As you know Andrew Scheer and his Cons returned to Parliament determined to pound Justin Trudeau into submission by asking him the same question over and over again.
But the Liberals frustrated that dastardly plan by having their House Leader Bardish Chagger reply instead, as she did again yesterday.

Which strangely enough seemed to catch the Cons by surprise.

Left Scheer looking half comatose, with one of his eyes twitching furiously.
And frustrated them enormously, for obvious reasons...

As one Con after the other came charging at the Liberals like the Light Brigade and anger turned to farce.

With the Cons howling like wolves, and the Speaker threatening to cut Question Period short.
Until Scheer and his House Leader Candice Bergen were left looking like idiots..

But then it wasn't just their failure to bully Trudeau into submission that had the Cons howling.
It was also this poll.
In our first survey of 2018, the Liberals have the support of 39% of decided voters compared with 32% for the Conservatives and 18% for the NDP.
The Liberals have a 3-point lead in Ontario, a 25-point lead in Quebec, and a 6-point lead in BC. In November, we noted gains for the NDP in BC. However, since then, we have seen a return to a Liberal lead with the Conservatives in second.
For it couldn't be more devastating, and suggests that their ghastly attempt to portray the Prime Minister as a crook, couldn't be failing more miserably.

With the Liberals leading in most regions of Canada, enjoying the support of most millennials.

The ones who will almost certainly determine the result of the next election.
With government approval on the rise almost everywhere in Canada.

And Justin Trudeau almost twice as popular as Andrew Scheer.
Impressions of Mr. Trudeau’s are a little bit above where they were when he won the October 2015 election, as 47% today say they have a positive view of the PM, 31% a negative impression. Mr. Scheer, has an equal number of positive opinions (24%) as negatives (25%).
Which suggests that the Con campaign of personal destruction is going nowhere.
The numbers also are another reminder that attacking Justin Trudeau has not proven hugely successful. Conservatives need to advance ideas appealing to more younger and urban voters and speak to issues they’ve been hesitant on in the past, such as climate change.
Strongly suggests that the writing is on the wall.
As Parliament resumes this week, the federal Liberals are doing as well as they did near the end of 2017. Their support is where it was at the 2015 General Election, almost half of Canadians approve of the federal government, and almost half would prefer the Trudeau government be re-elected.
And that as I pointed out yesterday, also strongly suggests that Trudeau and his Liberals are on the way to another big election victory.

And while I hate repeating myself like the loser Cons.
All I can say is, I love the sound of Cons wailing like babies in the morning.
And of course wowser, wowser, wowser.
What a Prime Minister.
And what a Con clown....

