As you know, Pierre Poilievre has been running away from the new Con convoy which is now preparing to occupy Ottawa again.
I thought he had finally learned that his close relationship with the convoy terrorists had many decent Canadians turning away in disgust.
And who can blame them?
With the so called Canada Day Convoy pumping out tweets like this one.
But yesterday all of that changed, when Poilievre suddenly crawled out of the closet.
And was seen with the renegade soldier James Topp and his gang of far-right supporters, marching along like some kind of self styled militia group,
Federal conservative leadership candidate Pierre Poilievre is marching with James Topp. @ctvottawa @CTVNews
— Jeremie Charron (@JCharronCTV) June 30, 2022
Before scuttling away to get into his car, conveniently hidden behind a Pyro Bob billboard.
It was a disgusting, deeply disturbing spectacle.Poilievre shakes hands with Paul Alexander, ex-White House advisor who has consistently called for public health officials to be put on trial for crimes against humanity.
— Justin Ling (@Justin_Ling) June 30, 2022
Answer: because his bitter rival Maxime Bernier was also planning to march with Topp.
Marching to Ottawa with James Topp. We won’t tolerate more authoritarian covid mandates!
— Maxime Bernier (@MaximeBernier) June 30, 2022
En marche vers Ottawa avec James Topp. Nous ne tolérerons plus d’autres mesures covid autoritaires! #CanadaMarches
And Poilievre was desperate to try to make sure that he didn't lose a single far right vote to Bernier.
I suppose it was inevitable. But it promises to be a horrifying, deeply disturbing spectacle, for some of those kooky Cons are clearly dangerous:

Some of them really do dream of overthrowing the Trudeau government, and killing the Prime Minister, and they must be arrested and jailed for sedition.
Others like Tamara Lich are simply pathetic.
Freedom Convoy leader Tamara Lich will remain in custody over the Canada Day weekend after she was arrested this week for allegedly breaching her bail conditions.
She appeared on video from an Ottawa police cell, wearing a grey sweatshirt with the words "Freedom Over Fear" printed on it.
While others are just disgusting...
Like so many in this bizarro Con cult, they just can't help themselves.An impassioned speech by Barrie Thong Man.
— Caryma Sa'd - Lawyer + Political Satirist (@CarymaRules) June 30, 2022
It’s a shame to see the Canadian flag defiled in this manner, but can’t say I’m not grateful for the bun coverage. #cdnpoli #CanadaDay2022
The police have made it clear that the dirty dirties will not be allowed to defecate all over the place like they did last time.
For if given half a chance they would bury us in their excrement.
But even the Con cheerleader Robyn Urback called yesterday's fascist parade "A Liberal attack ad being made in real time."And for once she was right.
For no matter what he says or does, from now on Poilievre will always be associated with the trucker terrorist movement.
The stench of fascism will follow that dirty little man wherever he goes.
And sooner or later, it will destroy him and his ugly Cons.
Our Canada is a beautiful peaceful country...
We will defend it with our lives if necessary.
And the terrorist Cons will never have it.
Happy Canada Day everybody !!!!
Watching that first video I kept expecting Skippy to break into "Young man, there's no need to feel down, I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground..." But then, uplifting isn't really his shtick, even when surrounded by a bad Village People act.
Hi anon... I admire your imagination, but what struck me about Poilievre in that video were his cold dead eyes, which are the mark of that cold hearted psychopath. He is unable to project any warmth, because he is a cold cruel man. He is truly Harper's Baby, and what he might do to this country and its people if he should ever become Prime Minister is too horrible to even think about. Luckily, his far right campaign is a bust, at least so far, so we will never know what atrocities he might have committed. Thank goodness, and vive le Canada !!!!
Happy Canada Day to you too, Simon. I have to admit, I didn't think even Skippy would be so stupid as to give the Liberals even more free attack-ad material for the eventual campaign. I guess he must figure they'll be too nice to use it or had already run out of drive space. What was it Trump said of the seditionist thugs? "They won't hurt me"? Another craven sociopath who only looks out for himself. See also: "Stand back and stand by."
But speaking of Le Donald, and as you mentioned, "Harper's baby," considering the fact that he gladly shook hands with some nutcase wearing a shirt with the "Justin Castro" birther conspiracy, and his WEF/NWO cultists are convinced that "Freeland's Nazi grandfather" is either George Soros or Klaus Schwab, maybe we should start a rumour about Skippy being Harper's or Trump's bastard child. I do my own research, as the saying goes: the reason why Damien "The Omen" Poilievre douses his hair with so much Ethical Oil™ from God's righteous tar sands is to cover up the "666" etched in his scalp.
PP's picture with Topp says it all, two smug POS looking for attention. Their protests have nothing to do with mandates and everything to do with stoking more hatred towards JT. PP knows he'll never beat JT in a free and fair election so he's hoping one of his deranged followers will take him out for him. That's what cowards do. Get someone else to do the dirty work for him. Case in point, Trump. If that big orange shitpile somehow evades going to jail I'd say America is truly fucked. We however, are not. PP's ties to the far right and his trumpism will keep him from ever getting elected PM and along the way he may find himself in a court of law for his treasonous behavior. Giving aid and comfort to the enemy, domestic or otherwise is treason after all and up to not that long ago punishable by hanging. Firing squad would also suffice. Now there's a fireworks show I would pay to see. Happy Canada Day Simon, everyone!
