the middle of a medical emergency.
And the good news?
It seems that most Canadians don't agree with Scheer.

They know that Trudeau is not a dictator.
We’ve been working around the clock to make sure you have what you need to stay safe and healthy. Earlier today, we passed legislation to bring in urgent economic measures - and that legislation has now received Royal Assent. Help is on the way. ➡️ https://t.co/ccOMBmN5Dq— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) March 25, 2020
They know that unlike Scheer he is a real Canadian leader.
And deserves the support of all decent Canadians...

Scheer's main complaint is that the Cons don't get to hand out oversized cheques and put up Porky Action Plan signs. Those signs are still visible around TO more than 5 years after Harper got the bums rush. I wish Trudeau would put some junior staffers on a search and destroy mission and take down those ugly reminders of past Con regimes.
Justin Trudeau has carried himself with grace throughout all of this chaos. He's been running the country from his home and single-parenting three young children, as his wife has been sick for weeks and now maybe his father-in-law is too. (I'm not sure if I heard the word "cancer" in Monday's presser? I really hope not. I hope Mr. Gregoire is ok.)
What does that lying sack of shit Scheer do? He attempts to score PR points with performative outrage by violating parliamentary privilege which is just as important to democracy. He and Skippy and Batshit and that Paper Tiger asshole Reid with help from the complicit trash media turned what should have been a brief debate session into an all-night circus. Then turn loose their bot farms to attack the prime minister as millions of people are scared, sick, dying and/or grieving loved ones, and waiting for crucial aid as the economy continues to collapse. Plus, the prime minister is in a heartbreaking family situation himself. He's human too, he's a father and a husband and he's exhausted just like everyone else. Thank the gods that Yves-Francois Blanchet recognized the stench of bullshit. Thanks for scores of real people -- not bots -- on social media who got #PassTheDamnBill trending all the way to #1 in Canada last night. And fuck Jagmeet Singh six ways to Sunday for hitching his wagon to a loser yet again. He needs to get off TikTok before he infects Canada's Internet with a computer virus from China. Put him in a quarantined Faraday cage with no wifi access. Narcissistic Desperation Party.
As for Schithead, as far as I'm concerned he can choke on a ventilator and stick a testing swab where the coronas don't shine. He doesn't deserve one iota of respect that Justin Trudeau has afforded him even despite the vile and nasty smears and vulgar attacks that this pack of wild hyenas masquerading as "defenders of democracy" has unleashed upon him and his suffering family. Amid all this abusive onslaught from the fates and his most deranged enemies, the man has the patience of Job. Antichrist Andy, the "good Christian" healing the sick, and his hypocritical Pharisees are nothing but jackasses of the apocalypse and devils in the flesh. A literal pox on all their houses.
You know who else is still around more than 5 years after Harper got the bum's rush? Potato Pete. Fuck Potato Pete. No one wants to #GoKnockDoors and run a goddamn election during the plague. Even Cons don't like him anymore because he keeps tweeting tone-deaf nonsense as people are dropping like flies. He's so fucking pathetic. He's going to lose to Toolio if he keeps up this crap. Or they'll forego the race and keep Scheer. OMG this fucking guy.
.. a must read !
Its like Hunter S Thompson returns..
Jackie, unfortunately you were correct in understanding "cancer" in French and Mr Grégoire, according to the video, has been undergoing cancer treatment for some months, which must be very hard on Sophie too, as she can't see her parents at all. I'm also concerned about Margaret Sinclair-Trudeau; while she is doing well these days as far as I know, her mental health will always remain fragile and it is sad for her as well not to see either of her surviving sons or her grandchildren.
Jackie, hope this (archive) story cheers you up a bit: https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2016/03/13/sophie-gregoire-trudeau-parents-jean-gregoire-estelle-blais_n_9451768 Estelle Blais is Sophie's maman. Women in Québec always keep our birth names for official purposes, but of course can be known socially by a hyphenated name, or sometimes (alas) only by their husband's name. There are exceptions, and of course women, married or not, can change their names, but they must go through the same process as anyone else.
By the way, saying "husband" above was NOT lesbophobic: none of my lesbian friends have erased their own name in favour of their wife's. I'm sure that a very few do, but that would because of family violence (including homophobia). I'm a middle boomer, and my slightly older gay and lesbian friends have endured horrific homophobic violence (psychological and physical) from their immediate and extended families. Thank Bastet the Cat Goddess that this is no longer so common, though there are religious fundies who would love to take societies back there.
Oh no. That's horrible. I hope he recovers. This is awful, just awful! 😰 Maggie has an autoimmune disease too, in addition to her mental health concerns which is why she's under special protective isolation. I saw her say so in an interview last month. And now Trump is rattling the sabers based on Yellow Menace BS from Fife that got picked up by FOX and Breitbart. Fife was pushing crap from Murdoch gossip rags feeding the conspiracy theory about the Trudeaus' marriage breaking down. He is not a "journalist" and should be immediately fired. He's going to get people killed with his irresponsible scandal mongering and the Globe doesn't deserve one cent from the bailout. This poor man and his whole family. They're suffering so much. They don't need any more. Shame on Scheer and Trump and Fife and the lot of them.
weak Andy should SFU. We are in a war never seen before, and JT is sure to make big mistakes, but this war must be won, we must row in one direction.
Hi anon....I have one of those porky plan signs at home that I "liberated" from a nearby vacant lot. I drew a Harper pig face on it, so I figure in 20 years it should be worth at least ten bucks...😉
Hi Jackie... The way I see it the Con leadership race couldn't be more of a circus if it had been orchestrated by Barnum and Bailey. The more MacKay and O'Toole carry on like Con clowns, the easier it will be for Trudeau to win another majority....
Hi Jackie....As I hopefully explains in my post it's just another fake scandal. Most Canadians couldn't care less about parliamentary games at a time like this one. They know Scheer only too well and have absolutely no respect for anything he says...
Hi salamander....It's a very well written article, but I'm uncomfortable with progressives who spend more time attacking each other than they do attacking the Con enemy. I like Bernie a lot, but Biden seems to have the support of most Democrats, so tearing him down will only help Trump...
Hi Steve....My feelings exactly, if we are going to win this war we must all row in the same direction...
Hi lagatta....Thanks for answering Jackie's question. I feel sorry for Sophie, and hope that Margaret Trudeau, who I adore for her warmth and her humanity, is also OK during this trying time. Seb and I are in a very dangerous place, and the shadow of death hangs over us, but we are not afraid and we will survive...
The "power grab" was just manipulating them into being against giving the government carte blanche, in case some day the cons are in power during a future emergency and try to do exactly that.
Simon and Jackie, I forgot to answer your Mr Grégoire's age question: he turned 77. Sophie is 44 now.
Seb et Simon, bon courage et tenez bon!
Yes but I have heard that Justin cracks his breakfast egg at the big end. The horrors of having a Big-Endian leading Canada.
Sorry about that, I seemed to be changeling Erin l'Toole there for a moment.
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