I thought Justin Trudeau did a great job of presiding over the Canada Day festivities in Ottawa, as well as representing the spirit of the new generation.
But as you probably know, he made a small mistake.
To celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau gave a speech to a cheering crowd in Ottawa Saturday, highlighting the diversity and kinship of all the provinces and territories. However, he failed to mention one major Canadian province in his speech — Alberta.
And even though he quickly apologized, the ghastly Cons and other Trudeau haters in this country tried to turn it into a big deal.

With the grubby Jason Kenney trying to make it sound like Trudeau had deliberately ignored the cowboy province.

And all but inciting other Albertans to attack Trudeau and his family as only they can...

While Michelle Rempel was quick to jump on the chuckwagon, or the bandwagon.
Conservative MP Michelle Rempel, who represents a Calgary riding, wasted little time seizing the moment.
"On the day we celebrate unity, on the day we celebrate the things that make us better because we're a strong and united country, he forgot our province," Rempel says a video she posted to Facebook.
"You know what? I don't care what political stripe you are, I don't care how you vote. At the end of the day, if we're going to celebrate the things that unite us, we cannot forget this province."
In a desperate attempt to let Canadians know that she's still around...
And hasn't drunk herself silly, after her leadership ambitions went absolutely nowhere.
But at least Rempel, Kenney, and all the other ugly Albertans had some reason to feel ignored.
If NOT to cry like babies. WAAAAAAH !!!
Especially since their Great Leader Stephen Harper ignored every province but Alberta for almost ten long years...

But what can explain this absurd tweet from Ontario's Con clown Lisa Raitt?
So I hear @JustinTrudeau forgot to mention the province of Alberta. Well played Prime Minister. pic.twitter.com/BS5n3l3TlQ— Lisa Raitt (@lraitt) July 1, 2017
When she is the last person to attack anyone for something they said or didn't say, after having famously declared that "cancer is sexy."

Cancer survivors and their supporters say they're astounded Natural Resources Minister Lisa Raitt would describe the shortage of isotopes used in cancer tests as a "sexy" issue.
They are demanding she either resign – or be fired – for making what they describe as a cold, selfish political calculation that involves people who are suffering.
Has she no shame, and when is she planning to stick HER head into a bee hive?

But yes, aren't those Trudeau haters pathetic?
They tried to ruin Canada's birthday with their cheap partisan politics.
They really are the scum of the earth.
And my beautiful Canada does NOT include them...
I used to think that Quebec was the high maintenance, whiney little bitch province, but Alberta has proven to walk around with a perpetually filled, shitty diaper. Such fucking whiners. Waaaaaaaaaaa!
Thanks Simon for your Opinion! As a Proud Albertan, and a Canadian Tax Payer, let me say this: My Beautiful, Inclusive, Loving, Canada Does not include, Small, Petty, Ugly Minded People Like You! Go In Peace! Truly, Try to be a Better Person.
Unfortunately, Brenda, it appears that the small, petty, ugly-minded people are living amongst the many great people of Alberta.
It was a total tempest in a teapot, but believe it or not the Washington Post ran a big article on it, so we all looked as petty as those Albertans. When they were rich they swaggered around bad mouthing all the other provinces. Now they're not so rich they expect the rest of us to care about them. Right.
The pen is mighty and the sword is shallow, and reporting verbal miscues are ridiculous news.
IMHO it was a large mistake, Simon. At a time when the federal Government should be forging closerties with the provinces, and the provinces should be looking for unity amongst our populace, a large segment of Canada was ignored by the PM. To belittle Albertans for being touchy on this issue does not promote either unity or the reality of how important Alberta is to the rest of Canada.
That said, again the Conservatory leadership show that they are worse than a Trudeau mistake, in that they would deliberately promote disunity in favor of pure partisan politics.
Simon JT immediately apologized for his oversight, but Conservatives don't acknowledge or apologize for any of their many misdeeds. They are only capable of blowing dog whistles for enraging their ill informed base. BTW, in Kenny's map he slurred BC'ers by referencing it as "British Solumbia". RG
Lisa Raitts was at least funny. The others not so much.
so he forgot, he apologized and let it rest there. You'd think the Alberta politicians might have at least remembered the two new Canadian astronots are from Alberta.
It was not big deal. If politicians and others want to turn it into a big deal, then they don't have enough work to do.
Hi anon....you shouldn't generalize. Quebec is a proud province and so is Alberta. My quarrel in this case is with the small minority of whiners who tried to ruin our 150th birthday party by making a mountain out of a mole hill...
Hi Brenda....you can climb down from your soap box, and follow your own advice. I'm not attacking the entire province of Alberta. I'm criticizing the small, petty, ugly minded people who tried to use a verbal slip to divide us on our birthday. Now go in peace and try to be a better person....
Hi UU4077....thanks for helping Brenda understand what Inwas trying to say. Maybe I wasn't clear enough, or maybe she was trying.to do to me what other Cons tried to do to Trudeau. Maybe if I hadn't been in such a good mood, I wouldn't have been so irritated by that nonsense....
Hi anon....I saw that Washington Post story just as I was finishing my post, and I just didn't have the energy to include it. But you're right, Kenney, Rempel and the others only made us look petty in the eyes of others. When will those Cons start acting as big and as noble as the country itself?
Hi Steve....I'm not saying that the media shouldn't have reported Trudeau's boo boo, but making a big deal out of it, after he was obviously embarrassed and quickly apologized, is just asinine...
Hi GS....you are entitled to your opinion, but I disagree. It was just a verbal slip,and making it sound like it was deliberate, does more damage to national u it's than anything else. It was definitely embarrassing but it was not malicious. I think Trudeau has sacrificed a lot of political capital to try to please Alberta, even though the province is politically speaking enemy territory. And nothing he does will ever stop many Albertans from hating him with a passion. It's sad but I very much doubt that this country will be united 20 years from now...
Hi RG....thanks for pointing out Kenney's spelling mistake. I hadn't noticed it and it's hilarious. And so soon after Andrew Scheer put out a poster declaring that he BELEIVES in free speech i.e. hate speech. Those Cons aren't just evil, they're illiterate...
Hi e.a.f...Raitt was a bit more creative than the others, but it was still so pointless and cheap. And for someone who is supposed to be associated with the "liberal" wing of the Cons, Raitt has always had a vicious streak. But then of course she was totally humiliated by her dismal showing in the Con leadership race, so maybe she's just a bitter....
And if Harper had forgotten Quebec......oh I am sure you would totally forgive that one.
Simply put, their reaction was incredibly petty and pathetic.
hi anon... As much as I despised Harper I would not have made a big deal out of a verbal slip, lest I ended up looking like an idiot. I might have had a chuckle, but I would not have imbued it with sinister meaning. How could any sane person do that?
hi JD...yes, I can't see how any rational person could call it anything but petty and pathetic. But the Cons are desperate to try to put a dent in Justin Trudeau's popularity, and they will try anything, even if it makes them look like idiots, and makes Trudeau even more popular...
Much ado about nothing. It's not exactly like the Cons have paid much attention to my province and my region either. Case in point, Fort Mac's MP is a ghost. Seriously, even a massive wildfire wouldn't motivate the schlep to have more media presence or communicate what was going on. I felt completely abandoned by the ass.
It was not malicious on Trudeau's part, I am sure, I referred to the semantics of how it looks and can be played by the opposition. It may a costly mistake due to Justin being criticized so harshly by the Conservatories in Alberta, a mistake that I think will be promoted by his political opponents in the months to come. IMO the Conservatives are so power mad they will promote the destruction of Canada if they are not in control of it.
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