Hi Jackie....Happy Honorary Canadian Day !!! We are lucky to have neighbours like you. I wasn't really surprised that Poilievre had to come out, after I read that Bernier and his losers were having an all day picnic at a nearby park. So much of his campaign has been aimed at attracting Bernier's supporters him and Jenni must have been freaking out. So marching with Topp must have seemed like the perfect photo-op. Nobody has ever called Poilievre a genius, except for a few deadbeats in the media. But I agree he would make a great Damien in a b-movie remake of the Omen. What a freak, God help the Cons...
Hi JD...Happy Canada Day !!! I was watching a video of Justin Trudeau and his family arriving at the festival site, and I was struck, as was the reporter, that there were no boos only cheers. As there should be, the man is doing an amazing job as Prime Minister. The poor Cons must be so envious. When they stare at Trudeau their pointy Con ears must start ringing with the sound of "Four More Years !!!" They are so pathetic. However, I was also struck by the number of security people with him, for that is what those degenerate Cons have done to our peaceful country with all their depraved threats. We're not just fighting to keep the Cons out of power, we're fighting for a whole way of life. And that's why we are going to win...
Hi Conchella 5:35PM....What part of no don't you understand. I said I would be deleting all Con comments, and I mean what I say. You will have to send your comments to The Rebel if you want them published. So sorry, not sorry. Happy Conada Day loser....
The problem is the 413 Hwy, the supreme court in the USA and P Penis. Sooner or later they get into power and the world suffers for their greed and cruelty.
Hi Steve....I realize I am in full summer mode, and in a great mood, but I truly believe that things are not as gloomy as you believe. Highway 413 will damage Ford, along with his nepotism. The Supreme Court in the U.S. will give the Democrats a better chance of making real progress in the upcoming elections. And as for Poilievre, he just made sure he will NEVER get into power. His campaign is freaking out after his Nazi walk, and PP is crawling around on all fours with his mouth wide open. The reaction has been brutal, an wait until you see the videos. So cheer up, we're in a marathon not a sprint, and we are going to win....
Sadly I couldn't get down to LeBreton Flats for the fun as I am a 24-7 care provider; that said, it was great seeing Sophie, Justin, Ella-Grace (having a little trouble with her heels, :-) ) and Xavier joining the fun as well. Loving seeing Mary Simon giving us some needed Indigenous presence as well.
Best of all? People were having a good time, just chilling and being, shall I be trite, Canadian? While on the Hill, vermin festered and rats scurried to and fro, without the attention they so deeply wanted. And what can you say about the Rat King, Pierre Poilievre, as he got his photo op with the seditious J***S T*** and then went home, undesireous to be seen with anyone that can't bring him votes.
And yes, Simon, it is finally a nice July...and a better summer ahead.
Take care! Pride month is over but we'll always be proud of you and your great graphics on this site! :-)
Oh, and Jackie, grab a few bags of milk and come join us already!
The idiots started in Bell's Corners and walked to Parliament Hill. How many made it? That's got to be 10 or 15km of mainly residential streets. Should be good for a lot of Liberal and NDP votes in the area if Polievre actually becomes the leader of the CPC.
And Robyn Urback is right. Polievre is auditioning for Liberal attack ads. A few clips of him advocating for bitcoin just as the market tanked should go well too.
Hi Pierre…..I wish I could have attended the Canada Day party. I watched a lot of both shows on TV, and they looked so nice and so Canadian, and such a contrast with the ugly Con convoy scumbags. I was also impressed by the Prime Minister and his family braving all the ugly threats to join in the fun. And of course I was absolutely disgusted by Pierre Poilievre’s little fascist photo-op. Who does he think he is? Who does he think we are? But the main thing is he couldn’t ruin the party, and him and his slimy gang showed us once again why they are unfit to govern this country…
Hi jrkrideau…..I thought it was disgusting that the convoy goons would choose to march through a residential area, even though I’m sure many of the people who live there were traumatized by their loutish behaviour last winter. But as you point out, alll of that will make great attack ads. He isn’t even Con leader yet, and he is already alienating people left and right. Thank you Pierre, keep up the good work !!
In retrorospect, and that is by far the best spect.
I live inCanad and I went to get a burger from Adam kYAKE GUY. I never heard a single Celione son there/
So I talk to Tom the Chief of Staff or something. I give him full props he was a beast, with people like this on our side we will never loose in the long run.
I axe Tom about the high price of gas and what he is going to do about it. I break into his pattern talk to Adam and lets set up an interview. Tom you do not know anything about the NEP. TOm do you know where Norway is, and what they have in the bank. He says I am not well versed in Boomer logic but if you talk to Adam he will answer these stupid historical quesition like he paddeld a kayak, never going to tip over and if he does he will do that flip; thing efforstlyu and imerge from the drink with water flowining from his face like Neptune.
There is some sense to my history. First is the the Liberals should be saying we had the NEP, Norway has cashed in and the onlyl reason Canada is not only the best place to live but not the richest place is Conservative Thought. Privatize
and let the scum fleece us all because we are really close to sheep, we are between German Shepard and Labrador retrievers
in a war with Pit Bulls. It should not be like this, but colour revolution has come to CaNADA. Labradors have no currency there.
You can trace the ancestry of this BS from Harper to Morton and Knopff to Walter Berns all the way back to Leo Strauss. Insidious shit.
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