In my last post I looked at Trump's frenzied assault on the media. And I wondered whether he was crazy or evil.
Well now we know that he is both.
After he posted this deranged tweet.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 2, 2017Because now he's been accused of encouraging attacks on journalists.
Donald Trump was on Sunday accused of encouraging his supporters to attack journalists, after he tweeted a video of himself at a pro-wrestling event throwing to the floor a man with a CNN logo for a head.
In its statement on Sunday, CNN said: “It is a sad day when the president of the United States encourages violence against reporters.
“Instead of preparing for his overseas trip, his first meeting with Vladimir Putin, dealing with North Korea and working on his healthcare bill, he is instead involved in juvenile behaviour far below the dignity of his office. We will keep doing our jobs. He should start doing his.”
And really what more can you say except is THIS a president?

And of course, how soon can he be removed from office?
And sent to the place he truly belongs...

And to think people are ready to burn Trudeau at the stake for getting nervous and forgetting Alberta. The man has more class in his pinky fingertip than the unhinged kayfabe sucker-puncher. He didn't even let loose on Levant and Sun Media, just snubbed them like he's smartly doing with Trump (news flash, Donald: Trudeau is NOT your "new found friend." He's not your friend at all; he's disgusted by you, and is just biding his time and being the typically polite Canadian until he doesn't have to deal with your sorry behind anymore).
G20 is going to be a real hoot. Putin must have a bellyache from all the popcorn he's eating, watching his puppet torch the USA from within. The rest of us in the States have a bellyache from nonstop vomiting. We're violently allergic to all this "winning."
The chatter is that Washington Post is going to drop a huge story before the G20. I hope it's true.
Putin must have a bellyache from all the popcorn he's eating, watching his puppet torch the USA from within.
Are you joking?
Putin and the rest of the Russian cabinet are probably living on vodka and Prozac. The Orange Chito is talking about the possibility of another sarin attack and US retaliation in Syria (Hint the odd are very good there was no first sarin attack) and Trump has not the knowledge, the background or the intelligence to realize his implications of his act. Most of his so-called advisors are just as ignorant of international affairs.
Even Cold-War Hilary would have been better.
The media and unanchored celebrities are a destructive combination. It usually starts with the individual manipulating the media for personal gain but slowly the balance of power shifts with the person pulling increasingly bizarre stunts until the inevitable collapse occurs. Then its off to rehab, the ward or in extreme cases the morgue.
From a distance its not possible to tell if this is the case or something far more sinister is in progress. It is evident that Trump-A-Cons are neither Republicans nor Democrats and that he is deliberately lowering public expectations for the Office of the President as well as the expected standards for the person in the office. The same is true for most of the other government institutions, for example pro Republicans in the state department celebrated the election win only to find that the department is being gutted in a mindless manner. The Republicans and Christian fundamentalists are so busy wetting themselves over the fact that he will sign any bill they bring forward and the Democrats are so busy strategizing on how to beat them in 2018 that both fail to notice that he is eating the system/country from the inside out. Everything else is just a distraction to keep the main parties and the media in a state of turmoil until he (his puppet masters?) is ready to replace them with a "modern day" democratic (feudal) system.
I prefer the crazy media fueled scenario but his combat record stands at 2:0 and there is no sign his opponents have changed their strategy. All it would take is a temporary caution flag to get the crap off the track and then resume the race. There was a glimmer of this after the senator was shot but Trump just doubled down on the crazy tweets and all was quickly forgotten. Options are running out as 3:0 is the end of game and every additional day he spends in office increases his chances being able to deliver the final serve on his terms.
What are you snorting? trump is putin's little bitch.
Two people who are not distracted by the tweets: Eric Schneiderman and Robert Mueller.
Simon, read this. A good comparison to the current situation and Watergate
Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough respond to Trump's tweets
Joe details events of National Enquirer story
Backlash grows after Trump’s Twitter attack
'He punches when he feels cornered'
As Trump wages war on the media, the echoes of Erdogan grow louder
The Fascist Reality of Trump’s Assault on the Media
On July 15, demonstrations across the country will demand: The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO!
hi neighbour...Yes I know that Alberta story really is ridiculous. The Cons in this country are so desperate they will try anything to try to hurt Justin Trudeau, only to shoot themselves in their paws, and make Trudeau even more popular. As for your country, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you will eventually dislodge that orange growth from your body politics. And the day you do you will hear most Canadians cheering you...
hi anon...oh goody, nothing like getting the G20 going with a bang. And I don't think Trump can take more stress without exploding. So it will be practically a fireworks show !!
hi RT...yes, you're right as usual. All those distractions are hiding the real story. And to me that story is Trump's attempt to silence the media, and his attempt to suppress the vote. But I'm more optimistic than you are. The Watergate scandal took time to bring down Richard Nixon. And Trump's bizarre behaviour will catch up with him sooner or later. Whether he's crazy or not, he is clearly unfit to be president, and I'm still hoping for a massive breakdown, that will allow Congress to invoke the 25th Amendment and ship him out feet first...
hi anon...thanks for the link, it was just what I was saying to RT. It took a while for the Watergate scandal to bring down Nixon. But the drip drip of scandal finally wore away his defences, and when the end came, it came quickly...
hi anon 10:46...yes, Mueller looks like a man who is not easily distracted, and I wouldn't be surprised if his steely gaze is causing Trump to meltdown...
hi David...thanks for the links. You provide an incredible research for me and this blog's readers to enjoy, and I am grateful. I almost wish I wasn't leaving for Europe this week, so I could cross the U.S. border and take part in those demonstrations...
This is how the Nazis started. This is how Putin runs the show as does every other dictator. Attack and vilify the press. Just crack open a couple of history books and you will find Bannon's play book. This all has Bannon's "ham fisted fine hand" in it.
If Trumpf is impeached, or jailed, what then? We have to deal with a savvier politician in Mike Pence, who has a far right Christian agenda and the political power to ram through some very odious pieces of legislation. We also have Trumpf supporters who have been subjected to the idea that he is a person who can clean up Washington, is being falsely attacked by the media and "elites", and has done much to improve the economic situation in the US. In light of the ignorance factor fostered by the far right and conservative media, will these violent, ignorant, armed bigots accept the fall of Trumpf or will they take the 2nd amendment to heart and revolt against an attack on the security of the free state, as they define it.
Have a wonderful holiday Simon but please be careful, you're our national Treasure and we need you. No one else calls out the Harper Party on their continual crap like you do and your gentle reminders of the years of misery they inflicted on our great country are necessary to never letting them occupy our great land again. ❤️ You Simon. ( ThankYou for banning the horrible racist bigot mc) Sebastian, don't let him do anything crazy like sky diving😆 Sunny Ways and Happy Independence Day to our Neighbors and especially to The Resistance, We understand their pain on this day. Pamela ❤️🇨🇦
Hi Pamela.... Thanks for your sweet note. And don't worry Seb is coming with me, and he won't let me even ride a tricycle. But that's OK, I'm planning to take it easy this year, and just hang out at the beach, or play soccer, or camp out at the local fish and chip shop ;)
And yes I certainly don't miss the racist bigot MC. He's been sending me the most disgusting comments but as soon as I read them I delete them...
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