Yup Trudeau is doing a great job. Wish he would try and help the South African farmers though. I should write my MP...
January 2013:
[Over the past month,] the Conservatives increased their support by five points to 36%, a statistically significant lead. The NDP was unchanged at 28%, while the Liberals were down two points to 25%.
The Conservatives led in Ontario, where they were up six points to 40%. The NDP and Liberals were tied at 27% in the province. The Tories also led in Alberta with 63%, while the New Democrats jumped nine points to 20% and the Liberals placed third with 11%.
In British Columbia, the Conservatives were narrowly ahead with 40% to 36% for the NDP. The Liberals fell eight points to 15%. The Tories also had the advantage in the Prairies, with 49% (+13) to 33% for the NDP and 11% for the Liberals.
The Conbots were crowing about those results, predicting another glorious Harper majority. We all know how that turned out.
Moral of the story: "there's many a slip twixt cup and lip."
Simon.....I do read All your posts.....Does anyone know exactly what Scheer's policies are?
It really shows how far the CON have fallen and how few ideas they have that all they can do is repeat the same question, as if anyone cared about this beyond a point of order (Yes, the visit to the Aga Khan should have been cleared, punishment meted, moving on...) and now, Michelle Rempel will be the next Prime Minister, according to Warren Kinsella. Poor Warren, I usually think he's quite cogent but Rempel is an attack dog of the highest order, and would not know civility if it offered itself in an envelope....
The Cons are indeed turning our parliament into a circus. As if there weren't more important issues to debate. It is good to know though that their disgraceful behaviour isn't being rewarded.
Like I said earlier: he's auditioning for the lead role in Groundhog Day 2. A sequel to a remake airing 100 times over in reruns. Simon, you should do an illustration of Andy the Clown pedaling his tricycle around and around in a circle. "Tri-cycle" -- a three-ring circus, absurdist theater in the round. Or as a hamster running on a treadmill. Hey, maybe that can be Hamster Marshall instead! Going over the same track over and over again. A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Scheer's entire candidacy and the Crappers' whole (nonexistent) platform is such a dead-end, I'll bet that Twin Peaks campaign ad was filmed on a cul-de-sac...
Dear Simon,
That's an old fashioned way to address you, I know. But I do feel real affection for you as I have read your blog for many years and have participated here in the comments section from time to time.
Please, please, please devote some time to the Ontario PC meltdown. I know that's not your bailiwick. But...
1. Patrick Brown, a former MP, was booted from the leadership of his party, by his Party Executive without "due process". It bothers a lot of Cons that he didn't do anything criminal but his career is ruined.
2. Nobody in the Con camp seems to understand that their criticism should be directed at their beloved PC party executive, not the media, not the justice system, their own party.
3. The new leader, Vic Fedeli, has just started a probe into the nearly 200,000 new "members" of the PC party that appeared during the Patrick Brown/Rick Dykstra era. Let's see, 200k * $10 per membership is about 2 million dollars in fraudulent party memberships! And the party has already lost a lawsuit about voter fraud in the nomination process. That's grand larceny even if it isn't quite $2 million.
4. As you, and Yvonne noted there has been an enormous push to distract from this "rot" as Fedeli put it in the Ontario Progressive Conservative party. The cons are trying to bring Trudeau down. And they have media collaborators. I know you don't care for Warren Kinsella but you should see the libellous comments on his site. They're full of malicious rumours aimed at prominent Liberals and progressives. He's done nothing to moderate the hate. But then he's been an employee of the Sun empire and other rightwing enterprises for years.
This attack on Trudeau is cover for what is happening in Ontario. And you've been here long enough to know that there is no way to govern the country without Ontario.
Liberals are not progressive enough for me. I will not stop til full on communism.
OK, spoiler purist. Gee, I didn't know Susan Sarandon was Canadian. Say hi to St Bernard for me, and Dr Jill the wi-fi vaccination expert.
Спасибо, товарищу. Владимир Путин высоко оценивает ваш вклад в партию. Сделайте Канаду отличной еще раз!
Their official platform is a little vague but you just need a little deductive reasoning to figure it out. A political party needs money and votes to gain and maintain dominance. In addition to normal contributions the easy money for the Cons rests with industries that will be adversely affected by strict climate change regulations especially carbon pricing that will cost the oil sands a few trillion over the life of the project. A few billion here a few billion there and presto climate change legislation is turned into a paper tiger.
Votes are a different matter. The white Christian voter base is in serious decline due to age and lack of replacement babies. A free secure voting population where everyone is involved and equal is a death sentence so they need to embrace the tools that weaken society and allows then to centralize power. The full tool kit is long and uncontrolled release would result in too much shock to our society. The best ones to start the weakening process is lower taxes, mixed in with a few divisive divide and conquer issues and a little externalized fear to act a glue. Lower revenue pushes the burden down to the provinces, creates infighting and less government oversight gives a free pass to crony capitalism. A win-win for the Cons.
So there is the main platform.. raise funding by turning climate legislation into a paper tiger, weaken society through lower taxes and augment it with divisive us against them issues. For good measure add a sprinkling of fear and suspicion while marginalizing target groups through a whole host of dirty little tricks. These actions pay big dividends in the long run as they are still free to vote but either don't vote or have no one that truly represents them to vote for.
Its understandable why their platform is a little vague but necessary for those committed to retaining the power base as it was before the population decline started. The trouble is the demographics are not going to reverse so its a case of pay me now or eventually pay me later. It is usually better to pay up front as the interest charges can be very painful in the end.
Hi anon@12:23...I'm not sure what you are talking about. Are you referring to the drought? If so I don't know what we can do, but if we can do something we should...
hi anon@12:38PM...The only reason I run polls is to try to determine a trend, and to point out the disconnect between the Con media and the feelings of most Canadians. But you're right, with two years to go before an election, in these dangerous times, anything could happen...
hi Kathleen...Scheer's policies have been hard to pin down because the day he was elected Con leader he deleted all his policy pages. Today he is promising to release a presumably updated version, so we shall see what he stands for, apart from his obsession with Justin Trudeau's vacations...
Hi Pierre...I completely agree with you. It's an ugly and depressing sight to see the Cons asking the same questions over and over again, and then complaining when they get the same answers. The Cons are turning our parliament into a fascist circus and they need to be reined in. As for Michelle Rempel being our next Prime Minister, I find that hilarious. If she's so disgusted with her own party, she should join the Liberals or the NDP... ;)
hi anon@4:29PM...yes, thank goodness the Cons aren't being rewarded for their deplorable behaviour. And the reason they are not going anywhere is because most Canadians see right through them.
At Trudeau's town hall in Winnipeg last night, not one question had to do with that overblown ethics "scandal."
Which tells us that the Cons are only talking to themselves and their bigot bubble...
hi Jackie...I didn't much like Groundhog Day, but the Con version makes that movie look like Oscar material. It's absolutely disgusting. But it's the only way that Harperite cult knows how to operate. Throw a lot of mud at people and hope that it sticks. As for Scheer on a tricycle, I think that can be arranged... ;)
hi p2p...I have been hesitating until I saw which way the Ontario PC executive was going to rule on the leadership question. But since they did that last night, I'll be writing a post on that slow motion car crashing in the next day or so. And as you can imagine, enjoying my self immensely... :)
hi anon@5:54pm...hi comrade...if you bring the plan, I'll bring the beer, or the coffee and donuts. None of the parties in Canada is as left as I am, but in life you have to deal with reality. So like me you should work with what's available, and try to pressure the existing parties to become more progressive. The progressive movement is or should be a coalition, so there is room for everyone...
Hi Jackie....I don't know what that Russian means. I briefly took a Russian course when I was a freshman at NcGill university. Only to run for the hills when I discovered it had at least two alphabets. Which is of course something anon@5:54 should also know. Nothing is as simple as it looks...🙄
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